Number of People

Chapter 1528: Xinzijuan may have such a day

  Chapter 1528 Xin Zijuan may have such a day

  For Daiyu, Feng Ziying is not like Yingchun and Tanchun.

Yingchun is infatuated with herself, and her heart has already been filled by herself. Even if she really wanted her body before entering Feng's family, she would not refuse, as long as she was happy; Chun's temperament is stronger, but also bolder. Once he decides on something, he will never turn back, and he is not so afraid of the outside world.

  Daiyu is different, her mind is too dexterous and sensitive, and she can quickly respond to any disturbance in the outside world, and she cares a lot about other people's opinions, and she is also extremely conservative in the relationship between men and women.

  Because of this, Feng Ziying can only proceed step by step, even when it comes to intimacy, she is careful to avoid making this girl feel unacceptable.

  We have known each other for several years, and now we have even made a kiss, and we have only advanced to this point. Hugging and kissing can only go to a certain level. For Feng Ziying, it must be said that it is a kind of torment.

Similarly, because Daiyu's mind is sensitive, Feng Ziying is basically unwilling to deceive Daiyu, she can answer whatever she asks, and she doesn't lie. With Daiyu's dexterous mind, she naturally understood the results of what topics she was unwilling to answer and concealed.

For example, when Daiyu asked about Yingchun, Feng Ziying did not intend to hide it. This is not a secret in the Rongguo Mansion, and I have already discussed it with Jia She in the afternoon. Daiyu must have known it before, but never asked about it. Today When asked, Feng Ziying naturally responded positively.

"Second sister is indeed old, and I guess the temperament of young sister is not so easy to get along with, right?" Daiyu covered her mouth and smiled, "Sister Bao has a generous heart, and second sister has an indisputable temper. good."

Feng Ziying stroked Daiyu's cheek affectionately, "My younger sister is much better now than it was a few years ago. Everyone has their own characteristics, so there is no need to insist on the same. Yingrui, in Brother Yu’s view, it’s all flowers competing for beauty, each showing its own pride.”

   Daiyu Jianshui Qiutong flickered, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "Then who does Brother Feng think is the best?"

  This is another important proposition, but Feng Ziying has already experienced many battles, "My younger sister is naturally the best in Brother Yu's mind, and of course Baochai is also very good, and the second and third younger sisters are also temperaments that Brother Yu likes very much..."

   Daiyu pursed her lips, although she was sweet in her heart, she was still a little wary.

   Could it be that Brother Feng also has some ideas about Tanya?

That's all for the second sister, the whole family knows the eldest uncle's temperament, he always only cares about himself, not to mention he doesn't care about the second sister, even the second brother Lian is also indifferent, and he is also a money-seeking temper, not quite I care about face, but the second uncle will definitely not agree to visit the girl, right?

   But it is not necessarily true.

  Brother Feng is so outstanding now, and he was also the number one young scholar in the entire Zhou Dynasty. Xue Baoqin is said to be the daughter of the Xue family, and she went to be a concubine to Brother Feng. What could be impossible?

  The decline of the Jia family can be seen. If she can climb up to the Feng family, Tan Yatou is a concubine's daughter. Maybe the second uncle will change his mind?

With a slight movement in her mind, Daiyu pretended to be casual and said, "Brother Feng hasn't seen girl Yun for a long time, right? She has been very bad these days. I heard that the Shi family intends to give him to the Sun family. It turned out that the rumor and The Sun family where the second elder sister is betrothed, Miss Yun is very anxious now, I wonder if Brother Feng can help her?"

   It's definitely not good to directly ask Tan girl about things, but fortunately, there is a Yun girl who can be used as a temptation.

Feng Ziying didn't expect Daiyu to be so quick-witted that she could capture some information in a few sentences. She thought that Daiyu really cared about Shi Xiangyun's affairs, so she pondered for a while before saying, "The matter of Yun girl is even more important to the old matriarch." It's not easy to ask, and it's even more difficult for me, an outsider, to intervene. But Yun girl don't have to worry too much, now the historian and the Sun family only have this idea, Sun Shaozu is a warrior, and now guarding the border, and this year's border affairs are not peaceful, just I'm afraid Sun Shaozu doesn't have so much energy to worry about these things,..."

   "But Brother Feng, if it's just an engagement, won't girl Yun be ruined for the rest of her life?" Daiyu asked, not completely ignorant of world affairs.

  Feng Ziying was stunned, and shook her head: "This is indeed a problem, but the important matter of marriage, the order of parents and the words of matchmakers, it is indeed difficult for outsiders to comment,..."

"Brother Feng, can the Sun family give up on their own initiative?" Daiyu asked this question so cutely that Feng Ziying couldn't help laughing: "Sister, Brother Yu is just the Prime Minister of Shuntian Fu, do you really think that Brother Yu is the Secretary of the Ministry of War? Besides , even if it is the Minister of the Ministry of War, or even the chief assistant of the court, there is no reason to interfere with the marriage of the two families..."

