Number of People

Chapter 1489: Xin Zijuan Careful Thoughts

  Chapter 1489 Xin Zijuan Careful Thoughts

Feng Tang's return did cause a lot of excitement in the court. In addition to Feng Tang being frequently recruited by the cabinet and the Ministry of War to discuss matters in the Northwest, there were also many people who came to visit Feng's residence, including many in the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion. The warriors who eat idle food.

Although the Feng family does not belong to the group of four kings, eight lords and twelve princes who were the first to follow Taihe Emperor Conglong's Wu Xun, they also belong to the group of people who followed Taihe Emperor Dajiangshan earlier, and most of these Wu Xun are still Some friendship.

   With the changes of the times, the so-called top four kings, eight lords and twelve lords have gradually declined, and the distance from the ordinary martial arts like the Feng family has gradually become even, or even less.

Among the four kings, except for King Beijing who is still relatively active, the other three kings are basically in a stage of sharp decline. Among the Eight Dukes, only the Zhenguo Bull family can still hold on to the situation. But there are not many new talents in the branch.

  Most of these martial arts are crowded in the five-army governor's mansion to hang out idle jobs to eat and eat. Just like Shi Nai back then, he racked his brains to find an opportunity to become an official.

  So when Feng Tang came back, many people felt that there was another chance, just like Shi Nai was promoted by Niu Jizong, and he could also be a general in Datong Town, and the money came rolling in.

Of course, it doesn't mean that all Wu Xun's children come here only for money, and there are still very few who have some family background. stand out.

  When Feng Ziying goes home every day, she can see the guests coming and going in Fengcheng Hutong and waiting for a meeting. Many of them are the children of four princes, eight princes and twelve princes.

  He is now a civil servant, and he doesn't have much in common with these people, that is, nodding acquaintances.

  Of course, there are a few people waiting to see Feng Ziying at this door, but no matter what, the residents of this alley and the Wu Xuns all know that the Feng family is now considered well-off.

  Lao Tzu concurrently serves as the governor of the two places, even if it is temporary, but this qualification is enough to be proud of.

  The son is only twenty years old, and he is already a fourth-rank civil servant, an important member of the Shuntian Mansion, and is well-known in the capital.

  This situation is simply enviable and jealous for a family of military origin.

  Feng Ziying, Shen, Erxue and other wives and concubines returned to Erfang after eating.

After my father came back, it is reasonable to say that he should go to eat together, but my father is too busy. He almost goes to the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Households, the Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies and the Cabinet during the day, and sees guests at night. It's a simple way to deal with it. It's simply that my mother and aunt eat with my father, and Feng Ziying eats with my father.

   It was her turn to stay in the second bedroom tonight, Baochai was inconvenient, so naturally she went to Baoqin Room to rest.

  However, the gossip time after dinner is often the most relaxing and life-like time for Feng Ziying and his wives and concubines. No matter which room the women are in, they like this time the most.

In the long room, everyone hugs the daughter and teases and chats with the child. In the second room, they also lean on the kang with Baochai and Baoqin. Xiangling and Yinger come to relax by beating their legs and pressing their shoulders. .

   Picking up Fenglu tea and taking a sip, Feng Ziying nodded. The taste is smooth and the taste is excellent. This tea is brewed well.

   This is actually a white tea similar to Baihao Yinzhen. It needs to be steeped in advance, and the taste will start to develop after a few steeps. Drinking it after a meal can also help digestion.

   "Master, do you think this tea is good?" Bao Qin asked with a smile on the side.

Xiangling gently pressed Feng Ziying's shoulders behind Feng Ziying's back, while Ying'er was beating Feng Ziying's legs under her feet. Feng Ziying was not used to this posture at first, but she got used to it after going back and forth, and even enjoyed it after dinner every day. Relax.

On the side of the long room are Qingwen and Yunshang. Occasionally, Second Sister You will come to help press her shoulders. On the side of the second room, it is basically Xiangling and Yinger. Occasionally, Lingguan, Baoqin's personal girl, will also come. Help wash your feet and rub your legs.

   "Well, the timing is very good. At this time, the taste is just right, and the taste is just right." Feng Ziying nodded, "Why, could it be that my sister made it herself?"

   "I don't dare to claim credit for being a concubine, it was made by senior officials." Baoqin sat on the edge of the kang beside Feng Ziying, while Baochai and Feng Ziying sat across the kang.

Glancing at Lingguan standing by the wall, Feng Ziying looked over, the girl quickly lowered her head, but her face turned red, Feng Ziying nodded calmly: "Lingguan heard that singing opera is very good, but I have never listened to it." But, let me sing it sometime, what will happen? By the way, there is also a Douguan, I heard that everyone can sing?"

Baoqin giggled coquettishly, "Sir, my concubine has been married for so long with Lingguan and Douguan, and it's only at this time that I mentioned this? The Ruiguan next to my sister can also sing, and all three of them can sing." It's a play, and there are quite a few plays that can be sung, if Xianggong is interested, you might as well spare some time for them to perform."

