Number of People

Chapter 1524: Xin Zijuan fulfills one's wish (updated last night)

  Chapter 1524 Xin Zijuan fulfills wish (updated last night)

   "Brother Feng, you have helped me so much, what's wrong with my younger brother treating you to a drink? Even if you are going all out to be punished by your wife, younger brother should do the same." Baoyu said with a rare bluntness.

  Feng Ziying nodded, "Well, since that's the case, that's fine, I'll go to work on things here first, and then I'll come to your Yihong Courtyard directly."

   Baoyu was overjoyed, "Brother Feng, I've just agreed. I'll arrange for the back kitchen to prepare the food and drinks right now, and come directly after you finish your work."

  The two bid farewell, and Feng Ziying and Siqi entered the Grand View Garden.

  Walking towards Zhuijin Tower, passing by the gates of Qiushuangzhai and Xiaoxiang Hall, Feng Ziying glanced subconsciously.

Siqi couldn't help but said: "Master is really busy, I haven't had time to go to my girl's place yet, I have to go to Miss San and Miss Lin, and then I have to go to Master Bao's for a drink, that night Do you still want to rest in the mansion?"

Feng Ziying remembered that it was Pinger who came over that day, but was finally beaten by Siqi, and her heart was also burning, "Well, if you think carefully about Siqi, then I will be disrespectful. I won't go back tonight, but I am still here What do you think about the lack of a warm quilt, Siqi?"

  Siqi didn't expect Feng Ziying to be so presumptuous, her face flushed as red as a bride's cloth covering her face.

Thinking of the situation on that day, I lost my innocence in such a daze, my heart was sweet but also a little ashamed, and I was a little glad to meet my beloved, if Uncle Feng was as careless as Second Master Bao, I would I'm afraid of losing my body but I don't know who to tell.

Seeing Uncle Feng's half-smile eyes, Siqi was also bold and reckless, biting his lips and said: "If the Lord really wants to rest in the mansion, there will still be a lack of company there, and the servants will not see it that day. Who, but after all, there are only a few little hooves in this mansion, so how can we get rid of servants?"

Feng Ziying's heart moved, and she said casually: "Yo, you settled the case with Bao Qingtian, who else can you figure out? I don't come to your house many times, and I don't know that every move falls into the clairvoyance of your chess player." Shunfeng has heard it, so tell me who it was that day?"

"Hmph, it's nothing more than Zijuan, Ping'er and Yuanyang." Siqi sneered and said, "It's not guaranteed that they are attacking them. Second Master Bao relies on you so much, so maybe it will also make you angry." Xiren and the others come to sleep."

  The latter sentence is a bit of a tiger and wolf. No matter how bad Baoyu said it, he would not use the people in his house to serve him.

Feng Ziying glared at Siqi, but Siqi refused to show weakness: "Master, don't you think it's impossible? Hmph, there are so many girls in Master Bao's house, and it's fine if he takes over the house, like Sheyue and Qiu. Wen, Meiren, Bihen, Qilu, and Zixiao are all seventeen or eighteen-year-old girls, and they should have been dispatched a long time ago, but the second master Bao is reluctant, and there are four children, Tan Yun, Jia The little girls Hui, Zhui'er, Liang'er, Zhuan'er, and Chunyan are all not young, and have already passed the age of sending them out. Except for Zhuan'er, who was given to Xiuyan girl, the others were also kept by the second master Bao. Let’s go, but is it a way to keep it like this?”

  Feng Ziying didn't expect Siqi to look reckless and reckless, but he was very meticulous in such matters. He glanced at Siqi and didn't make a sound.

"Ten girls, now the second master Bao may not even be able to keep one of the attackers, and he has to rely on the uncle to speak, what about the other girls?" Siqi became more and more angry, "Sheyue, Qiuwen, Bihen, Meiren , Qilu and Zixiao all grew up with slaves, if the second master Bao didn't have the ability to keep them, he should have released them early. Now they are all seventeen or eighteen years old, like Musk Moon, Qiu Wen and Bi Hen will be nineteen soon, if they are allowed to go out at this age, where can they find a good family? Even Si'er and Jia Hui have already passed the most suitable time to go out."

"No way." Feng Ziying had to distinguish a few words for Baoyu, "The Niu family girl should not be so unreasonable. Baoyu has been with these girls for so long, and some affection is normal. The Niu family girl should take care of it to some extent. Baoyu's feelings,..."

  Feng Ziying's words were a bit insincere, even chess players could tell: "That's not necessarily true. I heard that the Niu family girl is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and she is used to being arrogant and pampered at home. Otherwise, why haven't she married?"

   "Siqi, don't talk nonsense about such things." Feng Ziying said seriously: "When a husband and wife get along, they are about mutual tolerance. Maybe Baoyu's temperament is just right for the girl from the Niu family."

   "Hmph, if Second Master Bao insists on forbearance, then Sheyue and Qiuwen will suffer." Siqi said bitterly.

   This is also true, if the girl from the Niu family refuses to give in, then Baoyu can only give in.

But Baoyu was originally a character who was afraid of trouble and timid to argue. All kinds of things in the book "Dream of Red Mansions" also proved this point. He could only give in when he argued with the maids. There is no choice but to give in. With this kind of temperament, he looks like a warm-hearted boy, but deep down he is timid and lacks self-confidence.

