Number of People

Chapter 1462: Xin Zijuan opens again

  Chapter 1462 Xin Zijuan opens again

"Ziying, the imperial court has its own considerations, but it is only temporarily sending your father to the northwest for emergency treatment." Huang Ruliang pondered and said, "You also know that Chen Jingxuan resigned, but the imperial court couldn't find a suitable candidate, and it abolished Guyuan and merged the second town of Ningxia, Gansu. It is a major issue related to the stability of the army's morale and the overall situation of the imperial court. Looking at the present, only your father has won the hearts of the Northwest Army in Yulin as the general soldier and Ningxia's anti-insurgency battle, so... Of course, these are just some private thoughts of Brother Youfu and I, According to the opinions of the Ministry of War and the cabinet,..."

  Feng Ziying is silent. Today, I thought I was going to talk about the sale, but I didn't expect to hear that my father's position was going to be moved, and Huang Ruliang's words were not hypocritical or deceitful.

Among the Nine Sides, Liaodong Second, Xuanda Third, and Three Sides Four, in terms of important positions, Xuanda has always been ranked first, followed by Jiliao, and three sides again, although as the situation changes, the positions of Xuanda and Jiliao vary from time to time Adjustment, but in the past two decades, the status of the three sides has always been ranked at the bottom, so the priority of military deployment and military salary is also the same.

  Taking the words of the Northwest Frontier Army, the three borders and four towns have always been raised by the second mother. Only when Xuanda and Ji Liao are settled, can they want to get the three borders and four towns.

  Three sides and four towns have always had a lot of resentment towards the imperial court. Isn't that the main reason for Liu Dongyang's mutiny?

Now that the imperial court abolishes and merges, the first consideration is the three sides and four towns. Although it is true from the court's point of view, as the parties involved in the three sides and four towns, they must be dissatisfied. It may not be able to hold back.

If you can't fight for the interests of the soldiers below, then killing you or imprisoning you, or even forcing you to rebel together is also a normal thing, so it's not easy to be a soldier, especially the leader of the three sides and four towns when.

Chen Jingxuan has always served in Jiliao and Water Transport, where did he work as a soldier in the backcountry of the three borders and four towns, and he is a general appointed by Emperor Yonglong, the cabinet is not too fond of him, so the support for him is very general, naturally If you encounter a situation, you will be deflated and sit on wax.

Huang Ruliang and Wang Yongguang thought so, presumably those in the cabinet and the Ministry of War thought so even more. They pushed the old man to the rivers and lakes to rescue him. That is to say, when it really comes to that time, the situation does not know what it will be like, and who can say clearly whether it will be able to meet Liaodong?

   It's just that the court has this intention now, so what can my father do?

Although Liaodong is important, as far as it is concerned, Nurhachi's mind is still integrating and recruiting the savage Jurchen, and has not yet focused on the south, but once the opportunity arises, Jianzhou Jurchen will definitely rush south and west to invade Liaodong. .

Seeing that Feng Ziying remained silent, Huang Ruliang gave Wang Yongguang a wink, Wang Yongguang cleared his throat, "Ziying, this matter is just a private discussion between you and me, it is impossible to count, how to determine in the end, it is still up to the court." It's a matter, but the matter of money cannot be vague at all. The stability of the northwest, the war in the southwest, the establishment of Huaiyang Town, and the relief of the entire Northland this year, I am afraid that they cannot do without the money in your hand. He Mingqi has calculated that without the extra income of three million taels, it is really impossible to survive this winter, and this will have to fall on the second Jingtong case..."

"My lord, don't put this burden on me. I really can't bear it with my small body. I agreed to the 1.2 million taels of silver in the early stage, but I don't have the 1.3 million taels in September." Dare to promise, and how much can be confiscated by the end of the year, I have no idea, I can only say that I will do my best." Feng Ziying pondered for a while, "If the second Jingtong case is difficult to achieve the goal, then the court must have Another plan,..."

  Huang Ruliang smiled wryly, "Ziying, the imperial court's income is on the bright side, who can change it casually? Things like the second case of Jingtong are hard to come by,..."

   "My lord, I don't agree with what you said. How many years has the Jingtong Second case existed? I dare not say that it will happen in 15 years in 20 years, right? It has been delayed until now. Does it mean that all the princes in the court don't know about it?"

  Feng Ziying's half-smile look made Huang Ruliang and Wang Yongguang a little embarrassed.

No one knows about the matter of Jingtong Second Warehouse, but no one expected that it would be so deeply involved and the amount is so large. If they knew that the amount was so large, then they would really have to risk it all. The benefits are too considerable up.

Of course, it is undoubtedly the most suitable for someone like Feng Ziying who is so stunned and trusted by the emperor to handle the case. Everyone can help out and avoid direct criticism. After all, many people are involved in the interest. , but Feng Ziying does not have these fears and fetters.

