Number of People

Chapter 1511: Xin Zijuan guarantor (replenish yesterday's update)

  Chapter 1511 Xin Zijuan guarantor (updated yesterday)

   Rongguo Mansion can't hold on anymore?

  Feng Ziying couldn't believe it, but after thinking about it, what is impossible?

In the book "Dream of Red Mansions", it was about this time that the Rongguo Mansion began to pawn, pledge and sell all kinds of goods. The old lady's private possessions in the house were all sold out, so as to survive, there was also the tacit cooperation between Wang Xifeng and Yuanyang. .

But the situation in this time and space is slightly different. Baoyu wants to marry a daughter from the Niu family. Niu Jixun is a well-known wealthy family in Wuxun. You can't be too shabby if you want to plot other people's dowry and family assets, even if you want to swell your face to pretend to be fat, you have to pretend.

  Then the old lady’s private possessions in the house can’t be sold out, and I have to keep some for facade. The Niu’s house is not so easy to fool.

  In addition, this wedding must be arranged in a special way, and all kinds of expenses must be indispensable, otherwise the Niu family will not agree.

  Feng Ziying thought for a while, "Baoyu wants to live in another house?"

Feng Ziying is well aware of the situation in Rongguo Mansion. After Baoyu gets married, she will definitely not be able to live in Yihong Courtyard anymore, but there are only so many yards in Rongguo Mansion. There must be a lot of land, but suitable yards must be built in such an urgent situation. It might be difficult to figure it out.

Seeing that Feng Ziying asked the key point in one sentence, Yuanyang also admired the other party's sensitivity, nodded and said: "Actually, it's not considered to be living separately. At first, the mansion also considered whether to let Second Lord Bao live with Second Lord Lian. Second Grandma's yard, anyway, Second Master Lian and Second Mistress have moved away, but the uncle also knows that Second Master Lian and Second Mistress have reconciled, the old ancestor and his wife think that the yard is unlucky, so they refuse,..."

After all the calculations, the yard is the most suitable in terms of size and location. Although it is not a new house, it can be suitable for people to live in after a little maintenance, but the reconciliation of Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng has become an ominous sign. , so no one can accept this.

   "Well, that's right, Baoyu is newly married and lives there, so it's a bit awkward." Feng Ziying nodded: "Then how to solve it?"

"The west side of the ancestor's yard is the wall. Outside the wall is another house. It is Chongwen Bolan's house. There is also a large courtyard next to it. Chongwen Bolan's family is not busy. The courtyard has been vacant for a long time, but all facilities are complete. , so the mansion negotiated with the Lan family to buy it. It only needs to open the fence here and reconnect the fence on the west side of the courtyard, which is equivalent to enclosing the courtyard of the Lan family. "

  Yuanyang expressed the thoughts of the Rongguo Mansion, even if she had been mentally prepared, she was a little embarrassed.

This Rongguo Mansion owes too much to the Feng family. The two hundred thousand taels of silver from Miss Lin alone seems to be in the foreseeable future. It's all Miss Lin's dowry, so it's Uncle Feng's silver.

   Thinking of this place, the mandarin ducks feel pain, and they spend all of it in the Grand View Garden, but the only time for the imperial concubine to visit relatives, oh, by the way, on August 15th, the imperial concubine and empress heard that they can come back once, and can use it once.

   But what's the point?

Such a huge Grand View Garden cost so much money, now the two girls of the Xue family are gone, Miss Lin and Miss Miaoyu will also leave next year, and the second girl will also leave, maybe even Miss Xiuyan will leave, so only Miss Xiuyan is left. The next three girls, Miss Smith, Miss Four and Grandma Zhu.

  But except for Grandma Zhu, the other girls will get married sooner or later, and this Grand View Garden will eventually become a deserted and lonely place, without the bustle and bustle of the past.

  Feng Ziying did not notice the change in Yuanyang's mood, and pondered for a while: "How much money is missing?"

  Yuanyang became shy, and a little embarrassed to speak: "I don't know about it. Grandma Zhu and the third girl will know the details, but I know that the house of Lan's house said it would cost six thousand taels. It is estimated that it will cost five thousand taels..."

"Five thousand taels, Uncle She can take it out casually, right?" Feng Ziying laughed, "He made a lot of money for the redemption of people in the Beijing camp this year, and he also made a lot of money with the Lai family last year." Less?"

As soon as Jia Amnesty was mentioned, Yuanyang's face immediately became brighter, first disdainful, later sneered, and finally turned into contempt and contempt, "How can the old man and his wife manage the affairs of the house? Every month is not less than a penny. In this way, the old man often came to the ancestors to brazenly beg for all kinds of things, saying that he was afraid that outsiders would spoil them and disappear. After all, he was afraid that the mansion would be mortgaged, but he didn't even think about the mortgage. Why? Didn’t you see that he took a penny less when you got the monthly money?..."

   "In a word, Uncle Shishi refuses to pay?" Feng Ziying smiled and said, "Did the mansion ask Uncle Zhengshi?"

