Number of People

Chapter 1467: Xin Zijuan Settlement (the first one asks for a monthly pass!)

  Chapter 1467 Xin Zijuan Settlement (First update asks for a monthly pass!)

  Feng Ziying didn't bother to say much about Wang Xifeng's upright words.

At any rate, I have had some pillow affection with myself, and now I have my own seed in my stomach, so it is meaningless for me to refute it. Anyway, she can't enter my house, so I can let her To toss it by myself, at worst, I will find some opportunities to make up for it in the future, so that she can feel more balanced in her heart.

Seeing Feng Ziying's silence, Wang Xifeng was even more proud, and she stretched out her belly to make herself more comfortable. "Right now, Rongning and Ning's two houses have eaten their last meal, and Li Wan and Tan Yatou are clever women who can't live without rice. If you cut down on food and clothing, what good will it do? It depends on whether the imperial concubine can benefit from Mu Tianen, or if the master can benefit from Jiangxi,..."

  Seeing this, Feng Ziying looked disapproving and shook her head slightly, Wang Xifeng couldn't help but said: "Brother Keng, do you not like the eldest girl, or the master?"

   "I don't think so." Feng Ziying said bluntly.

  Wang Xifeng has either not paid much attention to current affairs in the past year, or his eyes and ears are not so well-informed, so he still counts on these?

   "What do you mean?" Wang Xifeng was taken aback.

"How is the eldest girl in the palace? Have you ever heard what your aunt said? Mu Tianen is nothing but imagination. The emperor's mind is no longer in the harem, and his body doesn't allow it. Uncle Zheng Shi went to Jiangxi. It’s been a few months, how many letters have come back? Besides, Uncle Zhengshi’s temperament is to give him a household secretary, and he will just do that, it’s too embarrassing for him.”

  Feng Ziying's words left Wang Xifeng speechless.

Wang Xifeng also had a vague feeling about Yuanchun's situation in the palace, but her aunt didn't want to talk about it, and she didn't ask too much. Even her uncle, Wang Ziteng, sighed when she mentioned it. It's just being a widow.

   As for my uncle, that is, Jia Zheng, Wang Xifeng is very clear about his temper. As Feng Ziying said, he can only dawdle.

  Being speechless by Feng Ziying, Wang Xifeng's face turned ugly, but Feng Ziying's words made sense, and she was powerless to refute.

"Okay, you're about to come out. Others will naturally worry about the affairs of Rongguo Mansion. The most important thing is to keep healthy." Feng Ziying couldn't help but tugged on the other party's bulging bust, and Wang Xifeng angrily hurried Cover it up, on such occasions, Ping'er is still there.

  The carriage traveled eastward all the way until it reached the grassland of Tianshi'an, and then there was the Huimin Pharmacy, and the Zhongcheng Bingmasi was opposite.

"It's right in front." Feng Ziying raised the curtain of the car, revealing a gap, and pointed it out to the two daughters, "I went to see it, and I think it's good. It's an old house, a house from the Ming Dynasty. I bought it and had someone tidy it up. Fan, as for the items inside, what style and how to arrange them, it depends on your own preferences, and it’s rare for you to come out, and you can also be the master for a while.”

  Feng Ziying's heartfelt words made Wang Xifeng and Heping'er feel warm in his heart. Although he knew that men could only believe half of what he said, he couldn't bear to warm his heart, so he was still happy.

  Three entrances into the compound, two corner gates, the east gate is larger, for entering and exiting carriages and horses, and the west gate is more secluded.

  There are two slightly old stone lions outside the gate of the courtyard. At first glance, it looks like a mansion with some origins, and it is quiet in the middle of the noise. The location and environment are excellent. It is no wonder that the price is not low, and it has not been sold.

  The few pagoda trees outside the gate are decades old, and they are well arranged. Walking along the alley, it seems that there is a big house on the west side.

  Wang Xifeng didn't get out of the car, and let the carriage go around the gate. Before he had time to look inside, he immediately fell in love with this imposing and historic compound.

Although it cannot be compared with the Rongning Second Mansion in terms of scale, it is a large mansion with several hundred people, so it cannot be compared, but judging by the scale of this mansion, it is afraid that it can accommodate one or two hundred people of.

  Since she was about to leave the Rongguo Mansion, Wang Xifeng's mentality has changed a little, and she attaches great importance to this face.

  In her opinion, her residence must not be too stingy, otherwise she will be regarded as downcast, which is the most difficult thing for her to accept.

  The house that Feng Ziying chose was just right for her taste, it touched her heart and made her feel very comfortable.

  The carriage drove into the east corner gate and stopped in the courtyard.

  The layout here is somewhat similar to Rongguo Mansion. They are all stables, hay houses, and utility rooms. They are separated by the fire lane, which not only avoids the noise and smell of large animals, but also prevents fire.

  Feng Ziying jumped out of the car first, followed by several guards. Two of them had already gone in for inspection, and one was at the door.

   There were still two people following Feng Ziying not too far away, while looking around to observe the situation of the building complex, they did not pay attention to Wang Xifeng and Hepinger who also got out of the car slowly behind Feng Ziying.

   This is professional, at least it is much better than third sister You, Feng Ziying nodded calmly.

