Number of People

Chapter 1492: Xin Zijuan Jia Qiang's Ambition

  Chapter 1492 Xin Zijuan Jia Qiang's Ambition

"Master, you think so, but others don't think so." Jia Qiang stood beside her with her hands down, her face full of distress, "Everyone thinks that he is a respectable person, if he is compared by friends, partners or business rivals, Everyone sits in a private room, but I sit downstairs, so where is the face? Maybe people think that you don’t have enough contacts and strength in this capital, and maybe they won’t come to you for the next business,..."

I have to say that Jia Qiang's statement is somewhat reasonable. In the past two months, this sales event has been hyped up, and she even asked Cao Yu to spare no effort to fan the flames on the "Daily News". The tabloid newspapers with their own gossip attributes yelled loudly, and everyone's minds were incited, including business tycoons, Beijing and China dignitaries, out-of-town wealthy businessmen, and local gentry and celebrities.

  Especially those legendary stories about some of the rare antiques, which attracted many people’s hearts, wanting to see if a certain object is as magical as imagined.

The box ticket is only one hundred taels of silver, which is amazing for ordinary people, but for dignitaries, wealthy businessmen and businessmen, it is not worth mentioning. If you go up to one thousand taels, for them It's nothing to worry about, of course, it's impossible for Daguanlou to do this, it's too outrageous.

"Businessmen who think this way are all low-level. Who doesn't know the basics of business? Is it because you can show your face at this sales conference and sit in a private room, you feel that people have deep connections and strong strength? Absurd!" Feng Ziying retorted bluntly: "You may think us Da Zhou merchants are a little too vulgar."

   Naturally, Jia Qiang did not dare to argue with Feng Ziying, but this time was indeed a rare opportunity for Daguanlou.

  In Jia Yun’s view, the status of Daguanlou in Xiyuanzi has reached the extreme, and it is already very difficult to seek a breakthrough.

   After all, a pattern of confrontation between several famous buildings in central Beijing has been formed. It is very difficult for anyone who wants to overwhelm anyone. There are big trees behind everyone.

  Like Uncle Feng and King Zhongshun’s Mingyue Tower, there was already a gentleman’s agreement not to engage in vicious competition, and then the Raoliang Pavilion also joined in.

Yanzilou has been unwilling to join, but was suppressed by these three companies, and then began to decline. Until last year, Yanzilou changed owners and was bought by Beijing Jingwang. Only then did the competition in the opera gardens begin to enter the relatively peaceful era of the Four Kingdoms struggle for hegemony.

However, due to the squeeze in the past two years, Yanzilou's strength has declined a lot, and now it has fallen from its original position to the last of the four major theaters. Compared with the top three, it has opened a certain distance, and there are still several theaters behind. In terms of strength and fame, there is still a certain distance from Yanzi Tower, but it has begun to faintly catch up.

However, Jia Qiang is not a master who is willing to be conservative. After taking over the management of Daguanlou from Jia Yun, he is all about making Daguanlou better, and using the changes in Daguanlou to prove to Uncle Feng that although he is It was recommended by Jia Yun, but not inferior to Jia Yun.

Jia Yun's jump from being in charge of Daguanlou to becoming the big shopkeeper of Haitong Yinzhuang Jingshi is really enviable. The gap between the two is really too big. One is the big steward of the opera garden, and the other is in charge of the entire Jingji bank. The top shopkeeper in the industry, but Jia Yun took office just like that, and he has been doing impressively for more than a year. Without him, it is because of him that he got into Uncle Feng's eyes, and Uncle Feng's full support, let him sit firmly this location.

  Jia Yun can do it, why can’t Jia Qiang?

  He will use his performance in Daguanlou to prove that he can, even surpass Jia Yun!

   How to prove it, Jia Qiang felt that this sales conference was a very rare opportunity for transformation.

  Seeing that the price of this private room has skyrocketed five times and the supply is still in short supply, even forcing myself to seek help from Uncle Feng, this feeling of anxiety and joy is really hard to describe to others.

Jia Qiang felt that such a big sale of ink would definitely be investigated by the imperial court in the future, and the Daguanlou could follow. Can make a lot of money.

In Jia Qiang’s view, Daguanlou should not be limited to just acting. In the future, Daguanlou can take a high-end route, and the theater troupes invited should be more high-end. Ordinary theater troupes are firmly not allowed to perform in Daguanlou, even if the price is very low. Make every effort to create this high-end impression.

The other thing is to consider transformation. Things like sales and auctions that attract the attention of the public can be undertaken more. Let’s take a stroll around Daguanlou first, and appreciate the most dazzling pearl in the capital city.