"The letter has already gone, but the second master has not replied to the letter, and this side can't wait. After all, the second master Bao is going to get married in more than a month. The matter in this house has not been settled, how can we welcome the bride?" Yuanyang paused. After a pause, "The imperial concubine also agrees, so..."

   "Since the imperial concubine agreed, didn't she say any reward?" Feng Ziying joked.

  Mandarin Duck heard the teasing taste in Feng Ziying's words, and rolled her eyes at Feng Ziying: "If the uncle wants to ask the concubine and empress, that's fine. The concubine and empress will come back to visit relatives on August 15th, so you can ask directly."

   "Oh? The imperial concubine is coming back to visit relatives during the Mid-Autumn Festival?" Feng Ziying was quite surprised.

Visiting relatives is not a trivial matter. The palace has its own rules, and it is not easy to come back to visit relatives. As far as he knows, in the era of Emperor Yuanxi, the concubines in the palace may not be able to go home to visit relatives once in three to five years. How come in the era of Emperor Yonglong? , so it becomes possible to come back every year?

  " Well, Baoqin came back and said, come back on the fifteenth night, and return to the palace on the sixteenth, I heard that the emperor agreed." Yuanyang replied.

  Feng Ziying nodded silently. It seems that the emperor is not in good health, and he is too indifferent to these noble concubines, so this can be regarded as compensation.

Anyway, these noble concubines without princes have no future, and they can't make any troubles. Neither the emperor nor the palace pays much attention to them. Even as the emperor's health gets worse, many people probably regard them as considered to exist dispensable.

  Once the emperor passed away, these childless noble concubines would naturally be sent to those remote places. Some concubines simply asked themselves to become monks, to accompany the Qingdeng Ancient Buddha, and live alone forever.

   "I see, how much do you need?" Feng Ziying asked.

   "The slaves don't dare to say the exact amount. The slaves are just ordered to ask for the opinion of the master. If the master agrees, then naturally Grandma Zhu or the third girl will come to discuss with the master." Yuanyang shook his head.

"It seems that there is not enough money to buy the house, and there must be other things?" Feng Ziying smiled half-smile, "The Feng family doesn't owe the Jia family anything, and sister Lin's two hundred thousand taels of silver is still there. , no wonder you are embarrassed to let Yuanyang come,..."

   Yuanyang blushed, but didn't know what to say.

That's how it was originally, neither Miss Bao nor Miss Lin could be regarded as the official girls of the Jia family, even if the second girl really wanted to marry, she would be a concubine. In order to sell their daughter, isn't that the face of hitting Jia's family and Rongguo Mansion?

"... But for the sake of Miss Yuanyang, I don't care about this, but Yuanyang, that's a good deal. In the future, you will be recognized by our Feng family, and this money must be credited to you. , you are a guarantor..." Feng Ziying joked.

  Yuanyang was in a hurry, "How can this be blamed on the slaves? If it is to be blamed, it should be blamed on Grandma Zhu or the third girl. In the future, if the uncle wants to look for them, he should look for them. What are the slaves,..."

   "Well, what is it, you are a master." Feng Ziying stood up with a heartbeat.

  Yuanyang suddenly sensed some dangerous atmosphere in the air, and she was sitting on the chair with half of her buttocks slanted, and quickly stood up, "Master, don't say that..."

  Before she could finish her sentence, Feng Ziying had already strode over, grabbed the mandarin duck by the wrist, and her body was close to the mandarin duck.

"If you don't say that, what else can you say? Sister-in-law Zhu is a widow, who can she represent? The third girl is also going to marry, and she can't represent the Jia family. Why should I use this face? , you can be regarded as the master's person, take care of this back house for me, even if it's a discount, how about it?"

  Yuanyang's face was flushed with shame, her heart was beating violently, and her whole body was trembling, "Master, don't, don't be like this..."

One hand is domineeringly raised on the chin of the mandarin duck face, the standard duck egg face is charming and delicate, the apricot core eyes are slightly panicked and nervous, the cherry lips are a little bit red, revealing a bit of balsamic breath, "Master is Now, so what?"

   Before the mandarin duck could cry out in surprise, Feng Ziying had already lowered her head and pressed her lips down, holding her slightly raised red lips, and pressing down deeply,...

Suddenly, the sweat towel twisted in her hands fell to the ground, Yuanyang didn't know where she was for a moment, she just felt that a pair of tiger arms embraced her in an extremely safe and secure embrace, squeezing her so hard that she seemed to be out of breath , but the mood is extremely relaxed.

  Feng Ziying didn't know why she was so impulsive today, when she saw the mandarin duck, she felt a desire to embrace her, especially the mandarin duck was arguing and explaining her facial expressions and movements, all of which tugged at her heartstrings.

It's not that Yuanyang has no intention of treating her, it's just that the existence of Jia's mother has become an obstacle. This girl is a loyal person who knows how to repay her kindness. Because of this, Feng Ziying values ​​her more. Such a talent is worth entrusting her with the house chores , Jin Chuan'er is too cold and arrogant, Qingwen is too violent, and Ping'er is unable to come to her back house because of Wang Xifeng, so Yuanyang is the most suitable candidate.

  (end of this chapter)

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