Number of People

Chapter 1516: Xin Zijuan must have a killer

  Chapter 1516 Xin Zijuan must have a killer

"Father, isn't that a reason?" Feng Ziying said bluntly: "If the emperor really intends to let King Lu be the crown prince, then he shouldn't let King Shou, King Fu, and King Li go to watch and manage politics. Think about it at this time." Changing the course, I am afraid it is the cause of self-cultivation."

  Feng Tang didn't know that what his son said was reasonable, but it involved the emperor's tendency, and many of them were unreasonable.

  Everyone prefers sons who look like their own in every way. Prince Lu and Prince Gong are obviously more favored by the emperor, but they are both underage princes.

The other three princes have grown up for a long time, and in the past two years, with the consent of the emperor, they have gone to various ministries to observe and consult politics, which can be regarded as accumulating some experience, and they have not made any mistakes. The three of them are not suitable, if you want to push a prince who is underage to be the crown prince, it will definitely cause opposition from the courtiers.

   "Forget it, Ziying, let's not get involved in this kind of thing. The emperor has his own ideas, and I believe the emperor will eventually understand the importance." Feng Tang shook his head, "Let's do our own thing."

   "My son is afraid that we don't want to get involved, but he can't avoid it." Feng Ziying also shook her head. He doesn't quite agree with her father's views. Can she hide? In his position as the prime minister of Shuntian Mansion, sometimes it is unavoidable.

"Ziying, you are a civil servant, if there is going to be trouble, it is also the three battalions of the Beijing camp and the soldiers and horses of the five cities. I am a little worried whether You Shigong's Ji Town will also be involved, but what is the point of talking about it now? What's the meaning?" Feng Tang spread his hands and put down the chopsticks in his hands, "I wrote to him to remind myself to be careful and remember a sentence, without the emperor's personal order and the countersignature of the cabinet and the Ministry of War, the Jizhen army cannot enter the capital city. So as not to give others a handle, but also to avoid being used by others."

   "But father, if the Jizhen army obeys your wishes, what about the Xuanfu army and the Datong army? What if something unexpected happens?" Feng Ziying asked back, looking directly at her father.

  Feng Tang hesitated for a moment, but did not answer.

"Father, it still depends on the situation. Brother You also asked him to act with his camera. If you are not sure, you can contact me first. At least I can see clearly in the capital city." Feng Ziying looked at her father. Father's authorization is required.

  Feng Tang was hesitant, not because he didn't trust his son, but because he was worried that once he got involved in this kind of thing, he would never get out of it. He didn't like getting involved in this kind of thing the least.

"Father, I won't act rashly, but I still have to guard against some accidents. Brother You came out with you, and it was you who pushed him to the position of the chief soldier of Ji Town, but under the capital city, he controls everything. If something happens to the most elite frontier army in the Gyeonggi area, but the outdated rules lead to unmanageable regrets, I am afraid that is not what you and I would like to see."

  Feng Ziying earnestly persuaded her father that Shuntian Mansion and Jingshi City were too sensitive, unlike Yongping Mansion. Without her father giving You Shigong a special account, she would never think of mobilizing a single soldier in Jizhen.

   But the situation in front of him did not allow Feng Ziying to take precautions. When her father went to the Northwest, he was out of sight and out of mind, but he couldn't avoid it, so he had to keep a trump card just in case.

Of course Feng Tang knew what Feng Ziying was worried about. Niu Jizong's Xuanfu Army and Datong Army were also the elite of the elite, even stronger than the Jizhen Army. It is also very close from the Dusi's side, and it only takes a day for the Xuanfu army to enter Shuntian Mansion from Yanqing or Huailai.

  Feng Tang sighed, but in the end he agreed to Feng Ziying's request and agreed to send You Shigong a letter, but he also asked Feng Ziying to promise not to let You Shigong act rashly unless it was absolutely necessary.

Feng Ziying can also understand the old man's cautiousness. After all, getting involved in the Tian family's seizure of the heir is not as simple as going to war and exceeding his authority. They are two different things, and their natures are completely different. Once you stand in the wrong direction, it will be a disaster.

  So he will not act rashly, and he will not use this killer tool unless he has to.

  Feng Ziying told her father about the Rongguo Mansion.

   It is reasonable to say that the father is not very interested in such things as concubinage, but the concubine's daughter is Jia She, even if it is a concubine, it is still a little sensitive.

"Ziying, will Jia Enhou agree?" Feng Tang felt inconceivable, "The concubine's daughter is also the daughter of the Jia family, and he will not be afraid of damaging the reputation of their Jia family if someone dares to say that you are the daughter of the Jia family. If my sister is a concubine, then I will definitely beat her out with a stick."

