Number of People

Chapter 1465: Xin Zijuan, I promise!

  Chapter 1465 Xin Zijuan, I promise!

  Seeing the man dressing and armoring herself tenderly and considerately, Busia Mara burst into a burst of sweetness for no reason, and the resentment brought about by the previous behavior of riding on her and crazily humiliating herself disappeared.

Han men are never willing to do this kind of thing for women. Busia Mara, who has been in Han for many years, still understands the rules of Han people. If a woman does this kind of thing, it can only show that this man loves this woman too much.

Busia Mara didn't know why the man next to her fell in love with her. When she boldly revealed her heart, it was purely a Jurchen woman's willfulness. Since she likes it, she must reveal it. It wasn't something I thought about, and I didn't expect that the other party really liked me, which even Busia Mara was extremely surprised.

  Before, I still had some doubts whether it was because of the sentence that the shaman left on me because of my body. Didn’t the men on the grassland come to me because of this sentence? But later Busia Mara found out that it was really not true, and even if this sentence fell on the Han civil servants, it might be a disaster. The emperor of the Great Zhou did not like to hear this kind of prophecy, and the Han people seem to believe it, maybe It will bring an unimaginable trouble to the man beside him.

  Feeling that the clutches of the judging man seem a bit unruly, no wonder they have to dress themselves, Busia Mara couldn't help but pat Feng Ziying's hand coquettishly.

  Thinking about it, she, who has always been bold and generous, still blushed because the man who was playing tricks on the bed just now made her die.

I don't know if it's because a man is so tossing about when he gets on a woman, and he said that this way and that position are the most conducive to pregnancy. It's clearly deceiving himself, Busia Mara couldn't help but add a little more to her eyes Complaining, finding all kinds of reasons to lie to myself if I want to be happy, do I really think I don’t understand anything? Haven't eaten pork, haven't you seen pigs running on the mountain?

Feng Ziying, who was dressing Busia Mara, didn't care so much. He had volunteered to wrap Busia Mara's bust, but he couldn't help it. In front of his eyes, this pair of round, plump and trembling, if It's a bit reckless if you don't have a good meal, and I'm sorry for myself, so...

   It's another round of affection and love, seeing thunder and fire, if you don't brake, will you score three or four goals again?

  Reluctantly putting down Busia Mara, who was blushing, Feng Ziying sighed, and carefully put on Busia Mara's fiery red bra to cover up the pair of **** that were too soul-stirring.

"Death!" Busia Mara couldn't help saying a common phrase between a Han woman and a man she loves, "The future will be long, are you still afraid that I won't be able to run away? I gave you my body, according to your Han rules , I will only be yours for the rest of my life, besides, I will bear children for you,..."

"Well, that is, I can't run if I want to. Even if you run to the ends of the earth, I will catch you back!" Shiyamala was also shaken for a while.

   Such a man is so charming, when did I get completely moved and captured by him?

   It should be the kind of calmness he showed during the conversation with Zai Sai when he scolded Fang Qiu, right?

A Han man actually overwhelmed the leader of the five tribes of Nekhka, and finally had to act obediently according to his strategy. This is not only achieved by blood and bravery, but also requires absolute self-confidence This can only be done in combination with intelligence.

Taming Zai Sai, the hero of the five tribes of Nekhka, is like a docile steed. Busia Mara admires and respects Zai Sai the most. Moreover, this man is eight or nine years younger than himself, and Zai Sai is ten years younger than him. next year.

   "You can move here to live in this courtyard. The people living in this square city are considered to be the upper-class people in the capital city. There are very few low-level people coming here, but it is not absolute. It is better to be careful in everything."

  Feng Ziying thought of the group of Bailian Sect who set up camp in the capital city to take root and sprout, and there was a slight shadow in his eyes, as if a thorn had been planted in his heart, and he wanted to pull it out quickly.

   "What's the matter?" Busia Mara raised her hands and let Feng Ziying put on her armor.

  She is also a very sensitive woman, keenly aware of a sudden change in a man's mood.

  The round pair was covered by armor, which was really uncomfortable in this weather, but Busia Mara was used to it, and instead of wearing armor, she was not used to it.

"It's okay, I just thought of something suddenly. Well, there are still some snakes and rats in the capital city. They need to be cleaned up thoroughly before they can be safe." Feng Ziying pursed her lips, shook her head, and then helped Busia Mara Fasten the waist belt.

This woman is really like a fit female leopard, with a gourd-shaped figure, half a head taller than Third Sister You, similar to Second Sister You, but Second Sister You is as plump and beautiful as Concubine Yang, And Busia Mara is a real bodybuilder, her buttocks and peaks are full of vigor and rhythm, plus this wasp waist, to be precise, this waist is not thin, but compared with the upper and lower bust buttocks , then it really becomes a wasp waist.

