Number of People

Chapter 1517: Xin Zi Juan Huizhi Orchid Heart, Tsundere Daiyu

  Chapter 1517 Xin Zijuan Huizhi Lanxin, Tsundere Daiyu

   "Uncle Feng is here!" Xueyan flew into the courtyard with light steps, her slightly childish face was full of joyful smiles, "Girl, girl! Uncle Feng has already entered the mansion."

  Accompanied by Zijuan who just woke up from a nap, combing Daiyu's hair, she asked in surprise, "Really? When did you come here? Why didn't you hear that Uncle Feng has something to go to the house?"

Daiyu's sleepy eyes, which were still somewhat lazy and blurred, suddenly became active, and she wanted to stand up subconsciously, but it was Zijuan who supported Daiyu: "Girl, Mr. Feng must have a business to go to the house, don't worry, let me Xueyan will go to inquire again to see what's going on, if there are not many things, Uncle Feng will definitely come over."

   Daiyu bit her lips, and said with some resentment: "Brother Feng hasn't come to my Xiaoxiang Pavilion for a long time. Since Sister Dabao got married, Brother Feng came here less often..."

"It's nothing." Zijuan still can't understand her daughter's heart knot. Miss Bao is married, and her daughter has to keep her filial piety. Naturally, the girl is a little anxious, but this kind of thing is urgent and can't be rushed. , I have to comfort myself.

"Uncle Feng used to come here for a long time. That's because he was working as an editor at the Imperial Academy at that time, but he went to Yongping Mansion as a fellow magistrate, so he came here less time. Besides, he is now a member of our Shuntian Mansion. It's not like the girl doesn't know how busy her parents are. Some time ago, the sales conference of Daguanlou lasted for seven or eight consecutive days. It was said that the streets and alleys there were filled with carriages and sedan chairs, and Uncle Feng would go to watch every day. , I heard that it is to raise money for the imperial court, so don't worry, girl, when Uncle Feng is officially busy with business, it will be fine for the girl to come over next year."

   Daiyu sighed, "It will take another year, this is really difficult."

   Zijuan pursed her lips and smiled, "Young lady and uncle will have a lifetime together, Xueyan, where did you get the news?"

   "It was Mrs. Fei who was at the front door. I happened to overheard it. She said that Uncle Feng entered the corner gate and went to the ancestor's side..." Xueyan blinked her eyes.

"Went to the ancestors? It was probably for the marriage of the second master Bao." Zijuan nodded, "I heard that the girl from the Niu family has a lot of dowry, so we can't be too inferior in our house, so I also have to prepare well, but life in the mansion is a bit difficult now,..."

   Daiyu was stunned, "Zijuan, you mean Brother Feng came here to discuss this matter?"

   "It must have something to do with it. The girl hasn't seen the third girl these days, she has been so worried that she can't sleep well, and there are blisters on the corners of her mouth. Isn't it because of this?"

Zijuan knew much about these situations than ordinary people. Xiren came to sit with her for a while a few days ago and then sighed. Those of them who are present are in a hurry.

   Daiyu hesitated for a while, "I'm afraid it's up to my aunt and the others to think about it? It's hard to find a good girl without rice, how can we solve this kind of thing?"

Zijuan paused slightly, "Girl, even the ancestors and his wife are afraid to be in the same embarrassment. It's not like you don't know the situation in the mansion now, but how can the ancestors and his wife speak to Uncle Feng? Two days ago, the mandarin ducks went Isn’t Feng’s residence just to go to the front station to find out? If we really want to talk, it must be Grandma Zhu or Miss San who can talk about it.”

My girl's 200,000 dowry was lent to Jia's family, and now it seems that it is in vain, but after all, this is the girl's own uncle and aunt. It is even more embarrassing to borrow money from the girl's future husband's family.

Daiyu can definitely think of what Zijuan wants, but in her position, it is a dilemma, not to mention that it was her father who borrowed the money at the beginning, and Brother Feng also knew about it, so Daiyu can only pretend to be happy about this matter. Deaf and dumb, it's hard to even mention it.

Seeing Xueyan leaving excitedly, Daiyu said again: "Zicuckoo, Brother Bao is getting married, if it is really short of money, I can help make up for it. Anyway, I still have some money with Brother Feng. or…"

   "Don't, girl, please don't." Zijuan was startled and stopped quickly.

   My girl must never get involved in such things. If the Feng family really knows about it, Uncle Feng will naturally not care, but what about the others? Isn't this turning your elbow outward?

  If it is said that the money was originally set by Master Lin, the Feng family must not be able to say anything. If they are still throwing money to the Jia family, it will definitely attract criticism.

   Daiyu looked at Zicuckoo in puzzlement.

"Girl, you and Uncle Feng are engaged, and you are about to pass the door. The money is said to be your dowry, but in fact it belongs to the Feng family. You are also the Feng family. If you really want to be the master You shouldn't be here, it's Uncle Feng who is in charge, don't invite other people's gossip."

