Number of People

Chapter 1525: Xin Zijuan is a good means

  Chapter 1525 Xin Zijuan Good Means

After wreaking havoc in Siqi's arms, Feng Ziying reluctantly said goodbye to Yingchun. Although Yingchun was reluctant to give up, she thought that her wish had been fulfilled and she could pass the door just waiting for the auspicious day. In the first room, Yingchun also hesitated.

  Baochai and Baoqin are naturally the most familiar, and the relationship is good, but the problem is that Baoqin is a concubine, and she will be a head shorter after she passes by. Although Yingchun doesn't care much about this, Siqi deliberately reminds her.

If you go to the long house, the grandma of the Shen family is not familiar with her, and there are two other concubines, Eryou. Although I heard that Eryou has a good personality, Yingchun still feels timid. After all, she prefers to be with people she knows well. .

Going to the third room is definitely the best, Daiyu is very familiar and close, but Daiyu has a somewhat arrogant temper, and if Miaoyu wants to marry with her, she will also be a concubine, and Yingchun also heard that her mother intends to let Xiuyan marry her. She also wants to marry into the Feng family as a concubine. Although Big Brother Feng didn't say anything, but there is no wind without waves. With the relationship between Xiuyan and Miaoyu as sisters, she must be in the third room, so if she goes too, it will be lively, but We have to wait another year, but Yingchun is really afraid that there will be some unexpected changes in this year.

   This also made Yingchun and Siqi very difficult.

  After Feng Ziying went out, Yingchun and Siqi were also discussing this matter.

"What's the girl thinking?" Siqi asked, biting her lips. She didn't want to go to the long room. Once she went, she would face Qingwen. That little hoof is also a tongue-tied person. If she goes by herself, she will inevitably have to talk to her. The disputes made it difficult for the girl.

  But the Erfang side may not be all right, Yinger is not a good quarrel, Xiangling is not bad, after the past, it is inevitable that there will be open and secret fights.

"Sister Shen's sister in the long house is a good-natured girl, but I'm not familiar with it after all. Baochai's side is much better, and Baochai's temperament is also generous. I won't argue when I go, and I think it will be easy. As for The third room, but we have to wait a year to go."

  Yingchun still reveals her thoughts and prefers to go to the second room. Of course Daiyu is fine, and she and her are cousins, but there are too many people in the third room, and secondly, she will have to wait for more than a year, and she can't wait.

  Si Qi sighed in his heart, the girl is always a grievance in every way, and fortunately Uncle Feng likes it, otherwise she would be sad if she really wanted to marry.

"That girl means to go to the second room and be with Miss Bao. It's okay, Miss Bao is generous and friendly, and she is also a non-competitive temperament." Siqi nodded, "The girl also told the uncle earlier, Bao Er The master will get married in September, and the girl is also trying to get through the family as soon as possible, and give birth to a son for Uncle Feng as soon as possible, so that in the future, she will be able to speak hard words everywhere."

  The words of playing chess made Yingchun blush again, but she was also looking forward to it.

As a married woman, naturally the most important thing is to please the husband, and the other is to have a male heir as soon as possible to continue the incense for the Feng family. The father-in-law and the mother-in-law only have the incense of the husband. It's up to people.

  The old women in the mansion all said that their physique is fertile. I hope this statement will come true. Yingchun does not expect to replace anyone. As long as she can have a son by her side, she will not expect anything else.

   Coming out of the Zhuijin Tower in Yingchun, Feng Ziying went straight to Qiushuangzhai.

  Tanchun didn't expect Feng Ziying to come so suddenly and directly, and he was a little more disturbed and joyful than surprised.

"Third sister, I may not have been here for a long time, but why do I feel more and more dull, and I am about to catch up with sister-in-law Zhu's Daoxiang Village." Feng Ziying looked around for a while, and then sat down and said: "Third sister, how old is she?" Gentle, there should be a little more color, don't make it old-fashioned, it's not pleasing to the eyes."

  Tan Chun blushed slightly, "Brother Feng was joking, my younger sister is usually not that particular, she can't compare to other sisters..."

"Hey, what do you mean by incomparable?" Feng Ziying pretended to be displeased, "No matter how difficult the house is, can't you even provide some rouge, gouache, and silver? And look at the stone slabs at the corner of the door. Change one? The curtain is a bit worn out, right..."

   Tanchun felt sore, Feng Ziying said that he had no intention, but she was very touched.

She has tasted enough of the torment in the past six months. In the past, seeing Wang Xifeng's housekeeper was calm and calm, but now her own housekeeper has tasted the hardships and difficulties. It really costs money to talk about everything. expenses.

Every day when I open my eyes, I talk about money, people eat horses, dress and go out, get sores and get sick, celebrate birthdays, and communicate with each other. There are more than a thousand people in this whole family, and there are not many unexpected things someday. Son? It's all about money.

The wife left the matter to the sister-in-law and herself, and the sister-in-law also sat there like a Bodhisattva and ignored everything. In the end, I had to worry about everything by myself. Pointing at the back and saying some nasty words.