   "My little sister doesn't believe there is no other way, or let the two uncles of the historian reject the Sun family's marriage proposal..." Daiyu pouted.

   "Sister, the problem is that the historian is probably willing to marry the Sun family." Feng Ziying's eyes were a little more serious.

Under Niu Jizong's manipulation, the Shi family and the Sun family got closer and even got married. Outsiders don't understand, but as Feng Ziying, who has always been vigilant against Prince Yizhong's henchmen, it can't be hidden from the truth. Niu Jizong's influence in the Datong Army is It can be expanded and consolidated, and it must be guarded against.

"Then what should I do? Brother Feng, you must have a way." Daiyu just wanted to test Feng Ziying before, but afterward, she was really worried about Yun girl, especially when she thought of how heroic she had always been during this period of time. All Yun girls are sleepy and depressed, but Daiyu can't help her, and she feels bad for her, and the only one she can rely on is Brother Feng.

"Sister, Brother Yu is also omnipotent. How can everything in this world go as you want?" Feng Ziying smiled self-mockingly, "Brother Yu also has countless difficult problems in his heart, so he also has to bite the bullet and work on it? But my sister doesn't have to. Too anxious, this matter has not reached the final step, and there are still some variables in it, but brother Yu can't explain the specific joints for a while, and we will know in the future, let's just wait and see."

   "Really?" There was a smile on Daiyu's face. She believed Feng Ziying's words unconditionally. I'm afraid she had the best trust in Feng Ziying except Yingchun.

   "Of course it is true. Even if brother Yu dares to lie to anyone, he will not lie to deceive his sister." Feng Ziying vowed, "Brother Yu must be worthy of my sister's trust in Brother Yu."

   Daiyu showed a joyful smile on her face. Of course she really wanted to help with Yun girl's matter, but if Brother Feng couldn't do anything, or if the price to be paid was too high, Daiyu was still unwilling in her heart.

  But Brother Feng's statement this time made her the happiest. It undoubtedly meant that Brother Feng regarded himself as the most cherished person, so he would not lie and deceive himself.

Seeing Daiyu's smiling face and her beautiful eyes full of affection, Feng Ziying also knew that what she said hit the nail on the head. This girl is still too simple, or she simply likes the special attitude he shows towards her. Everything else is not important. It was this kind of pure and sincere heart that made Feng Ziying treat Daiyu differently.

I don't know when Daiyu was nestled in Feng Ziying's arms. Feng Ziying tried his best to control his desire. He didn't want to destroy his good impression in Daiyu's mind. A more natural way to achieve it, without scaring Daiyu or damaging her beautiful image.

  Happy time is always too short. When she learned that Feng Ziying would go to Yihong Courtyard for a banquet and drink, Daiyu reluctantly sent Feng Ziying to the door.

   "Brother Feng, you should also pay attention to your health when drinking at Brother Bao's place. If it's late at night, you might as well stay in the mansion..." Daiyu told Feng Ziying, a bit like Yiyi saying goodbye to his wife.

"Okay, don't worry, sister. Brother Yu knows that Baoyu is going to get married this time. I'm afraid I have a lot of feelings for so long. I took Brother Yu to drink today, and I think I will talk to him." Feng Ziying nodded, Sighing, looking around, not without emotion, "It's such a big Grand View Garden, if Baoyu moves out, it will become even more deserted. Tomorrow, a younger sister will enter Brother Yu's mansion, and the third younger sister and girl Yun will have to go out sooner or later. How is this garden going?" Wouldn't it be wasted?"

Daiyu is also full of reluctance. This Xiaoxiang Pavilion is the most comfortable place for her to live in. The bamboo forest is small and the water is gurgling. What is more satisfying is that there are many sisters in the garden. For a poetry club, a day passes without knowing it.

It's a pity that the Poetry Club just said that it would be established, and Sister Bao married into Brother Feng's mansion. In addition, the mansion's finances became more and more tight. Originally, everyone was asking Wang Xifeng's business to contribute some money to organize some. Afterwards, the activities had to be given up, and everyone's spirits gradually dissipated, and they were put on hold after coming and going, which really made Daiyu a little disappointed and regretful. She likes this kind of activities the most, but it's a pity that they didn't work out.

"Well, Brother Feng, when you say this, it makes people feel even more sour. It is such a good garden. Wouldn't it be more sad to recall the situation before Sister Bao and the others left the year before last?" Daiyu pursed her lips. , "It's not easy for the sisters to get together to have fun, but it's a pity that the good days are only a few days away, hey,..."

"Okay, my younger sister will be able to be with Baochai and the others next year. Besides, isn't the second younger sister also here? In the future, my younger sister will not be lonely after passing through the door." Feng Ziying did not dare to mention Tanchun and Xiuyan. The matter, this topic is too complicated and variable, and I really have to get it together in the future, and I don't know what it will turn out to be.

  (end of this chapter)

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