"Father, do you still think that the Rongguo Mansion is not as good as it is now?" Feng Ziying shook her head, "Times have changed, and the Jia family has long since fallen. Look at the defeat of the Beijing camp and the three camps last year. Almost all the children of Erhou were purged. The emperor had long been impatient with them Wu Xun's children who were eating vegetarian meals. Guogong, Li Guogong, and Qi Guogong have all suffered, and the relegated ones have been relegated, and the ones who have been imprisoned. It was more thorough, and there was no influence at all, and the emperor didn't even bother to do anything to them. Of course, it may also be because of Uncle Zheng Shi's eldest daughter being a concubine in the palace, but the son thought that was not the main reason, but because Jia The failure of the family is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the emperor,..."

"As for the four kings, hehe, except for the king of Jingjing, who is a little more active. Look at the king of Dongping County, the king of Nan'an County, and the king of Xining County, which one of them is not a man with his tail between his legs in Beijing? The twelve princes are in a better situation. They After all, his fame and influence are not as great as the four kings and eight princes, and to be honest, there are still some outstanding children, so the emperor didn't specifically target them. For example, He Zhisheng of the He family, hasn't he been promoted? But in general It is an indisputable fact that these martial arts disciples are gradually disappearing from the crowd."

  Feng Ziying's words are harsh, but they are true, and even Feng Tang can't help but sigh.

"So you want to take the Jia family's daughter as a concubine?" Feng Tang still finds it difficult to accept, "Why do you think of taking Jia Enhou's daughter as a concubine? There are many small families in the capital city, right? You want to take a concubine You don’t have to ask for Naja’s daughter, do you?”

"Father, although Xi Shibo is a bit unbearable, his daughter is an honest and honest person. Didn't mother always hope that someone would give birth to an heir for the Feng family as soon as possible? Wan Jun needs to take a break, Xue Shi and You Shi There has been no movement yet, the second girl of the Jia family is in good shape, and her mother and aunt have seen each other before, so..."

  As soon as he heard about the issue of heirs, the second girl of Jia's family had a suitable physique, and Feng Tang immediately had no objection.

   Nothing is as important as the incense of the Feng family. Seeing that Ziying has been married for two years and has several wives and concubines, but only Shen has given birth to a daughter, how can this not make Feng Tang, who has been guarding the border all day long, anxious.

He also told his wife a few times that he might as well take in a few more concubines, even if they are concubines, as long as they are male heirs. At this time, he doesn't care about the attitudes of Shen and Xue. Can't blame anyone.

   "Well, since you have this intention, and the Jia family has no objection, then you and your mother can figure it out, as long as you don't make troubles that make the house restless." Feng Tang waved his hand.

"If father is going to leave in a few days, it may be too late to enter the door immediately, but the son still plans to find a chance for the daughter of the Jia family to come and meet the father and mother..." It is reasonable to say that taking a concubine does not require so much etiquette, but the Jia family At any rate, he was a man of the same family, so he should give some face. Feng Ziying was also more thoughtful, and it could be regarded as giving Jia Yingchun some more face.

   "Oh, you can figure it out." Feng Tang nodded.

  Feng Ziying told her father that the marriage between Jia Baoyu and the Niu family was just a matter of marriage, but Feng Tang had no attitude towards this marriage.

Although the Jia family and the Feng family are family friends, the degree of intimacy is also limited, and it is only in the past few years that they have become closer. It is far less close than Jia Shi Wang Xue and the four princes and eight princes. It is not up to outsiders to say that the Jia and Niu families are married. Make irresponsible remarks.

As for Feng Ziying's worries, Feng Tang felt that it was unfounded. Although Niu Jixun and Niu Jizong were brothers, Niu Jixun married the eldest princess of Yongning, and his relationship with his brother had always been estranged. With the relationship of the eldest princess of Yongning, even if If there is something, it will not involve the Jia family.

  Feng Tang got the letter here, and Feng Ziying felt more at ease, and her mood was much better when she went to Rongguo Mansion.

  In the afternoon, he asked Wu Daonan for a leave of absence, and went straight to Rongguo Mansion.

   Baoyu's marriage can be regarded as a clear answer. Jia Zheng explained that he did his best. If people don't agree with his opinion, then let it go.

  I need to meet and talk with Li Wan or Tanchun about borrowing money. It's a trivial matter, but it's just a chance to meet the third sister who is said to have lost a lot of weight.

  The other thing is to have a serious discussion with Jia She, and accept Yingchun to pass the door.

  Feng Ziying thinks about it as soon as possible, and strives to bring Yingchun into the door in September and October, so as to calm Yingchun's heart.

  In addition, if time permits, Feng Ziying will also go to see Lin Daiyu, and she will not go for a long time.

This girl is small-minded, and she has to be coaxed often. Although she usually sends a message or writes a letter, it is not as good as meeting her and expressing her lovesickness. Relent and told this girl to exercise, don't worry that she will pass the door next year, and she is still sick, which makes the old lady worry.

  (end of this chapter)

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