   Zijuan said seriously, Daiyu thought about it for a while, seemed to understand a little bit, nodded, "Forget it, let Brother Feng worry about it."

   "I'm afraid that Uncle Feng came to the mansion not entirely for the marriage of the second master Bao? Maybe there is also the matter of the second girl." Zijuan pretended not to care while observing the expression of her own girl.

Sure enough, after Daiyu was stunned for a moment, she thought for a while, "Second sister is not young, and she finally broke up with the Sun family, it's time to think about it, Zijuan, you said that second sister really wants to To be a concubine for Brother Feng, which room should I enter?"

   Zijuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, the news that the second girl might be a concubine to Uncle Feng has spread in the mansion for not a day or two, at least half a year, but at first it was just a kind of gossip that everyone thought was all gossip, so they didn't quite believe it. The Jia family is also a clan of hairpin tassels, the family of a public official, how could it be possible for a daughter to be a concubine? Besides, Uncle Feng is well-known and has a bright future, but he still feels a little wronged.

But later, the rumors became more and more intense. Even the second master didn't officially refute the rumors before he left, and the elder master didn't say anything. He was a person who only recognized money. With the strength of the Feng family, naturally he wouldn't care about almost It's just that this kind of thing is always a bit unbelievable.

Later, it seemed that Zhuijin Tower was also silent, and Zijuan even asked Siqi specifically, but Siqi's little hoof was plausible, saying that it was better than marrying the Sun family, and only hoped that the second girl would die early. I hope that the second girl will marry into the Sun's family, at least Uncle Feng knows how to love others, and the second girl can be happy even as a concubine without being bullied.

Zijuan also felt that Siqi's words were correct. Uncle Feng was kind to others, even his servants were exceptionally friendly and amiable. The second girl's meek nature, if she really wanted to marry into the Sun family, she didn't know what she would be bullied and humiliated. What about.

   It's just that Uncle Feng's taking a concubine seems a bit awkward to his own girl. The second girl is her cousin, and now she wants to be a concubine for Uncle Feng. I don't know what my girl thinks?

  So although many people in the mansion were talking about this matter, Zijuan specially greeted all the girls and servants in the Xiaoxiang Pavilion, not to mention this matter in front of the girl.

   But now it seems that the girl has known about this for a long time, she is not surprised by her own temptation, and she is not even very emotional, that's good.

   "Girl, you don't seem to care too much..." Zijuan tried again.

Daiyu glanced at Zijuan, and said angrily: "You think I don't know that you made everyone in the yard not allowed to mention this in front of me? It's okay for the second sister to be Brother Feng's concubine, and it's okay for sister Miaoyu Do you want to marry Brother Feng with me?"

   Zijuan was taken aback, "Didn't Ms. Miaoyu always say that she doesn't want to marry and wants to stay in Changcui'an?"

   Daiyu's face sank, "My sister is free to say that, but I'm afraid she will have to go through the door with me next year. This is what my father decided at the beginning. Her arrogant temper should have been curbed long ago."

   Unexpectedly, her daughter suddenly became hard-tempered, which surprised Zijuan, and she almost got to know her daughter again, "Girl, what if Miss Miaoyu refuses?"

"She doesn't even think about it. If I marry in the past, I guess Tan girl and Yun girl will marry sooner or later. Could it be that sister Xiuyan can accompany her for the rest of her life? She doesn't marry? In the future, there will be only sister-in-law in this garden. , can she just guard this Quicui nunnery for the rest of her life?"

Daiyu's tone was cold and resolute, "My elder sister is stubborn at the moment, she has never suffered a loss outside, she must recognize the situation after all, I have also told elder sister Xiuyan, and asked her to help persuade her Persuading my sister, if it doesn’t work, I will send someone to go to Suzhou to meet my elder who is considered my aunt, this matter must be done according to the strategy set by my father at the beginning, there is nothing to say.”

Zijuan looked at her with admiration. The girl from home seems to have matured a lot this year, especially after Miss Bao and Miss Qin married to Feng's mansion. The girl was silent for a while, but now she is even more cold. There are also some changes in the conversations with Miss San and Miss Yun, but they are not as touching as the words of today's girl.

In the past, when Miss Miaoyu was mentioned, the girl was just a little helpless and irritable, but today the girl's attitude has changed, she has become more decisive and tough, and she seems to be more like the head of the family. Well, if you say that Miss Miaoyu is a concubine However, when the Lin family had no direct elders, the daughter of her own family did have the right to decide the future of Ms. Miaoyu.

Zijuan laughed, "The girl is very rational and calm when she talks about other people's affairs, but she is completely different when she talks about herself and Uncle Feng, or let the second girl go with the girl next year. The third room? Anyway, the girl and the second girl are also sisters, and the second girl has a good temper."

  Lin Daiyu shook her head, "I think Second Sister is probably going to enter Erfangbao's place, because time is running out, and Second Sister can't wait until next year."

  (end of this chapter)

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