Number of People

Chapter 1470: Xin Zijuan Introduction (Ask for a monthly ticket!)

  Chapter 1470 Xin Zijuan Introduction (Ask for a monthly pass!)

   But Wang Xifeng returned to the Rongguo Mansion, because Feng Ziying had chosen the house for her, so he needed to start preparations here.

   First reported to Mrs. Wang, and then went to the ancestors to report the situation.

Naturally, it was inevitable to wipe away some tears. Fortunately, Wang Xifeng also said that the distance is not far away, and she will often come back to see her ancestors and wives, and sister Qiao is still in the Rongguo Mansion, and she is eight or nine years old, but she is a mother. I'm also reluctant.

Jia's mother and Mrs. Wang also knew that Jia Lian was coming back at the end of the year, and had already married a family in private. Last year, Jia She and Xing's family informed Jia's mother. Even Jia Zheng and Wang's family knew about it, but they kept it secret. That's all for Wang Xifeng.

Now Wang Xifeng is very interested in moving out, so as to save everyone embarrassment, so that Jia Lian will not come back with his wife and concubines at the end of the year. With Wang Xifeng's arrogant temperament, how can Jia Lian's open demonstration posture be tolerated, and troubles will inevitably arise again. Boiling against the sky.

Now that Wang Xifeng took the initiative to leave, both Jia Mu and the Wang family breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Jia Lian is the eldest son of the Rongguo Mansion. Since Wang Xifeng has reconciled with her, she is no longer in the Jia family. She will live temporarily for a year or so. It's nothing, doesn't Aunt Xue often come here to stay for a while? But when Jia Lian came back, Wang Xifeng had no choice but to avoid such an embarrassing status.

"Sister Feng, where did you choose this house, and which family's house?" Mother Jia still cared about Wang Xifeng very much. Although she was not from the Jia family, after all these years, Wang Xifeng was the one who could please her the most. From the bottom of her heart There is also some reluctance, but no matter how reluctant, now I can only let go.

"Behind Baodafang Huimin Pharmacy, at the entrance of Qudeng Alley, next to Zhongcheng Bingmasi." Wang Xifeng also stopped her tears, picked up a sweat towel and wiped it, and then said: "I heard it turns out He is an official from Taipu Temple. He has retired and wants to return to his hometown in Shanxi. He has been back to his hometown for two or three years. This house is kept there. Because the price is not suitable, it has not been sold, and they are not short of it. silver,…"

  Bao Dafang is a little far away from Jinchengfang, which was what Feng Ziying considered at the beginning.

If Wang Xifeng had to wait three or four months until the fetal position was stable and she was pregnant before going south to Linqing to give birth, then she would have to live here for two months. If she lived closer, the three aunts and six wives would inevitably come to have a look, maybe You will see the clues.

  It’s farther away, and it’s not so convenient for women to go out. If it takes an hour or two to ride in a carriage, they won’t be too lazy to run. Two months passed in a flash, and then they hurried south.

   "The house in Baodafang is not cheap, how often do you enter the yard?" Mother Jia is not ignorant of the market either.

In terms of location and price, the Fangshi houses around the imperial city are the most expensive, with Jiqingfang and Anfufang in the west, Baodafang and Nanxunfang in the east, and Rishifang in the north. Zhongfang, Zhaohui Jinggongfang, and Rizhongfang can only be located on the south side next to Shichahai. The side next to Jishuitan is too remote, and then there is the large and small Yongfang in the south.

  Although the prices in each city vary depending on the location and location, the location of Baodafang is indeed better than that of Jinchengfang where Rongning Street is located.

   "Three yards, there are several cross yards and a back garden..." Wang Xifeng tried to keep her tone calm, "I don't dare to compare in the house,..."

Both Jia's mother and Wang's laughed, "Sister Feng, how many people did you take out, but not more than a dozen people? Lin Zhixiao and his wife are still very grateful and remember their love, and let Xiaohong go with you. That's fine." , lest you only have Pinger, a smart person who can use it, Xiaohong is not much worse than Pinger, if you train and train well, you will be able to help you share many things in the future."

   "Yes, there are ten people, one enters the courtyard three times, and there are a few across the courtyard, which is too big." Mrs. Wang couldn't help but smack her lips, but there was a hint of worry in her heart.

  My niece seems to have not changed the luxury style in the mansion. Such a big yard is still in Baodafang, so I can’t ask for two to three thousand taels of silver?

Even though she has some private possessions, but once she goes out, there will be no one to shelter her from the wind and rain, and more than ten people will have to rely on her to live. This is not a year or two, but a lifetime. If you don't worry about it, Doesn't it have to be spent in two or three years? I'm afraid I have to remind her, don't have a plan.

"It's a bit bigger, but I couldn't find a suitable one in a hurry, and they were sincerely willing to sell it, so I gritted my teeth and bought it." Wang Xifeng looked calm, "Bigger ones are better, I think I always like quietness. Ping'er and Xiaohong followed me, and I can't treat them badly. Wang Xin and Wang'er are also family members. They just live in a looser place, so that they don't have to be crowded together. It’s inevitable that there will be some stumbling, I’m out now, and I don’t have the energy to mediate for them again, as long as everyone is well,…”

  Hearing some hints in Wang Xifeng's words, both Jiamu and Wang could understand.