  The main entrance and the instrument gate are very neat, and the stone pavement in the courtyard is thoughtful. Wang Xifeng walked around with Ping'er's support, and the more he looked, the more satisfied he was.

  The wing rooms on both sides are a bit dilapidated. They should have been unoccupied for a few years, and the window lattices are damaged, but it doesn’t matter. You can find a few carpenters to renovate them in two or three days.

  There is also a cross courtyard on the west side, the veranda leads directly, Wang Xifeng pushes the door, it is a passageway, the cross courtyard is not too big, but there are about ten rooms, it should be used by the servants.

   After looking at the outer courtyard, through the middle hall, there are large houses on both sides, including a flower hall and a special reception room. At first glance, it looks like a remodeled official house, which just fits Wang Xifeng's appetite.

  The style of the middle court is quite satisfactory, there is nothing too fancy, but the inner court is unique.

  There are no corresponding courtyards on both sides, only the east courtyard.

  Along with an arched door on the edge of the east ear room, push the door in. The small courtyard is in stark contrast to the solemnity of the main house outside. Both the color and the architectural structure appear light and dynamic.

There are seven rooms in a row, the rooms are not big, the wing rooms are small and elegantly furnished, but it can be seen that this small courtyard is the place where the original owner often lives, and the main room outside feels more like a formal Performance.

  Feng Ziying looked at Wang Xifeng's face and knew that this woman should be very satisfied, and the smile on the corner of her mouth could not be concealed.

Ping'er was two steps behind, and said softly: "Master, grandma seems to like it very much. We have seen a few yards before, and grandma always felt that there was something lacking and dissatisfied. This one is very suitable. I still understand grandmother."

Feng Ziying couldn't help but slapped Ping'er's buttocks, "As long as you are willing to spend money, how can you not choose a good one in such a big capital? I just choose according to the expensive ones, and people will not look at my face. It's too harsh,... as long as you two can live comfortably, it doesn't matter how much money you spend,..."

   "Master, don't tell your slaves, tell grandma." Ping'er smiled sweetly, "Just because we live comfortably, why don't you come and stay here?"

   One sentence blocked Feng Ziying. If Wang Xifeng and Hepinger moved in, what about me?

  This is a difficult problem. If you want to stay here overnight, how can you explain it to your family?

  If she never came to live here, I'm afraid Wang Xifeng will harbor resentment again, and maybe she will make another moth.

  Seeing Feng Ziying's frowning, Ping'er couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckling, "Is it difficult for you? Isn't it even more difficult for you when Miss Lin passes the door next year?"

"Ping'er, are you here to block me on purpose?" Feng Ziying sighed, "Don't worry, there must be a way for a car to reach the mountain. Can a living person still be suffocated to death by urine? Grandpa Shuntian Fucheng, can you still Can't find a way?"

  While the two were laughing, Wang Xifeng walked a long circle over there, dripping with sweat, and Ping'er hurried forward to support her, "Grandma, please slow down, I'll see you in more time in the future..."

  Wang Xifeng glanced at Ping'er, "What, did you bother you two to talk about your heart?"

   "Sister Feng, why is your sour smell so strong? Ping'er, are you still worried?" Feng Ziying said angrily, "Ping'er is still happy for you, I see you are very satisfied..."

  Wang Xifeng also knew her heart disease, snorted, "Ping'er is mine, I can do whatever I like,..."

   "Okay, let's not talk about it, you watched it too, what do you think?" Feng Ziying didn't bother to say, if you want to argue with this pregnant woman, there is no end to it.

   "It's not bad, Brother Keng, you have a good eye. I'm afraid this should be the residence of some official?" Wang Xifeng said with her lips pursed.

"An official from Taipu Temple, who is also a big family in Shanxi, is said to have spent a lot of money on it, but he returned to his hometown after he became an official, so he sold it. Because of the price, he let it go for a few years. Come on,..." Feng Ziying didn't say much, "Since you are satisfied, then quickly arrange for someone to come over to make adjustments. Wang Xin and Wang'er are people you can trust, and Xiaohong, what items you want to buy, you hurry up ,..."

  Feng Ziying took a look at Wang Xifeng's chest and abdomen, but she couldn't see the belly, but the chest really felt like a secondary development. If a shrewd person observes carefully, he might not be able to detect the clues.

  Wang Xifeng also understands her situation. In fact, she also wants to move out as soon as possible. Fortunately, she has not reacted too much yet, but it will be difficult to say if it takes a while. It is safest to come out as soon as possible.

   "I see." Wang Xifeng saw Feng Ziying casually took something from Ruixiang and handed it over, "What is this?"

"The house deed contract, you keep it first." Feng Ziying looked around, "Huimin Pharmacy is behind, and Zhongcheng Bingmasi is to the east, so the environment here is very good, and there are no idlers, but you have to be careful yourself,... "

  Wang Xifeng breathed a sigh of relief, "I am a woman, as you said, the next door is Zhongcheng Bingmasi, which robber can be so short-sighted?"

   "Be careful sailing for ten thousand years." Feng Ziying also breathed a sigh of relief, and finally settled this kind of situation, and she can be considered as the end of the matter, but the follow-up is still a lot of trouble.

   Codewords in the middle of the night, brothers give me a few guaranteed monthly tickets.



  (end of this chapter)

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