Number of People

Chapter 1474: Xin Zijuan Jia Jing and Jia Yucun

  Chapter 1474 Xin Zijuan Jia Jing and Jia Yucun

  When Jia Jing saw the news published in Jiangnan Times, he couldn't help frowning.

The imperial court acted very quickly and fiercely. Originally, they thought they could suppress the Caocang case in Nanjing, but it seemed that they failed to do so. In the end, they were taken over by the capital’s procuratorate. After all, it was Nanjing. The Metropolitan Procuratorate failed to control it in its own hands and could not suppress it.

This is also the reality. Although the imperial court made some concessions due to pressure from Jiangnan in the last round of adjustments, such as the establishment of Huaiyang Town and the adjustment of the six departments in Nanjing, it satisfied the voices of Jiangnan to a certain extent. The Procuratorate and the Nanjing Ministry of War are still in the hands of the imperial court, and even the Nanjing Ministry of Officials and the Nanjing Ministry of Households have not been able to let go of them all. Of course, it is impossible to let them all go.

It is not easy to be able to delegate power to this level. It is also because the situation in the North is even worse this year. It has to ask the Nanjing Ministry of Households to increase the tax in Jiangnan by 10%, which has caused a huge backlash in Jiangnan. With this compromise It was barely calmed down.

However, the imperial court of the Beijing Normal University used this method of killing chickens and taking eggs to collect money. In Jia Jing's view, it was a sign of poor skills. It is an indisputable fact that Tong Ercang's grain deficit is short, and sooner or later it will be necessary to buy grain with silver to make up for it.

As the severe drought brought about by this year's northern lands has gradually become a reality, the situation is even worse, and the pressure on Jingtong's second warehouse to cover positions will appear immediately, and it will not even wait until this winter. After September, this kind of The worry will gradually spread and intensify. At that time, it only needs to push up the price of food a little bit, and I have to spit it out as the court eats it.

  Of course, the premise is that Jiangnan can hold back the taxes that should be paid. This is not easy to grasp. It should be neither too early nor too late.

His brows gradually relaxed, and Jia Jing browsed the recent "Guan Jiangnan" and "Liangzhe Express". They were all about the sales conference in the capital in early July, and they were extremely sensational. The salt merchants, the maritime merchants in Ningbo, and the arty gentry in Jinling will all be aroused.

   Feeling a little uncomfortable, Jia Jing stroked the beard under his chin, thinking, there is still an expert in the court, who would come up with such a move, and plan it so carefully and thoroughly, it can be called foresight.

If the original sales method of the government is changed to this method now, Jia Jing estimates that at least 20% to 30% of the income can be increased. It can be sold for 1.2 million to 1.3 million taels of silver, which is not a small increase.

  The question is how to crack this kind of thing? Jia Jing was also weighing in his mind that there were so many businessmen in Yangzhou, Suzhou, Jinling, Ningbo, Hangzhou, and Jiangyou and Huguang, he could persuade one but not ten, and his persuasion would be easily exposed.

   This is against the imperial court, and now is not the time.

  Jia Jing had some headaches. Seeing the imperial court’s way of “collecting money” to regenerate blood, the financial pressure that was finally created was to be reversed by the imperial court in this way, which really made Jia Jing feel a little unwilling.

   Whose trick is this? Huang Ruliang, or Qiao Yingjia?

When investigating the big case of Jingtong Ercang, Jia Jing expected that the court would use this method to return blood, but he felt that it was only a few hundred thousand taels of silver, at best no more than one million taels of silver, and he had to pay for it. If you spend a lot of time digging and investigating, it will also arouse opposition and criticism from countless people, but I didn't expect that Long Jinwei and Shuntianfu would do it first, and then the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Ministry of Punishment. Comparing competition, this is a bit difficult to do.

After these two cases are settled, the harvest should be much greater than what he originally expected. Jia Jing estimated that the increase should be 50%, which means that the court may recover about 1.3 million to 1.5 million taels of silver, but If this method of issuance and purchase is adopted, then an increase of 30% will be quite considerable, approaching 1.8 million taels of silver.

Thinking of this, Jia Jing is also a little irritable. Whenever he thinks hard about making a move, the seemingly desperate court can always find a chance to breathe, which makes him very depressed, but at this time, he can only endure it. , is not the time for a head-on confrontation.

But this kind of humiliation will not be too long. Jia Jing knew that the prince also had arrangements in Beijing. He originally planned to let Chu Qi and Wang Zinian come south to help him as soon as possible, but later they stayed. It is said that they are going to do it in autumn. Some things, what to do, how to do it, Jia Jing didn't ask much.

The prince is in charge of each stall. Jia Jing is in charge of the money and silver affairs on the Jiangnan side. The Zhen brothers assist. .

Tang Binyin, Miao Changqi, and Gu Tianjun have been handed over to Tang Binyin, Miao Changqi, and Gu Tianjun on the south side, and they are doing well now. At least the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River have been aroused by them, and now they have six official positions in Nanjing as a cover. A lot of things are easier.

