Number of People

Chapter 1466: Xin Zijuan Sister Feng's promise before leaving home

  Chapter 1466 Xin Zijuan The agreement before Sister Feng left home

  One hour ago, Feng Ziying was still hugging Busia Mara, making a promise to the other party, and an hour later, his hand was hooking on Wang Xifeng's waist, which was slightly plump.

   "Don't worry, I promise..."

   "Go away!" Wang Xifeng grunted and wanted to avoid Feng Ziying's approaching hand. The anger in her heart had not dissipated, and there was Ping'er with a smile on her mouth sitting beside her.

  The carriage drove very smoothly, and the curtains were tightly covered, so that outsiders might not be noticed, and Ruixiang was sitting on the shaft of the carriage, chatting with the coachman Feng Er without saying a word.

Feng Er has basically become Feng Ziying's imperial coachman. He was originally the son of Feng's family. The whole family has been with Feng's family since the time of uncle Feng Qin. His father used to drive for uncle, but now he is old enough to take care of the back garden. He also inherited his father's career, he can drive a good car, and his mind is flexible enough, so Feng Ziying naturally and slowly only arranged for him.

He also turned a deaf ear to the absurd things about his master's being outside, even Ruixiang and Baoxiang never said such things, as for the insinuating inquiries of the grandma and girls in the mansion, he just made fun of them and just kept silent. Yes.

   Based on this point, Feng Ziying admired Feng Er very much.

A few bodyguards followed from far or near, having learned the lesson from last time, now Feng Ziying did not dare to be careless, four or five guards, two next to each other, one left and one right, and three more guards On the other hand, there are two at the back, and the one at the front walks on the side and looks around, so as to send out warning signals at any time.

   Such a model may increasingly become Feng Ziying's way of traveling in the future. Feng Ziying doesn't like it very much, but he knows very well that this form is necessary before the threat of the White Lotus Sect is completely eliminated.

Even the third sister You is the bodyguard, but it still makes people feel uneasy. After all, third sister You is hard to beat four hands with two fists. Feng Ziying's level of martial arts is enough to charge and fight, but she has to deal with this kind of assassination in the field Fighting is not enough to watch.

   Fortunately, there are only seven or eight of Feng Ziying's bodyguards now, and they are basically fixed. Wu Yaoqing has also specially greeted each of them. He must strictly keep his personal affairs a secret, especially not to let the back house know.

   This group of people also understand the rules and follow them naturally. Feng Ziying is not too worried, not to mention that he is just a private man seeking pleasure and cheating. There are quite a few dignitaries in the capital city who go to brothels at night, and everyone knows it.

   "What's the matter, Sister Feng, are you still angry?" Feng Ziying also leaned over cheekily, sitting next to Wang Xifeng, her arms still relentlessly wrapped around her waist.

Wang Xifeng was hypocritical for a while, so she could only let the other party hug her. The carriage compartment was narrow, and she couldn't hide it even if she wanted to. Since they all agreed to come out to see the house, they had long been willing in their hearts, but it was only on the surface. Just be arrogant.

"Didn't I say it, you know what I'm busy with during this time, and I'll be busy for a while in the next step, and I finally found time today..." Feng Ziying sighed, "I'm in my position to seek my own government. , people are in the rivers and lakes, they can't help themselves."

   Ping'er let out a chuckle, "My lord is an official of the imperial court, but he said that people can't help themselves in the Jianghu. Isn't this Zhang Guan Li Dai?"

"Ping'er, how do you know that the Chaotang Jianghu is actually almost the same, once you step into it, it will be difficult to get out, just like me sitting in the position of Shuntian Fucheng, unless I want to be as mediocre as that Fuyin lord After a few years of mediocrity, you have to do things, and you have to do things that the common people, the princes of the court, and the emperor can see and touch. This is the case of Su Daqiang's night murder case. Miyun and Zunhua This is true for the development of coal and iron ore, as is the promotion of new crops, and it is even more so for the case of large warehouses,..."

Feng Ziying slowly rubbed her hands on Wang Xifeng's lower abdomen, and got in from the bottom of the skirt. The underwear and sweat towel were loosely tied, and she couldn't feel anything on the surface of the smooth and round lower abdomen, but Feng Ziying could feel that there was a baby in her belly. own blood.

It seems that Wang Xifeng still attaches great importance to this child. After calculation, it has been almost two months. It was more than half a month when she found out that she was pregnant. It took another nearly a month before she met her. No wonder this woman The face is not the face, the nose is not the nose, and the breath is tight.

  Glanced at the chest of the woman leaning on his arms again. In this midsummer season, the clothes were already thin, and the green bust could hardly restrain the pair of **** that were about to protrude.

   Three words to describe, white, big, round.

  Porcelain-like jade skin and bright green bust form a sharp color contrast, coupled with the date red skirt worn outside, it can be described as extraordinarily enchanting.

"Hmph, after all, you're so busy that you don't have time. I don't believe you haven't been home for so long. Could it be that you can't spare a moment to see each other when you get home?" Wang Xifeng was full of sourness. .

