Number of People

Chapter 1475: Xin Zijuan Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu

  Chapter 1475 Xin Zijuan Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu

  Hundreds of black cavalry filed into Pingyuan Fort. Niu Jizong wore his helmet and armor, his face was calm, and he still looked at the defense of the fort with sharp eyes.

  The gates of the city were wide open, and Sun Shaozu had already greeted him. Before Niu Jizong could get off his horse, he cupped his fists and bowed, "The last general, Sun Shaozu, has seen the governor."

   "Shaozu, there is no need to be too polite." Niu Jizong flew off his horse, leaped lightly, and landed steadily. The generals and military officers around couldn't help but nodded inwardly.

It is said that the governor is proficient in martial arts, and he is still alive and well at the age of fifty. He has to eat two catties of meat, one and a half catties of rice noodles, and practice martial arts for an hour. He controls like a commanding arm, and he really lives up to his reputation.

  Sun Shaozu also nodded secretly. With the opponent's momentum, he didn't know how much better than the chief military officer of Datong Mansion. No wonder the governor looked down on him.

  This is the area under the jurisdiction of Xinping Road and East Road in Datong Town, and it is also the defense line of Sun Shaozu, the deputy general, which is commonly known as Pingan Prefecture.

Outside the side wall is the grazing land of the Mongols. The left-wing and right-wing tribes of Mongolia form a staggered area in this area, without obvious divisions. The Chahar people go west, and this place is also called the hunting ground of the Chahar people.

After Niu Jizong exchanged greetings with Sun Shaozu, he chatted with the military generals behind Sun Shaozu one by one, sometimes patted each other on the shoulder, and sometimes took out the saber from his waist to have a look, and praised him a few times. Sun Shaozu couldn't help but admire that the Governor-General was indeed charming. No wonder these warriors were willing to work under his command.

  At the same time, Sun Shaozu was also a little startled. The influence of the Governor-General is gradually penetrating in Datong, which is no less than his full-time deputy commander-in-chief.

  Not long after I took office as the deputy commander in chief, I don’t know much about the generals and guerrillas below. It can be seen that these veterans on the border are not very convinced of me, but Sun Shaozu is not afraid.

  He also has his own confidants. Through a series of adjustments, he is in charge of the East Road and Xinping Road. The East Road is hard to say, but Xinping Road is basically under his control.

  Eastern Road, these fellows still have some skills in leading troops to fight, but they may not be able to control the subordinates. In a word, they drink too much blood from the soldiers, and the middle and low-level military officers below will inevitably have resentment.

His grandson Shaozu is not a melon egg who has never fought. He fought his life and bled in Xuanfu Town in the early years. He knows the thoughts of these warriors on the ground here, and seizes every opportunity to make a profit. The soldiers kicked you into that corner.

  However, those mindless warriors are so short-sighted. If you want to be rich, you have to look at the long-term, and you have to seize the opportunity to fight.

   Not to mention this way of getting closer and closer, it really works for warriors.

The Zhenguo Gongniu family is a well-known martial arts family in this dynasty. The previous generations of the Niu family all carried the banners in Jingying, Xuanfu, and Jizhen. It was these two generations that gradually declined, but Niu Jizong still has some skills. Although it has been left idle for many years in the Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies, but looking at the tricks he has played in the past few years since he took office, one can know that this family of generals is not just bragging, and indeed has a few skills.

  He can put on the posture of a virtuous corporal to win over these warriors. These guys must be a little flattered, not to mention that they will be brainwashed immediately, but at least they will be much closer emotionally, and it will be much easier to spend more time.

   It took a while to finish the busy work. After confirming the banquet in the fort to entertain these generals, everyone knew that the governor must have something to say with the deputy commander-in-chief alone, so they all bid farewell and left.

  The two sat down, and then Niu Jizong asked about the situation of the two roads.

"Don't worry, my lord. I have basically smoothed out the Xinping Road. Xinping Fort, Pingyuan Fort, and Huamen Fort are all under my control. ..." Sun Shaozu's tone was very confident, which is what Niu Jizong wanted to hear.

  Datong Town has an army of 110,000 troops, which is second only to Liaodong and Xuanfu Towns among the Nine Dabian Towns, similar to Ji Town.

  Datong Town is divided into nine roads, of which Sun Shaozu, as the deputy commander of the division, is in charge of Xinping Road and East Road. This is why Niu Jizong took a fancy to Sun Shaozu and spared no effort to win him over.

  Xinping Road is located at the easternmost end of Datong Town, adjacent to Shangxi Road of Xuanfu Town. Along the side wall, you can quickly enter the hinterland of Xuanfu Town, or go south along the East Road, go Hunyuan, and enter Shanxi Town.

Each of these two routes has about 12,000 troops, which means that Sun Shaozu, as the general of the division, controls a nominal strength of 24,000 troops. Those rice buckets in the camp are comparable.

