Number of People

Chapter 1478: The backbone of the Xinzi scroll

  Chapter 1478 The backbone of the Xinzi scroll

   After being silent for a while, Zhao Ledjiao said in a deep voice: "My lord, the general has no objection to Wen Zhao acting as the general soldier..."

"There is no objection!" Feng Tang raised his voice: "Xilong, the old Liaodong Ministry, I don't have many people I can trust. Laiqing (Junipong character) is brave, but too frivolous, and I can't change this. He is a party They are not standard, Zu Dashou and Zu Dale are still a little tender, even if his father Zu Chengxun is in good health, I am not at ease, he values ​​the interests of their ancestors too much,..."

   "So, I want you to promise that you will resolutely obey the order of the soldiers to support Wen Zhao. He acts as the chief soldier, and I will let you serve as the deputy chief soldier of the auxiliary defense. And I can also guarantee that Wen Zhao will not serve as the chief soldier in Liaodong!"

Feng Tang's words are a bit embarrassing. Cao Wenzhao's acting as the general of Liaodong Town is only half a step away from the official general, and it is not even half a step away. As long as Feng Tang recommends an agent to change to the official one, it is logical things.

But Feng Tang does not intend to let Cao Wenzhao stay in Liaodong. Although Cao Wenzhao is both wise and brave, Xuanda needs Cao Wenzhao more. General, now he is gradually getting closer to himself. If he still insists on promoting Cao Wenzhao on the spot, then these old generals in Liaodong will inevitably think that they still only have Datong and Yulin's old troops in their hearts, and they will be divorced. Support Zhao Ledjiao, with the hearts of An Junjun and Zujia brothers, the old Liaodong tribe.

As for the old troops like He Renlong and You Shiwei that he brought over from Yulin, their qualifications are still lacking, and they are still far from the position of the Liaodong General Army, so they are not enough to pose a psychological threat to the old Liaodong troops. The old will get on well.

Zhao Lijiao's character can be trusted, and this is enough. In the future, Cao Wenzhao can be recommended to other border towns as the commander-in-chief after one or two years of polishing in the position of acting commander-in-chief in Liaodong, just like You Shigong was appointed as the commander-in-chief in Jizhen The general soldier is the same, and Zhao Lijiao can also follow the example of Cao Wenzhao, acting as the general soldier of Liaodong Town, for training and polishing.

   Zhao Ledjiao was taken aback, and looked at Feng Tang in amazement: "What do you mean, sir? Wen Zhao..."

"As I said, Wen Zhao won't stay as the commander-in-chief of Liaodong Town, but it doesn't mean that he won't go to other towns to serve as the commander-in-chief, such as Denglai Town or Huaiyang Town..." Feng Tang interrupted Zhao Ledjiao's words: "Xilong, you are the most familiar with the situation in Liaodong, and everyone respects you very much. I hope you can see the big picture and learn to unite..."

   Zhao Ledjiao was excited, which was almost an obvious hint that Cao Wenzhao was not the commander-in-chief of Liaodong Town, and the other party expected so much from him, the meaning was too clear.

   "My lord, the last general..." A general who doesn't want to be the commander-in-chief is not a good general. How can Zhao Lijiao be an exception? He got up to salute again, but was held down by Feng Tang, "Okay, I won't say much, this year you have to assist Wen Zhao to stabilize the situation in Liaodong. If Nurhachi wants to provoke, we can't seek stability. The more you seek The more stable he is, the more he will make progress. Nurhachi has not yet figured out the style of Wenzhao. How to fight is mainly based on Wenzhao. You are responsible for defending,..."

On June 28th, Feng Tang handed over the affairs and returned to the capital with his family. He wanted to go back to the capital to have a long talk with his son, who was already a fourth-rank official. and inquiries from the Ministry of War.

  Hearing that Feng Tang was about to return to the capital to report on his duties, and was about to go to the northwest to serve as the governor of the three sides, the entire Feng residence became restless.

This is Feng Tang's first return to Beijing after he went to Liaodong for several years. In the past few years, both the situation in the court and Feng Ziying himself have undergone tremendous changes. Taking charge of the important position of Shuntian Fucheng, it can be said that the Feng family has also ushered in a peak period of growing reputation.

Of course, Feng Tang's transfer from Liaodong to Sanbian seems to be relegated this time, but those who know the inside story know that this is because the imperial court wanted Feng Tang to go to the northwest for emergency out of prudent considerations. Controlling the collapse will inevitably have a huge impact on the entire Great Zhou. This is the reason why the imperial court dare not take risks, so they would rather let the situation in Liaodong be put on hold for the time being.

  When Feng Tang went to Liaodong, Feng Ziying was not yet married, but now Feng Ziying not only married two wives, but also had an eldest daughter.

However, Shen Yixiu and Xue Baochai have never met this father-in-law. Although the father-in-law is away for a long time, the main contact in the inner court is the mother-in-law, but after all, the father-in-law is the head of the family, and the first impression is very important when meeting for the first time, so Shen Yixiu and Xue Baoqin Xue Baochai and Xue Baochai were all very nervous, and even Lin Daiyu and Yingchun, who had not yet passed the family, also became nervous.

  Zijuan, Ping'er and Yuanyang came to Feng's residence together.

