Number of People

Chapter 1463: Xin Zijuan Yuanmou

  Chapter 1463 Xin Zijuan Distant Plan

  Feng Ziying was in a mixed mood.

  Papa may go to the three sides to serve as the governor, which he really did not expect.

  Before he also heard that there were mutinies one after another in the three towns of Ningxia, Gansu and Guyuan, but the scale was not large, and they were basically calmed down under the appeasement of the generals, but it still made the court realize that it was not that simple to abolish and merge the three towns.

   These soldiers have been used to this kind of life after decades of guarding the border. Although they are poor, they can still eat their stomachs.

We all know the severe drought in the north this year. At this time, it is suddenly said that a large number of people will be laid off and sent back to their hometowns with some money. Most of these soldiers are from Shaanxi, Shanxi and Beizhili, followed by Shandong and Henan. It can be said that they are basically In drought-stricken areas, how many buckets of rice and wheat can you buy with that little money? How does the family live?

  Obviously these soldiers will think that this is the imperial court wanting to get rid of the burden and send them back to their hometowns to reduce the consumption in the army. How can this be acceptable to them?

The imperial court obviously didn't realize the connection between the two, but wishful thinking and followed the previous practice of abolishing the army. The preliminary preparations were not thorough, and Chen Jingxuan's prestige was obviously not enough to suppress the entire three sides and four towns, so This caused the situation in the northwest to suddenly become turbulent, the army mutinied, and the soldiers rioted. If they are not controlled in time, it will really lead to the second Ningxia rebellion.

   It should be said that Huang Ruliang and Wang Yongguang's point of view is also correct. Now the most suitable person who can suppress the three sides and four towns is his own father.

Dad worked in Yulin Town for several years as the general soldier, and also participated in the whole process of countering the rebellion in Ningxia. He has friendship with the generals of Gansu Town, Ningxia Town and even Guyuan Town, at least he has dealt with them. After working in Datong for many years as a general, many generals came from the Datong department, so they have a solid network of contacts in the three sides and four towns. In this situation, almost no one is more suitable than Dad.

Like Niu Jizong, I am afraid that the imperial court is not at ease to let him go. In the position of Governor Xuanda, among the three towns under his jurisdiction, Shanxi Town (Taiyuan Town) is firmly controlled by the imperial court, and most of Datong Town is in the hands of the imperial court. Under the control of the imperial court, only Niu Jizong in Xuanfu Town had the upper hand. If Niu Jizong was allowed to go to the three sides, the sky would be far away from the emperor.

  And from another point of view, the imperial court was also unwilling to provoke Niu Jizong. What if Niu Jizong thought that letting Qi Dao go on three sides was to transfer him on purpose and immediately took action?

   From Feng Ziying's point of view, this time is actually the best time to transfer Niu Jizong, and he can undo Niu Jizong's influence in the three towns of Xuanda in one fell swoop.

If Prince Yizhong and the others are really ambitious and conspiring, then now is an embarrassing period, if they decisively transfer Niu Jizong away, Niu Jizong will definitely be caught off guard. He neither dares to completely turn his back on him nor obey Go to three sides, but in the end unless their party intends to rise immediately, they can only obey.

  The only worry is that once this is done, and Niu Jizong obeys, it is hard to say what will happen to the Three Sides and Four Towns under Niu Jizong's hands.

But in Feng Ziying's view, it is worth paying a price to abolish Niu Jizong, a nail stuck in the key position of Governor Xuanda, and the three sides and four towns are far away in the northwest, so even if there is some wind and rain, it will be difficult to influence Going to Gyeonggi is nothing more than taking advantage of the Tumet people. In the future, Dazhou can slowly find opportunities to regain it.

  However, there are some things that Feng Ziying can't say clearly. It is said that Niu Jizong and Prince Yizhong colluded to rebel. How could the court accept it without any basis?

  Even Emperor Yonglong is probably fighting now. As long as the Beijing camp is straightened out, then the capital will be safe, so there is no need to make more troubles.

  Even if the Xuanfu army really wants to attack the capital city, the imperial court can immediately transfer the Jizhen army who is close at hand, and the Xuanfu army will have no chance to attack the capital city.

  So when Huang Ruliang mentioned the candidates for the governors of the three sides, Feng Ziying also wisely did not mention Niu Jizong, because he knew that the mention of Huang and Wang would not approve it, nor would the imperial court, cabinet ministers and the Ministry of War accept it.

  Father going to Sanbian is actually not a bad thing in Feng Ziying's opinion.

Now that my father has been in Liaodong for two years, and he has brought old subordinates such as Cao Wenzhao, He Renlong and the You brothers over there, he has established a foothold in Jiliao, and You Shigong has become a member under the strong recommendation of his father. Commander of Ji Town, this is the benefit of transferring the map.