  Feng Ziying found that she could not refute, so she could only keep silent.

"If the uncle is having a drink in Yihong Courtyard tonight, he should persuade the second master Bao to make a plan early. If it doesn't work out, he can send Sheyue and the others away earlier before the girl from the Niu family comes to the house. This is a good deed, don’t wait until the girls from the Niu family pass by, they will be humiliated and tortured,…”

Counting the fifteen or six maids in Baoyu's house, Feng Ziying couldn't help shaking her head. Whoever married her would probably not be able to tolerate her husband being surrounded by more than ten maids, and they all followed her since she was a child. How to manage affairs at home? If he doesn't make it right, he will be taken over by these maids.

   Talking all the way, they arrived at Zhuijin Building.

Seeing Yingchun who was so surprised and excited that her body was trembling slightly, Feng Ziying naturally knew what the girl was looking forward to, she didn't say anything, she just nodded, Yingchun let out her breath, her body softened immediately, and she just nodded. If he was about to collapse to the ground, Feng Ziying and Si Qi were quick to hold him up.

  Feng Ziying simply came to a princess hug, and carried Yingchun into the house, but Siqi didn't go in, but was busy making the two little maids, Xiuju and Lianhuaer, close the door.

  Brought Yingchun into the house and sat down, Yingchun had already calmed down, but she lowered her head and just wanted to snuggle into Lang Jun's arms to enjoy this rare warmth.

  After several years of struggle, today I finally achieved a positive result. Yingchun's heart that has been tense for two or three years can finally be let go.

  "Sister, don't worry, I've already made an agreement with She Shibo. It depends on my sister's wish. After Baoyu gets married at the earliest, I can bring her into our Feng family." Feng Ziying whispered in Yingchun's ear.

  Yingchun was flushed all over her face, even her cheeks and ears were flushed with redness, she just nodded her head slightly, pressed her cheeks tightly against Feng Ziying's chest, and tightly wrapped her hands around Feng Ziying's back, refusing to let go.

Feng Ziying was also a little emotional, Siqi had already gone to close the door knowingly, there were only two people left in the room, one hand raised Yingchun's jaw, only to see that Yingchun's beautiful eyes were half closed, her breathing was rapid, and her plump chest was shaking sharply. Undulating, purple-red skirts staggered to cover the proud bulge, setting off the snow-white pink neck more like a jade carving, cherry lips like fire, slightly pursed, just waiting for the lover to come.


   The world was spinning, and I didn't know what night it was. Feng Ziying and Yingchun didn't wake up until the door creaked and someone came in.

  Yingchun was even more ashamed and impatient, her **** were half-naked, her jade body stretched out, she was only short of making a big mistake in the last step, Feng Ziying also suppressed her anger, turned her head away, only to see Siqi sneaking in.

"do what?"

   "Master, you can't make it today. The girl will be yours sooner or later. If she gets sick today and someone sees the truth when passing through the door, it will be difficult for the girl to hold her head up in the mansion in the future. That's why the slaves will come..."

  Siqi was also blushing, obviously he had been listening to the bed outside the door for a long time, and he had no choice but to enter the door to interrupt their good deed when he heard that the two had no intention of stopping at the critical moment.

While Yingchun is covering up her clothes, she is also afraid. Anyway, it will be a matter of a month or two. After passing the door, he will naturally let the gentleman do whatever he wants, but before passing the door, he must keep this chaste body. A foot of white silk is red.

Reluctantly pulling his hand from Yingchun's chest, Feng Ziying also knew that what Siqi said was reasonable, but the arrow was interrupted by someone, the feeling was really uncomfortable, and he stared at Siqi viciously, but Siqi was not afraid , Eyes sideways and mouth pursed to ignore, Feng Ziying could only suppress the anger in her heart, and pulled Siqi over, "Then I can only seek compensation from you."

"Hmph, it doesn't matter if you are a servant, but I still have to go to the third girl to talk about the marriage of the second master Bao, and to go to Miss Lin in the Xiaoxiang Pavilion. The second master Bao in Yihong Courtyard is still waiting for the uncle to drink, so I have time." Is it?" Si Qi playfully let Feng Ziying put his hands deep into her lapel, and while twisting her body, reminded secretly.

  Siqi was broken by Feng Ziying and did not hide it from Yingchun, Yingchun felt nothing, anyway, Siqi was going to marry into Feng's residence with her.

In Yingchun's eyes, it's normal for a man to be happy and playful. Doesn't his elder brother Jia Lian often avoid his sister-in-law, Bao Er's wife, and many girls? Isn't it the same as the father? Occasionally he wants to go out to hang out in the brothel. As for seeing the father and son of Jia Zhen and Jia Rong in the East Mansion, that is even more unscrupulous, and all kinds of bliss are even more embarrassing to mention.

In comparison, Brother Feng can be called a gentleman, and I heard from Siqi that it was probably some other girl in the house who seduced Brother Feng. Brother Feng was caught by the trick for a while, so she blocked the gun without warning. That's why.

"Siqi, can't you just say something in the middle of the sentence? Your nature will be defeated by you." Feng Ziying sighed, and could only stand up, and Siqi also helped Feng Ziying tidy up his clothes with a smile: Can’t you just listen to the truth?”

   There are a lot of broken things, and there are some delays. I will try to make up for it as soon as possible.



  (end of this chapter)

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