Number of People

Chapter 1464: The clues of Xin Zijuan

  Chapter 1464 Xin Ziscroll Clues

  Wu Yaoqing also laughed, "My lord, if Master Renqing is just like this, then it's not worth our trouble to follow him."

   "Oh? It seems that the harvest is not small, let's listen to it." Feng Ziying became interested.

"We kept a close eye on him and saw him go out from the east gate and take a boat to Tongzhou. Because he suddenly changed to a boat, we almost missed him. Fortunately, we reacted quickly enough to fill up a small boat and Last night, he arrived in Tongzhou overnight, and he was very vigilant. He circled around Zhangjiawan, and our people were almost spotted by him a few times, but fortunately, we finally found his foothold..."

   Only then did Feng Ziying realize that there were so many other reasons. The other party was so vigilant, and must have gone to an important place. No wonder Wu Yaoqing was so proud.

   "Well, it seems that this location should be the key to Renqing's life." Feng Ziying laughed.

"Well, after confirming the location, we didn't make a fuss. We waited until Renqing left two days later, and then we started to find a way to investigate this family. It turned out to be this grain shop. Two concubines, and four sons and daughters, the shop's business is mainly wholesale, and it's passable. It's not very eye-catching among the hundreds of large and small grain shops in the Tongzhou area,..."

  Feng Ziying was taken aback, "You mean Renqing is the master of this house?!"

"Yes." Wu Yaoqing nodded with certainty, "We spent some time and thought on investigating from the outside, and also found out through reliable acquaintances in the Tongzhou Yamen, and confirmed that Renqing is the owner of the grain shop. Lizheng has met Renqing a few times, but Renqing is dressed as a layman, polite, and has black hair, not bald,..."

"Wig?" Feng Ziying nodded. The monk married a wife and concubines, and had a few children. Well, it would be fine if he was a monk, but this is obviously not a matter before he became a monk. "These wives, concubines and children are not very old ?”

"The wives and concubines are very young, they are all under 30 years old. I heard that marrying wives and taking concubines was a matter of ten years ago. The oldest of the children is less than ten years old, and the youngest is only two or three years old..." Wu Yaoqing understands Feng Ziying's Intent, "We have quietly investigated. Basically, Renqing will come to stay for two nights every month, and even visit the neighbors around to take care of the local business. Because his family's business is very ordinary, there is not much business. His opponent doesn't seem to rely on this to make money. The family is happy and happy, and there is no hatred. However, I heard that a few years ago, two rogues wanted to come to bully his wife and concubine, but then one fell into the water and died drunk, and the other was Because he was severely injured in a fight with out-of-town gamblers in a casino, he is still paralyzed in bed,..."

   "Then the out-of-town gamblers must not have been found either?" Feng Ziying laughed.

"Yes, the government also suspects that it's Renqing. Well, he is called Shopkeeper Liang, Liang Qingren in the local area, but there is no evidence. In addition, the rogue is also a hated character in the local area, so the government did not investigate further." Wu Yaoqing dispatched It is very clear, "Originally from Datong, Shanxi, came to Tongzhou 18 years ago, first ran an oil shop, and later opened a grain shop, and also ran an oil shop,..."

   "There is no doubt around there. Since I didn't make much money, I can continue to operate without worrying about food and clothing..." Feng Ziying rubbed her chin and asked.

"I must be a little curious, but the shopkeeper's wife said that the shopkeeper is mainly engaged in transporting grain to Datong, Shanxi. Because of his relationship with the military, he does not rely on this shop to make money. This situation is also very common in Tongzhou. Because most of the food in Tongzhou is transported to Liaodong, Jizhen, Xuanfu, Datong, and Shanxi, except for the capital city. In addition to grain, there are also some doorways left after the opening of China and France, so snakes have snakes and rats There are traces of rats, and everyone is safe and sound,..."

"It seems that Master Renqing is not simple. He actually settled down in Tongzhou, which is not far away. But Yaoqing, this alone doesn't explain anything. Even if it exposes his true colors, it is misbehavior. , it violates the clear rules of Buddhism, the worst thing is to return to vulgarity, is there anything suspicious?"

  Feng Ziying does not believe that this alone can make Wu Yaoqing so happy. To put it bluntly, even if the deputy capital of a monk gang division wins the prison, it does not make much sense to Feng Ziying now, and it is not enough to improve his prestige. , Wu Yaoqing will not fail to understand this.

"Yes." Wu Yaoqing nodded, "Because we have been secretly tracking and investigating Master Renqing, and by the way, we also found out about the people who lived in Hongqing Temple, and found that the whereabouts of these people are even weirder than Renqing. Go out early and come back late, sometimes you have to go out in the middle of the night, and..."

  Wu Yaoqing paused, "We found that there are many Lianjiazi among this group of people..."

   "People from gangsters?" Feng Ziying felt that it might not be that simple.

