Number of People

Chapter 1488: Xinzijuan Feng's family is a potential stock

  Chapter 1488 Xin Zijuan The Feng family is a potential stock

Easier said than done, there is a shortage of food in the northwest, and the consumption of 400,000 troops in the three borders and four towns is due to transportation, and the cost is much higher than that of Jiliao and Xuanda. However, if the transportation is carried out by merchants, the cost can be reduced to a certain extent. The cost of transportation system remains high.

Now Feng Tang has not been appointed as the governor of the three sides, let alone the money that the imperial court will bring to him, but time does not wait, sometimes the price of food may be one price a day, and the further the future, the greater the price increase may be. Big, I bought a lot more one day earlier.

When Wang Shaoquan was specially recruited by Feng Ziying, he saw Feng Tang and Feng Ziying, and he was a little surprised. Feng Tang basically didn't show up, and the quartermaster was basically in charge of contacting.

   Didn't expect to see him in Feng's residence today, how could this not make him feel overjoyed.

   "I have seen the governor and the prime minister." Wang Shaoquan rushed to salute, because he was in a private house and there was no need to salute, but this bow was respectful.

"Okay, Shaoquan, my father just came back from Liaodong, and he is going to meet the emperor soon, so let's make a long story short, maybe you also know my father's current identity. Governor Ji Liao is inevitable, but he will go to the northwest to serve as the governor of the three sides. You probably know the situation around here, on the surface it is a disarmed town, but in fact it is all about food and pay, so my father must have stabilized the morale of the army in the past,..."

  Wang Shaoquan's face was serious, and his thoughts changed sharply, "My lord, but I have an order, and our Shanshan Chamber of Commerce will obey. How much money do we need?"

Feng Ziying was taken aback for a moment, and Feng Tang was also taken aback and then laughed, "Ziying, I think we are here to play the autumn wind, well, our businessmen from the Northland are quite straightforward, and they are more straightforward than those from the Jiangnan. But let me say first Clearly, we are not here to fight the autumn wind."

Feng Ziying also laughed dumbly, "Shaoquan, you misunderstood, if there is a shortage of money, it is also a matter for the court. Even if my father needs it urgently, there is also Haitong Yinzhuang who can borrow temporarily. It is not against your ideas, but my father needs your help. real."

"Oh?" Wang Shaoquan didn't expect that he had misunderstood, but as long as the Feng family asked for something, it would be a good thing. One of the father and son is a peak warrior, and the other is a civil servant with a bright future. No matter from which point of view, they are worthwhile. The thick legs that are good friends, especially those who are inextricably linked with Shanxi merchants.

   "I don't know where Shaoquan can help the two adults. As long as he can do it, he will go all out." Wang Shaoquan patted his chest.

"Well, Shaoquan may know the situation in the northwest. My father is about to take up his post. However, due to the difficulty in food supplies in the four towns, especially in the second town of Ningxia, Gansu, the consumption of food and fodder is very high. My father is worried that there will be delays in the court this winter and next spring, so I hope to make preparations earlier. From now on, I ask your Shanshan Chamber of Commerce to help coordinate the transportation of grain from Huguang, Henan and Shanxi to Shaanxi, and strive to deliver 300,000 shi of grain to Yulin and Lanzhou before the end of October."

  Feng Tang looked at Wang Shaoquan and nodded.

300,000 shi of grain is not much, and it is not much. If it is to go to the capital, it is not a big deal if it is transported by water. If it is a canal, a fleet of twenty or thirty ships can be transported by ten or so. Land transportation, especially to the northwest, is not so simple. People eat horses and chew, which consumes a lot.

Wang Shaoquan's face changed slightly, he lowered his head to calculate, and then raised his head: "My lords, it's not that Shaoquan is not happy, if you agree, you must do it. Food prices in Shanxi and Henan have both increased by 20% this year. Well, the increase in food in Huguang is about 15%, and there is still an upward trend in the near future, but if it is transported from Huguang to Shaanxi via gold merchants, it will cost a lot, but if it is transported from Henan, such a large amount, I am afraid that it will be sold immediately. It will cause a wave of food price rises in various parts of Henan,..."

  Wang Shaoquan is telling the truth. Both Feng Ziying and Feng Tang predicted that everyone could see the severe drought in the Northland. This winter will definitely increase by more than 50% compared to last year. With this expectation, the steady rise of food prices is a general trend.

According to the current grain prices, the price of wheat in Zhangjiawan, Tongzhou, Jingshi is about 1,230 yuan per stone, the price of second-grade flour is about 1,280 yuan per stone, the price of round-grained rice is about 22,000 yuan per stone, and corn is the cheapest, about 1,220 yuan per stone. For one thing, the prices of wheat, flour and corn in Shanxi and Henan are not much different from those in Beijing and Zhongzhong, and they have all risen by a large margin, but the price of round-grained rice is higher, mainly because there are not many eaters and the quantity is small, so the price is naturally high.

However, the price of wheat in Shaanxi has risen to about 1,260 yuan, the price of inferior flour has already broken through 22,000 yuan per shi, and the price of corn is about 1,240 yuan per shi. The above ratio is based on the ratio of wheat to seven corn and three to three. Now that the autumn harvest has not started, the price has risen by more than half. It is estimated that the price will at least double by this winter, or even more.

