Number of People

Chapter 1473: Xin Zi Scroll Allies

  Chapter 1473 Xin Zijuan Allies

"My lord, think about it. The price of this sale is all on the spot. First of all, you need to pay a deposit. You can't just come and join in the fun with only three melons and two dates. That's a low level, and it might be a success." It’s a joke, so the bank notes are only accepted by Haitong Bank, and the accounts of the household department are all opened in Haitong. The security deposit will be confiscated as compensation. In addition, if you want to perform the contract, it will cost tens of thousands of taels of silver. Who can bring cash? The imperial court only recognizes the bank notes of Haitong Yinzhuang. Whether you want to show off or come here to pick up leaks, the accounts of the merchants are tied to Haitong?"

Feng Ziying talked eloquently, "These are all wealthy businessmen from the north and south of the river, inside and outside the border wall. I even asked people to take letters to the Neikalkha and the Jurchen people, and also sent people to the Chahar and Tumot people. I went to spread the news, including Flangjiren and Hongmaofan, as well as Japanese and North Korean businessmen, just to create a momentum, so that all the merchants inside and outside of us know that this Haitong Yinzhuang is our middle school. The No. 1 bank in the country, innocent and trustworthy, reputation first, circulated at home and abroad,..."

   King Zhongshun was delighted when he heard this, his eyes were shining, and he couldn't help stroking his chin, "Ziying, doesn't this mean that all the rich people in the world are in my trap?"

Feng Ziying couldn't help laughing, "Your Majesty, the money belongs to them, but they just use the channel of Haitong Yinzhuang to realize the convenience of circulation. We borrow other people's money to make money, and they get the convenience of transaction and circulation, and the other group of people can borrow money." Emergency rescue, it can be said that everyone is happy, complement each other, and get the best of all three."

"Hahahaha, isn't this just my craving?" King Zhongshun clapped his hands and laughed, "I won't covet their money, I just hope that they can keep opening accounts in Haitong Yinzhuang, Haitong's most important asset. What is it? It is the word reputation. As long as the reputation is there, no one can win us. But Ziying, what is the name of the one you mentioned, risk control, yes, it is this risk control. I have thought about it carefully later. I deeply believe that once the risk control is not good, the loaned money cannot be recovered, and the money deposited by others, or the money circulated through our Haitong channel cannot be withdrawn, then the reputation will be ruined. This Haitong Bank It will be abolished, so we would rather be cautious about this point and ask for stability. Preserving reputation is the first priority, no matter inside or outside,..."

Feng Ziying was also a little surprised. He had talked with King Zhongshun about the business model of Haitong Yinzhuang several times before, which was similar to the operation model of a modern bank. He thought that the prince would not understand it too much. , and will infer other cases from one instance, and can ponder over and over again after going back, which is not easy.

  It seems that I still underestimate the people of this era. As long as you give him some advice, they can figure out many ways.

Like risk control, I just briefly introduced it, and this prince has really realized the way. The most important thing in finance is reputation. Similarly, this reputation also requires countless gold and silver to be cast.

"Don't worry, my lord. I told my cousin that this matter is the most important. The Guangzhou account is now the fastest growing, even surpassing the capital and Yangzhou. Now many Flangji merchants and Hongmaofan merchants have accepted it. For the bank notes of our Haitong Bank, the next step, my cousin also told me that Sulu and Luzon must also go, even Palembang and Manga, and Japan and North Korea, so that this can be realized We have the goal of connecting the world, but although we are developing fast, we must not lose risk control, and we must defend our reputation. This is the bottom line,..."

  Now the Haitong Yinzhuang branch is growing continuously, but the momentum of development varies from time to time.

For example, Guangzhou is the most dazzling, and there is a faint trend of surpassing the two major centers of capital and Yangzhou. Of course, it is not enough now, but in time, Guangzhou will definitely become the leader. Guangzhou has taken full advantage of Lingnan and Nanyang. In contrast, places like Datong, Hanyang, and Xi'an have opened their own branches, but their development momentum is far less than these places.

  Duan Xigui has been tempered. Feng Ziying's idea is to wait until the end of the year, when Duan Xigui stabilizes the situation in Guangzhou, let him come back to take charge of the head office of Haitong Yinzhuang, responsible for the overall planning and operation.

  Jia Lian is playing steadily in Yangzhou. It is not a bad thing to be timid at this time. Yangzhou's business is prosperous. As long as the situation is stable, there will be huge profits.

On the contrary, Jia Yun is on the side of the Capital, because it is right under her nose, and she can ask her for advice on everything. She is more courageous and has a more radical style, especially taking the initiative to communicate with the Jurchen, Chahar, and Neikalkha tribes. Lending business travel to business travel, support Han business travel to trade with Mongolia and Jurchen, and gradually incorporate the commercial trade network with Mongolia and Jurchen into Haitong Yinzhuang. By monitoring the flow of funds in these areas, you can grasp the society of Mongolia and Jurchen People's livelihood information is something that Feng Ziying attaches great importance to.

