Number of People

Chapter 1471: The Xinzijuan is touching, and the heart is full of sympathy

  Chapter 1471 Xin Zijuan Feelings, Feelings of Concern

  Wang Xifeng was also very surprised. She didn't expect that Baoyu could climb such a tall branch and show her face in front of the current emperor.

"That's a good thing. If Baoyu can make a personal connection in front of the emperor, maybe the emperor will think of him in the future. For example, if Engong gives him a chance to let Baoyu go to the Imperial Academy to study, if he rewards him in the future, then it will be good luck." It's gone." Wang Xifeng followed her aunt's words, trying to curry favor with the Wang family.

"We don't dare to expect anything else, just hope that Baoyu will have this opportunity, but it's a pity that Baoyu doesn't like the classics, otherwise he will go to the Imperial College for two years, and then he will rely on Ziying's relationship to find a leisurely position. It can be regarded as having a family background." Wang couldn't help sighing.

"Auntie, maybe you can't go to the Imperial College, Baoyu just doesn't like to study, and there is no shortage of idle time in the Imperial College, the key is to get a tribute, so that you can find a way to find a suitable place when you come out in the future, so that you can make a statement. "Wang Xifeng also accidentally talked about Baoyu with Feng Ziying in bed. Feng Ziying also said it casually, but Wang Xifeng remembered it.

   "Oh?" Wang was overjoyed, "If the eldest princess asks the emperor to reward him with a tribute, wouldn't Baoyu have a chance to be an official in the future?"

Jia's family was born in Wu Xun, and only Jia Zheng got a reward from the Supreme Emperor to a foreign minister from the Ministry of Industry. If you can leave Ngong, you can seek an official.

Mrs. Wang also knew about her son's situation, so don't expect him to be an official, just find a leisurely position, and an official position is enough. After all, the General Wei Lie on Jia She's body will be given to Jia Lian in the future, and this is Jia Lian. No matter how much mother loves Baoyu, it is impossible to give this to Baoyu, and she can't do it.

"I've heard people say that if someone like Baoyu wants to enter the Guozijian, he can only go to Engong. After Engong goes in for two years, he can talk about seeking an official position. The key lies in the word "seeking". There are quite a few people who have obtained official status, but to get official status, you must first be recommended by someone, and secondly, you must have a suitable opportunity. If someone like Baoyu goes to the lower counties, he will not be able to bear the hardship. My ancestors and wives are sure. I can't bear it either, the best opportunities are the noble and idle jobs in Taipu Temple and Honglu Temple, which are most suitable for Baoyu, but there are still many joints here..."

   This remark was also heard by Feng Ziying when Wang Xifeng accidentally talked to Feng Ziying in bed, and Wang Xifeng said it inadvertently.

Mother Jia was a little surprised. For more than half a year, Wang Xifeng lived in a shallow house and rarely went out. Even the Tiekan Temple and Shuiyue Temple that she used to go to often didn't go very often. How could she hear such a thing? Obviously it's impossible for the people in the house to know about it?

   "Sister Feng, what you said is quite reasonable. I don't know who said it?" Mother Jia asked staringly.

Wang Xifeng thumped in his heart, how could he let go of the gossip after he got married with his lover, but the expression on his face remained unchanged: "Reporting to my ancestors, it was also a few days ago that my sister-in-law and I were together. Speaking of Lang Geer's study, the sister-in-law is still worried about Lang Geer's study. Speaking of people like us, if the children fail to study, it will be difficult to find an official position. After that, I went out at the corner gate When I met Brother Keng, I mentioned this matter casually, and Brother Keng said so,..."

  The first half is true, it is indeed said to Li Wan, the second half is half true, it is indeed what Feng Ziying said, but it is not at the corner door, but on the bed, the time and place are wrong.

  Mother Jia looked back, and nodded lightly: "Brother Keng said so, it's almost the same, but I'm afraid there must be someone recommending the joints here?"

Officials in this dynasty basically take the imperial examination. Those who donate officials and en tribute are all heretics, especially those who donate officials are despised by others. The official selection of officials always puts donating officials last, and now donating officials There is basically no filling of vacancies, it is just a title, the number of Ngongs is small, and there must be a human recommendation, which is equivalent to a guarantee, and the recommender is very important.

"It should be that ordinary officials are not willing to recommend Gu Bao, because they have to bear joint and several responsibilities, and the recommender has to be reviewed by the Ministry of Officials, and ordinary officials cannot be judged by the Ministry of Officials." Wang Xifeng asked about this matter at the time. Very specific, after all Baoyu was raised by Wang Xifeng since she was a child, and she has always respected Wang Xifeng, so Wang Xifeng asked a few more questions.

"I don't know if Brother Keng would recommend Baoyu at that time?" Wang couldn't help but look forward to saying: "If Baoyu can receive tribute, and he will be about the same age in two or three years, then Taipu Temple, Honglu Temple , An idle official in Zhan Shifu, with Ziying's current status, I'm afraid she can talk too, right?"

Wang Xifeng didn't dare to accept these words. The recommendation matter is no small matter, and Baoyu's temperament and ability are well known to everyone. Besides, it is an idle position, so he has to go to the office and do something. Just like Jia Zheng, Baoyu Can you bear it?