  For Tanchun, this was really like suffering, making her physically and mentally exhausted.

   Seeing Tanchun's look of sadness and sadness, Feng Ziying could roughly understand her state of mind at this time.

   To take over such a mess, and it’s hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, and it’s not easy to shirk. This kind of thing is like a bug in a spider’s web, struggling and powerless, depressed and depressed, and no one can understand it. It’s really uncomfortable.

"What's the matter, third sister?" Feng Ziying looked at Tanchun, "Actually, I also know that my sister is in a difficult situation. In fact, I also wanted to come here and ask my sister if there is anything that needs brother Yu's help, but I also know that my sister is very strong. , the old lady and his wife didn't give orders, if they rashly ask for help, I'm afraid there will be some slander, so Brother Yu endured it, but now that Baoyu is going to get married, the old lady and his wife have a word, and my sister will not be so It's more scruples."

  Tan Chun was relieved at last, let out a long breath, tears overflowed unconsciously from his eyes.

Seeing this situation, Feng Ziying didn't know what was going on. She stood up and put her hands on Tanchun's shoulders, "Well, my sister doesn't have to be like this. I can't blame you. The trend of the times, in fact, who can change? Prosperity must decline, prosperity The national government has been prosperous for decades, but there are no people in these two generations who can support the scene. Uncle She has no intention of official career, uncle Zheng Shi is too upright, brother Lian is too generous, Baoyu is incomprehensible in world affairs, brother Huan is too young, With the current situation, it is also a reasonable thing, my sister is a talent in the world, how can I turn the tide?"

  I couldn't help leaning my face on Feng Ziying's shoulder, tears soaked Feng Ziying's shoulder, a rush of heat made Feng Ziying's whole body feel numb.

  He and Tanchun have never been so close before.

This girl is also a person with a heart higher than the sky, but it is a pity that she was cast in the wrong baby, born in the wrong era, and her status as a daughter of a concubine made her breathless, which made her always have a sense of humor when facing Baochai and Daiyu. She is a kind of inferior grievance, but she is not as soft as Yingchun, who is satisfied with the status quo. It is precisely because of this contradiction that she is cast as a tragic character.

"Okay, okay, sister don't have to be so sentimental, brother Yu knows your ability, and you will naturally show it in the future." Feng Ziying wrapped one hand around Tanchun's waist, and gently patted Tanchun's back with the other. He said, "The situation of Rongguo Mansion cannot be changed by you alone. You can do it with all your heart and have a clear conscience. It's not that the old lady and wife are not aware of the difficulties here, but they are in their position, but they can't say anything. Could it be that the younger sister with such a bad reputation should be prepared when she takes over this job, can you let the old lady and his wife bear the reputation of being ineffective in managing the family?"

  Feng Ziying’s words of forgiveness made Tanchun finally stop sobbing. With her intelligence, how could she not know this truth, but what Feng Ziying said was particularly convincing, and it made her feel much more open and comfortable.

"I'm sorry, Brother Feng, my little sister lost her composure." After waking up, Tanchun realized that he was leaning against Feng Ziying's arms. He put his arms around his back, but Brother Feng is the husband-in-law of Sister Bao and Sister Lin, by the way, he still wants to take the second sister as a concubine, what about me? What are you?

  This sourness and touch made Tanchun feel inexplicably sad and lonely, but he couldn't find a suitable reason to pour it out.

Fortunately, Feng Ziying also knew about Tanchun's staunch temper, and that moderation is the best way. She patted Tanchun's shoulder and back gracefully, let go gently, held the other's arm, and stared at him: "My sister will cut her off in the future." Don't be too entangled, you are originally a very comfortable temperament, if you become too rigid, it will lose the original intention of training and honing."

   Tanchun bit her cherry lips lightly with her white teeth, and nodded slowly: "Thank you Brother Feng for your reminder, my little sister has been taught."

   "Well, this is the third sister that Brother Yu likes to see. Some setbacks and tribulations can actually make the younger sister grow, and there will be a bigger stage for the younger sister to display in the future." Feng Ziying nodded with satisfaction.

Tanchun didn't know what Feng Ziying meant by these words, and felt like a deer bumping in his heart. Could it be that Brother Feng really wants to accept himself as a concubine like the second sister, so he said that there will be a bigger stage to display in the future, just himself... , and will the master and wife agree? For a while, various thoughts surged up, making Tanchun a little confused.

Feng Ziying didn't realize Tanchun's ambivalence at this time, and after letting go of Tanchun, she sat down again, picked up the teacup and took a sip, "The tea from the third sister is still the most suitable for me, and I will have more tea in the future." Third sister, sit here."

  Tanchun struggled out of the momentary confusion, and said with a smile: "If brother Feng likes the tea from my younger sister, I will ask you to serve it to me..."

   "No, brother Yu likes to drink the tea made by the third sister." Feng Ziying smiled, while Tanchun gave Feng Ziying a charming look on Xiafei's cheeks and remained silent.

  (end of this chapter)

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