In Feng Ziying's view, the financial attributes of Haitong Yinzhuang are of course important, but it is also an extremely important role to monitor the trade networks of Mongolia, Jurchen and overseas countries in the frontier and even outside the border wall through this kind of financial support. The more difficult the situation is, the more important this information is. It can even be said that as long as the information is mastered, the flow of materials and price fluctuations in places like the Mongolian Jurchens can be fully controlled. Once they have a large-scale military operation, they can grasp it in advance. Get a head start.

"Ziying, at this time, Gu felt how wise it was to invest in Gu's shares at that time. It's ridiculous that those cousins ​​and even distant relatives of Gu thought that they bought shares reluctantly because of a little bit of shame. Now, hehe ,..." King Zhongshun stroked his beard and smiled.

  When the play meat came, Feng Ziying also pursed her lips and smiled, "Why, these royal family members regret that they have less investment in shares, and are jealous when they see the dividends?"

"Isn't that so?" It's easy to talk to smart people, King Zhongshun laughed, "Last year, Gu took the big head of dividends, and these people were so jealous that they kept chattering beside Gu's ear, asking if they could increase capital and share, Gu In other words, this Yinzhuang is a chicken that lays golden eggs. Since it can lay golden eggs, why bother to increase capital and expand shares? Just use golden eggs to continue to expand operations.

   "Hehe, my lord is slapping them in the face." Feng Ziying also clapped his hands and smiled lightly, "However, although the development momentum of Haitong Yinzhuang is good, there is still a long way to go to realize the goal of Haitong World..."

   King Zhongshun took a sip from his teacup and listened carefully.

"Last year's dividends were generous, and it was also in consideration of giving everyone a little thought. After all, everyone took some risks when they bought shares. No one has seen new things before, and they all need to explore. Now that they see hope, everyone has enthusiasm. It is understandable, but this year there may not be such a generous dividend. The Jingshi, Guangzhou, and even the Hanyang are expanding their operations. The shortage of Jingtong’s second warehouse has caused a huge gap in food security in Beijing and China, and the drought in the north is severe. This winter and next spring will definitely be sad. I have already told Jia Qiang and Hanyang to strongly support the grain merchants from Huguang to Shandong, Beizhi, and Jingshi. Even if the interest rate is lower, they must support them. ,..."

"Oh?" King Zhongshun chewed on the meaning of Feng Ziying's words, and asked tentatively: "Ziying, according to what you mean, you don't refuse to increase capital and share? But Haitong is profitable, so why increase capital and share? Really? You don’t have to look for these relatives to increase capital and share, there are countless people out there stretching their necks to buy shares, but Gu has stood up to many people for you, and even offended many people with a lot of background,…”

"As long as the emperor doesn't want to buy shares, then it's fine." Feng Ziying joked, "Although Haitong is profitable, don't just see the profits and ignore the risks. Although the past two years have been turbulent, overall It's fairly stable. The southwest war has nothing to do with the overall situation, at least it won't affect Haitong's business, but what about the future? Be prepared for danger in times of peace, and we still have many areas that need to be expanded and dug deep. Therefore, the richer the equity capital and the wider the network, the more beneficial it will be for us. To become bigger and stronger, it is necessary for the lord to stand up in the early stage, to make them jealous, let go of it now, so that they can cherish it more and be more useful to us,..."

   King Zhongshun rubbed his chin, "Brother Huang is not there, but those nephews and the ladies in the palace are very greedy, and their appetites are not small..."

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying hesitated for a moment, "A few noble concubines also have hearts?"

"Ziying, who can be careless?" Zhongshun Wang Youyou sighed, "Even the emperor said that if he was not the emperor, he would be equally tempted. The imperial court should also have a share in the first place, but now the imperial court really has no money. , and a group of scholar-officials are also opposed to competing with the people for profit, thinking that it insults the court's elegance and damages the prestige of the court..., although the dividends last year were repeatedly asked to be kept secret, how can this be concealed? Girls, haha, long hair but short knowledge , how can they bear it, and what about the family behind them?"

Feng Ziying nodded. This still needs to be weighed. Of course, he would like to see Haitong Yinzhuang continue to expand its scale and influence, but he must also consider the impact brought by the participation of concubines and princes in the palace. Of course, as long as there is loyalty and obedience Wang, a loyal ally, is not afraid of them making troubles and becoming monsters, but he also needs to think carefully.

"How about it, Ziying, think it over. If you want to increase capital and share, how to balance it, and even minimize the influence of these newcomers, you need to think about it." Of course, King Zhongshun didn't want these people to have influence. It is too big, and it will affect the operation of Haitong Yinzhuang. In his opinion, only Feng Ziying is at the helm, so that such a huge ship can sail stably and guarantee his own interests.

  (end of this chapter)

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