But Mother Jia picked up the words: "It may not be necessary for Brother Keng. The mother came back with a message that day, and said that since Baoyu is quite valued by the princes of Fu Wang Shou Wang, Zhan Shifu also has some idle positions. If there is Opportunities can also be recommended,..."

"Well, that's also on both sides of our minds, and it's best to have one side." Wang is more concerned about Baoyu's affairs than anything else. With his wife in charge, it must be better."

  Wang Xifeng was also muttering in her heart, the country is easy to change, and the nature is hard to change. Can Baoyu become motivated?

   It’s just that I can only say this in my heart, and I have to nod on the surface.

  After Jiamu and Wang's greetings here, it is considered that the process of preparing to move out has officially started.

When reconciling and leaving, both sides have counted their belongings, although they didn't care too much, especially since Jia Lian only wanted to take care of this matter at that time, so it was considered generous, basically everything that could be left to Wang Xifeng was left to Wang Xifeng. Wang Xifeng is gone.

  Wang Xifeng has always controlled the private house money, and Jia Lian didn't bother, knowing that it would be useless to make such an idea, so he simply didn't want it.

   After thinking about it, Wang Xifeng was also a little sentimental. It is good to be at home for a thousand days, but it is difficult to go out for a day. If you want to go out, you have to support everything by yourself, so you have to calculate carefully.

Ping'er accompanied Wang Xifeng back to the yard, and seeing that Wang Xifeng was not in a good mood, she couldn't help comforting her and said, "Grandma, don't be too sad, Baodafang is a bit far from here, but there are carriages. Even if you can come here in an hour, besides, the girls will definitely come here often because of grandma's kindness..., Yuanyang just kept wiping away her tears, saying that she was reluctant to part with grandma and slaves, so that slaves also shed tears along with her,..."

"I'm not sad, but a little sentimental." Wang Xifeng sighed, twirling the sweat towel made of tender yellow onion flowers with her fingers, and said thoughtfully: "Today, I really felt Jia Jia when I talked with my ancestors and his wife. I'm afraid the family is really going to die now."

   "Huh?" Ping'er was taken aback, "Why did grandma say that?"

"The former wife and ancestors never cared whether Baoyu could be an official? Back then, Ziying was promoted in her studies, which caused a stir in the house. Some people said that Baoyu should go to school to become an official, but the ancestors and his wife were both guardians. I'm petting, I think it doesn't matter whether the Jia family in Rongguo Mansion is an official or not, but now? I have to think again and again for the sake of an official of Engong, and an idle little official of Taipu Temple or Honglu Temple , and thinking about letting Ziying be the recommender,..."

Wang Xifeng said indifferently: "Baoyu's marriage has also been decided. The Zhenguo Bull's family is not only interested in the Niu family, but the benefits brought by the daughter of the Niu family's daughter, the eldest princess, and the dowry. You said that the Jia family would Consider these?"

  Ping’er was speechless, this was indeed a bit unexpected, he chose Zhenguo Gongniu’s family, although the Niu’s family was also good, but if it was for the eldest princess and other people’s dowry, it would be a bit too shabby.

"Forget it, every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite. It is not easy for Rongguo Mansion now, but it has nothing to do with us. In the future, our small family will have to figure it out by ourselves. Don't go out for a few years. If I end up being laughed at, then I, Wang Xifeng, will really die."

Wang Xifeng's words made Ping'er couldn't help stamping his feet and began to blame: "Grandma, look at what you are talking about, you still have a child in your stomach, how unlucky it is to say that these people are not dead! Bah! Bah! We follow you because we are looking forward to it!" Can you take us with you? As you said, Xiaohong is willing to go with us, which means that Housekeeper Lin and the others are also optimistic about you. Besides, isn’t there still Uncle Feng? Even the recommender of Second Master Bao is still thinking about it Look at Uncle Feng, so Uncle Feng will not be promoted step by step in the future?"

"I hope." Wang Xifeng was deeply touched today, so she was a little depressed, "It is said that the Jia family is a duke of two kingdoms, full of gold and jade, well, it's not that I haven't heard of that folk saying, the four great families of Jinling, Jia Bujia, white jade is used as a horse for Tangjin; Efang Palace, three hundred miles away, cannot accommodate a history of Jinling; the East China Sea lacks a white jade bed, and the Dragon King came to invite the King of Jinling; the snow (Xue) is so heavy in a good year, pearls are like earth and gold is like iron. Take a look, Pinger, what has become of the four great families now? I heard that Jinling now has the new four great masters, and the Zhen family is at the top. Let me see, what are the new four great masters and the old fourth great masters? Yes, maybe it will become like the Shi family of Shanguogong and the horse's family of governing the country, the dust falls to the ground, and old papers all over the place..."

The Shi family of Shan Guogong has been confiscated and completely disappeared in the Wu Xun family, and the family of the ruling horse horse is now extremely sparse, reduced to selling houses for a living, and the whole family is scattered, no longer having the glory of the past. As far as the old ancestor and his wife said today, Wang Xifeng naturally feels sorry for her.

   Lao Rui is still typing, and there is some business at home that delays it for a while. If there is no update tonight, he will definitely make it up tomorrow morning.



  (end of this chapter)

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