Number of People

Chapter 1526: Xin Zijuan capture

  Chapter 1526 Capture of Xinzi Scroll

This kind of ambiguity between two hearts is undoubtedly the sweetest, and no one has picked it apart. They also know that if the two want to get together, there are still countless difficulties and obstacles, but it is precisely the result of going through countless twists and turns. It is the most reminiscent of the rest of my life.

  Tanchun also had a certain expectation in her heart. Brother Feng's third wife and concubine, and her second sister's entry into Feng's family as a concubine made her feel more hopeful.

Although rationality tells Tanchun that brother Feng is not omnipotent, but with the third wife and concubine, the second sister who thought it was impossible or even humiliating and rebellious to be his concubine now seems to be taken for granted in the mansion. Does that mean Brother Feng is omnipotent?

No matter how difficult the challenge is, he can always find a suitable way to solve it, just like when he served as Yongping Tongzhi and Shuntian Fucheng, he can make achievements in every position that make the court and the people admire and praise Come, never disappoint, and the same will be true in dealing with these matters.

  The short and sweet past, Tanchun and Feng Ziying also knew the business to be discussed today, and soon returned to the topic.

Tanchun first introduced the current difficulties of Rongguo Mansion, and then talked about his own thoughts, until the end of the year Rongguo Mansion's current needs, and what kind of income Rongguo Mansion can have by the end of the year, and how much gap there is to offset the two. Pen.

   In addition, let’s talk about the possible expenses for Baoyu to get married.

   These two sums are not small sums, but since Feng Ziying is here, she is naturally prepared to help Tanchun solve the problem.

"In this way, third sister, you don't have to worry too much. I know that Rongguo Mansion is really struggling right now. You said that from now until the end of the year, you need eight thousand taels of silver to make up the shortfall to get by. In addition, Baoyu needs about four thousand taels of silver. That is Twelve thousand taels, after I go back, I will send someone to bring the bank notes, and I will add five hundred to you, twelve thousand five hundred taels, and I will give you two thousand taels in private, so you don't have to pay for this sum. The old lady and the lady mentioned it, you can keep it yourself and know it in your heart, treat it as your own private money, and use it for yourself. If there is any special accident, it can also be used as an emergency,..."

  Tanchun felt warm in his heart, but shook his head like a rattle, "Brother Feng, that's absolutely impossible..."

   "What is absolutely not allowed?" Feng Ziying knew Tanchun's intentions.

Look at the half-worn Luo skirt I wore today, it has been washed a little white, although it is clean and tidy, but in the eyes of outsiders, even those with sharp eyes can see how shabby it is. As Siqi said, the Rongguo Mansion never Last summer and autumn, I didn’t add any new clothes. The subordinates were full of complaints about this. Even Tanchun set an example. Although the subordinates couldn’t say anything publicly, they must still be dissatisfied. They don’t care about your specific difficulties. They only know You have been living well for so many years, why is it that you, the third girl, are getting worse in managing things?

"The mansion borrows this twelve thousand taels from Brother Feng, and my younger sister will issue an IOU. Well, thank you, Brother Feng, for your consideration and giving me an extra five hundred taels of silver. As for the two thousand taels, my younger sister will definitely I don't want to accept it,..." Tan Chun's bright eyes were kind, and the delicate cheeks were mixed with a bit of heroism, which made Feng Ziying's heart feel hot.

"Third sister, of course I don't need to say what I lent to the mansion, but the two thousand taels can be considered as a private loan from Brother Yu to Third Sister, or part of the betrothal gift that Brother Yu gave in advance. Third Sister is now in charge of the house, and the money is in the public domain. In addition, you also need some extra money in your hand. It is inevitable that there will be some unexpected emergency. Brother Yu also knows that Sanmei used to have some savings and probably used them to buy calligraphy and painting, but it is different now. Two thousand taels of silver is nothing to Brother Yu, but the third younger sister can feel more at ease when holding it, and Brother Yu can also feel more at ease,..."

  Seeing that Tanchun wanted to say more, Feng Ziying interrupted the other party and said: "If the third sister thinks that even two thousand taels of silver will cause some trouble between Brother Yu and the third sister, then Brother Yu will have nothing to say."

  Tanchun looked at Feng Ziying, finally nodded and said nothing.

As Brother Feng said, two thousand taels of silver is an astronomical sum to me, but it may not be a big deal to Brother Feng. On the contrary, it will make Brother Feng feel alienated.

  Seeing that Tanchun finally accepted, Feng Ziying smiled in satisfaction,

"Okay, third sister, the main business is over. Next, Baoyu's married mansion will definitely be busy for a while, and you and sister-in-law Zhu will definitely work harder. I don't think the situation in this mansion is very good, and the servants are also worried. A little slack, what is my sister going to do?" Feng Ziying looked at Tanchun and asked.

