Number of People

Chapter 1510: Difficulty with Xin Zijuan

  Chapter 1510 The Difficulty of the Xinzi Scroll

  The father and son pondered for a long time, but it was difficult to figure out the real situation here.

Feng Tang was originally reluctant to get involved in these matters of the Tian family. In order to avoid getting involved in the Beijing camp, he even voluntarily gave up the general of the Fifth Army Battalion and would rather choose to go to the corner of the mountain in Yulin, because he was afraid of staying in the Beijing camp. The event of seizing the heir is staged, and every second in it may fall into the quagmire and it is difficult to get out.

But now the situation is a little different. His son is now the Chancellor of Shuntian Mansion. Although he is a civil servant, it is not completely a battle for the heir apparent. The various hidden dangers mentioned by Feng Ziying also made Feng Tang realize that some things may be unavoidable, or if he wants to avoid them, the final result may be backlash to the Feng family.

  Just like what Ziying said, if Prince Yizhong really got the title of Great Treasure, would the situation of the Feng family be better? Certainly not.

  The Feng family has never been the backbone of the martial arts group. Niu Jizong, Wang Ziteng, even the Chen family, Hou family, and Ma family are, and even the Jia family has a more correct identity than the Feng family.

Of course, it is not impossible to say that the Feng family will fall, but the status of the scholars in the whole Northland will definitely not be better than that in the ten years of Emperor Yonglong. It may be reduced to compete with Huguang scholars for second place.

It is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, but it is difficult to go from extravagance to frugality. Now that the Feng family has such a good situation, who wants to go back to the lonely situation where Feng Tang was dismissed from the position of the General Soldier of Datong and returned to Beijing like a bereaved dog a few years ago? ?

   What's more, Ziying is still leading the way as the leader of young scholars in the North, and has a bright future in the future. Based on this, Feng Tang is unwilling to see the change.

Because of this, he changed his previous intention of going to the northwest for a transition, and returning to Liaodong only after helping the court to stabilize the situation in the northwest. Instead, he wanted to follow his son's proposal to take the four towns in the northwest. The power is firmly in the hands.

   At the very least, he must have an unrivaled influence in the four towns in the Northwest, so that in the future, if an unbearable or uncontrollable situation really arises, he can have more room for maneuver, so that he will not sit helpless and wait to die.

   This is not only responsible for himself, but also responsible for the Feng family.

There are undercurrents in Beijing, Ziying can't leave Beijing, and Feng Tang considers that going to the northwest is also an insurance measure. As long as he has a firm foothold in the northwest and holds the army of the four towns in the northwest, it's fine if he wins the heir apparent, and the dispute between the north and the south will also matter. Well, when there is a dispute, no matter who wins in the end, he will not ignore his presence in the northwest, at least it will not cause any harm to the Feng family in Beijing.

"Father, we do our best to listen to the destiny in this kind of thing. What our father and son say may be considered unfounded. Sometimes I ask myself if I am really unfounded. Those people in Jiangnan really dare to raise flags Do they have the guts to rebel? Also, Ye Fangli and other scholars from the south of the Yangtze River still occupy a dominant position in the court. Where are people placed?"

  Feng Ziying smiled self-deprecatingly, "So it is enough for us to do everything we can."

"Well, so your father and I have to ask for more money to go to the northwest this time. As you said, if the south of the Yangtze River is reversed and the north is in chaos, there will be Mongols and Jianzhou Jurchens outside watching, Xuan Yamato and Ji Liao can't move, maybe they really can only send troops from three sides." Feng Tang sighed: "If you don't make full preparations, won't you be caught blind again?"

It has to be said that the four rounds of sales achieved a sensational effect. Not only was the event published in the newspapers, but the people in the capital city were even more enthusiastic about it. Whether it was antiques, calligraphy and paintings, pearls and jade jewelry, or even some silk and leather clothing, it became a hot topic among everyone. It seems that if you can buy one or two items at this sale, you will immediately become a high-ranking person in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

  After depositing more than three million taels in Haitong Bank, it was also allocated to the account of the Ministry of Households in Haitong Bank. How to use the three million taels became the focus of attention of the court.

Apart from Feng Tang, other ministries have also proposed the idea of ​​several million taels of silver, even Shuntian Mansion is no exception. Wu Daonan mentioned to Feng Ziying in a very cryptic manner that Shuntian Mansion School needs to be refurbished and expanded. Get some silver from the court to do this.

Feng Ziying didn't care much about these things. Since Wu Daonan had the heart, he would do it. It was a matter of 10,000 to 20,000 taels of silver, but even if it was 10,000 to 20,000 taels of silver, it was not enough for the Shuntian government office. Difficult thing.

It turned out that Feng Ziying planned to bargain with the Ministry of Households to see if he could get some money from the Ministry of Households to be kept in the Shuntian government office, but when Huang Ruliang pointed his finger at him to settle the score, he knew it was best not to make such an idea. There are many people who can quench their thirst with this money.