Of course, there are many reasons for You Shigong's promotion to be the commander-in-chief of Jizhen. One is that Jizhen really needs a veteran general with a stable style to sit in the town to contain Xuanfu Town under the control of Niu Jizong. It is an indisputable fact that the relationship between You Shigong and Emperor Yonglong is indeed much closer now, but You Shigong is not the kind of white-eyed wolf, and he still respects his father very much, which is not a bad thing.

A military general who cannot recommend his subordinates to a high position must be a failure. As for the recommendation, he will be full-fledged and will not be able to look after you like before. That is also normal. As long as there is this incense, it will be different. .

Dad served as the general soldier in Datong Town, and was under the jurisdiction of Governor Xuanda. He himself had a very deep connection in Xuanda. Edge has also built up considerable influence.

Now sitting in Liaodong, Li Chengliang's influence in Liaodong has been gradually eliminated, and the position of the Feng family in Jiliao has been established. Father's sphere of influence.

  With Dad's contacts and methods, even if he only stays for a year or so, taking advantage of the opportunity of abolishing and merging the three sides and four towns, it is not difficult to manage the three sides into the stable backyard of the Feng family.

   It can be said that the influence of the Feng family will be unrivaled in the Nine Frontiers in the future, but this is all caused by the single-handed arrangement of the court, and it is not what the Feng family intends to do.

   During the Taiping Festival, the influence of the Feng family in the army is nothing. As long as the dynasty is stable, no one will have any other disagreements, but Feng Ziying is really worried about the current Great Zhou.

Seeing that the major hidden worries are difficult to resolve, and there is even a faint tendency to worsen. Under this situation, Feng Ziying has to think more about Feng's family. She is a big family with many wives and concubines. Now except for Shen Yixiu who gave birth to her Daughter, Wang Xifeng has another one in her stomach. I don't know if it's a man or a woman. I really don't dare to be careless. I still think about my beautiful wife and concubines, who are all beautiful, get together and enjoy a luxurious and flashy life.

Under such circumstances, it should be the safest move for my father to fight steadily in the army, and to focus on developing in the court. With my current physical condition, not to mention working until he was almost ninety like Li Chengliang, at least another twenty Years is no problem, with twenty years of operation, the Feng family's influence in the army is enough for him to enjoy.

Because of this, Feng Ziying is not too opposed to Huang Ruliang and Wang Yongguang's proposal to let Lao Di go to the Three Sides, and he also feels that there is really no one in the court now, and the situation in Liaodong is now a little bit slower. It's really just an emergency. After a year and a half, my father has stabilized and has to go back to Liaodong. After all, Liaodong is what Da Zhou is most worried about.

  Full of thoughts, Feng Ziying returned to the Shuntian government office. At this time, she refocused her energy on the affairs of the government office.

Wu Daonan is almost completely letting go of himself now. It turned out that Zhu Zhiren in Yongping Mansion had to call him to understand the situation of various affairs at least every three to five times, and he had to sit in the courtroom to judge the case. Going to an extreme, except for the Shihuiwenhui, that is, the Shuntianfu School and the professor of Confucianism, he is also interested in it. If he asks about it, he will basically let go of other affairs.

That's fine, no matter whether it's me, Mei Zhiye and Wutong judges, they are all happy to see the results, and do things according to their respective intentions. It turns out that because they don't have a backbone, they are a little bit tiptoe in doing things, but now Feng Ziying has shown Strong, everyone has a lot of confidence, even Mei Zhiye, who is not in the right direction with him, is now much more active.

  Back in the government office, Wu Yaoqing was already waiting. Seeing Feng Ziying enter, he quickly followed, "My lord, the situation at Hongqing Temple has made some progress."

  Feng Ziying didn't react for a while, she was stunned for a while, and then she came back, "You mean Renqing?"

"Yes, after my lord explained, I arranged for a group of people to watch Renqing. This guy is very cautious. Most of the time he spends most of his time in Hongqing Temple and Yamen. There is no other reason. It turns out that we haven't found anything abnormal for two consecutive months, until a few days ago, this guy went out quietly by himself from the side gate of Hongqing Temple in the evening,..."

"Oh? Alone?" Feng Ziying became interested. Master Renqing met him several times in the yamen, and even had a conversation with him once, but he didn't talk deeply. The guy still has some skills, at least he has studied the meaning of the Buddhist scriptures, and he speaks clearly and with excellent demeanor.

"Yes, I was alone, and after I went out, I went to a house not far from Hongqing Temple, and then went out after changing clothes. If we hadn't been watching all the time, and the brothers are all masters of stalking in the rivers and lakes, they would have been able to get away from it." Judging the walking posture of a person in his daily appearance, he can't tell that he is the other party at all." Wu Yaoqing looked very excited, obviously such a result made him very proud, "Does your lord know where he went?"

   "Where? Gambling shop, Fenzi Hutong?" Feng Ziying laughed. If this is the case, it is not surprising. Monks have been suppressed for too long, and there will inevitably be needs.

   Make up for last night.



  (end of this chapter)

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