If Chu Qi and Wang Zinian didn't come, Jia Jing felt that it would be more convenient. If they came, it would be difficult to deal with who would take the lead. Jia Jing didn't want to compete with anyone for power and profit, but the current situation was managed by him with great difficulty. Maybe because of whoever came, I would hand over to others, even Chu Qi and Wang Zinian.

  It's just right that they don't come. The north is the battlefield they are most familiar with. Let them have fun with the prince. Regardless of victory or defeat, as long as the prince can escape and come to the south of the Yangtze River, then there will be no problem.

It can be said that they can do whatever they want in the north, the more chaos the better, the more rotten the better, whether it is the White Lotus Sect, the Liaodong Jurchen, the Mongols, or the leaders of the rebellious army in the Northwest, use whatever you can , anyway, the smashing is in the north, which is only good for Jiangnan.

  So Jia Jing also reminded Prince Yizhong in the letter that as long as he can escape and come to Jiangnan, everything will be done.

  The only thing that makes Jia Jing feel a little troublesome now is that the provinces that can control the influence are only limited to the four provinces of Nanzhili, Liangzhe, Fujian, and Jiangxi, which are still relatively small.

Huguang is still working hard to operate. Gu Tianjun has already gone to Huguang. It is not clear what the situation is. Miao Changqi is in charge of contacting Guangdong, Guangxi and Southwest, but they are too far away. Wang Ziteng feels that it is meaningless. Huguang, let Yang Yinglong's rebels toss as much as possible in Sichuan and Guizhou, and it is enough to hold back part of the court's energy.

   Accidentally saw the letter on the desk, it was from Brother Rong.

In the letter, Brother Rong exaggerated Feng Keng from the Feng family, talking about his various affairs in Yongping Mansion, and saying that he has now returned to Shuntian Mansion to become the governor of the mansion, and he handled the night murder case of Su Daqiang. Feng Qingtian and so on are also very supportive of Jia's family,...

   This made Jia Jing a little curious.

Feng Keng's imperial examinations became a blockbuster. Although he was still aware of it in the Xuanzhen Temple, he later proposed a strategy to open the sea. It should be said that this young man has a somewhat different opinion, but knowledge and how to be an official are two different things. Zizi was brilliant in the Hanlin Academy and was well-known in the capital, but if he really fell into a place or worked in a specific six ministries, he would be knocked out of the dust all at once.

   I didn't expect Feng Ziying to do so well in Yongping Mansion at such a young age, which shocked Jia Jing.

  As for being suddenly transferred back to the capital by the imperial court to serve as the Prime Minister of Shuntian Prefecture, in Jia Jing's view, this was a failure, most likely due to some private exchange between Qi Yongtai and Ye Xianggao.

No matter how talented Feng Ziying is, in places like Yongping Mansion, she might still be able to do something with luck and the influence of Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia, but in Jingshi City and Shuntian Mansion, no one will spoil you .

Even Qi Yongtai, the cabinet boss, may not be able to enjoy himself in the capital city. Most of them are good people who can wrestle with Qi Yongtai. If you, Feng Ziying, make a slight mistake, the censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate will not care about you. Even if Qiao Yingjia was the censor of Youdu, he couldn't control those censors who were born in the south of the Yangtze River.

  But after thinking about it, Wu Daonan is useless. Ye Xianggao and Qi Yongtai can reach such a compromise. Doesn't it mean that Shuntian Mansion, the most benign place, is left alone? This is obviously impossible, so is this Feng Ziying really capable?

The Feng family is a gang of warriors. From Feng Qin to Feng Han to Feng Tang, Jia Jing knew each other, but it can't be said how deep their friendship is. I never thought that the Feng family's gang of warriors could give birth to a civil servant who can do things. Yes, this is really not easy.

  Thinking of this, Jia Jing thought of Jia Yucun again.

   This guy is said to be a friend who lived and died with Feng Ziying. They went through tribulations together during the Linqing civil change, and they can still maintain the relationship when they arrive in the capital city. You can take a chance to ask.

But Jia Yucun is too cunning, Jia Jing thought of the letter from Wang Ziteng and said, Jia Yucun is a slippery character, if he can be subdued and let him work for the prince, it will be of great use. Based on the weather, one could tell that this person had some abilities. Even the Nanjing Metropolitan Procuratorate wanted to find fault with him, but they were dealt with flawlessly.

  The question is how to grasp this guy's true mind? Jia Jing felt that it was a bit tricky. Tang Binyin had contact with him several times, and nothing leaked, but Zhu Guozhen and Qi were from Huzhou, but Zhu Guozhen thought that this person had no moral character and was not willing to deal with this person, but this time I have been in the Jinling Mansion for several years, and I already have quite a few party members. If I can be used by the prince, it will be a great help.

  Jia Jing's judgment is that this guy must have noticed something, and he is watching the situation at this time, and he is waiting for a price.

  (end of this chapter)

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