Number of People

Chapter 1505: Xin Zijuan profiteering

  Chapter 1505 Xin Zijuan Huge Profits

  Feng Ziying couldn't help but smacked her lips, feeling emotional in her heart.

  This has already been estimated to be 300 taels higher than the 600 taels, which means a 50% premium. Such a good sign is really exciting.

  According to Feng Ziying and Wang Wenyan's previous estimates, if the premium of each collection is calculated at 20%, the main transaction can be concluded, which is very impressive.

Because these objects are dead after all, they are worthless if they cannot be turned into silver, but they will definitely be greatly discounted if they are to be realized in a centralized manner. It’s just for buyers to take a look at it from time to time. Of course, there will definitely be some transactions that take kickbacks secretly.

So at the beginning, many people thought that as long as they could sell at the initial price, they would not lose money or even make money, because it was quite fair to evaluate the value through unrelated outsiders, and a 20% premium would be considered a big profit, but now In the past, I still underestimated the huge promotion effect brought by this new thing called auction.

  The other princes' sons-in-law in the box are also evaluating the significance and impact of this round of sales.

It is said that there were as many as one hundred items for sale in the first sale today. This Xuande furnace is nothing, but the ordinary items of five or six hundred taels of silver, this nominal sale, not only did not miss out, but became a success. It is unbelievable to sell at a higher price.

But this is the case before them. These bidders are not babysitters. They also know a few of them. They are considered to be small merchants and gentlemen in the capital city. They never thought that they would come to pick up such a trap. , this Xuande stove is a good item, but if it exceeds six hundred taels, it is not worth it. Besides, if you like it, or if this item is in good condition, it will never exceed seven hundred taels of silver. Big premium.

  The Weng brothers in the private room next door were also attracted by this novel sales method.

  With all the attention, the auctioneer kept using words to stir up everyone's excitement, and the guarantee of a credible appraiser also made many interested bidders relieve some worries.

At the same time, such an opportunity to show up is naturally not needed for those who are really rich and powerful, but some characters who have little status or have just started to get rich and urgently need fame to open up their future business contacts are a role. It was a rare opportunity. After all, such a grand event today almost gathered representatives of celebrities from the capital city and even the entire upper class of the Zhou Dynasty.

   Moreover, such an occasion is not limited to gentry and merchants, and even some officials come in casual clothes. In addition, this is ordered by the Shuntian government to sell it, so it looks more formal and higher-grade.

  Being able to show off one's financial resources at such a sale is, in a sense, a declaration to one's business partners or competitors, or even the government, and it will also help one to be more convincing when dealing with these people in the future.

   Those who can be invited by Feng Ziying to sit in a private room are not idle people, let alone the Weng brothers as the leaders of Dongting merchants.

"Brother, this little Feng Xiuzhuan really has a lot of heart. In the past, the government's sales were done hastily. At most, a few people were invited to look at the goods, and a rough estimate of the price was enough. Who would have thought that this person is now With such a scene, I thought Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan was asking us to help lift the sedan chair at the platform, but now it seems that’s not the case at all, they really invited us to watch and observe, if you want to buy it, buy it , it doesn’t matter if you don’t buy it,…”

  Weng Qiyang smacked his lips while comprehending.

"It's a big mistake to underestimate Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan at any time. He can make such a big battle in Yongping Mansion for more than a year. Those Shanshan businessmen admire him so much. Zhuang Limin, that old fox To be able to follow his instructions willingly, I really think it all depends on Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan's black gauze hat on his head? Which of these businessmen has no support behind them, but they all follow Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan convincingly, if they can't really let them see the reality How can you be so obedient if you have real benefits?"

  Weng Qiming's tone was calm, but he was very sure: "Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan invited us to come to the capital this time, it's not just as simple as letting us watch the excitement, Chengdong, what do you think?"

   Xu Chengdong, the patriarch of the Xu clan, frowned, "Brother Qiming, you mean that Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan will explain to us?"

   "If it weren't for that, why would it take so much trouble?" Weng Qiming sighed, "The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. We just want to do business in peace, but there are some things that we can't stand out of."

  Weng Qiyang was shocked, "Brother, you mean..."

Both Weng Qiming and Xu Chengdong's eyes fell on Weng Qiyang's hand. Weng Qiyang gave a thumbs up. Everyone understood the meaning, and the corner of Weng Qiming's mouth moved slightly: "We all know, how can the court not know? It's just that no one knows this. What will happen to this situation? They are clamoring in the south of the Yangtze River, nominally to defend the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River, but everyone is not ignorant of the intention behind it, and it is just mutual use. No matter which dynasty, whoever sits on the position of great treasure will inevitably have to fight with our Jiangnan side because of these interests, as long as they don't completely tear their face, everyone can accept it, but this time..."

