Number of People

Chapter 1504: Xin Zi rolls sell well

  Chapter 1504 Xin Zijuan sells well

Seeing Liu Jingting's master on the stage pointing at the Xuande furnace supported by Liu Jingting in a cadence, Feng Ziying felt more and more that she was creating a history, um, Guardian or Poly Autumn Auction, or now it can be changed to Daguanlou Autumn Auction, in the future Will it also become an event that can be recorded in the history of Dazhou?

   "Okay, the small introduction is over, and I invite Zhou Yansheng, Zhou Laochao, from the Binyue Building in Yangzhou, to give a review and introduction to this Xuande stove..."

  There was a burst of whispering in the audience and in the private room.

Xuande furnaces are not uncommon. The Xuande period of the former Ming Dynasty is less than two hundred years away from now. Although the collection of Xuande furnaces is not large because of its exquisite workmanship, it is quite popular among current collectors, but it is less than two hundred years old. The batch that survived in the third year of Xuande There are not too few copper stoves. If there are really rich and noble families, which house does not have two or three?

  This kind of item is just an appetizer, and the people in the private room naturally dismiss it, but it is a rare opportunity for those in the lobby to watch the excitement or to get acquainted.

"..., this Xuande furnace was built by Zhu Zhanji, Emperor Xuanzong of the former Ming Dynasty, in the third year of Xuande. Everyone may know that Zhu Zhanji, Emperor Xuanzong of the former Ming Dynasty, did not reign for a long time, only ten years, but the emperor Well, I really like to appreciate and play with the incense burner, but this person is very particular about it, which is normal, as an emperor, it doesn’t matter if you are particular about it, so I just put all my heart into making something different,..."

  Both Feng Ziying and King Zhongshun laughed. This is about to become an antique popularization class, which is very interesting.

"Ziying, you specially invited this person from Yangzhou. He is quite good at talking. Binyuelou, I have a little impression. The most famous antique shop in Yangzhou. Pawning is just a sideline business. The big owner should be the general merchant of Yangzhou salt merchants." Ye Hong, Ye Qitai, right?" King Zhongshun had a faint smile on his lips.

Feng Ziying was stunned, but he didn't know about it. He didn't expect that this king of Zhongshun even knew about the backstage boss of Binyue Building. Of course he knew about Ye Hong, and he even met a few times. The largest salt merchant in Yangzhou is also the current salt merchant. Shang Zongshang, although his old father-in-law Lin Ruhai, the patrol salt censor, died and changed people, but the chief salt merchant has not changed, and he is still sitting still, which shows his ability.

"My lord, I just said these people, who I invited and who was behind them, but I didn't ask. It's just that Jia Qiang invited the most famous people according to the rules. I didn't expect Ye Hong to be from the Binyue Building. backstage boss."

"Hehe, Ye Hong is not easy. Shop around, bet everywhere, he can win any line. One of his nieces is married to Fang Congzhe's nieces. I'm afraid not many people know about it?" Zhong Shun Wang seemed to be indifferent, but Feng Ziying became more serious.

Although Yangzhou is considered to be Jiangbei geographically, it is still a part of the Great Jiangnan in terms of culture and tradition, just like the prefectures of Southern Zhili, Anqing, Hezhou, Luzhou, Chuzhou and Yingtianfu. In Jiangbei, traditionally, because they are all under the jurisdiction of Nanzhili and are close to the Yangtze River, they are all regarded as part of the Great Jiangnan, but it is difficult for state capitals like Fengyang, Huai'an, and Xuzhou to be regarded as Jiangnan.

  In a sense, Yangzhou is actually an economic center in the south of the Yangtze River, even more significant than Suzhou and Jinling. Of course, Jinling, as the location of the Six Departments of Nanjing, has greater political significance.

   "Oh, so Mr. Ye is still a sensible person." Feng Ziying responded indifferently.

He can't pretend that he doesn't know anything, that would be too small to look down on King Zhongshun, and he's sorry for his position as Shuntian Mansion Cheng, but it can't be said that he has seen everything clearly, even the court and the emperor haven't said anything yet, What do you see clearly?

   "Of course he is a sensible person, but if you understand too much and are too smart, it may not be a good thing." The corner of King Zhongshun's lips twitched suddenly, "I heard a few days ago that he made his son betrothed to Zhen Yingyu's daughter again."

   "My son?" Feng Ziying was shocked.

   "My son." King Zhongshun's tone turned cold.

   "How old are you?" Feng Ziying asked again.

   "His youngest son, is he still underage?" King Zhongshun hesitated.

Feng Ziying felt relieved, and said calmly: "Oh, it's still too early to get engaged, at least three to five years away, isn't it? There will inevitably be some accidents here? Is it rare to regret a marriage? I don't care about the face anymore."

King Zhongshun and Feng Ziying had almost whispered these few words. After these words, King Zhongshun laughed after a moment of surprise, and attracted the surrounding people who had been attracted by Zhou Chaofeng’s wonderful and moving explanation. The princes and sons-in-law pulled back again.

   "Ziying, listening to your words, why do you feel that there is a lot of resentment, why are you still not satisfied with losing a concubine for nothing? Just keep grudges like this, I think you get along very well with your colleagues." Wang Zhongshun was happy.

   King Zhongshun knew Feng Ziying very well, and knew that Feng Ziying's second wife had married the sisters of the Xue family, and even knew that Xue Baoqin was the daughter-in-law of Mei Zhiye's divorced daughter in Shuntian Prefecture. This relationship is really embarrassing.