  In this case, how can ordinary people afford to eat under the bad harvest?

   "Then Shaoquan's idea...?" Feng Ziying didn't say much, just asked the other party what he planned to do.

  If Shanxi merchants are willing to help, the price problem is not a problem. They have ways to avoid the situation of skyrocketing grain prices due to large-scale purchases.

"We still have to find a way from Huguang." Wang Shaoquan thought for a while, "Sell grain from Huguang and the south to Henan, with japonica rice as the mainstay and wheat as the supplement. The price of grain in Henan has been brought down, especially wheat, and then secretly absorbed,..."

   "But Henan also suffered from severe drought this year..." Feng Ziying questioned.

"Henan has suffered a severe drought, but the nearby Nanzhi and Huguang are granaries, so the import is relatively easy and the pressure is relatively small. If the trend of falling grain prices in Huguang Nanzhi harvest is created, the vicious food price in Henan can be curbed to the greatest extent. The rise, we can only do so much, it is impossible to expect food prices to fall, we can only say that the price rises less, and the speed is faster, once the illusion is exposed, those grain merchants will react quickly,..."

  Wang Shaoquan's affirmative tone made Feng Ziying believe it. Under such circumstances, it is wishful thinking to expect to bring down the price of food. The only hope is to reduce the price increase.

   "In addition to Henan, Shanxi can also buy some, but not too much, otherwise it will cause a sharp increase in food prices,..."

"Shaoquan, I will entrust this matter to you. My father just came back from Liaodong, and here we have to negotiate with the cabinet, the Ministry of Households, and the Ministry of War. The required money needs to be delayed a bit..." Before Feng Ziying finished speaking, Wang Shaoquan had already picked up Said: "My lords, thanks for looking up to us, we will definitely get things done, and we will talk about money and silver in the future. Isn't the face of your lords worth hundreds of thousands of taels of silver?"

  Purchasing grain and transporting grain is not a simple matter, it requires considerable skills, otherwise it will be half the effort, and professional matters can only be handled by these professional businessmen, Feng Tang and Feng Ziying are very clear about this.

Although it was entrusted to the businessmen from Shanshan and Shaanxi, Feng Tang and Feng Ziying also knew that they must give each other an explanation, but Feng Tang has not yet officially assumed the post of the governor of the three sides, so right now they can only rely on this face and friendship to let him go. People do it, and they can't even give me a stamped letter.

After Wang Shaoquan left, Feng Tang looked at Feng Ziying with a smile: "Ziying, I can't see that these Shanshan businessmen trust you so much. It's not for my sake, but because they really recognize you. "

"Father, we are very happy to cooperate in Yongping Mansion. Shanxi merchants have realized that the Jiangnan merchant gang is squeezing them. The power of the Dongting, Longyou, Anfu, and Huizhou merchant gangs is expanding rapidly. Even I need it." Dealing with these Jiangnan businessmen, my cousin is in Guangzhou, and Xue Biao is in Denglai. They have to cooperate with these Jiangnan businessmen. Get up, so I suggest that they take the road of industry, especially mining coal, smelting steel, making iron and cement, which can be regarded as a good start,..."

The success of the cooperation in Yongping should be regarded as Feng Ziying's establishment of a very good impression foundation with Shanxi merchants. If not, even Feng Tang's face would not be able to ask people to advance hundreds of thousands of taels of silver to buy food and transportation. Of course, the prospects of Feng Tang and Feng Ziying's father and son must also be very optimistic for Shanshan businessmen.

"My father knows that the cement at Yuguan has become very popular in western Liaoning. When I passed Shanhaiguan, I also saw that Shanhaiguan began to use cement to strengthen the crenels of the city wall. There were also reports in Zhongzuo Tunwei, Guangning that cement was smeared. Bonding can quickly complete the repair of the city wall, especially suitable for post-war repair and maintenance,…”

Feng Tang said cheerfully: "Don't think that you don't understand these things because you are a father. I am also familiar with these new things. I originally planned to equip the Liaodong Army with self-generated firecrackers on a large scale this year, but now it seems that the imperial court has enough money. Are your workshops in Yongping Mansion willing to accept credit?"

Feng Ziying laughed, "Father, it's not up to me to decide this. I'm afraid Shanshan businessmen and Zhuang Limin may not be willing. Now the Shenji Battalion in the Jingying Camp is undergoing a major remodeling. This is specially approved by the emperor. Since then The internal treasury and the Jieshen treasury have specially allocated money to solve it, and the household department is afraid that it is really out of money now."

   "Don't be sloppy, I don't know yet? Wang Shaoquan even dared to take hundreds of thousands of taels of grain in one bite. Why can't a little money be enough?" Feng Tang scolded with a smile.

"It's two different things. Father, Wang Shaoquan is also aware of the situation in the northwest. The imperial court will definitely allocate the money soon. It's up to the Liaodong household department to get the money." Feng Ziying shook her head, "Wait Let’s talk about it later, the speed of the Liaodong Fire Gun Army’s equipment has far surpassed the towns of Ji Town and Xuanda, let alone the towns in the Northwest.”

  (end of this chapter)

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