Number of People

Chapter 1513: Xin Zi Roll Fox Tail

  Chapter 1513 Xinzi Scroll Fox Tail

"Really?" Yuanyang's suspicious eyes fell on Feng Ziying's face, as if he didn't believe it, "the third girl is indeed in some obstacles, but for girl Xiuyan, she and girl Miaoyu are like sisters, even with girl Miaoyu. It's reasonable to go through the house together, and the servant feels that she should have some affection for the master, but today I heard the master say that, so the servant can't believe it,..."

  Feng Ziying couldn't help but laugh, "Yuanyang, why are you so eager to catch all the girls in your Rongguo Mansion?"

"If the master really has that ability, then the servants will certainly wish for it..." Yuanyang was a little sentimental, "Seeing that the girls in this garden are all married off one by one, and they are getting colder and colder. If you say that the big guys don't have some feelings in their hearts, the servants don't believe it either. Yes, wait for another two years, the second girl and Miss Lin will also come to the master's house, and there will be fewer people in the garden. Now, Zijuan will be next year's event, and the slave girl is not feeling well,..."

"Okay, okay, it's only a matter of a year or two for you, so why be so sad?" Feng Ziying quickly relieved, "When the time comes, Jin Chuan'er, Qingwen, Zijuan, and Siqi will all be there, everyone It’s a family, it’s fun, it’s great,..."

Yuanyang suddenly remembered something, glanced at the man next to him who was digging his hands under his clothes again, twisted his waist, but finally let the man succeed, groped in his warm belly, and asked: "What is Pinger?" Woolen cloth?"

   "Ping'er?" Feng Ziying was taken aback.

"Yeah, don't say that the little hoof of Master Ping'er has nothing to do with it. This little hoof has been full of enthusiasm for the past six months. I must have a man. After all, it is only Master. How can Master arrange Ping'er?" Yuanyang stared closely at Feng Ziying's eyes and said word by word.

  Feng Ziying is a little embarrassed, this question is really difficult to answer.

  If he denies it, he will hurt Yuanyang's heart if he finds out in the future, and he also knows that the relationship between Yuanyang and Ping'er is excellent, even surpassing Qingwen and Siqi, and it should be similar to Zijuan.

  Seeing that Feng Ziying remained silent, Yuanyang knew that she had guessed right, and felt relieved.

She is also happy that her best friend can finally find a good home. If she can continue to be sisters together in the future and stay together for the rest of her life, then of course it would be great, but with the obstacle of Second Mistress, how can Pinger abandon her second wife? Grandma to Feng's house?

   This is the biggest problem, and Yuanyang also wants to know how Feng Ziying can solve this problem.

   "Yuanyang, I won't hide it from you. As for Ping'er, I have thought about it, but for Sister Feng..."

  Feng Ziying said Wang Xifeng's nickname casually, but he didn't call her Second Grandma or Second Sister-in-law as before.

  Second Grandma and Second Master Lian have been separated for a long time, and where to go has always been a matter for people in Rongguo Mansion to ponder.

Before the second master Lian didn't say that he would come back, everyone thought that it didn't matter if the second grandma lived in the mansion like this, but later they said that the second master Lian would come back at the end of the year, so it seemed a bit strange for the second grandma to live in that yard again. Not suitable anymore.

  Then where should Second Mistress go? No one thought of driving the second grandma away, but unexpectedly the second grandma proposed to leave, and she was very decisive and acted quickly.

   Everything was quickly completed in almost 10 to 20 days, and they moved to Baodafang, Dongcheng.

The maids and women in the mansion who don't go out often don't know where Baodafang is, but the mandarin ducks who often walk outside know it. The geographical location of that area is better than Jinchengfang where Rongning Street is located. , because it is next to the imperial city, the price is naturally more expensive.

  Furthermore, Xiaohong came back and said that the size of the house is not small. Although it cannot be compared with Rongguo Mansion, it has three courtyards and several courtyards, and it is not a problem to accommodate a hundred or ten people. This surprised Yuanyang.

  According to Xiaohong's description, the price of the house is at least tens of thousands of taels of silver, but even if Second Mistress had saved a lot of private money in the past, it must be a lot, but is it worthwhile to spend so much to buy a house? Didn't think about how to live in the future?

  Such a large house will not only cost a lot, but it will definitely cost a lot in the future.

Although Yuanyang has never been in charge of a house, she also knows that this kind of house requires a lot of daily maintenance costs. Doors, windows, walls, tiles, columns and floors, garden ditches, everything needs to be taken care of by someone. There are ten or so people who need to spend the same expenses. The second grandma is used to being pampered, and things like carriages and sedan chairs are unavoidable. It is estimated that another ten or twenty people will have to be hired to give this mansion to the public. Shake down and circle around.

But so many people have to eat horse chews every day, and they have to pay monthly money every month, and they have to make a few clothes when they change seasons. After calculating this, according to the specifications of Rongguo Mansion, it is estimated that they will have to pay every month. It takes hundreds of taels of silver to pay for it, and this is not counting the money given to the servants during the holidays.

