Number of People

Chapter 1515: The Cause of Misfortune by Xin Zijuan (Replenishment)

  Chapter 1515 The cause of the disaster caused by Xinzijuan (updated)

  Feng Ziying was dizzy thinking about it, but couldn't find a suitable explanation.

  He felt more and more that his background was still too shallow.

There are many forces in Beijing and China, and my father used to avoid them because he was afraid of being involved in the whirlpool. He just wanted to hide in a border town to stay away from these gossips. He didn't pay much attention to Beijing and China. Now he suddenly wants to Knowing these details, how can I do it for a while?

  Wang Wenyan and Wu Yaoqing have their roots in the south, and they have only been in Beijing for a short time. Many of them can only understand the superficial things, and they still don't have enough digging into the deep insider things.

  Like Concubine Wu's family, such as Wu Tianyou and Wu Tiande brothers, what is their background, are there any other forces behind them, is it simply ordinary martial arts?

   Is it true that Concubine Wu, like Jia Yuanchun, was brought into the harem by Emperor Yonglong in order to win over martial arts?

  Then why did the Supreme Emperor of Renshou Palace suddenly make a sound? Is it the intention of the Supreme Emperor, or the personal intention of the concubine?

Although the concubine is not the biological mother of Emperor Yonglong and King Zhongshun, the two were raised by the concubine. Emperor Yonglong still cares about this nurturing grace, but if it involves the struggle for imperial power, it is another matter. So it's really hard to judge the real reason at this time.

  Feng Ziying felt that among Jia Yuanchun and the other concubines who entered the palace and were conferred imperial titles, although Jia Yuanchun was used by Emperor Yonglong to win over Prince Teng, it seemed useless, but so did the others? I'm afraid it may not be so, at least the identity of Concubine Wu Gui is very suspicious and not easy.

   and Zheng Chongjian chatted for a while about the Southwest War, but they were still not very optimistic.

The integration of Yang He's Jingxiang Town was very difficult. Although the part of Guyuan Town was defeated and was asked to be integrated into Jingxiang Town, this group of people has always been incompatible with the Huguang soldiers in Jingxiang Town, which made Yang He feel very uncomfortable. .

Sun Chengzong's rectification of the local guards in Sichuan has achieved relatively good results. He has won successive battles with Yang Yinglong's Bozhou Tujun, but these are not decisive battles. The scale of the battle is small, and Yang Yinglong is very cunning. If it didn't go well, he took the initiative to retreat, relying on the advantages of time and place, and dealt with Sun Chengzong, but Sun Chengzong's troops were limited, and he could not get the cooperation of Yang He Jingxiang Army and Wang Ziteng's Denglai Army. He also won first and then lost, so he had to retreat.

   This war is in such an embarrassing stalemate.

  The turbulent affairs in the imperial court made Feng Ziying a little frightened. He always felt that there seemed to be something foreshadowing, but he couldn't see through the truth behind the thick fog.

  Zheng Chongjian left, leaving behind a bunch of questions, which made Feng Ziying not in a good mood.

But Feng Ziying is also very clear that he is not a god. Even though he knew some historical trends in the past, the things of the Great Zhou Dynasty did not exist in the history of his previous life. The emperor also has some secret relationships with the Supreme Emperor, but the specific situation is not mentioned at all, and it is all up to the readers to make up.

  I haven't come to this time and space to slowly understand the general joints here, but I can't know the more specific details.

  One of the truths he can understand is to act carefully, and at the same time strengthen his own strength as much as possible, so as to avoid being unable to deal with it at the last moment.

Dad’s going to the northwest to seize military power is a preventive measure. No one knows that one day the Great Zhou Dynasty will break out to seize the throne or fight for the throne. At that time, the weakness of civil power may be exposed all at once. , I don't have any army in my hands to rely on, so I really have no confidence.

   Going home from the government office in dismay, the good mood of seeing old classmates was completely ruined by the bad news brought by Zheng Chongjian.

Back at the mansion, I met my father, and the news I got was that the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Households only agreed to allocate 700,000 taels of silver in the end. The 800,000 taels of silver set by Feng Ziying was a bit short, but this was the best result that could be achieved.

   "When is dad going to leave?" The father and son had lunch alone, talking incidentally.

"The Ministry of War is pressing hard. It is estimated that I will go to see the emperor tomorrow or the next day. After seeing the emperor, I should leave." Feng Tang sighed, "Your two aunts and younger sisters are back, this time they will not follow me. I went to the northwest, where it is too bitter and cold, but this capital is not reassuring."

  Su Xie's two aunts and younger sisters are back, but the relationship between Feng Ziying and the two aunts is very weak, but the younger sister is almost thirteen years old and is very close to him, making it difficult for Feng Ziying to express indifference.

"Father, as long as you stand firm in the northwest, no matter how the capital changes, our Feng family will be safe. Besides, isn't there still a son? Doesn't the father believe in the son?" Feng Ziying said with a smile .

"Well, be careful after I leave. The first batch of grain bought by the Shanshan merchants in Huguang has already been on the road. I guess when I arrive in Ningxia, this batch of grain should have arrived." Feng Tang warned: "Follow up There are still two or three batches of grain, Ziying, please help me. I am going to transfer the money from the household department, so I will transfer the first batch of silver taels to them, lest these Shanxi businessmen really think that our father and son are going to take it They're cheap."