   Jia Qiang even considered introducing storytelling into Daguanlou.

  This is a bit difficult, because in the minds of dignitaries and gentry, storytellers are still Xialiba people, and they are the fun of poor people in the middle and lower classes in teahouses. If you want to enter Daguanlou, it will definitely have an impact on the style and level of Daguanlou.

But Jia Qiang felt that this kind of storytelling was very popular in the capital city. Some storytellers had already won many regular customers in many teahouses, and their influence was also increasing. In fact, many gentry and dignitaries also liked it very much. This kind of style appeals to both the refined and the popular, but because of the traditional inertia, no one is willing to break this pattern.

  As long as Uncle Feng’s support can be won, Jia Qiang feels that it is absolutely possible to invite famous storytellers from the capital city, even Yangzhou, and Suzhou to perform on stage, so that everyone can feel the level of top storytellers.

In addition, Jia Qiang even thought about whether it is possible to consider not only some government sales fairs, but also take the initiative to contract or organize some sales fairs, such as Jingshi and Yangzhou, Suzhou's top jewelry stores or medicinal materials stores, and top products of silk and satin shops. , It is specially used for the top people in the capital city to taste and sell, which can also improve the style of Daguanlou, and can also win more for the brand and revenue of Daguanlou.

"Master, you said that our merchants in Dazhou are not so vulgar, but how high are the merchants' taste?" Jia Qiang euphemistically defended, "Besides, such a momentum has already been built, and newspapers have also published it. Yes, and these newspapers and publications have to go to the site to observe and find topics when they are on sale. To fight for this breath, to show my face this time, I don't care about selling myself."

"Longyou merchants and Dongting merchants have always been at odds, and Huizhou merchants and Shanshan Chamber of Commerce are even more deadly enemies. Yangzhou salt merchants look down on all other merchants, as well as merchants from North Korea, Japan, and Southeast Asia. Red-haired merchants, they are all gathered here, and the momentum of this kind of bidding and raising prices can be easily grasped,..."

  Jia Qiang didn't say any more.

  Feng Ziying laughed. He didn't expect that Jia Qiang's head melon seeds were very useful, which exceeded his expectations.

   "Brother Qiang, it looks like you have a plan, tell me." Of course Feng Ziying will not discourage the other party's enthusiasm.

For people like Jia Yun and Jia Qiang who have no footsteps and background, they are naturally willing to follow people like themselves, and they are also willing to accept them for their own use. The Jia family has long since fallen, and they are not expected to go to war, so they stay in Beijing. , and no one else to support, and I gave them such an opportunity, they can only follow me wholeheartedly.

"Master, I'm thinking, it would be nice to have more sales like this, but the sales are bound to be limited, so how can we maintain the reputation of Daguanlou? Since this kind of sales are very popular, why can't we Do it more often? Anyway, every year the imperial court will investigate and deal with some major cases, so can all the property under investigation be handled in this way? Also, if the property involved in such a major case is not acceptable, can we please Those famous jewelry stores in the capital city or Yangzhou city in Suzhou choose some ingenious or attractive items for a tasting, and then come to the auction after the tasting. .”

  Feng Ziying looked at Jia Lian with admiration. This guy has a bit of a pioneering and innovative thinking, and he can actually come up with this.

"Well, yes, this idea is very creative. There are many jewelry stores in the south of the capital, and everyone is competing fiercely, and they all want to make a name for themselves. Then Daguanlou can take advantage of this incident to operate properly. It might be possible to make this kind of attempt." Feng Ziying nodded: "Is there anything else?"

"Also, there are many pawnshops in the capital city. There are many dead pawns left over every year. They have been accumulated over the years, and there are also many strange things. Maybe they are worthless in the eyes of some people, but there are also some customers with special preferences. I like it very much, if we can provide an occasion for them to display and identify, and then sell it again, this will be a welcome opportunity for everyone,..."

  Feng Ziying was really shocked by Jia Qiang's thinking. If the previous ones were inspired by himself, then this cooperation with the **** shop was figured out by himself.

   "Is there any more?" Feng Ziying encouraged.

"Also, what's more, my nephew is wondering if we can introduce some of the most famous storytellers to talk about stories, maybe we can attract more guests..." Jia Qiang said while observing the changes in Feng Ziying's expression, After all, this is a bit deviant, but is there still a lot of deviant things about Uncle Feng?

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying nodded, sure enough, she had new ideas, Jia Qiang is not bad. "Very good, this idea is very good, have you considered how to operate it?"

   I have a cold, sorry.



  (end of this chapter)

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