  Xu Chengdong shuddered, and subconsciously said: "Isn't it, brother Qiming? Today's Shengshangxiong is a general plan, the country is peaceful and the people are safe,..."

Weng Qiming laughed, and glanced at Xu Chengdong, who was a bit insincere, saying that it was a bit reluctant to be a conservative master, but this one came out with flattery, and he was still in front of insiders like his brother, and it seemed that he was on the outside It's easy to say.

   "I hope, it's just an illusion for old people to hope." Weng Qiming said plainly.

   "Chengdong, you and I don't need to be hypocritical. Didn't Jia Jing and Zhen Yingjia look for you?" Weng Qiyang said bluntly.

  Xu Chengdong was a little embarrassed, and nodded: "I came to me twice, once I was not at home, and once I found excuses to avoid it."

   "How long can you avoid it?" Weng Qiyang asked urgently.

  Xu Chengdong had no choice but to bow and say: "Brother Weng, please teach me."

  Weng Qiming also knew that the Dongting merchants were all prosperous and all lost. Jia Jing and Tang Binyin also approached the Weng family. As the leaders of the Dongting merchants, the Weng family cannot hide, but he has not yet given an answer.

   "It's not a bad thing to procrastinate, but it won't last." Weng Qiming pondered and said, "What I mean is that it's okay to pay some money, but it's better not to intervene in people, ships, and food."

   Weng Qiyang and Xu Chengdong were a little puzzled and looked at Weng Qiming.

   "Brother, is there a difference?" Weng Qiyang couldn't help asking.

"Of course there is." Weng Qiming said in a deep voice: "If there are people, it will be hard to say in the future. Once the boats and food are messed up, they are urgent supplies. If they are forcibly requisitioned, it's fine, but if they take the initiative, they will be the same in the future It's easy to explain, money, people ask for it, we have to deal with it, we can justify it,..."

  Weng Qiming sees it very clearly. Once there is a real dispute between the imperial court and Jiangnan, and if someone with a heart gets involved, it will be a big deal.

  He heard that Shanshan businessmen were buying grain from Huguang for the Northwest, and the action was very fast, which made him very vigilant.

Although it is said that the Northwest Army is unstable, Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan's father, Governor Feng, has not taken office yet, and the Shanshan merchants have begun to be busy, and as far as he knows, the Imperial Household Department has not yet had time to allocate money to the three sides and four towns. It is still waiting for the money obtained after this round of sales to plug up these holes, which means that the Feng family has already taken the lead. Maybe he is too sensitive, but he would rather be more cautious.

Xu Chengdong wanted to ask again, but he heard a crisp sound on the stage, and it was Mo Houguang who suddenly slapped his eyes on the stage in front of him, "Everyone, see clearly, this four tigers and panlong Wendou, from the Spring and Autumn Period, is said to have been used by Duke Huan of Qi, more than two thousand years ago,..."

Everyone's eyes were focused on this bronze utensil that was held up. There are not many people who like bronze utensils in this era, but they are necessary items for some big families to use in their temples and ancestral halls, so these items are not eye-catching. Ordinary people are not willing to spend money to collect such things, and most people don't even know whether such things are worth money.

"..., this old man will try his best to introduce it. So far, I have only seen two of these four tigers and dragon pattern beans. One is in the home of a nobleman in Beijing. I can't say who the old man is, but this one Compared with the one seen by the old man, it is not bad at all, and if the age is similar, everyone despises it. The shape of these four chi tigers is powerful and lively. Look at the eyeballs that are alive. It has been two thousand years, and they are still alive. It has a special charm,…”

It was Mr. Xu Hongjun from the Ministry of Rites who introduced this bean with the pattern of four tigers and coiling dragons. This Mr. Xu, who has already retired, is full of energy. Unexpectedly, every allusion can be told vividly, and the listener will also gain insight.

"Master Xu, just interrupt me, you said that you have seen one of these four tigers and dragons patterned beans, which was collected by a certain wealthy family, so he also bought it?" Seeing Jia Qiang, Mo Houguang repeatedly gestured to him. He signaled that he had to interrupt Master Xu's speech. If this continues, he might not be able to sell even ten pieces in one morning. How can this be done?

   "Well, it should be, but it's not easy for me to ask." Xu Hongjun shook his head.

   "Master Xu, what do you think of the estimated value of this one?" Seeing that the other party didn't know each other, Mo Houguang could only ask directly, because there was not enough time.

Xu Hongjun was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that this is a sales venue today, and sighed: "I really don't like judging, hey, it's just entrusted by others, so I have to say a fair price, two thousand taels, no, two thousand taels." One thousand five hundred taels, just a little more."

  (end of this chapter)

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