Number of People

Chapter 1479: Xin Zijuan Good Wife

  Chapter 1479 Xin Zijuan Good Wife

  Seeing that the mandarin duck did not speak, the three women got into the car one by one, and immediately drove slowly to Fengcheng Hutong.

   "Yuanyang, did you go to Rongguo Mansion for the marriage of Second Master Bao?" Zijuan asked.

"Well, before leaving, the master specifically instructed his wife to inform Uncle Feng about important matters. The marriage of the second master Bao is considered a major event, and it is said that the ancestors and his wife also consulted with Uncle Feng before, and Uncle Feng is more inclined to As for Prince Lianzhong, after asking the empresses in the palace, the ancestors and wives still felt that the girl from the Niu family was more suitable, and Uncle Feng didn't have much objection, so..."

Yuanyang is not very clear about the situation here, but she also knows that Uncle Feng's attitude has a great influence on her ancestors and wives, and even the fair and noble concubine attaches great importance to Uncle Feng's attitude, because Uncle Feng is more inclined to Prince Lianzhong's family Yes, so the wife and the ancestors also struggled for a long time on whether to choose the Niu family girl, and finally decided to choose the Niu family girl.

I heard that the mother of the girl from the Niu family, Princess Yongning is very favored by the emperor, compared to the other princess, the mother of Uncle Feng's friend Wei Ruolan, Princess Yong'an, she is much more favored. It was this factor that made his wife and ancestors make up their minds.

   "The date has been settled?" Ping'er didn't ask much about the affairs of the Rongguo Mansion during this period, so he didn't know about it.

"It's settled, the eighth day of September." Yuanyang nodded, "I heard that the eldest princess made a good arrangement for the second master Bao. It is said that the emperor will take a group of royal family members to Iron Net Mountain on September 19th." In the siege, the eldest princess specially arranged an opportunity for the second master Bao to accompany the second master Bao. In this way, the second master Bao would have a chance to show his face in front of the emperor, and several princes would go together. He is also very kind to Bao Erye,..."

   This is what Yuanyang heard from the old ancestor and his wife, and also said that there is no need to hide it, and even intends to spread the situation, so as to stabilize the minds of Rongguo Mansion.

No matter how you put it, this is great news. If Second Master Bao can win the favor of the emperor, En Gong will be no problem. In the future, as long as there are capable people recommending him, such as Uncle Feng, Second Master Bao can also be a leisurely official like the master. Son, and the son-in-law of the eldest princess, even if he has survived, he can still keep the leisure and wealth of the second room of the Rongguo Mansion.

"That's a good thing. If the second master Bao has such an opportunity, he will be able to feel proud. The third master Huan will hold the autumn competition next year. As long as he can pass the exam, the Jia family will finally be able to get through the most difficult period." It's time." Zicuckoo said sincerely.

  Zicuckoo is relatively friendly to Baoyu, after all, she also came out of the ancestor's house.

Although she firmly supports her girl to marry Uncle Feng, she thinks that although Second Master Bao is kind and infatuated, he is not a good match for her girl. Some good luck, she is still sincerely happy for the other party,

  In the past two years, everyone can feel the difficulties of the Jia family, but they can't find a way to solve them.

Grandma Zhu and the third girl tried their best to make ends meet, but it’s hard for a smart woman to live without rice. This day is getting harder every day. The halving of the monthly payment has made people complain a lot, and the Jia family members are also full of complaints, but there is no way around it. If you don't do this, Rongguo Mansion will really have to close before the end of the year.

  Even so, everyone has no idea how to spend the end of the year. That day when Shi Shu and Cui Mo were talking, Zijuan overheard, saying that the third girl was so worried that she couldn't sleep well at night, and her heart ached.

The two maids both defended their daughters, saying that this kind of matter should have been handled by Grandma Zhu, but now Grandma Zhu is kind, throwing her hand at her daughter, and some measures proposed by her daughter, Grandma Zhu But grandma still wants to be a good person to smooth things over, which makes her daughter unable to step down.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy." Ping'er is much more realistic and more knowledgeable than Zijuan, "If it's Engong, if Second Master Bao can get the plea from the eldest princess and the imperial concubine, I think the emperor should be fine. , but En Gong heard that he also had to study in the Imperial College for two or three years, but after two or three years..."

   Ping'er didn't say any more, what will happen in two or three years, God knows, everyone knows that the emperor's health is not very good, but no one dares to say this, but everyone knows it.

  Mandarin ducks and Zicuckoos fell silent.

  Finally, Yuanyang said, "No matter what, it is good to get an entribute now. At least you have the qualifications to be an official. There will be some changes in the future. As long as Uncle Feng is here, Second Master Bao will always have a chance."

   This makes sense, Ping'er and Zijuan both nodded.

Uncle Feng's momentum is growing day by day, and he may reach a higher level in two or three years. At that time, he will definitely try his best to help Baochai, Daiyu, and Yingchun who may marry into Feng's mansion. .

