Number of People

Chapter 1491: Xin Zijuan status symbol, strength coordinates

  Chapter 1491 Xin Zijuan status symbol, strength coordinates

  Jia Qiang suddenly became busy during this time.

   It's not that he's usually not busy, but that he's too busy these days.

  There are only twenty-two private rooms on the second floor, eight for A, B, and C respectively, forming a semi-arc shape, and the first floor is the lobby.

  The problem is that this time, except for the six private rooms that Uncle Feng said hello to, the remaining private rooms are far from enough.

Countless people came to book a private room, and Jia Qiang didn't think it was a big deal before, because the price of this private room was more than five times higher than when watching a theater, from less than twenty taels of silver to one hundred taels Silver, and only once, because it is said that there may be three to four rounds of sales, including antique calligraphy and paintings, rare jewelry, farm shops, and other miscellaneous items.

   Just this private room alone can be worth thousands of dollars, and the key is in short supply, which made Jia Qiang afraid to accept this kind of business.

  Without him, they are all here for this sales conference.

The rumors from the outside world are too mysterious. It is said that there are hundreds of people involved in the Jingtong Ercang case. In the past 20 years, the outgoing ambassador, deputy ambassador, and officials below Jingtong Ercang colluded with various grain merchants. They ate their bowls full of fat. Not only were they shoddy food for inferior rice and wheat for the sergeants in the border town, but they also fiddled with it every year when they traded the old for the new. The poor old grain was still being deducted wantonly in quantity, and in the end it simply developed into a direct corruption of ink.

It’s no wonder that the four towns in the northwest have repeatedly raised wages. The big reason here is that the officials of the second warehouse in Jingtong are making trouble. Do not eat all kinds of low-quality rice and wheat mixed with soil, sand and insect excrement. Do you think there is any reason for people not to make trouble?

  Twenty years, how much money have these officials and grain merchants been involved in? Some said three million taels, some said five million taels, some said tens of millions of taels, and some even directly said that a certain official's house was paved with gold and jade, and the furnishings were more luxurious than the palace. There are no oil lamps and candles in the house, all use night pearls,..., even the servants wear fur and silk, which is better than ordinary people's masters.

   This kind of rumor has reached the point of being out of hand in the end. Almost everyone in the capital city does not talk about it, no one knows about it, and no one thinks about it.

Not only "Today's News" often publishes this kind of gossip, but tabloids such as "Beidi Business Daily" and "Jinghua Daily" even start to make up some details here to derive various stories. What is wrong with this coral? How, it was presented by the King of Ryukyu, how about that luminous pearl, it was rewarded by Prince Sulu to the famous prostitute in the brothel, Yun Yun...

All in all, many treasures and antiques that were not very surprising at first began to have a fantasy color after adding a legendary story of joys and sorrows. False, Feng Ziying is also dumbfounded.

   Of course, there is his inspiration here, but it is still unexpected to reach this state.

Feng Ziying always thought that the rich people in Dazhou were relatively low-key, so they would rather cast the silver they earned into silver cakes and silver ingots and hide them in the cellar, or they would keep buying land, even if they wanted to show off their wealth. The most important thing is to build a manor garden, which has shown its own style.

He originally thought that such a vulgar way of auction might only attract some middle- and lower-class merchants, or some nouveau riche. People like Dongting merchants, Longyou merchants, Yangzhou salt merchants, and Huizhou merchants might not be willing to participate. This kind of sales activity, so when I sent out invitations, I didn't expect too much, I just thought it would be good to have one or two representatives to join in the show.

Who would have thought that as soon as the invitation was sent out, it would attract a lot of attention. People from Dongting, Longyou, and Yangzhou salt merchants were all very interested. Previously, the family gave two or three invitations, but later they had to increase the number to seven or eight. The supply of invitation cards is still in short supply, but the capacity of this private room is limited, and eight seats in one private room is the limit.

   It is impossible for Feng Ziying to take over all the private rooms, and some of them have to be operated through market rules, so as to achieve their goals.

  Feng Ziying's arrangement immediately pushed Jia Qiang to the forefront.

Previously, Feng Ziying asked him to consider raising the price of private rooms to an unattainable price, which could effectively increase the price. After all, the top dignitaries and merchants in Dazhou had all booked private rooms for them by himself, and the rest of them If all these cats and dogs came to sit, it would undoubtedly make these people feel ashamed, and it would also make Feng Ziying's previous campaign a joke.

Therefore, when Jia Qiang received this request, she was also apprehensive. If these ten or so private rooms were not accepted because of the willingness of the price, she might also have to bear the criticism of Uncle Feng, indicating that she did not fully estimate the consumption here. ability.

However, when the first private room other than the six private rooms reserved by Uncle Feng was reserved by the grain merchants of the Huguang Chamber of Commerce, Jia Qiang's heart settled down. One head, then other merchants will follow immediately.

  As expected, dozens of individuals or chambers of commerce requested to rent private rooms, which put Jia Qiang in a predicament.

  Before, I was expecting as many guests as possible, but when you have no room in hand, having one more will put you under pressure. You must know that these people have some background behind them.

Even so, Jia Qiang still had a huge headache, because apart from selling three of the other sixteen private rooms before she realized it at the beginning, the other thirteen private rooms became the focus of many people. The identity symbolizes the declaration of strength and status, so everyone is showing their abilities and wants to take a private room pass from Jia Qiang.

In the end, Jia Qiang bit the bullet and sold a few more, and when there were only four remaining, he really didn't dare to sell them anymore. If he bought them, he would offend others, and he was a very capable character in the capital city. Had to think twice.

"Master, my nephew really feels that I can't make the decision. Although there are still four private rooms here, there are seven or eight of them who are determined to get a place. They are all people who are not easy to mess with, so my nephew has nothing to do now. It's over..." Jia Qiang cried with a sad face.

"As for what? It's not that they don't want money. Could it be that these people are being taken advantage of? There is plenty of space below, and it's closer to the stage. Don't they know?" Feng Ziying is naturally too lazy to win the championship. Anyway, standing and talking doesn't bother her back. .

   I have a bad cold, and my head is dizzy, and I am a little less. I will try to see if I can recover tomorrow.



  (end of this chapter)

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