Number of People

Chapter 1498: Xin Zijuan first hand

  Chapter 1498 Xin Zijuan First Hand

  Feng Ziying still did not spend the night here.

  In the room, he soothed Lin Hongyu, who had just broken the jade, and Shi Shiran took away the sweat towel as a souvenir. Naturally, he also wanted to leave a souvenir.

  A jade fan pendant, this is his favorite thing tied to the folding fan that never leaves his body, but this time it came out suddenly, and he was not prepared, so he had to take it off and leave it to Lin Hongyu.

  However, this pendant is exquisite in texture and well-made. It is an authentic Lantian jade piece from the Tang Dynasty, and it is suitable for hanging under the neck.

  Feng Ziying also wants to stay, but now she can't help herself in the rivers and lakes. There are two wives at home, one single and one couple. If she doesn't go back one day, she will be suspicious.

  Especially because she was too busy a while ago, Feng Ziying almost always went back after the time of the day, and she felt a little guilty at first, but she didn't return home today, so I'm afraid it would be easier to explain.

  The carriage was running on the street. It was already past Haizheng, equivalent to ten o'clock in later generations. The heat had already dissipated. The wind came in through the gaps in the curtains and brushed over Feng Ziying's cheeks and neck, which was very comfortable.

   Of course the sense of comfort does not stop there, Feng Ziying is also thinking about things.

   After falling in love with Lin Hongyu, it is inevitable to gossip.

  Lin Hongyu is a smart woman, so naturally she wouldn't talk about Wang Xifeng and Ping'er, so the topic can only be about things in the Rongguo Mansion.

  Wang Xifeng actually used Lin Hongyu as his eyes and ears. Even if he moved here, he basically had to ask Lin Hongyu to go back to Rongguo Mansion every now and then.

Inquire about news, keep in touch with each other, and maintain the heat. All in all, the relationship between the Jia family still needs to be maintained. A thin camel is bigger than a horse, and a centipede is dead but not stiff. The Jia family still has some resources that can be used. Wang Xifeng is in the Jia family. After so many years of immersion, of course I don't want to give up completely.

  The situation in Rongguo Mansion is getting worse.

  Because the monthly payment has been halved, the servants' minds are floating. Although there is no desertion yet, the slack in doing things is becoming more and more obvious.

A few days ago, Tanchun caught a few women and servants who were lazy, drinking, and sleeping, and reprimanded and punished them. The point is that the signs are spreading.

Everyone has a family. Although they don't have to worry about food and clothing, the monthly money is their biggest hope every month. Now it has been reduced by half, and even this half has been delayed. What will happen next? Could it be that the monthly payment is in arrears or even not paid?

Moreover, since the beginning of this year, the practice of buying new clothes, shoes and hats every season seems to have been forgotten. No one mentioned it in March and April, and no one cares about summer clothes in July, which naturally aroused many people's attention. dissatisfaction.

  Of course, some people would ask the wife and grandma Zhu in private, and they all said that Yu Tanchun would handle it, but no one dared to ask Tanchun.

People with a discerning eye know that it’s probably not that Tanchun doesn’t do it, but that there is no money in the mansion to do it, but there are always some dull-minded people who think that Tanchun is detaining everyone, so they feel even more resentful towards Tanchun, and they all start to use various methods. Through this channel, he complained to his wife and ancestors.

  Under such circumstances, the Rongguo Mansion was full of undercurrents and complaints, and some people were already planning to find another way out.

  Some people want to go to the village in the countryside, and some want to go back to Jinling in the south. Of course, they are just talking about it now, but if the situation is still the same by the end of the year, I am afraid it will really become a real action.

  Feng Ziying also knew that Tanchun was a man of integrity, and Mrs. Wang handed over the matter to Li Wan and Tanchun. In fact, Li Wan was pretending to be a good man, and Tanchun came to be a villain.

Long before Wang Xifeng resigned, she was struggling, but Wang Xifeng was shrewd and cunning, coaxing Jiamu and Yuanyang well, and kept taking out the old things in Jiamu's room to **** or sell them, so the last paragraph She can still manage to maintain it for a while, and when she hands it off, she will really reveal her true colors.

The old things in Jiamu's house are not endless, and there are always a few pressed boxes left for the facade. As soon as Tanchun took office, he was poured cold water on him, which made his heart feel cold. Being able to think of ways to cut down on food and clothing from all aspects will definitely make many people uncomfortable. Naturally, there are a lot of gossips, and even Tanchun's reputation in Rongguo Mansion has become difficult to hear.

  Lin Hongyu mentioned that all kinds of entanglements made the third girl bother her mind and mind. In addition, she was told by her wife two days ago that she fell ill.

   This made Feng Ziying feel a little bit emotional.

Tanchun is a strong one. Mrs. Wang put her on the fire. She probably didn't know it. It's just that she couldn't push it, but she wanted to do things well, but there was a "bad guy" standing next to her. Li Wan, plus the current situation of Rongguo Mansion, how could he do well?

  Under this haggard heart and mind, I still can't get Mrs. Wang's good face. After all, I'm still a girl, so how can I stand it?

With all kinds of feelings, Feng Ziying returned home, thinking about asking Jin Chuaner to bring her a change of clothes. After all, she and Lin Hongyu spent an hour or two on the bed. Wipe and wash first to cover up.

