Number of People

Chapter 1476: Xin Zijuan warrior's voice (updated!)

  Chapter 1476 Xin Zijuan Warrior's voice (updated!)

  Sun Shaozu has been trying to figure out what Niu Jizong was thinking.

  The current emperor is not in good health. It is said that he has been going to court irregularly for a long time. The court affairs are more about cabinet discussions.

King Shou, King Fu, King Li and King Lu all jumped out one after another. The Eight Immortals crossed the sea and each showed their magical powers, but it is hard to say who will win now. For a while, King Shou fell down, and King Lu gained power for a while, and the two brothers, King Fu and King Li, joined forces. The game of seizing reserves has just begun.

  Where is Niu Jizong standing? Sun Shaozu was very curious, but he knew that these warriors headed by Niu Jizong were very close to the Emperor Taishang and Prince Yizhong. Did Prince Yizhong get involved in it, or did he have ambitions himself? Hard to say.

But Sun Shaozu knew that the 120,000 troops of the Xuanfu Army were basically controlled by Niu Jizong. In addition to himself, Niu Jizong also had Buzi in the Datong Army. Sun Shaozu estimated that Niu Jizong, the governor of Xuanda, should be able to control one-third of the Datong Army. A weak force is about 30,000.

  In the Gyeonggi area, there are 150,000 elite frontier troops, plus Niu Jizong and Wang Ziteng in the Beijing camp also have some direct descendants, so the power of Gyeonggi can basically be said.

You Shigong has not been in charge of Jizhen for a long time, and he has not been able to really control Jizhen. Li Chengliang's remnant party does not listen to him, and in the Mongol invasion last year, Jizhen suffered a lot of losses. The confrontation with Xuanfu is not an opponent, and this is not counting that there are still 30,000 people in the Datong Army.

Of course, there are also variables on the side of the Datong Army. Except for the 30,000 troops that Niu Jizong can control, the remaining 80,000 troops are somewhat scattered. The Feng family controls a part, and the Ma family controls a part. And in a melee, it's hard to say who is on which side, or they just don't help each other, so as not to be on the wrong team.

  Normal people would choose not to help each other. After all, no one can see the situation clearly now, but wealth and wealth are in danger, and they dare not fight. How can they get on the top?

  Sun Shaozu believes that Niu Jizong can accomplish things without him, and the 120,000 Xuanfu army is the pillar. In Gyeonggi, no one can hold back.

  Ji Zhen You Shigong has not enough troops.

As for the Datong Army, based on his understanding of the Datong Army over the past year, it is estimated that no one from the Feng family and the Ma family will get involved in the battle to seize the reserve, because for a place like them, the general Wu Xun As far as the aristocratic family is concerned, no matter who is in power, they will not easily touch their interests, so there is no need for them to take such risks.

   This is his opportunity for Sun Shaozu.

   It doesn't matter whether Niu Jizong wants to push Prince Yizhong to the throne, or supports one of the emperor's sons to take the throne, his grandson Shaozu doesn't care.

Sun Shaozu cares about the probability of success. Judging from the current situation Sun Shaozu has, Niu Jizong represents a strong force. He believes that there is great hope. He has mastered the military power in this capital, and there is no moral obstacle. It is a descendant of the Zhang family, whoever is in power will not arouse too fierce opposition from the scholar-officials, which is much simpler.

  If such a high probability still dare not fight, Sun Shaozu feels that he is really not as good as an honest person, or that he is a worthless person for a lifetime, so don't think about Guangzong Yaozuze being passed down by future generations.

He was not reconciled, especially when a mediocre person like Feng Tang who presented himself as a good old man had joined Governor Ji Liao, and a person like Feng Keng was a fourth-rank member of civil servants at the age of twenty, relying on his studies and scientific examinations. Now that I am the deputy commander in chief, I have to be courteous when I see this kind of junior, who will let him be a civil servant.

"My lord, the imperial court has been in peace for a long time, and it is inevitable that we have despised us military generals. Looking at these years, the general's impression is how many battles were fought by the Mongols 20 years ago? Then there is Renchenwo Chaos, but after all, it did not hit our Dazhou land, and then there were more than ten years of peaceful days, until Jianzhou Jurchen began to show disobedience, then Ningxia rebelled, and now it is Bozhou chaos, these peaceful days are no longer , but the imperial court still looks at us with old eyes,..."

  Sun Shaozu's words revealed some rebelliousness, but this is exactly what Niu Jizong wanted.

If Sun Shaozu was the kind of person who followed the rules, he would still look down on him. This kind of arrogant and domineering person doesn't have too many restraints. What he cares about is profit, so he dares to do great things. What Niu Jizong needs is this species of people.

"Shaozu, you have to rely on warriors to fight the world, but many people think that warriors should step aside to rule the world, but they don't think about it. There are old enemies such as Mongolia and Jurchen outside, and there are even Japanese and Fulangjiren, Hong Maofan’s threats are rebellious like Yang Yinglong and his ilk, relying on a group of literati who only know what to do and talk on paper, can they convince these old enemies and traitors with their words?”