  When Feng Ziying returned home, Baoxiang came to report that the mandarin duck girl from Rongguo Mansion had arrived and had been waiting.

  Mandarin ducks are here again? Feng Ziying was very surprised, what's the matter?

  After meeting, I knew that the marriage between Jia Baoyu and Niu Jixun's family girl had been officially settled, and the preparation stage began.

This can be regarded as an official notice. After all, Jia Zheng entrusted Feng Ziying to Feng Ziying before leaving. As for Jia's mother and Wang's not accepting Feng Ziying's opinion, even Yuan Chun in the palace did not support Feng Ziying's opinion. There is nothing to say.

"I already knew the time. Since the various engagements have been completed, there is still more than a month to go, so it can be regarded as the end of the matter." Feng Ziying nodded leisurely and looked at Yuanyang with a smile, " Yuanyang, the matter of Baoyu must be settled, and the old lady should feel at ease, what do you say?"

  Yuanyang's face turned red all of a sudden, and she said coyly: "The master came to tease the servant again, the servant has already said that..."

   "Say it? You say it?" Feng Ziying teased Yuanyang, "Could it be that your brother, sister-in-law and parents in Jinling don't care about your life's major events?"

Yuanyang was taken aback by what she said. Her brother Jin Wenxiang was working in the Rongguo Mansion, and her sister-in-law was also in the Rongguo Mansion, but her parents were guarding the old house for the Jia family in Jinling. It seemed that my whole family belonged to the Jia family. ?

  The Jia family has no one to rely on.

  In this generation, Jia Lian even divorced Wang Xifeng, so he was not someone to count on, and Yuanyang never had that kind of thought.

Jia Baoyu, a few years ago, Yuanyang did not have the idea of ​​being pointed out by the ancestors to Baoyu as a housekeeper in the future, but with the growth of experience in the past few years, Yuanyang also saw through the nature of Baoyu's silver-like pewter gun head , so I lighten this thought.

   Even younger ones like Jia Huan and his like, not to mention the big age difference, Yuanyang never thought about it.

   This counts with fingers, and there is no one to rely on. Could it be that the ancestors point to a boy in the house? An arrogant mandarin duck is absolutely unacceptable.

After so many years of hearing and seeing, Yuanyang knows that she can no longer accept the role of servants like Baoyu's Mingyan, Jia Lian's Shouer and Zhaoer, and the mansion's Qian Hua and Dai Liang. People, she also looked down upon.

  Rather than being accused of marrying these people, Yuanyang would rather not marry for the rest of her life, even be willing to be a sister-in-law, and would never accept this kind of grievance.

   This may be the fate of being a maid, but she has the heart to be a young lady.

   This is what my elder brother said to me, and it's hard to hear, but Yuanyang knows it's the truth, but she's just like this, and just refuses to accept this reality.

  Feng Ziying's appearance and provocative words finally moved Yuanyang a little bit. Although she knew there were still many obstacles, it was the first time that Yuanyang felt that she was willing.

Especially seeing Jin Chuaner, Qingwen, Yinger, Zijuan, and Siqi, who were close friends in the past, have all or will follow their masters to Feng's residence. If they can go there by themselves, at least they can have a bunch of acquaintances. It can also be like in the Rongguo Mansion a few years ago, where the big guys get close together, doing things and having fun, how good would that be?

   Even Ping'er's little hoof must have been admired by Uncle Feng, maybe one day the Second Grandma will be merciful and let her out, and she will go to Feng's mansion to be a big girl in charge, right?

After settling his mind, Yuanyang's mind slowly calmed down: "My lord, I can't talk about the slave girl's matter now, but this time the slave girl comes, besides talking about the marriage of the second master Bao, there are two other things, I want to talk about it." Let's talk to Grandpa."

"Oh? Let me tell you, didn't you tell us about Baoyu before? Even if you are planning to start the wedding, you don't need to come here. Tell me, what else is there?" Feng Ziying actually guessed roughly Something, but it shouldn't be Yuanyang, it should be Li Wan or Tanchun.

  Yuanyang pursed her lips, and then said: "This is not supposed to be a servant, but the ancestor and wife said that it is better to let the servant bring a letter first, and if the uncle nods, let the third girl come over and talk about it in detail..."

   "Is the Rongguo Mansion so poor that even Baoyu's wedding is difficult?" Feng Ziying frowned: "How much does it cost, so sad?"

"In the past two months, the mansion has been in a state of being unresolved. There are still some old things in the ancestor's house, but they can't be emptied. The girl from the Niu family has to go through the door. If outsiders can see the reality of our mansion, Maybe it will become a joke, plus all kinds of clothing, jewelry and furniture will be purchased before and after the wedding, and Lin Lin will probably cost tens of thousands of taels of silver, but the house really can't afford it, and it is still owed. There are many parties involved, and the people below have great opinions. If the girl from the Niu family heard these words when she married,..."

   Yuanyang didn't say any more, but Feng Ziying also understood.

  (end of this chapter)

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