  Now that Li Wan and Tanchun are in charge of the affairs of the inner court, they are struggling, and they have faintly assumed that they have not stopped after the last meal.

  Although Jia's mother is not very clear about it, she is also aware of the current difficulties in the mansion, and she turns a blind eye to the matter of the mandarin ducks coming to tell her.

   On the contrary, Mrs. Wang felt a little uneasy, and wrote a letter to her husband in Jiangxi, but the husband has not yet replied.

"Sister Feng, you have worked hard in the past few years. Now only your sister-in-law and Tan Yatou can manage the Rongguo Mansion. I also told your aunt to marry the daughter of the Niu family earlier. Listen. If you are a shrewd person, you might as well take care of the house earlier, your sister-in-law is a widow, and she will get married sooner or later, so it's really not a problem for them to be housekeepers."

Mother Jia sighed, but she also felt exhausted, and her life was getting more and more difficult. She said that her children and grandchildren have their own blessings, but the current situation is too tormenting, and she just wants to close her eyes and ignore these **** things. It's just that my body and bones are so strong that I can't close my eyes even if I want to.

  Wang Xifeng was taken aback, and glanced at her aunt: "Is it settled with the Niu family?"

"Definitely." Mrs. Wang nodded, "I have already written to your uncle, and I think I will reply soon. Before your uncle left, he tended to choose one of several candidates. Baoyu said that, but he didn't have any objections. He also mentioned it to Brother Keng that day, and Brother Keng didn't object directly. At that time, he mentioned a few candidates, and he felt that Brother Keng was more inclined to the second daughter of Prince Lianzhong. But we have all discussed that the second daughter of Prince Lianzhong is the most disliked in the family, and her aunt who is helping the righteousness doesn't like her cousin and her children very much,..."

  Wang Xifeng hurriedly asked: "Have you asked the empress in the palace about this?"

   "I also asked, and the empress also said that the daughter of the eldest princess and the daughter of Prince Lianzhong are both acceptable, so we decided on the daughter of the Niu family,..."

Wang Xifeng felt a little strange, if Feng Ziying recognized Prince Lianzhong's daughter, Niu Jixun's daughter was not bad, they were all descendants of the royal family. , it should be more appropriate, why Feng Ziying doesn't like it?

   "The old ancestor and aunt have already set a time?" Wang Xifeng deliberately obstructed it again. Anyway, she still has some affection with Jia's family. Although Baoyu is not good, she has grown up by watching her, and she always respects her very much.

   "It's settled. You were not in good health a few days ago, so we didn't tell you. The two sides have already exchanged the six engagement rituals..." Mrs. Wang nodded.

Wang Xifeng could only sigh. After exchanging engagement gifts, it was an engagement. He just waited for marriage to pass through the door. If he wanted to regret the marriage at this time, it would be the same as Xue Baoqin being regretted. He could only knock out his teeth and swallow blood in his stomach. The Niu family and the eldest princess, the Jia family did not dare.

   "Then what time is set for the door?" Wang Xifeng asked again.

  "The eighth day of September." Mrs. Wang nodded reservedly: "The Niu family is also very satisfied, and they also know Baoyu's talents. The eldest princess even specially recruited Baoyu to meet her, and she likes it very much, so naturally there will be no shortage of dowry,..."

Seeing that the aunt who never asked about the family's finances actually mentioned that the dowry would not be short, Wang Xifeng also sighed secretly in her heart. It seemed that the Rongguo Mansion really couldn't survive this. How much income comes to make up for the shortfall of Rongguo Mansion.

   "The eighth day of September?" Wang Xifeng nodded, "It's a good day, and the family is probably going to start preparing..."

"Well, I heard from the eldest princess that the emperor is going to go to Iron Net Mountain for a siege on September 19th. It is said that it is the last time for the emperor to go for a siege. Now the emperor is not in good health. After the siege this year, I am afraid that he will not go again in the future. ..." Mrs. Wang showed a smile on her face, "Eldest Princess intends to ask Baoyu and his wife to follow her to Iron Net Mountain to accompany the emperor to fight the siege, so that she can show her face in front of the emperor and get acquainted with her, so that she can take care of her in the future. With the two layers of relationship between the empress and the eldest princess, maybe Baoyu will have a fortune in the future,..."

Siege at Iron Net Mountain is a royal practice, basically once every two years, and it is also a way of hunting and entertainment to show off the bravery of Zhang’s children. Officials and ministers will also participate in such an event, which can be regarded as a means for the emperor and his courtiers to relax and have a close relationship.

In a sense, there are also rumors that this is also a way for the emperor to examine the performance of the princes. For example, the current emperor was determined to be the crown prince after the siege of Iron Net Mountain in the 39th year of Yuanxi. Zen abdicated, and the current emperor officially succeeded to the throne.

   Lao Rui continues to work hard!



  (end of this chapter)

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