"No, they're not from the Jianghu sect, at least not from the gang members of the Jianghu sect we talk about, otherwise our people must know each other." Wu Yaoqing shook his head, "We suspect that they should have something to do with the White Lotus Sect, or that they are members of the White Lotus Sect. people!"

  Feng Ziying almost jumped up, saying that there is no trace of the White Lotus Sect, but now it is in Hongqing Temple, and it is still related to the deputy capital gang of Seng Gangsi in the government office. How can this not make Feng Ziying startled? !

  If Renqing and the White Lotus Sect really colluded to deal with him, then he would really be in trouble, especially if there was no precaution, the chance of a successful assassination would be too high.

"Yaoqing, you can't just say that. People from the White Lotus Sect live in Hongqing Temple and have friendship with Renqing. No matter how you look at it, it's inconceivable." These people lived in the temple? Feng Ziying couldn't believe it.

"My lord, there is a reason for us to make such a judgment. This group of people is surreptitious, but their activities are very frequent, but there are many practitioners among them, and their martial arts are also very good. We dare not follow too closely. We would rather lose track of them. Exposure, so during this period of time we only know that they often go in and out of Cuihua Hutong, Mianmian Hutong, and Huazhu Hutong, but we dare not follow too closely..."

  Wu Yaoqing's affirmative tone made Feng Ziying more cautious, "Cuihua Hutong?"

  I went to Huimin Pharmacy to look at the house that day. It was not far from Cuihua Hutong, and I had to pass Cuihua Hutong from Siyi Hall. Did I suspect that those people came out of Cuihua Hutong?

   "Yes. Cuihua Hutong, Mianmian Hutong and Huazhu Hutong, each of these alleys has Chinese characters, which are easy to remember." Wu Yaoqing said.

"Mianmian Hutong is on the edge of Bingmasi in Beicheng, right? Huazhu Hutong seems to be next to the Daxing County Government Office? If it is really the Bailian Sect, do you think they deliberately chose a place that is dark under the lights?" Feng Ziying's eyes were erratic. .

"On the north side of Mianhua Hutong is Beicheng Bingmasi, and on the east side is Shuntianfu School. It is true that most people would never think of it. Huazhu Hutong is just across the wall from the Daxing County Government, and it is also very close to Mianhua Hutong. It should be said that these places are far away from each other. It's not far away, it's very suitable for contact, and everyone responds to every call." Wu Yaoqing said with certainty.

   "That means that these people are already very powerful, and they have taken root in the capital city."

Feng Ziying's face was grim. He had already been prepared. If it was said that there were no Bailian believers in such a big capital city, he would not believe it. If it spreads, if you attack at a critical moment in the future, then you will be the prime minister of the Shuntian Mansion.

"Before we also thought that Renqing was a member of the White Lotus Sect, but after careful observation, we found that this is not the case. The group of White Lotus Sect members and Renqing's group are incompatible. Renqing is a little jealous of them, but it is not the kind of complete They obey their state, and the group of Bailian sect members are also very wary of Renqing, but Ren Qing seems to have some reason to be held by the Bailian sect, so he has become the current kind of mutual hostility and interdependence, which is awkward. Fighting wolves with stalks—the two are afraid, so the subordinates are also very curious about the relationship between them."

Wu Yaoqing's words made Feng Ziying even more curious and puzzled. He didn't know what happened to Renqing being controlled by the Bailian sect, and Wu Yaoqing also said that Renqing was very vigilant and had good martial arts skills, but he still treated the group of Bailian sects like this. Taboo, there is a taste that can't be shaken off, Feng Ziying also hopes to clean up and rectify these ghosts and snakes.

After thinking for a while, Feng Ziying said in a deep voice: "Yaoqing, you should spend more energy on this matter, and Yongping Mansion will be fine. If you cause trouble in the capital city, then my black hat should be taken off. In addition, what do you think? Based on the current situation, can Renqing be moved?"

   "I'm afraid it won't work." Wu Yaoqing shook his head, "It's possible to move him, but I'm afraid it won't work, and it will alarm those Bailian sect people, so I've been thinking about how to deal with it."

"Then follow for a while, but Yaoqing, if they make any moves, there is no need to delay any longer, and they will act decisively." Feng Ziying set the tone. It would be best to stay in Renqing, dig out the relationship between them, and finally achieve the goal of solving the Bailian sect."

  Wu Yaoqing nodded silently, carefully considering how to achieve the best effect.

Feng Ziying felt a lot more at ease, and now he has finally dug out some heels of the White Lotus Sect. He is also considering whether to take a long line to catch big fish, or to act first, and it is also a syllabus to know how to measure Handicraft work, especially since this is the capital city, Feng Ziying did not dare to let the other party take the lead easily, so as not to backlash and hurt herself.

  (end of this chapter)

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