Of course, this can only be controlled in name. If there is no order from the commander-in-chief, theoretically the deputy commander-in-chief can only mobilize the other troops except the headquarters from the authority during an emergency battle, but they will be investigated afterwards. That is subject to military law.

  Xinping Road is where Sun Shaozu spends the most time. Niu Jizong also gave him a lot of support, and also specially transferred a few of his old subordinates there. It was considered to be under control, but the East Road was still a bit tricky.

  East Road is stationed in Yanghe City, and Sun Shaozu is also stationed there at present, that is to say, he wants to compete with General Duan Xirong for the control of 12,000 people along this road.

   "How is the situation on the East Road?" Niu Jizong asked the key point.

"My lord, it's a little difficult." Sun Shaozu didn't deny it, and said with a wry smile: "You also know that I have only been here for two years, and it is already thanks to your strong support that I can control Xinping Road. If an old subordinate comes over, I can’t even take down Xinping Road.”

"What are the specific difficulties?" Niu Jizong also knew that it would not be so easy to take down the East Road. Compared with Xinping Road, which only has 10,000 troops, the East Road is much stronger, and there are two Yanghe City and Tiancheng City. city.

  Sun Shaozu was stationed in Yanghe City as the deputy commander of the division, and stationed in Tiancheng City as the deputy general of the East Road.

"Duan Xirong has been cultivating the Eastern Road for many years. If Mo hadn't been appointed as the deputy commander of this branch in the future, this position should have belonged to him. He must be dissatisfied with the general, and several of the generals and guerrillas under him are also his masters. The one who was promoted was still loyal to him, and the last general also spent a lot of effort to win over and make friends, but as far as the current situation is concerned, the effect is not obvious,..." Sun Shaozu said truthfully.

   "Where's Shi Nai?" Niu Jizong asked suddenly.

Sun Shaozu pondered for a while, "General Shi hasn't been there for long, but he has a good relationship with several generals and guerrillas. He is bold and generous, so everyone is willing to make friends with him. Several of his subordinates, The defense is fairly tight,..."

  Niu Jizong snorted coldly, he also confessed this to Shi Nai, and gave him a sum of money to make him easy to make friends with.

Sun Shaozu's goal is too obvious, and he took Duan Xirong's position as deputy commander. Duan Xirong must be jealous of him. It is definitely not easy to directly pull people from Duan Xirong's hands. It is much easier to let Shi Nai, a pawn, infiltrate .

Shi Nai can't lead troops to fight, but the historian is a family of martial arts after all. His ancestors have served as officials in Datong and Shanxi Town, and they have some connections. He is good at making friends, he is much better than his younger brother Shi Ding, so it is just right for him to buy and win over those warriors.

   "Shi Ding alone is not enough..." Niu Jizong pondered and said, "The 14,000 people on the East Road are all monolithic. Duan Xirong isn't that popular, right?"

"It's hard to say how popular they are. My lord knows how these warriors behave, and they are harsh on their subordinates. It's just that those few people were gradually promoted by Duan Xigui's subordinates. They respect him, but they don't hold any grudges against them. Little, it just takes time, and..." Sun Shaozu didn't say any more.

  Niu Jizong understood what the other party meant. He gave Shi Nai 30,000 taels of silver, which was somewhat effective, but Sun Shaozu spent too much here.

"Well, I'll give you another 60,000 taels of silver, plus some horses and furs. Duan Xirong's men, Tian Xiaowu and Huo San, are characters who like things in cups and silver. You're so good at wooing them. I think these two are already a little moved. Besides, they are suppressed by Duan Xirong, without my consent, they will never be able to get ahead for the rest of their lives..."

  Niu Jizong gritted his teeth and said grimly, "Before September, this matter must be settled."

  Sun Shaozu shivered and nodded: "The general understands."

Niu Jizong looked pale, "Shaozu, you are also a smart person. You and I know the situation of the court all these years. The Southwest War, heh, a bunch of local soldiers in Bozhou rebelled. Yang He, who can only talk on paper The role of Jingxiang Town, which was established by the imperial court with all its efforts, failed to win a decent battle. Didn't Sun Chengzong boast that he is proficient in both literature and martial arts? Why has he been dying for so long? look?"

   "That is, if the prince of Denglai Town had not won a few decent victories, I am afraid that Yang Yinglong's Bozhou Army could have reached Huguang." Sun Shaozu also took up the conversation.

"The imperial court doesn't know people well, and treacherous evil is in power. Look at the four towns in the northwest and what they have been tossed into. They dragged a group of Shaanxi soldiers from Guyuan Town to the hot and humid place in Guizhou to fight. Thanks to them, they can figure it out. The military department looked at the four towns in the northwest. The town is not pleasing to the eye. If you want to abolish Guyuan Town, just abolish it. It’s nothing more than some severance money. We all know this is impossible." Niu Jizong clapped his hands and sighed.

  (end of this chapter)

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