"No, Wang Shaoquan and the others clearly distinguish the importance." Feng Ziying also shook her head with a smile, "Of course, the early payment will allow them to deliver the second and third batches of food more actively. Father, I don't think the second and third batches of food are necessarily To be transported to Ganzhou and Yinchuan, it can be placed in Pingliang or Yan'an."

  Feng Tang paused with his chopsticks, "Ziying, are you so sure that the Northwest Frontier Army is going to enter the Central Plains?"

  Feng Ziying's meaning is very clear. The second town of Ganning does not need so much food. If the main force of the army in the second town of Ganning is going eastward, it is not appropriate to transport food to Yinchuan or Liangzhou.

"Father, didn't I tell you everything? The elites from the four towns were recruited to perform martial arts training on the front line of Pingliang and Qingyang. The purpose was to prepare for weeding out the old and the weak, but in fact it was to take precautions. On the side of the Tumet people, my father has a way. Say hello to Bu Shitu and Su Nang, let them settle down, my father should be able to do it, for the Mughals, I believe that Liu Dongyang and Tu Wenxiu have stayed in Hami and Shazhou for several years, and they must have contacts , it’s really not possible, it’s not impossible to give up Hami temporarily,…”

  Feng Ziying's casual tone made Feng Tang unacceptable, and he frowned: "Ziying, do you understand the responsibility of losing the land? You should be executed according to the law, your father and I can't bear this responsibility, how dare you give up lightly?"

"Father, I mean that in the event of a last resort, maybe Liu Dongyang and Tu Wenxiu have better countermeasures, but they must mobilize enough elite troops to station in the east to prevent accidents." Feng Ziying was very sure, "Maybe there At that time, no one cares about losing a Hamisha state?"

  Feng Ziying's pessimistic arguments made it difficult for Feng Tang to accept. Even though he admitted that some of his son's analysis and judgments were reasonable, there were still many uncertain factors in them, and it was hard to say how likely it was.

  Eating a meal was also a bit dull, and at the end, Feng Tang suddenly remembered something: "I heard in the Ministry of War that Chen Jixian is going out of Huaiyang, and the Fifth Army Battalion needs to arrange another person to be a general. It may be Qiu Shiben."

   "Huh?" Feng Ziying was taken aback, "Father, didn't you say that Wu Tianyou is also possible?"

"Oh, you've heard about it too?" Feng Tang also knew that his son was well-informed, "Wu Tianyou is not familiar with this person as a father, but the situation of the Wu family is somewhat similar to ours. People like Erhou are not the same kind of people, and they have some connections with us, do you know where the Wu family is from?"

   "Where is he from?" Feng Ziying was very curious.

"People from Jining Prefecture are from Dongchang Prefecture along the canal, with a strip of water." Feng Tang said with a smile: "Although the Wu family is from Jining Prefecture, they moved from other places like us, but we came to Linzhou from Suzhou. Qing is very early, but they are later, their ancestral home is Xuzhou."

Feng Ziying's father's introduction made Feng Ziying suddenly realize that it is no wonder that Wu Tianyou was nominated as the chief soldier of Huaiyang Town. If his ancestral home is Xuzhou, then it makes sense. It's not realistic to rely on this to be the commander-in-chief of Huaiyang Town.

"Then if Chen Jixian is appointed as the commander-in-chief of Huaiyang Town, who will take over as the general of the Fifth Army Battalion?" Feng Ziying realized that Emperor Yonglong really wanted to completely control the three major battalions of the Beijing Camp. To be in the hands of someone he absolutely trusts.

   "Maybe it's Qiu Shiben." Feng Tang pondered for a while, "I heard that the emperor intends to let King Zhonghui be the military envoy of the Beijing camp."

"What? King Zhonghui?" Feng Ziying was greatly shocked. It is not impossible for the princes of the Great Zhou Dynasty to take up such important positions, but there are obviously some risks, unless the emperor absolutely trusts them, after all, they are all members of the Zhang family. If a prince covets the throne, he will be in big trouble.

Maybe it’s because of King Zhonghui instead of King Zhongshun. After all, King Zhonghui has been idle for so many years. Make suggestions.

Seeing that Feng Ziying seemed to understand thoughtfully, Feng Tang nodded, "The emperor's health is getting worse, and he may have more thoughts, but King Shou, King Fu and King Li, it seems that the emperor has been hesitating, or Not very satisfied,…”

"Is that satisfied with King Lu or Prince Gong?" Feng Ziying sneered, the three adult princes looked down on him, but liked an underage King Lu, well, there might be that Prince Gong, who is still here to play at this time Once it comes out, isn't it the cause of the disaster?

"But to be honest, King Shou, King Fu, and King Li are not very good, especially King Shou, and King Lu is indeed very similar to the emperor when he was young." Feng Tang seemed to be recalling the past decades ago, "King Gong also If you are more like the emperor than Shou Wang, Fu Wang and Li Wang, it is no wonder that the emperor is hesitant."

  (end of this chapter)

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