Number of People

Chapter 1512: Heart-to-heart

  Chapter 1512 Xin Zijuan Conversation

In a trance, Yuanyang suddenly felt a chill on his chest, and then woke up from the intoxication, but saw that most of the embroidered buttons on the skirt had been undone by Feng Ziying, and fell off. wanton...

   "Ah!" Yuanyang couldn't help exclaiming and struggled, covering her chest with one hand, while struggling to break free, she said in panic, "Master, you can't do it!"

   "Why can't it be done?" Of course Feng Ziying knew that it would be impossible to ask for Yuanyang at this time, but he just took the opportunity to be tender with his hands and eyes, "Yuanyang, you are like this, can you promise others?"

  Feng Ziying put her hand on the tip of her nose and took a sniff, and looked at the other party with a smile.

  Watching Feng Ziying a bitter look, Yuanyang hurriedly fastened the belt of her apron, put on the buckle, and said in a cold voice: "Is this the kind of person you are? That's too disappointing to the slaves,..."

"What kind of person is the master? After so many years, you still don't know Yuanyang?" Feng Ziying ignored Yuanyang's words at all, and said straightforwardly: "You are the master's person, but you can't enter the master's house now. Could it be that the master is gentle and intimate? Not at once?"

One sentence made Yuanyang unable to answer the question. She bit her lip and stared at Feng Ziying. Lord's people, but now..."

"Master knows your difficulties, but how old are you, Yuanyang? Other girls are so old, maybe they can walk on the ground, right? What about it?" Feng Ziying teased.

"How is that possible?" Yuanyang laughed angrily. It is impossible to say that there is no such thing as a centenarian these days, but at least Yuanyang has never seen it before. Life at seventy is rare in ancient times. It is quite rare to be able to pass seventy. To live to eighty There are even fewer.

"Hehe, I'm just making an analogy, but judging by the old lady's body, it won't be a problem to live another ten or eight years, right? How old were you at that time, Yuanyang, twenty-eight, or thirty?" Feng Ziying still dragged Looking at the tender catkins of the mandarin ducks, "I still expect you to give birth to a boy and a half girl for my grandfather. You can't come to give birth to my grandfather after you are thirty years old."

  Feng Ziying's last sentence directly broke Yuanyang's defenses. She is almost twenty, and she is already a typical older girl in this era. It is very rare for this age to be unmarried.

Although she is a maid, she also had a beautiful dream. Bearing children for the man she loves is undoubtedly the most important part of it. If she enters Feng's residence, as a big girl who wants to manage the back house, she must be considerate. People, the girls in the house can't escape, and if they get the permission of the grandmothers, it is entirely possible to give birth to a boy and a half girl.

The heart is both warm and messy like long grass, Yuanyang didn't know what to do, she bit her lip and thought for a long time before saying: "Master, please let the slaves think about it, after all, the slaves belong to the master. The body must also belong to the master, but if the master wants the body now, those people in the mansion will see through it, and the servants will have no face to see their ancestors,..."

"Hmph, what's the shame, Yuanyang, you are so procrastinating, when can you get away?" Feng Ziying pretended to be impatient and said: "Forget it, let's choose a time to talk to the old lady. ..."

   "No, I can't,..." Yuanyang was in a hurry, "If that's the case, then the ancestors will really regard the servants as a follower of power, or wait for the servants to find a suitable time to tell the ancestors,..."

Feng Ziying looked at the mandarin duck for a long time, and seeing the firm attitude of the other party, she could only nod her head: "Okay, mandarin duck, you can figure it out for yourself, Baoyu's marriage is an opportunity, the old lady has her wish, you can talk to her while she is happy. Speaking of which, maybe the Jia family would be happy to see you come to my side."

   "Huh?" Yuanyang was taken aback for a moment, but then recalled it.

Now the status of the Feng family and the Jia family is becoming increasingly disparate, and the Jia family often relies on the Feng family for support. Mrs. Wang let Jin Chuan'er and Yu Chuan'er sisters over in the past, because she meant to move first. Feng Ziying has always wanted to accept it, otherwise he would not have taken care of Jia's family on purpose all these years. If Yuanyang came over now, he would remember the past and would definitely help Jia's family to speak in the future. I'm afraid it will be more effective than staying in the Rongguo Mansion for the mandarin ducks.

  Thinking about it this way, Yuanyang suddenly became enlightened.

She has always felt that she is worthy of her ancestors only by staying by her side, but to her ancestors, who can give the Rongguo Mansion the most help is the most important. If she follows Uncle Feng, she will be by Uncle Feng's side every day Helping the Jia family to talk, I am afraid that the effect is the greatest, and the ancestors and wives are the most happy to see them, which is far better than staying with the ancestors by themselves, not to mention that Amber and Pearl can also get one. From this point of view, it seems that it is really time for me to leave Rongguo Mansion and my ancestors?

