Number of People

Chapter 1509: The second scroll of Xin Zi starts with twenty-eight verses

  Chapter 1509 Xin Zi Juan, the second twenty-eight verses to start

  Feng Ziying did have such a meaning. Through this round of contacts, he could understand the thoughts of these Jiangnan merchants.

The mainstream of the Jiangnan gentry, that is, those gentry who take the land as their foundation, he will not place too much hope. These people cannot make too many concessions for their own fundamental interests, let alone Prince Yizhong. The good brand is supporting them in front, which has given them too much courage and hope.

  It is these merchants who are mainly engaged in industry, commerce and trade, which are worth wooing and wooing.

The navy has always been firmly controlled by the imperial court, including the Denglai, Fujian, and Guangdong navies of the three major navies. In addition to Denglai, the Fujian and Guangdong navies are also mainly locals, but all of them served as soldiers on board. It is a poor family, and has nothing to do with the gentry, and most of the generals and military officers are promoted from these soldiers, and they have relatively close contacts with maritime merchants.

In Feng Ziying's view, once history really moves toward the confrontation between the North and the South, which he least wants to see, and Prince Yizhong really wants to raise a rebellious flag in the south of the Yangtze River, then if the imperial court based in the north cannot resolve it in a relatively short period of time Fighting, I'm afraid it will fall into crisis.

  Northern regions including Gyeonggi depend largely on various daily necessities such as food and cloth from Jiangnan and Huguang. Once the North and South are divided and confronted, water transportation is cut off. Just say Gyeonggi, how long can it last? Half a year or a year?

   Water transportation is cut off. If the Northland wants to continue its life, it can only rely on sea transportation, but the current sea transportation capacity is far from comparable to water transportation.

Although Feng Ziying began to promote the strategy of opening the sea a few years ago, encouraging North-South trade to be supplemented by sea transport in addition to water transport, the proportion of this supplement is still very small. According to the various data currently available, it is estimated that It is only equivalent to about 10 to 20% of the water transport. This is still in the case of Yuguan Port and Denglai gradually expanding the scale of sea trade. If it is changed, it may not even be half of it.

This is why Feng Ziying is trying to open ports in Denglai and Yuguan, build wharfs, and encourage ship merchants to increase trade. Without this lifeline, Feng Ziying is worried that once there is a confrontation between the North and the South, as long as the court cannot If you quickly solve the troubles in the south of the Yangtze River, you may collapse yourself first.

Xue scorpion is just a chess piece randomly placed among them, but now it seems that this chess piece has to play a big role. Feng Ziying even spared no effort to support his expansion of the fleet regardless of cost, hoping to be able to survive as much as possible in the future. Can have more strength.

  In addition to Xue Biao, Feng Ziying valued Zhuang Limin more.

The cooperation with Shanshan businessmen in Yongping Mansion has deeply bound this Guangdong wealthy businessman with the imperial court and the Northland, and Guangdong has never had much contact with Jiangnan, so this has become the most important "rear base". Under the circumstances that Huguang’s grain transportation to the north may be blocked by water transportation and the consumption of land transportation to the north is too large, Guangdong’s grain transportation to the north will also become a bright spot, and it may even become a life-saving straw.

  Of course, this is the worst-case scenario. Now Feng Ziying hopes to win over these Jiangnan businessmen and let them restrain the Jiangnan gentry, but Feng Ziying knows that this is difficult.

Although these Jiangnan merchants have strong economic strength, they cannot compare with those gentry in terms of political discourse power and control of public opinion and public opinion. Then they can only take a step back and let these merchants do their best when the situation deteriorates in the future. Merchants in the south of the Yangtze River still maintain trade with the Northland, even if it is the same as the smuggling trade when the sea was banned.

As Wang Wenyan said, from the sales of these Jiangnan merchants in the third round, we may get a glimpse of the thoughts of these Jiangnan merchants. If they are more optimistic about the imperial court or the future peaceful settlement between the imperial court and Jiangnan, then they may If they are not optimistic about buying the Grange mansions in Gyeonggi, then it may be difficult to buy these fixed assets in the north.

   Of course, this is not absolute. They bet on both ends, or in order to perfunctory and hide their views, these businessmen may also spend money to cover up their intentions, but this is at least a window.

  A steady stream of money and banknotes were remitted to Haitong Bank on the second day, which was another extremely rare promotional opportunity for Haitong Bank.

   Transactions costing tens of thousands of taels of silver, if you have to send someone to carry the silver, it would be too foolish, so merchants basically choose to complete the transaction with Haitong Yinzhuang's acceptance bank notes.

Whether it is Beidi, Jiangnan, Huguang, the semicolons of Haitong Yinzhuang basically exist in the metropolises, so for these businessmen, the inconvenience of carrying silver is abandoned, but instead they can be found in Dayi, the capital. It is inconvenient to deposit, withdraw and exchange for small amounts, but it is much safer and more convenient for large amounts.