"Sister Feng, you also know how troublesome it is for me to go to the mansion now. Come here, isn't it good not to see the old lady and his wife? And Mr. Xi must also be entangled endlessly. He has been going to my mansion during this time Running up, Baoyu, Jia Lan, and Jia Cong probably also said a few words, but when the third Huan came back, they had to talk for a while, would Sister Lin and Second Sister go to the garden?"

  Feng Ziying shrugged, "I'm afraid I won't be able to stay for these two or three hours, and it will take an hour to go back and forth. Do you want me to rest in your Jia's house for one night?"

"Haven't you never rested? Before the master left, he asked you to come to the house to sit for a while. Now the Jia family is not as good as before, and there are a lot of people who are against the Jia family. After all, you are also a close relative of the Jia family. Baochai is married. You, Daiyu will marry you right away, by the way, don’t you want to take the second girl as your concubine? If you really want to take the second girl, then you will be the real son-in-law of the Jia family, what else can you say?"

Wang Xifeng didn't have much emotion in her words, perhaps because she felt that she was leaving Rongguo Mansion, and she began to have some feelings in her heart, and she didn't have as much resentment towards Rongguo Mansion as before. Even if there was, it was only concentrated on Jia Lian. But Jia Lian hasn't come back yet.

"The Jia family's idea? Who?" Feng Ziying was a little curious and surprised, "The Jia family still has a noble concubine in the palace. Isn't Uncle Zhengshi still studying politics in Jiangxi? Who can be so bold?" , do you want to take advantage of it?"

"That's not what it means, but it turns out that Jia's family used to do business with a few other families, and it turned out that the scenery was nothing more than that. Now, many of them are making various ideas, either saying that the cost is lost, or that the business is not good. Originally, the bonus of one thousand taels of silver might only be two hundred, and even lost everything. You can’t come forward to fight with those people, if you let it go on, you will really have nothing.”

Wang Xifeng's touching words also aroused Ping'er's sympathy, "Yes, now the wall is falling and everyone is pushing, there are only those who have fallen into trouble, and there are no ones who give charcoal in a timely manner. It is getting more and more difficult in the mansion. In the past few days The little maids and women in the mansion are all muttering, saying that Grandma Zhu and the third girl can't manage the family, and they have to ask grandma to come, but they don't know if this situation is the responsibility of Grandma Zhu and the third girl? Men don’t live up to it, they either hide out, or pretend to be deaf and dumb and ignore it, how can it be done by relying on a group of women to raise money?”

  Feng Ziying also frowned, "Then when you come out at this time, will the servants in the mansion say anything?"

  Wang Xifeng Liu Yediao raised her eyebrows, "What are you talking about? What's the matter, the Jia family doesn't want me anymore, and if you don't want me to go, you have to be a cow and a horse in their Jia family for the rest of your life? I, Wang Xifeng, am not that lowly!"

"Okay, okay, isn't it just a random question, why are you so sensitive? I'm talking too much!" Feng Ziying quickly stroked her chest and abdomen twice, "You should change your temper, you will explode when you touch it, Now that you are pregnant, you have to keep a peaceful and quiet mind. It doesn't matter what the Jia family members say, the pure will be clear, and the turbid will be turbid."

"Hmph, I just can't bear these useless attitudes. Everyone thinks that I'm too tight as a housekeeper in the mansion. Now that I'm fine, I'll let go. I'm leaving. I can't live on. Can you rely on me?" Wang Xifeng said angrily: "Ping'er is right, it's not the woman's fault that she can't survive this day, it's a bunch of old men who are incompetent! Jia Amnesty and Jia Lian are selfish people who only care about themselves, master go There is no news from Jiangxi, such a big family, thousands of people, sitting on the mountain, should have collapsed long ago, and they are all staring at the little private property of the ancestors, how long can they last?"

Wang Xifeng glanced at Feng Ziying, who was still comforting her chest, "That's right, when I was in charge of the mansion, I made a living by myself, so what? I didn't corrupt the manor. Isn't the money embezzled for a while? Then the Lai family's servants can get one hundred and eighty thousand taels of silver from the mansion. What's the final result? Why don't you hold it up high and put it down gently, just like that? , who would be afraid of the rules in the mansion, and who wouldn't want to take money from the mansion into his own pocket?"

  After the Lai family was investigated and dealt with, there was also a fierce debate in the mansion. Many people suggested that they should be sent to officials for punishment, but the ancestors firmly disagreed, and even made an exception, leaving some leeway for the Lai family.

  The brothers of the Lai family were put in charge of affairs in Zhuangzi in the suburbs of Beijing and in Zhuangzi in Jinling respectively.

Everyone thought it was nothing more than that, the Lai family had attached themselves to the Jia family for so many years of blood sucking and corruption, and swallowed so much money, it didn’t matter, they gave them a way out, and they could do the same, even if something happened in the future, Compared to the Lai family, it's no big deal, so this kind of corruption is getting stronger and stronger, and no one can control it or suppress it.

  (end of this chapter)

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