   Seeing the enlightened look on Yuanyang's face, Feng Ziying knew that what she said might hit Yuanyang's heart, so this was good, and it would save Yuanyang from tangling all day long and feeling that he had failed the Jia family.

   "Understood?" Feng Ziying couldn't help but hugged Yuanyang's waist again, and said warmly.

   Yuanyang was a little dazed, nodded, and fell silent.

   It's just that Feng Ziying's extravagant behavior at this time would be a bit unpleasant, so he could only hold the mandarin duck in his arms, feel the fragrance of the mandarin duck's hair, and get intoxicated.

   After a long time, Yuanyang raised her head and said in a soft voice: "Besides this matter, there is another matter, and this servant feels that I should tell my master."

   "Oh? What else is there?" Feng Ziying caressed the mandarin duck's black ink-dyed silk and said casually.

"Ms. Shi is in a bad mood during this period. It is said that her uncle has decided to marry her to the Sun family. It is estimated that they will discuss marriage in this month." Yuanyang put her face in Feng Ziying's arms, feeling Feng Ziying's heart beat like a drum, "Miss Shi went to ask the old ancestor, but the ancestor couldn't do anything, just sighed and wiped his tears. Later, he sent a message to Miss Shi's uncle, but I heard that the Shi family didn't know what to do." The two still rejected the old ancestor's intention."

   "The Sun family, Sun Shaozu?" Feng Ziying paused slightly, "Yun girl is unwilling?"

"How could he be willing? Even the second girl is not willing, so how could Miss Shi be willing? It is said that Sun Shaozu has a violent temper and is fond of drinking. Once he is drunk, he will beat people. I heard that the one in front of him was injured by him." Died, dragged on for two years and died,..."

"I'm afraid this is a bit of a rumor?" Feng Ziying knows that Sun Shaozu's character is sulky and arrogant, irritable and headstrong, but he is not a brainless person. He may have beaten a woman before, but if he was injured and died, this kind of news can be spread. It's not believable in itself.

But these are not important, the key is that this guy really hooked up with Shijia, maybe Niu Jizong became a moon old man in it, and Shi Nai was not so good in Datong, but he recruited Sun Shaozu, Niu Jizong's strength in Datong Town is indeed growing cut.

"Smith's eyes are swollen from crying these past few days, but she can't think of any way, even the ancestors can't do anything, Lord, can you..." Yuanyang raised her hopeful eyes, Feng Ziying looked at the other side with a wry smile Pressed it with his fingers, "How can outsiders intervene in this kind of thing? The historians and seniors are willing, and Sun Shaozu is also willing. If there is an intermediary, who can stop it? What is the reason for blocking? What qualifications do I have to stop? Or go Sue the grandson Shaozu for secretly communicating with Mongolia, intending to rebel?"

  Feng Ziying's words startled Yuanyang so much that she almost jumped up, "Then how?"

Looking at Feng Ziying's expression that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, Yuanyang knew that the other party was teasing her, and punched Feng Ziying's chest bitterly, "It's time, I'm worried about Miss Shi, I can still joke Teasing the slaves?"

   "Just kidding, but to be honest, it's really not easy for outsiders to intervene in this kind of matter." Feng Ziying was also telling the truth.

"Then we can only watch Miss Shi marry into the wolf's lair?" Yuanyang was not without emotion, "Two days ago when Cui Ling was with her servants, she said that Miss Yun really had a hard life. With two uncles like these, it’s no wonder Miss Yun doesn’t want to go back to live with the Shi family, and now that this kind of thing happens again,…”

"Yun girl and I have talked about it before, but we are indeed too busy during this time, and we don't have much energy to ask. The key is that there is really no good reason to intervene, not to mention that this is probably the Zhenguo bull's family. Feng Ziying shook her head, "It's not that I don't help, but that it's really hard to help. Look, let me think about it..."

  Mandarin Duck's eyes rolled, "My lord, I see that Miss Smith has a lot of affection for me, my servant doesn't believe that I don't care at all,..."

  Feng Ziying couldn't help laughing, "Little Hoof, how dare you cheat on me? When did I get involved with Yun girl again?"

   "Miss Yun isn't there, is the second girl always? What about the third girl? Where's Xiuyan girl?" Yuanyang also wanted to take this opportunity to ask a question, and by the way, see how sincere Feng Ziying treats her.

  Feng Ziying was taken aback by this question, it was really difficult to answer because it was about the reputation of these girls.

   But when Yuanyang asked, he had to answer, otherwise he would hurt the girl's heart, and he could trust the girl's mouth.

"Second sister, I will go to discuss with She Shibo soon. Since Baoyu is married, it is almost time for the second sister to come over. As for the third sister..." Feng Ziying pondered for a while, "The third sister has feelings for me, and I also love her." Intentionally, but there are many obstacles here, and I still need to think about it in the long run. As for Miss Xiuyan, I just admire her for being a beautiful and good girl, and I don't think much about other things,..."

  (end of this chapter)

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