Feng Ziying still couldn't figure out what this girl Baoqin was thinking and what she was going to do, but he didn't have the energy to ask about these things in Houzhai during this period, so he shook his head: "I'm afraid this period of time will not work, I am too busy , I have to wait until the sale is over, and my father will see if he has time after he goes to the Northwest."

"It's not that you want to hold a church meeting in a serious way, why is it so troublesome?" Baoqin shook her head: "If my husband is tired and wants to relax, let them sing a little in this room. Never leave your hands, never leave your mouth, this is going to be put down, it will not be easy to pick it up later,..."

  Feng Ziying nodded helplessly: "What my sister said is that it would be a pity for them to abandon the skills they have practiced since childhood."

   Baochai also frowned slightly on the side. Baoqin just likes to make troubles. During this time, Xianggong is very busy, and she doesn't know what tricks she will come up with.

Baochai has a generous personality, and considering that Baoqin is also young, she has given way more. She also knows that Baoqin has a sense of propriety. Even if some things are slightly out of line, it doesn't hurt. Inevitably.

A few days ago when Daiyu came to the mansion, she met her father-in-law and her mother-in-law. She was afraid that Baoqin would be a little unhappy again. Today, she saw that Baoqin specifically mentioned that the senior official made tea, so she was worried about what Baoqin was going to do. A moth.

   "Come on, Ling Guan, go change your clothes and sing a song for Mr. Xianggong. Mr. Xianggong is also tired these days. It's good to listen to a song to relieve fatigue." Baoqin pursed her lips.

   When Ling Guan came out after changing his clothes, Baochai immediately realized the problem.

The white shirt that this girl is wearing is really handsome and coquettish, pretty, filial piety, the graceful look between her brows, vaguely has the appearance of Daiyu one or two years ago, and it seems that Daiyu also has Such a white dress, just a little more red dots, but looking at it this way, she is really a little Daiyu, even a little more weak and enchanting than Qingwen.

Feng Ziying hadn't reacted yet, he just subconsciously thought that Baoqin was asking for pets, so he deliberately asked Lingguan, a girl, to sing to please him, but in a trance, this girl really had a bit of Daiyu's demeanor, especially the one between her eyebrows. Graceful and weak, with a bit of anticipation and longing in her eyes, she didn't know if she was really acting or what, which made Feng Ziying feel strange.

  A section of "Yutangchun" This girl is quite skilled, and Feng Ziying can't help but look at her with admiration.

   I didn’t expect that the group of little actors bought by the Rongguo Mansion had a lot of knowledge. How old is this girl? She was only about thirteen or fourteen years old when she entered the Rongguo Mansion, right? This kid is probably not even sixteen years old, right?

This should be due to diligent study and hard work since childhood, and the ability to have such skills under the guidance of famous masters. No wonder it is said that the Grand View Garden costs a lot of money. It is estimated that these little opera singers have spent a lot of money on the purchase, and then they have to continue to train , How can this Rongguo Mansion be able to withstand it?

   This age official is very devoted to singing, and the sadness, joy, and loneliness in his eyebrows are vividly expressed. In addition, he is beautiful in appearance, slender, and has a seven-to-eight-year-old Daiyu appearance, which really makes Feng Ziying a little bit excited.

   This Baoqin is really powerful, it is unsurpassed in trying to figure out a man's mind, even Baochai is not far behind.

   After singing the song, Feng Ziying couldn't help clapping her hands in praise, "Okay, it's really good, it's rare, Lingguan, your skills are not shallow, how long have you been practicing?"

"My servant has been apprenticed to a teacher since she was five years old, and it has been ten years. There has been no interruption in the middle, that is, she has been practicing here since she married the lady, but not as hard as in the past..." Speaking of singing, this A look of arrogance and complacency appeared on Lingguan's face, "This is because the level of the slaves has dropped a bit. If it was last year, the slaves could sing even better..."

   Baochai also frowned when she heard what she said. This girl is indeed similar to Baoqin and Daiyu, both of whom have a kind of aloof and arrogant temperament.

  Well, Xianggong asks you, does it really depend on how high your level is? It's just a random question.

Baochai knew that her husband was not very interested in listening to operas, but because of Baoqin's face, she couldn't bear to disobey her. Most of the compliments were aimed at how similar this girl was to Daiyu. I really feel how good this play is.

  Bao Qin really picked up the words: "If Xianggong thinks that Ling Guan sings well, then if it's okay, let her sing for Xianggong more. If Douguan and Ruiguan are paired with this girl, the effect will be even better."

  Feng Ziying didn't think so far away for a while, she nodded: "My sister is interested, but how can I have so much leisure time to listen to the show for my husband, let's talk about it after this busy period."

  Bao Qin smiled, "One piece and one relaxation is the way of civil and martial arts. Don't work too **** yourself. Take a break like today to relax. In fact, it will be more beneficial for you to handle official duties in a fuller state tomorrow..."

  (end of this chapter)

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