Niu Jizong sneered, "It was the rebellion in Ningxia. If Feng Tang hadn't sent troops, Liu Dongyang and the others would have surrendered in the end? It's ridiculous that his son is now focused on proving how correct he is in studying and taking scientific examinations, and how glorious it is to be a civil servant. Wu Xun's birth has become a drag, and he didn't even think about it, without his father fighting for him outside, how could he sit comfortably in the civil servant's position and discuss with others?"

  Niu Jizong's unintentional remark touched Sun Shaozu.

  Although he now intends to marry the Shi family, Shi Nai is also very optimistic about him, and is very willing to marry his niece to him, but Sun Shaozu, who met Yingchun by chance, still feels a little bit reluctant.

That Jia She's daughter is beautiful, and I heard that she has a submissive temper. What's more, she spent more than ten thousand taels of silver on Jia She. If I don't know how much energy I will spend to ask for it back, that guy will definitely deny it in every possible way.

  Now I heard that Jia Amnesty intends to promise his daughter to Feng Ziying as a concubine.

  What's the point?

   Just because the other party was a Jinshi, a scholar of the Hanlin Academy, Shuntian Fucheng, a fourth-rank civil servant?

   After several years of reading, how much higher is Wu Fu?

  Although it is said that the girl from the historian family is also very beautiful, not inferior to Jia She's second daughter, but this kind of psychological and emotional discomfort made Sun Shaozu also develop a deep hostility towards Feng Ziying.

  Why can’t the second daughter of Jia’s family be her own concubine to warm Feng Ziying’s bed?

  When the knife and ax were on the neck, Sun Shaozu wondered if the old Jia family would think it would be wiser to promise their daughter to themselves as concubines?

  Thinking of this, Sun Shaozu was even more eager for Niu Jizong's follow-up plan.

The frontier army does not enter the capital, and the Beijing camp does not leave the city. This is the rule of the Great Zhou Dynasty, but the Beijing camp went out last year, and the result was a disastrous defeat in the Santun camp. The gang of men in the camp will only be reduced to a bunch of wine bags and rice bags for sending heads to the Mongols, and those who can really fight depends on those warriors who lie on the side wall and lick blood with their knives.

It doesn't matter to Sun Shaozu whether the princes are fighting for the throne or Prince Yizhong wants to seize the heir. Whoever can give him more power, who can win the final victory, he will follow whoever he wants. Anyone who dares to sell it.

  From now on, it seems that the party represented by Niu Jizong is the most likely, so he is willing to bet on it.

"Your Excellency is right. In the end, the rotten scholars in the imperial court have been at ease for a long time, and have forgotten the usefulness of us warriors who worked hard for them on the side wall. The emperor was also deceived by these treacherous evils, and only read in the deep palace. Reading the memorials of those civil servants, I think the world is peaceful, but look at the Jurchens and Mongols outside our side wall, ready to move, look at the soil soldiers in the southwest can do whatever they want, what happened to the soldiers of our Great Zhou Dynasty ? Is it really impossible to fight, or was it delayed by some people?"

  Sun Shaozu spoke very angrily, but Niu Jizong nodded his beard and smiled without saying a word.

   This effect is what he wants, maybe this guy is putting on airs, but it doesn't matter, when he really gets to that point, even if he wants to retreat, it is impossible for him to retreat.

"Shaozu, your words are very close to my heart, and I also believe that you have also expressed the feelings of those warriors who have been resting on the Godardan on the side wall to defend against foreign enemies!" Niu Jizong stood up, hands behind his back, After walking around, he stood still: "For a character like Chen Jingxuan who was dawdling in the water transport yamen, the imperial court actually let him go to the most difficult three sides to be the governor, and he has worked as a garrison and a guerrilla in a border town. Is he a general? Does he know how the soldiers live on the side wall? He knows that the soldiers and their families have no food and clothing, but they still have to fight desperately with the Tumets. As the governor, he turns a blind eye , listen but not hear, how can the soldiers below not rebel?"

Niu Jizong's words further magnified the dissatisfaction of the warriors in the border town with the court, "It's ridiculous that the court can't remember that the warriors sacrificed their lives for the safety of the Great Zhou Dynasty. When it comes to food and salary, they turn their backs and deny it. They either cut it or Arrears, or abolition, are we beggars? The Mongols came in, and we didn’t pay for it with our lives. Is the capital city still there? Relying on those useless people in the capital camp?"

   At this time, Niu Jizong completely forgot that Jingying became such a thing under the connivance of Wang Ziteng and him. At this time, he had completely turned himself into a member of Xuan Dajun.

   "My lord, I'm afraid our soldiers on the Nine Sides have stored up this kind of resentment for a long time..." Sun Shaozu praised with great interest.

"That's right, Shaozu, you have to channel out the grievances of the officers and men, so that everyone's hearts should be united. We should strive for what belongs to us, and send our voice to the imperial court. Please listen to our thoughts. Instead of just huddling here, waiting for the court's handout,..." Niu Jizong turned his head, staring at the wolf, "Do you understand what I said?"

   There was something wrong last night, I owe it, and I will make it up today.



  (end of this chapter)

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