"Ziying, just you and me, we don't tell lies. We have indeed heard about the problem of Jingtong Second Warehouse, but to be honest, no one thought it was so serious. There are some issues related to the Ministry of Industry and water transportation. Who can say that he is innocent? Isn’t Ziqiang (Cui Jingrong) just concentrating on clearing up when he took up the post of minister of the Ministry of Industry? The more he clears up, the more problems he has. , the lords in the court are very supportive and also watching,..."

Huang Ruliang's tone was a bit more emotional, "I have to say that the court has chosen someone well. At the beginning when you were appointed as the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion, Prime Minister Ye and Prime Minister Fang were a little hesitant, worried that you would not be able to accept it, but now it seems that... "

Huang Ruliang shook his head at last, apparently thinking of Governor Wu Daonan, who is the backbone of their Fujian-Jiangxi alliance scholars, but in terms of performance, it is not half as good as Feng Ziying, a brat, or even worse. I can shake my head.

Everyone can see that it's a mule or a horse, and you'll know when you pull it out for a walk. Compared with the two, Wu Daonan, as the governor, is still doing nothing all day long. How can he not let him continue his poetry and literature? Embarrassed for them, who are also scholars in the south of the Yangtze River? This is the governor of Shuntian Fu chosen by his own group, and he has to support and defend him.

   It's not bad, Wu Daonan didn't set up any obstacles for Feng Ziying, and the demeanor on the scene was still very good, which is quite satisfactory.

"There are more compliments from the two adults, and Ziying can only do her best to die." Feng Ziying was quite moved when she saw Huang Ruliang, but it was hard to say anything else. I can't come up with an idea, but this idea may be a bad idea,..."

   "What's the idea?" Huang Ruliang's feelings and Wang Yongguang's sighs were immediately thrown out of the blue sky. This guy's idea was basically the same.

   "Xishan Kiln." Feng Ziying spat out three words.

   "Ah?" Huang Ruliang and Wang Yongguang's hearts lit up. How could they forget this?

   "Ziying, we also know something about the Xishan Kiln. Do you have any good suggestions?" Wang Yongguang asked with satisfaction, stroking his beard and smiling.

"It's actually simple. Let the Metropolitan Procuratorate and Long Jinwei put on a posture to investigate carefully. Those ghosts and snakes behind them will definitely jump out of the camp, and then clean them up one by one. The situation of the Jingtong Ercang case is obvious. There, these people are afraid that everyone is frightened, so they can deal with it with ease?"

Feng Ziying smiled and said: "Now the censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate are in high spirits, and the Ministry of Criminal Justice is also working hard to achieve such good results. However, the situation of Xishan Kiln is slightly different, and it is more related to some historical leftovers from the past. The question is, at the beginning, the Ministry of Industry and Shuntian Prefecture only approved a few charcoal kilns to mine. Measures confiscated and then sold?"

  Feng Ziying shook out her thoughts in a few words, and also picked up Shuntian Mansion completely, not to get involved in these nonsense, and wait for the Metropolitan Procuratorate to take the lead.

The Ministry of Criminal Justice will not participate in this kind of matter. It is different from the big Jingcang case. After all, it is not a criminal case, and Captain Long can provide intelligence support in secret. The Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Households are the backing of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. the result of.

  There is only one purpose, to make money, to make money for the treasury.

The charcoal kiln is confiscated and resold, and even the original kiln owners can come to bid for it. Of course, the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Ministry of Household Industry can also order these kiln owners to compensate for so many years of free mining. How to decide is a matter for the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Ministry of Household Industry.

  When Feng Ziying left, Huang Ruliang and Wang Yongguang were still discussing Feng Ziying's suggestion. I have to say that Feng Ziying's suggestion moved them.

There are more than dozens of Xishan kilns, each of which is a hen that lays golden eggs. In addition to charcoal is still used in the imperial palace in the capital city, most of the folks have begun to use charcoal for heating in winter and for boiling water and cooking. The kiln owners just lie down and count the money.

Except for a few large kilns belonging to the government, these charcoal kilns are all private kilns and small kilns that are mined privately. If they can be legalized together with the Ministry of Industry and Shuntian Prefecture, then a large amount of mining fees will definitely be recovered , and a mining tax can be collected every year in the future.

  Roughly estimated, this amount of money will probably not be less than what was obtained in the Jingtong Second Case, and it will also have long-term mining tax income, which can be said to be more valuable than the Jingtong Second Case.

"Youfu, this kid Ziying is really capable. He came up with such an idea for us, so we can't stop." Huang Ruliang was also a little envious of this young scholar from the Northland who came up with such a monstrous act. Characters, if you want to say that there are many young and middle-aged scholars in the south of the Yangtze River, Han Jing from Nanzhili, Huang Zunsu from Zhejiang, Xu Xie from Fujian, but compared with Feng Ziying, they are all slightly inferior.

"Tomorrow, let's not be emotional. Let's take the time to study this matter and report it to the cabinet ministers. We have to bring in the Metropolitan Procuratorate. The people behind the Xishan kiln owners are no better than those behind Jingtong Ercang. The person is inferior, and this is not a case, right?" Wang Yongguang is more concerned about practical things.

  (end of this chapter)

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