Number of People

Chapter 1499: Xin Zijuan early warning, response

  Chapter 1499 Xin Zijuan Warning, Response

"The news from the northwest has come back. The abolition of Guyuan Town and the merger of the second town of Ningxia and Gansu have greatly damaged the morale of the army, and the result of the merger of the two towns of Ganning and Ningxia may be that Dazhou will withdraw from Hami and Shazhou to Ganzhou, and return to Ganzhou. Until the situation five years ago, the four towns in the northwest have always been proud of recovering Shazhou and Hami, spending countless grain money and the lives of countless soldiers, and they returned silently like this, and it was only five years ago How can Liu Dongyang and Tu Wenxiu accept this?"

  Feng Tang sullenly said: "Even people like Liu Baichuan can't accept the court's arrangement. Can you imagine that Liu Dongyang, Tu Wenxiu, and Xu Chao, who are more radical generals, will tolerate this situation?"

Feng Ziying was shocked. He only thought about the possible impact on the soldiers of the imperial court's abolition and merger of the four towns in the northwest. Think of the attitude of powerful generals like Liu Dongyang.

Taking back Hami and Shazhou was a prerequisite for Liu Dongyang and the others to regain their status in the Zhou army. It can be said that it was because they took back Hami and Shazhou that the imperial court forgave their crime of rebellion and decided to recruit them. An act of atonement that was relied on was lightly discarded by the court, which means that they may be raised and attacked by interested people at any time in the future, and even be re-identified as sinners at a certain time.

   "Then what is the attitude of these people?" Feng Ziying also felt that she had underestimated the significance of regaining Shazhou and Hami to the gang of traitors.

This is their talisman. As long as Hami and Shazhou are there, the attacks and slanders against them will always be ineffective. After all, they worked hard to bring down the lost Hami and Shazhou in the previous Ming Dynasty, and realized the great cause of restoring the land of Han in the Great Zhou Dynasty. No one can obliterate this glory and credit, it is enough to offset their original rebellion, but if they discard it again in their hands, all the guilt may be held on them in the future, and they will never stand up again.

   "They are opposed to abolition and merger, and even more opposed to the imperial court shrinking back to Hami and Shazhou." Feng Tang's eyes were a little erratic.

  The attitude towards people like Liu Dongyang was within his expectation.

Recovering Hami and Shazhou is the foundation of their rebel generals. They must not lose them. If they lose them, they will be reduced to letting the court slaughter them. At least they still have a moral advantage. The generals in the army and even some northern scholars It is still recognized that they have taken back the credit of Hamisha Prefecture, and they will also bear moral pressure if the court wants to move.

  But what should I do after I go to the Northwest? Tough repression?

If people like Liu Baichuan and He Zhisheng fully support them, and with He Shixian's Yulin Town as their backing, Liu Dongyang and Tu Wenxiu's troops are not too many, and most of them are stationed in the west of Ganzhou. Just cutting off logistics will make them unable to survive. But is this good?

  Good advice? Both grace and power?

  Easier said than done, how to convince them?

  Although it is true that the imperial court can no longer support such a long front, it is also a helpless move to shrink and withdraw to Hami and Shazhou, but what does this have to do with Liu Dongyang and the others? This is the court's business.

  But if they are asked to give up Hami Shazhou, they will lose their amulets, and they will be placed in a situation where they may be attacked and slandered by their opponents at any time in the future. They will definitely not agree.

   "It's understandable, but they should see that the imperial court really can't support the expenses of the four towns in the northwest." Feng Ziying continued.

"So what if they know it? It's their own life and future. How can they be persuaded with a single sentence of understanding the general situation? They don't even agree why Huaiyang Town was established, and the result is to sacrifice them as the price. How can this be accepted?" Feng said. Tang laughed meaningfully, "Warriors are all about practical interests. If you lose Hami and Shazhou, you will lose your moral advantage. A civil official and an edict can easily take them down. It's hard for anyone to accept."

  Feng Ziying thought for a while, and then slowly said: "Father, I thought this might be an opportunity."

   "Opportunity?" Feng Tang rubbed his jaw, "Ziying, tell me."

"It's still the same point of view. My son thinks that from the second half of the year to the first half of next year, there will definitely be troubles within our Dazhou. Now my son is not sure where the troubles will erupt, but my son thinks that the situation in Shaanxi is not good, and my father should be firm. To prevent the area under the jurisdiction of the four towns in the northwest from becoming a fire starter, but if Guyuan is to be abolished and Ganning merged, the risk is very high. The son means that no matter whether the father gets 800,000 taels of silver from the court this time, 600,000 Whether it’s two taels of silver, or even 300,000 taels of silver, it’s best to temporarily stabilize the situation when going to the Northwest, don’t cancel the merger easily, it’s best to keep the status quo, and wait until the end of this year, then…”

"Ziying, what you said is simple, if the merger is not abolished, how can I reply to the task assigned to me by the court?" Feng Tang scolded with a smile, "If the court only gives 300,000 taels of silver, do you want your father to be a hostage to the Northwest soldiers? ?”