On the third day, that is, the second round of sales was far less lively than the first round of sales, but it still sold for a good price of 450,000 taels of silver, which was far from the 500,000 taels that Fu Shi expected. , but it is in line with Feng Ziying and Wang Wenyan's predictions. After all, jewelry is not something that can't be met. Jewelry stores can be found everywhere in the capital city. People who come to buy are hoping to find a bargain. , it will be difficult to increase the price if it exceeds expectations.

  However, the third round of sales did surprise everyone. The farm, shop and mansion were all sold for a good price, and they were sold for a good price of 610,000 taels.

  Feng Ziying paid the most attention to a group of Jiangnan merchants. Dongting, Longyou, and Anfu merchants were all active, but Huizhou merchants and Yangzhou salt merchants were not satisfactory, forming a sharp contrast.

It goes without saying that the relationship between Anhui merchants and Shanxi merchants has always been bad. This is the representative of merchants from the north and the south, but Yangzhou salt merchants are a heterogeneous group. There are merchants from all over the south of the Yangtze River and merchants from Shanxi and Shanxi in the north. Therefore, this group In fact, it can no longer be discussed based on the place of origin, but a very special interest group. Whoever can bring them the most lucrative benefits will be loyal to whomever, and now they are obviously more optimistic about Jiangnan and stand on Jiangnan's side .

   On the contrary, although the sea merchants and salt merchants in Fujian only picked up the corner of Dongfan, they are more trustworthy because they have been squeezed out by Yangzhou salt merchants.

  Of course, this is just the most superficial and straightforward kind of division and judgment. It’s hard to say how many of them are speculators or the characters in Cao Ying’s heart, or everyone is betting separately and watching the situation change.

  This is all expected, but in the big wave of gold rush, after all, these people still have to show their true colors slowly. When the situation is clear and it is no longer possible to sit on the fence, it is the time to see the outcome.


"Father, the total proceeds from the four sales are more than 3.56 million taels, which is far beyond our previous predictions. Now you can talk to Mr. Huang and Mr. Zhang about the issues of the four towns in the northwest." Feng Ziying sat at Feng Tang's head, holding the accounts in her hands quite proudly.

   "Well, it's really shocking." Feng Tang was also filled with emotion, "The officials in Jingtong Second Warehouse are really unimaginable. For so many years, haven't they been greedy for ink all the time?"

   "The accumulation of the past twenty years can be regarded as a contribution to the imperial court." Feng Ziying said indifferently: "If it is not the case, father, what can you do to appease the morale of the army in the northwest?"

"It's not as serious as you think. There are 300,000 ways to appease 300,000, and 800,000 ways to appease." Feng Tang said calmly: "But if it is true as you said, there will be big troubles this year and next year. Change, that 300,000 is really not enough, 800,000 is enough."

  Feng Ziying laughed, "Why father, do you feel it now?"

Feng Tang glanced at his son, and heaved a sigh of relief, "Although your father and I don't care much about government affairs, it's not that I don't feel nothing. Although Beijing and China seem to be safe and peaceful, there are many disputes between the court and China, but I don't understand that Jiangnan is not Wen, the three elders, Ye, Fang, and Li, can't you see that Huang Ruliang, Gao Panlong, Zhang Jingqiu, Gu Bingqian, Liu Yixiu, these are all famous ministers in the south of the Yangtze River, are they also indifferent?"

"It's not turning a blind eye, nor is it indifferent, but too confident. The riots in Jiangnan's public opinion didn't happen once or twice. Even when the emperor was too emperor, didn't they also riot every now and then? Now that it's like this, everyone probably thinks that the Jiangnan gentry want to Hypocritical, the imperial court appeases them first, then leaves them to dry, then appeases them, then beats them, all in all, it’s just hanging here and taking turns, what can those people in Jiangnan do?”

  Feng Ziying sneered.

Feng Tang thought for a while, and it seems that this is really the case. In the 42nd year of Emperor Yuanxi, the gentry in Jiangnan had quarreled at least five or six times, and it would happen once every few years. After the current emperor ascended the throne, this Jiangnan seems to be the first Once? So everyone thinks it's nothing, it's commonplace, and they are not surprised or surprised when they are used to it.

   "However, these people seem to have forgotten that the situation is different. There is an extra Prince Yizhong who has been the prince for twenty years, and the Supreme Emperor is still there. Who can guess what is going on in his mind?"

Feng Tang frowned, and shook his head slowly: "The Supreme Emperor will not fail to see the pros and cons of this, no matter how much he feels sorry for Prince Yizhong, it is impossible for him to make mistakes under such circumstances. If you can't even grasp this bit of scale and emotion, the Zhang family should be over long ago."

   This is also what Feng Ziying is very puzzled about.

  If Prince Yizhong wanted to raise the banner of rebellion, all he needed was for the Supreme Emperor to speak out, and everything Prince Yizhong had done would be wiped out.

If Prince Yizhong thinks that he can persuade the Supreme Emperor to stand on his side by relying on the previous father-son relationship, then Prince Yizhong is too naive. Under such circumstances, it is related to the great cause of the dynasty, and the father-son relationship will also give way to Da Zhou Zhang The inheritance of the throne will last forever, not to mention that Emperor Yonglong is also his son.

  (end of this chapter)

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