  But he never thought that he would see his father coming as soon as he arrived in the yard of his study, so he hurried to greet him.


   "Are you coming back now? Are you still so busy? I've been waiting for you for an hour." Feng Tang looked his son up and down with piercing eyes, which made Feng Ziying feel a little flustered.

   "Uh, I had some social activities outside, so I was delayed, and my father didn't rest so late, but what's the matter?"

During this period of time, my father has been traveling between the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Households and the Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies, and occasionally goes to Wenyuan Pavilion. The emperor has only met once, and he probably will go there before he officially leaves Beijing. Meet and make a formal report.

  Feng Ziying was a little surprised that she was guarding her here today.

   "Let's go, go to your study and talk."

  Feng Tang waved his hand, Feng Ziying could only follow into the house.

   After entering the study, Feng Ziying noticed that her father must have had a few drinks and his face was slightly red, but he could tell that he was in a good state of mind. He walked around with his hands behind his back before sitting down.

   "Father, what's the matter?"

   "Well, I had a few drinks with Zishu (Chai Ke) tonight." Feng Tang nodded.

"Oh, Master Chai?" Feng Ziying was surprised. Chai Ke is now the Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Officials. He was promoted from the Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of War to the Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. It is reasonable to say that it is not bad, but Gao Panlong, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, is not a good role to match. At that time, Chai Ke had a bad relationship with him, and the two had constant quarrels.

   "Well, Ningxia's party, Wei Fu and Zi Shu are still somewhat friendly, but Xiu Ling (Yang He) unexpectedly went to Huguang to perform military duties on behalf of him, hehe..." Feng Tang shook his head, with a sneer on his face.

   "Why, father doesn't like Mr. Yang?" Feng Ziying couldn't help asking.

"Of course it's okay for Xiu Ling to be the governor of Yunyang, but the court is a bit sloppy when he is in charge of Jingxiang Town." Feng Tang said indifferently: "It's not impossible for civil servants to lead the army, but Xiu Ling has never been in contact with military affairs before, especially in the army. With no qualifications, how can it be so simple to stand alone and face the rebels with real swords and guns? Zhisheng (Sun Chengzong) has been in the Ministry of War for so many years, and he is calm in his work. Even so, he went to Sichuan He also didn't say that he was going to start a big fight soon, but he was going to practice martial arts honestly and polish the guards, but Xiu Ling wanted to make meritorious deeds with one blow, and this kind of mentality alone would cause trouble..."

   "My son thinks that the Southwest War is not good. I'm afraid it's not just these reasons..." Feng Ziying frowned when her father mentioned the Southwest War.

"Oh, then what do you think is the reason? There was no unified command?" Feng Tang nodded. It is a matter of course that the Southwest War is unfavorable. If the court really wants this situation, it can defeat Yang Yinglong's rebels. Like a pig.

   "There is this reason, but the more important thing is the Denglai Army!" Feng Ziying became more angry.

"Without the Denglai Army, if the imperial court has a unified command, it can still deal with the local soldiers in Bozhou!" Feng Tang said bluntly: "If the Jingxiang Army was handed over to Sun Chengzong to command, Yang Yinglong's head would have hung outside the Meridian Gate up!"

  " But if Wang Ziteng specifically delays at the critical moment, or even strikes back, wouldn't it be more dangerous?" Feng Ziying retorted: "The imperial court arranged for Mr. Sun to restrain Wang Ziteng,..."

  Feng Tang sighed, "The situation is like this, but the inside of the court is still the same, no matter what, your father and I will set off for the northwest as soon as possible, and I don't bother to care about these nonsense."

   "When is father going to leave?" Feng Ziying asked.

   "It depends on the effect of your sales conference. I told Huang Ruliang and Zhang Jingqiu that if there is no 800,000 taels of silver, I will not be able to settle the affairs of the Northwest." Feng Tang smiled.

   "Father, this is a lion's mouth. Even if I can sell it for a good price, 800,000 taels of silver is too much." Feng Ziying was taken aback, father is amazing.

   "It's just an offer. I know that the court is in trouble, but I also have difficulties." Feng Tang looked serious, "Liu Dongyang, Tu Wenxiu and the others are indeed a little restless, and Liu Baichuan is quite stable..."

  Feng Ziying opened her eyes wide, "Father, have you contacted there?"

   "Can I not contact you?" Feng Tang sighed, "I have already arranged for someone to go to the northwest before leaving Liaodong. By the way, you can also say hello to He Zhisheng. I will use him then."

   "Well, my son understands." Feng Ziying knew that her father's trip to the Northwest this time might not be a simple transition, but a deep water to seize the military power. "Did father notice something?"

It is rumored that my father will transition to the position of governor of the three sides, and then Yang He will return to his post, but after I talked to my father about the problems of Jiangnan, Prince Yizhong and the White Lotus Sect, my father clearly noticed the complexity of the problem Due to the seriousness of the situation and the seriousness of the situation, some targeted arrangements must be made, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to even catch a general like He Zhisheng.

He must not be very optimistic about Yang He's father. If Yang He goes to the northwest, he will have to float on the surface like Chen Jingxuan, and he will not be able to control the generals below. Start planning for a rainy day and make arrangements.

  (end of this chapter)

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