   "The prince was joking, look at the lot, look at the lot." Feng Ziying also laughed.

"...In the third year of Xuande, Zhu Zhanji, Emperor Xuanzong of the former Ming Dynasty, purchased high-quality wind-milled copper from Siam, and asked Lu Zhen, the imperial craftsman of the former Ming Dynasty, to follow the "Xuanhe Bogutu" written by the former Prime Minister Wang Fu of the Song Dynasty. To build this incense burner, it is said that a total of 3,000 incense burners have been successfully produced, but this is just a rumor. In fact, it is estimated that there are more than 1,000 incense burners circulating among the people,..."

  This week, Zhou Yansheng is quite eloquent, and he is also very good at speaking properly. Although this Xuande stove is not worth much as an appetizer, he still aroused the interest of many people when he said it this way.

"A few years ago, there was a rumor that if you didn't have one or two Xuande furnaces in your home, then your family wouldn't be called a big family. As far as I know, let's not talk about the big families in Jiangnan and the state capital. It is estimated that everyone can come up with two or three Xuande furnaces. It is not clear how old the Northland is, but I would like to say that this Xuande furnace is beautiful in shape and delicate in texture. Although it is made of wind-milled copper, But there are also gold, silver and other things added inside, after twelve refinements, the color and luster is completely different after a hundred years, there is something unique,..."

Zhou Yansheng shook his head, obviously enjoying the show, Feng Ziying also sighed in his heart, you get what you pay for, and only when you have enough money, can people work hard for you. Please come and visit Zhou Yansheng this time, and the money is 800 taels. But now it seems worth it!

"This Xuande furnace is white, yellow and red like Tangli. Obviously, it has been cultivated for many generations, and it is also popular to play with and raise, so it can have this appearance..." Zhou Yansheng paused before saying: "The value given by the old man It's eight hundred taels of silver, of course it may not agree with other lords' judgments, but the old man is very optimistic that this thing will become more valuable as time goes by, and it's even rarer that it can be used as a rare artifact handed down from generation to generation..."

Feng Ziying laughed. This Xuande furnace has actually been discussed by several people before. If it is pawned in a pawnshop, it can be worth three hundred taels of silver at most, and it can be worth between three hundred and fifty taels to four hundred taels if it is dead. Suddenly, I didn't expect this guy to double the price of this object with a single sentence.

Naturally, there are two or three of these Xuande furnaces in Feng's residence, and they are no worse than this one in terms of quality. Although they have never been pledged, Feng Ziying also knows that it will not exceed five hundred taels of silver, but how many of them are there? Who really understands the market here? It's not about listening to these so-called experts, that is, experts from later generations to judge.

  This Xuande furnace was placed on a high table on the stage, and the surrounding area was covered with carpets to prevent it from being accidentally dropped and damaged. The light from the surrounding sheep horns illuminated it, making it even more even and delicate in color, captivating people's hearts.

   "After what this guy said, even Gu was a little tempted. Although there are a few Xuande furnaces in Gu's mansion, there are not any of this color..." King Zhongshun smiled and said to King Zhonghui next to him.

"Hehe, Brother Nine is still fancy? This Xuande furnace has been through for two hundred years, and it has different colors. It is said that there are as many as 20 or 30 kinds. Among them, Tibetan scriptures, crab shell green and amber are the best. This pear-colored one is considered It’s nothing more than the top grade, six hundred taels is too expensive,..." King Zhonghui was obviously an expert in it, curled his lips, "It's far less than the few pieces in your house, Brother Nine."

   "Just talking, I'm not going to compete with others for the first course..." King Zhongshun shook his head with a smile.

   This side is joking, but many people below have already been moved by the words and are eager to try.

"Okay, after Zhou Lao Chaofeng's introduction, his price is 800 taels, but as an antique auction, the real value is in the hearts of those who like it. Those who don't like it may think it's worth 300 taels, and those who like it may think it's worth 2,000 taels." Both are not expensive, it depends on your own hobbies and interests, start bidding now,..."

  Under the stage, countless hands were raised in an instant, and there were wooden signs in their hands, and there were numbers on the wooden signs.

  "Okay, this one, customer No. B 12 bids 550 taels,..., is there any other customer who increases the price,... Well, this guest, No. 33 C bids 600 taels,..."

In just a few breaths, the price was pushed up to 750 taels. It seems that everyone thinks that the price of 800 taels set by Mr. Zhou is a dividing line, and it may not be worth it any higher, after all This is the first item, and it is said that there will be more than a hundred items in the auction later. If this item cannot be obtained, there are other options.

"Okay, this master's bid has reached 850 taels. I don't know if anyone else is interested in this fine piece of wind-milled copper Xuande furnace. I am very optimistic about this object. It is less than 1,000 taels of silver. You can take it home and treasure it as an heirloom. Maybe ten years later, this item will be worth 1,200 taels or even 1,500 taels?..."

Mo Houguang made another bow and looked around, "Okay, finally there is one. This master with the number A number seven offered nine hundred taels. It seems that this gentleman is determined to win. Is there any other master?" Interested, ..., 900 taels for the second time, ..., 900 taels for the third time, ..., good! This gentleman with the seventh name of Jia Zi, this is the authentic collection of Xuande, the former Ming imperial palace, which was polished and polished for three years. The stove is yours,..."

  (end of this chapter)

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