"Brother Feng also saw it?" Tanchun sighed, "People in the house are a little scattered, but my younger sister still overestimated the people's hearts, thinking that Jia's family has treated everyone well for so many years, but they just encountered difficulties temporarily. , As long as everyone works together, we can persist in the past. I didn't expect how long it would take, that is, more than half a year. Indeed, the government has reduced some expenses, such as seasonal clothes, which have not been purchased for the time being, and the monthly payment has been cut in half. The standard has also been lowered a bit, and all kinds of repairs and maintenance in the mansion have also been temporarily suspended. As such, the mansion is still struggling, but if it weren't for this, the mansion might not be able to open its doors in May or June,..."

"Third sister, saving money is very necessary, but the key is open source. Of course, brother Yu also knows that open source is not the responsibility of the third sister, it should be the responsibility of these big men in the mansion, but the current situation in the mansion is like this. Uncle Zheng Shi's side Let’s see if waiting for another two months will bring some money to the manor.” Feng Ziying also shook her head and sighed, “But the more this is the case, the third sister must remember that the more you need to unite and stabilize people’s hearts, you would rather borrow than borrow money. Reduce the deductions, otherwise, once outsiders feel that the Jia family is failing, all kinds of problems will erupt,..."

  Seeing Feng Ziying's serious words, Tanchun also froze, contemplating deeply, and felt that there was some deep meaning in it.

   It’s no wonder that the Niu family had agreed on the betrothal gift with the mansion at the beginning, but suddenly they started to make things difficult again. I don’t know if it’s because of this factor.

Also, a few days ago, the mansion went to the Wanping county government office to negotiate a case where a horse carriage in the mansion injured a passerby because of a startled horse. It seems that Wanping county is not as easy to talk to as it was two years ago. It was beyond the requirements, but the Wanping county government actually let it go, and even supported the other party's request.

There are also two remaining shops in Beijing that are also involved in business disputes, involving the issue of contract exchange. At first it was agreed that they would only charge two hundred taels, but now the guy actually said that interest will be calculated. Thousands of taels, but when it came to the Daxing County Government, there was still no progress.

  In addition to buying a house next door for Baoyu, the attitude of the other party is far from being as respectful and enthusiastic as before.

Seeing Tanchun contemplating, Feng Ziying also knew that although Tanchun was smart, he had never experienced these things outside. He only felt that the Rongguo Mansion was famous and respected everywhere, but he didn't expect that the frugality in the mansion would be so frugal to Rongguo. The image of the government in the outside world has an impact. The people in this capital city have sharper eyes than anyone else, and they can figure out a thing or two even if there is a slight disturbance. Can't go down?

   "When Brother Yu brings the money, it's best for my sister to pay the money owed for several months beforehand. In addition, the house to be bought for Baoyu should be completed as soon as possible, so that some information can be sent to the outside world..."

   Tanchun nodded slightly, she knew that this was Brother Feng reminding herself that she was still inexperienced in some things.

"Of course, kindness and prestige go hand in hand. If kindness is given, prestige also needs to be erected. Now the servants in the mansion are slack. After the monthly money and clothes are in place, we need to reiterate the disciplinary regulations in the mansion, and then find an opportunity to rectify it. , Those who don't open their eyes will use it to kill chickens and scare monkeys. The third sister should know how to operate it,..."

Feng Ziying knew that he had said too much, and Tanchun should understand these methods, but he still wanted to remind, "Brother Yu also knows that the third sister can't rub sand in her eyes, but Rongguo Mansion is such a big family, and the water is so big. Qing Wuyu, my sister also needs to pay attention to a skill in dealing with these things, Brother Yu believes that my sister can achieve a good balance,..."

After Tanchun was stunned for a moment, he slowly recalled that Brother Feng was reminding himself that he needed to be relaxed in his actions. In addition, some things should not be too principled, and flexibility also needs to be considered, especially when it comes to the ancestors and wives. Yes, then it needs to be considered carefully.

   "Brother Feng, did you already know about these insidious things in the mansion?" When sending Feng Ziying out, Tanchun couldn't help but asked in a low voice.

"Hey, sister, the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds, there are hundreds of people, all kinds of people, my sister is smart, and you will understand after getting in touch with it." Feng Ziying smiled, "It's the same in every high-ranking family. , Our family is also because we have been in the border area of ​​Datong, and most of the clan members are in Linqing, so it is not as complicated as the Jia family. Brother Yu is thinking, if we rest for a few more decades, the situation of the Feng family will be the same as it is now The Jia’s family is almost done, branches and leaves are scattered, each house and door may have their own households, and naturally there will be unworthy descendants, who can avoid it?”

Tanchun nodded thoughtfully, before she had time to speak, Feng Ziying suddenly stood still, with some strange smiles on her face: "But if the third sister can come into my house, I want to hand over the house to the third sister, it will definitely make people feel uncomfortable." Don't worry, the situation of the Feng family will be much better in the future."

  Tanchun let out a cry, and the rosy glow floated on her extremely delicate and beautiful face, and she couldn't help but want to twist to avoid Feng Ziying's gaze. Feng Ziying couldn't bear it anymore, cupped Tanchun's face with both hands, and kissed it gently.

  (end of this chapter)

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