  The carriage rattled north, and soon arrived at Feng's Mansion in Fengcheng Hutong.

  Feng Ziying had a rare day when Xiu Mu had a leisurely day, and she was teasing her half-year-old daughter in Shen Yixiu's room, hugging and kissing her while wandering around, which made Shen Yixiu complain constantly.

This period of time is finally over. The Jingcang case was dug by the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Ministry of Criminal Justice. The Tongcang case was watched by Zhao Wenzhao and the others, and some progress was made. Some people were involved one after another. But compared to the previous ones, they are all shrimp soldiers and crab generals, not big fish.

But no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. Facing the urging of the Ministry of Household Affairs, Feng Ziying did not dare to neglect. Naturally, Huang Ruliang and the others were watching the Jingcang case, but he also had to produce some decent results in the Tongcang case. , because it also involves the question of how much money my father can take away to appease the four towns in the northwest after returning to the northwest.

   This is a tacit agreement between Huang Ruliang and Wang Yongguang, Shangshu of the Ministry of household affairs, and Feng Ziying.

The more money and silver that can be recovered from the two cases, the more generous the household department will be, and the more money and silver that Feng Tang can take to the northwest will be more relaxed. In Feng Ziying's view, this is not an exchange of benefits, it is purely An incentive mechanism.

  But I have to say that this really forced Feng Ziying to pay more attention to these two cases, and at the same time racked his brains to handle the sale better.

"Sir, next month's sale is now causing a lot of noise in the capital city. It is said that those rat moths in the second warehouse of Jingtong have been greedy for at least tens of millions of taels of grain in the past 20 years, and then they have become Speaking of the jewels and curios in their house and the farm house, they all said that they piled up gold and jade in their house, coral, lake beads, tortoiseshell, ivory, rhinoceros horn, these houses couldn't fit in them, gold and silver were thrown everywhere,... "

  Shen Yixiu's slightly exaggerated words made Feng Ziying couldn't help laughing, "Wan Jun, do you believe this too?"

"I don't believe it, but I can't stand the rumors outside." Shen Yixiu leaned on the kang, "It's a lie to hear that gold and silver are thrown everywhere, there are so many servants in the house, no matter how rich you are, it's impossible to be like this , and the richer the richer, the more stingy they are, how can they be so ostentatious, isn't this a disaster?"

"Hehe, it's good to know. This is all intentional publicity. Otherwise, if you don't arouse everyone's interest and make everyone feel that this is a rare opportunity to catch up, how can everyone actively participate in this sale?" Feng Ziying Smiling and teasing her daughter's little face.

  Feng Qiwu's small mouth was red, and he spit out two bubbles. He looked at his father with a bewildered expression, as if he was trying to identify the person in front of him.

  Children at this age already have a certain degree of recognition ability. They can recognize that this is their closest person, and their faces are also very expressive. It seems that they are trying to reach out to reach the fingers that touch their cheeks, but they can't reach them.

   "Huh? Mr. Xiang means that the government deliberately arranged this?" Shen Yixiu was taken aback, and sat up slightly.

"It wasn't arranged by the government, or your family's husband did it on purpose. "Today News" was originally run by your family's businessman, and Cao Yu was the editor-in-chief. As for "Northern Business Daily", there are also several magazines and newspapers in the south of the Yangtze River. I arranged for someone to do it,..."

  Feng Ziying did not hide anything in front of his wife.

   "Really?" Shen Yixiu was surprised but also curious, "Msg. is using this method to raise the price of these items, um, creating a situation of competition?"

"A virtuous wife is really smart, and she understands it as soon as she hears it. The court is relying on the silver recovered from this treasure to save the emergency." Feng Ziying pondered for a while and said: "And there are indeed many good items. If they are sold normally, those Buyers will deliberately lower the price, even 70% to 50% of the price of the goods cannot be sold, and now at least 80% to 90% of the price can be sold in this way,..."

Shen Yixiu sighed, "My lord, if the imperial court can only rely on this kind of heresy means to make a living, if this trick is exhausted, where else can we find a second such thing? What does it mean that the imperial court has not been able to clearly investigate this kind of thing for twenty years, and it has been delayed until now? What are the Metropolitan Procuratorate and Shizhong doing? Ordinary people may still be talking about it, but it is unexpected that it is so far-reaching, and they even praise the wiseness of the imperial court, but among the scholars I'm afraid there are quite a few people who can comprehend the mysteries, this is not the blessing of the imperial court."

I didn't expect my wife to have such insight, Feng Ziying nodded slightly, "This is indeed not something to boast about, even the imperial court is still reflecting on its own self-examination. Why let such a major malpractice case that everyone knows well be delayed for 20 years, so that it gets bigger and bigger, and it leads to such a disaster, it is worth pondering."

  Shen Yixiu pursed his lips and nodded, "It's good that Xianggong understands this, and he should also find an opportunity to explain the whole story to Elder Qi Ge and Master Qiao, so as to find a solution."

  (end of this chapter)

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