  Even if Second Mistress has savings, how long will she be able to endure this?

Yuanyang doesn't believe that the shrewdness of the second mistress will not understand the difficulties of life in the future. Now the second mistress of Rongguo Mansion is very aware of the difficulties. Last year, she made a fuss early last year to ignore the affairs of the house. However, he felt that the mansion was struggling and life was difficult, and if it continued to manage, it would only attract people's resentment.

  Looking at the situation of Grandma Zhu and Miss San, one can see that Wang Xifeng is wise.

Under such circumstances, the Second Mistress still spent a lot of money to buy a luxury house and hired so many people to do things. The problem is that the Second Mistress is no more than Rongguo Mansion. There are farms and some shops to barely maintain, and the Grand Master and the Second Grand Master also have official titles. Anyway, there is still a little salary for a year, even if the Rongguo Mansion can't survive, how can the second grandmother, He De, dare to act recklessly like this?

This question is not only puzzled by Yuanyang, but also by the ancestors and his wife. They have talked about it in private. The wife even said some angry words, but she is also worried about the future of the second grandma, her niece. If you don't go down, you will become a laughing stock.

  Yuanyang also thought about whether the Second Mistress had something to rely on, but if it was to rely on, it was only her natal Wang's family.

  But the second grandma’s father passed away two years ago, and the Wang family included Wang Ziteng and Wang Zisheng, that is, his wife and Aunt Xue.

  Now Wang Ziteng is in Huguang, and Wang Zisheng has also returned to Jinling this year. Although there are still people in the Wang family in the capital, they are all useless idlers.

With Wang Xifeng's situation of marrying a daughter and now divorced, it is very difficult to get the favor of her natal family, and with the temperament of the second mistress, it is absolutely impossible to go back to the Wang family to suffer that useless, just because of this. I have been wondering what is behind the Second Mistress.

  Uncle Feng's unintentional address of "Sister Feng" today made her heart move for no reason.

The word "Sister Feng" is not something that anyone can call it. Few people seem to call it this way in my impression. The ancestors usually call it "Feng Girl", and occasionally "Feng Lazi", and the wife generally calls it "Feng "Girl", like the younger generation, they are all called "Second Sister-in-law" or "Second Sister", and the only one who is really called "Sister Feng" is probably the second master Lian.

Uncle Feng is several years younger than Grandma Second. Although he is of the same generation, he often calls Uncle Feng "Second Sister-in-law". Why did he call "Sister Feng" this weird name today? Lian's Second Master and Second Mistress reconciled, and it was normal to call him "Second Sister-in-law" or "Second Grandma". Everyone in the house called her that, but "Sister Feng" sounded too harsh.

Yuanyang also noticed that the other party was a little careless when he called "Sister Feng", but it was this casual and casual address that was more likely to reveal something that was not noticed by others. How did Second Mistress and Uncle Feng become so familiar with each other? Get up casually?

In the past, Second Master Lian and Uncle Feng had a very close relationship, and it seemed plausible that Second Mistress was even familiar with her, but she didn't realize that it was necessary to use an indescribably intimate or even intimate title like "Sister Feng". Yes, after the relationship between Second Master Lian and Second Mistress was cold or even separated, did the relationship between Second Mistress and Uncle Feng become closer and closer?

No wonder the Second Mistress is also doing the business of redeeming the officers and soldiers of the Beijing camp from the Mongols. It is said that she also relied on Uncle Feng's relationship. Yuanyang didn't think much of it before. I got a fortune out of it, but no matter how you look at it, the Second Mistress seemed to play a more important role in it. Even the old man was there cursing and saying that the Second Mistress had robbed him of his business.

   Now it seems that the relationship between Uncle Feng and Second Mistress is really unusual.

  A divorced woman, a young man, Yuanyang thinks of Second Mistress's alluring face and figure with **** and fat buttocks, and she also feels a shock in her heart, but don't...

  Then the people in Rongguo Mansion will know about it, so it won’t turn the world upside down?

Yuanyang is also very clear that this kind of thing is not uncommon among high-ranking and wealthy families, but Uncle Feng is different. Those people in his family only engage in such sneaky things when they have nothing to do. Uncle Feng is well-known in the capital. How could a handsome man who is a big celebrity with a bright future and who will be in the cabinet to pay homage to the prime minister in the future make such a mistake?

Yuanyang's heart was overwhelming, she always wanted to deny her doubts, but the more she thought about it, the more suspicious she became, and she knew very well that a charming woman like Second Mistress would be very sensitive to a young man like Uncle Feng who hadn't seen much battle. How lethal is Lang Jun, I am afraid that just a few glances can make people fascinated and fall under the pomegranate skirt.

In the mansion, Jia Rong and Jia Rui both had some thoughts on this aspect, they were fascinated by the second grandma's demeanor, and even the Elder Master had some unruly intentions. A well-informed mandarin duck.

  (end of this chapter)

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