"Is father so unconfident? Uncle He's Yulin Army is a vegetarian? Doesn't Liu Baichuan know that he and Liu Dongyang are not the same people? Only by relying on your father can you stand firm? He Zhisheng and military generals like He Zhisheng There are also quite a few of the four towns in the northwest, and they definitely welcome you, father, to serve as the governor of the three sides,..."

"Besides, the commander-in-chief of Gansu, Ningxia, and Guyuan has been vacant all the time. The commander-in-chief of Ningxia Town has a vegetarian meal, and he has been implicated with Chen Jingxuan. Now, I am afraid that there is no one left. Father, why doesn't he hurry up and hand in the certificate? The commander-in-chief of Guyuan Town has no morale, especially the poor performance in the Southwest War, and the court is not satisfied. As long as his father gives him a hint, he will definitely submit an application for official appointment immediately. I can only rely on the chief soldier who is the leader of the father, and the chief soldier who was originally your father's old subordinate. Father, you still can't control the situation. I really want to wonder how you have been able to sit firmly in Datong, Yulin and Liaodong for so many years. gone."

Feng Ziying's grinning words made Feng Tang quite proud. The three sides are certainly not comparable to Jiliao and Xuanda, but they are four towns after all. There must be a lot of vacancies in this turmoil, and since he wants to appease him If you don't have enough money, you will definitely need a seat to make up for it.

  Warrior picture what? Seats and money, young people want seats, old people want money, if you grasp these two points, you can operate with ease, but the money is indeed a big problem.

  The difference in money is too much, even if there is a seat, these people who sit on it can't appease the people below, and there will still be troubles.

"Ziying, what you said is too easy. Liu Dongyang and the others still have some influence, and as a father, he is not willing to fight against Liu Dongyang and the others. To be honest, Liu Dongyang Tu Wenxiu and the others are still very good at leading troops, and they also have a lot of morale. Even Liu Baichuan admits that Liu Dongyang and his soldiers are elite soldiers, and he is also a warrior who leads troops to fight for his father. For what my father wants to see."

  Feng Tang's words are sincere. Who who has led soldiers doesn't want to have a group of soldiers who are used to fighting? Especially now that Da Zhou was facing all kinds of threats, with a strong army in hand, he could also give himself a lot of confidence.

  Feng Ziying's thoughts changed sharply, and she fell silent.

   "Ziying, what's the matter?" Feng Tang also noticed the change in his son's face.

"Father, you are right. It is not easy to bring out an army capable of fighting. It would be a pity to disband and eliminate them easily. Liu Dongyang and Tu Wenxiu can fight. As long as they are given a chance, they may not be able to make contributions. By then They may not have to stick to Hami and Shazhou." Feng Ziying said carefully, "Hami and Shazhou can't sustain the current financial resources of the imperial court, and they will take them back sooner or later, but Liu Dongyang and the others can consider using other achievements to prove Own,…"

  Feng Tang knew that his son's way of thinking was different from ordinary people's, and he could often stand out from others.

"My son always feels that there will be troubles in the second half of the year. Whether it's the war in the Southwest, the crisis in the south of the Yangtze River, Prince Yizhong, or the hidden dangers of the White Lotus Sect, including the dangers that may be brought about by the severe drought in the north, if you don't pay attention, you may be in danger." If it breaks out, if new troops are needed to join, how much can the Nine Sides Army draw?"

Feng Ziying looked at her father: "My son thinks that my father is going to the Northwest this time, so why not take a gamble and not abolish the merger for the time being, but withdraw Liu Dongyang's elite army and put them on the line of Guyuan Town or Yulin Town, as your three Of course, the reserve team of the Border Governor’s Mansion can also be drawn from Guyuan, Ganning, and Yulin to form a reserve team, which can be said to be the survival of the fittest, the whole army training, and the decision after the martial arts competition.

   "Waiting for the sky to change?" Feng Tang's eyes fell on Feng Ziying, "Ziying, are you so sure that there will be big changes in the second half of the year?"

Feng Ziying nodded very positively: "Father, I am very sure, and I am also making various preparations for this. We should not take any chances. Once the incident happens, a lot of preparations will be too late. My son never wants to put Thinking about things on the bright side, the son discussed with his father before, as long as there is an unexpected factor, it may involve everything else,..."

Feng Ziying said so affirmatively, and also said that he had already started to make various preparations, Feng Tang had to take it seriously, and what Feng Ziying said was right, as the governor of the three sides, he had the right to do some work and delay it. There is no problem with the time, the big deal is that next year may be more difficult as Ziying said.

   "Okay, Weifu understands, but Yinzi, you still have to think of a way for Weifu." Feng Tang nodded.

  (end of this chapter)

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