"Don't worry, you still don't believe me?" Busia Mara thought that Feng Ziying was worried for herself, "Your martial arts are still far behind mine, and I think Third Sister You has been struggling for the past two years. practice, but to catch up with me, I guess I have to work harder, is there really a large number of horse thieves and kidnappers in this capital city?"

Feng Ziying was about to say that she really didn't dare to make such a promise. If the White Lotus Sect didn't make a name for itself, it would be amazing. Fortunately, Wu Yaoqing and the others finally found some clues to the doorway and started to use it, otherwise they would still be in the dark In the dark, without any preparation, I'm afraid something big will happen.

   "I'm worried that if something happens to you if you become pregnant and become inconvenient,..." Feng Ziying concealed it with these words.

"Well, that's possible, but if I'm really pregnant, I'll call those people in the clan, anyway, I can't hide it, they have been with me for many years, so I just tell them, anyway, I won't If I marry you, the child will not be able to follow me back to Liaodong after the child is born, and they will have nothing to say."

   In this matter, Busia Mara has nothing but a broken pot and a big belly, so what can I do? Can the baby be stuffed back after birth?

  Feng Ziying laughed dumbfounded, "How could that be so exaggerated? I can also arrange someone to stay with you. There are also female bodyguards in my house, not Miss You, but some other Jianghu sects and gangs,..."

Feng Ziying briefly explained, and Busia Mara couldn't help but sigh: "There are too many of you Han people, so you can do all kinds of things, and we Jurchens don't even account for one percent of you, but why? Nurhachi knows it's impossible, so why not go south and west without hesitation?"

"Barefoot people are not afraid of those who wear shoes. One bite counts as one bite. For them, they are just killing some coated slaves, and they can even replenish their population through plundering. Why not?" Feng Ziying looked a little more. Very cold, "It's also the court's many changes in the past two decades, which have involved energy. When the court calms down, it's time for Da Zhou to settle the score with Nurhachi."

  If someone else said that, Busia Mara might not believe it. For so many years, Dazhou seemed to be a giant, but he always seemed short of breath and guilty when facing the Jianzhou Jurchen, with more losses than victories. Otherwise, how could Nurhachi be so rampant? It turned out that Li Chengliang was able to suppress it, but in the later period Li Chengliang also had more than enough heart and power. Once the six forts in Kuandian retreated, there was no longer any way to deal with it.

   It was only after Feng Tang came to Liaodong that the situation was barely maintained, but even so, the Jianzhou Jurchen was still on the offensive, and Da Zhou could only fight fires everywhere to avoid the situation from deteriorating.

"Ziying, you should also pay attention. Nurhachi and his sons are now conquering the wild Jurchen. It is said that the conquest of the wild Jurchen is going smoothly. After all, the Ka people are not of the same ethnicity as our Jurchen, and our strength is far from that of the Jianzhou Jurchen, and I heard that the Jianzhou Jurchen also received help from North Korea,..."

   Busia Mara's words surprised Feng Ziying, "North Korea's help? Is there such a thing?"

"Don't look at Nurhachi who can keep a low profile when facing your big Zhou, but his attitude towards the Mongols and North Korea is quite different. Although North Korea is a country, but facing the Jianzhou Jurchen soldiers, their attitude is very different. The army is too weak to fight at all. Fortunately, the terrain of North Korea is limited. Otherwise, Jianzhou Jurchen would be able to flatten North Korea by riding and shooting. The North Koreans would probably rather give up their money to avoid disaster, but they must not let the big Zhou knows."

Busia Mara's words made Feng Ziying thoughtful, "No wonder I said that Jianzhou Jurchen can still survive under our blockade. It seems that in addition to profiteers in our Dazhou, there are North Koreans as accomplices in it." .”

"Ziying, if you want to survive in the land of Liaodong, everyone can only face the reality. We Haixi Jurchen and Jianzhou Jurchen have a feud. Once Jianzhou Jurchen annexed us, our Haixi Jurchen family will If you are reduced to their slaves, just look at the Hada Department and Huifa Department, and you will know." Busia Mara fastened her belt, straightened her outer shirt, and took a breath, "So we can only fight to the death!"

"Don't worry, with me, you don't need to fight to the death. The only one who will die is the Jianzhou Jurchen!" Feng Ziying also took a step forward, embracing Busia Mara, who seemed to be taller than herself, with her arms In the arms: "I promise!"

  (end of this chapter)

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