   This is also a coincidence.

They all need a carriage, and now the Rongguo Mansion is struggling, so a lot of expenses have been cut down. For example, there were several carriages in the mansion. Except for the two masters who have special carriages, there are three or four other carriages in reserve at any time, but now Tanchun sold several carriages in one breath, and disposed of seven or eight horses, leaving only three carriages, one for Jia She and his wife, one for the ancestors, his wife and Baoyu, and one for It is shared by other idlers in the mansion, and it has also been clearly stipulated that if there are people who want to go out together, they should go out together as much as possible, and they cannot send a car alone.

Zijuan wanted to come to Feng's mansion to inquire about news, and Yuanyang was also ordered by Jia Mu and his wife to come to Feng's mansion to discuss matters. In addition, Ping'er needless to say, before moving out, she could only use the carriage in the mansion, but now she He was also very cautious, and only hitchhiked when he heard a carriage was coming, otherwise he would rather walk or rent a carriage from an outside dealership.

It was said that Wang Xing, the steward of the mansion, could only arrange for this car. It was a coincidence that they all came to Feng's mansion, so when this was mentioned, everyone was surprised, but fortunately, they were a few people who knew the basics. It's also not that awkward.

  While waiting for the bus, the three women were still a little uncomfortable. After all, Rongguo Mansion is no longer what it used to be, and their spirits are much more relaxed. Even if the people in the mansion try their best to maintain it, they can only maintain it on the surface.

After all, the identities of the mandarin ducks are different, and she has an unusual relationship with Heping'er and Zijuan. She laughed and said, "It seems that today is a coincidence, and we are all going to Uncle Feng's house. It seems that Uncle Feng is going to sleep The days are almost becoming the days that our Rongguo Mansion remembers most reliably."

  Zijuan and Ping'er were quite touched by this sentence, but they had to admit it.

   "Yuanyang, I was ordered by the girl to go to Uncle Feng's house to inquire about the situation. I heard that the master of the Feng family is about to return to Beijing. The girl also wants to ask Uncle Feng, what arrangements do you have?"

In front of the mandarin ducks, Zijuan has nothing to hide, and Ping'er is not an outsider, and the relationship between the three daughters should be regarded as the closest, but now they are their own masters, no matter how close they are, some words should be kept and kept. Properly reserved.

   "Ping'er, what about you?" Yuanyang looked at Ping'er with clear eyes.

"Yuanyang, you also know that grandma is going to move out now. It's windy and dangerous outside, and grandma has no idea. But how many men in our Rongguo mansion can stand on the stage? In the future, the livelihood and life will be in vain. You have to think about it carefully, no, grandma also asked me to ask, firstly, to find a suitable house, secondly, to settle down after buying a house, and inevitably to add things, these trivial things, Many of our servants do what they can, and for some official matters, we have to ask Uncle Feng to say hello and take care of them..."

   Ping'er remained calm, and her relationship with Yuanyang was not ordinary, but when it came to grandma's secrets, she naturally couldn't tell Yuanyang, this was a matter of principle.

"That's true, but I heard that grandma is not feeling well these days. She went out a few times a while ago, and she doesn't seem to go out much anymore. She has been resting in bed, but I went to see her two days ago, and I think she seems to be still looking good. Not bad, um, I feel like I'm a little fatter."

Yuanyang's unintentional words startled Ping'er. Grandma's food intake has increased a lot during this period, her face has become more plump, and her bust has also skyrocketed. The original bust is no longer enough. Wearing a bellyband is even more shocking. People, so that is to say, the people in the yard are vaguely aware that something is not right. Ping'er explained to the public that grandma is now free and doesn't worry about it, so she has a big heart and a fat body, and she is much plump.

   This word can be fooled for a while, and if it is delayed, it will be difficult to cover up.

  Seeing that even Yuanyang is a little surprised now, I have to say that this is really the need to leave quickly.

   "That's right, grandma has nothing to worry about now. Grandma Zhu and the third girl have sheltered grandma from the wind and rain, so grandma's complexion is naturally much better." Ping'er responded with a smile.

"Yeah, that day when I saw Second Mistress, she really looked very good, and I talked with my girl for a long time. The girl also asked Second Mistress if she wanted to go out, and Second Mistress also shared her difficulties..." Zijuan looked regretful, "If the second grandma goes out, our house will be much more lonely again. Miss Bao and Miss Qin have gone out, and the yard will be less lively. Now the second grandma is going out, Ping'er You also followed the second grandma, no wonder the second master Bao was also feeling emotional at the gate of Yihong courtyard a few days ago, saying that this garden may not last long, and it will eventually disperse..."

   What Zicuckoo said made all three of them a little sad, especially the mandarin ducks.

  She is the one who understands the current situation in Rongguo Mansion best, and people's hearts are really scattered. Apart from the girls marrying out, even Baoyu is also facing marriage, and after getting married, she will definitely not be able to live in the garden anymore.

I heard that the mansion intends to buy the house next door on the west side, and open up with the West mansion. It can be regarded as a separate compound, which can also be used for Baoyu and the girl from the Niu family to live alone after they get married. .

  Just like this, Rongguo Mansion looks even more deserted.

   Make up for last night.



  (end of this chapter)

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