Number of People

Chapter 1529: Xin Zijuan Baoyu Acting

  Chapter 1529 Xin Zijuan Baoyu Acting

  Feng Ziying hasn’t been to Yihong Courtyard for a long time, and I only came once in my memory. It was not long after these people moved into the Grand View Garden. After a cursory look, I don’t have much impression.

When entering the gate of Yihong Courtyard, Xiren had been waiting at the gate. When he saw Feng Ziying coming, he hurried forward to meet him. Thank you for taking care of me, sir."

  Feng Ziying glanced at Xiren and nodded.

  Of course he understood the reason for this girl’s thank you words. He won a sentence for her in front of Baoyu, and he also encouraged Baoyu.

   During this period of time, Xiren has actually been in a very entangled state of mind.

Second Master Bao has found a good in-law, a direct branch of Zhenguo Gongniu's family, and his mother is also the eldest princess. This status is very unusual. He can speak in front of the emperor. For the Jia family who is now declining Said, this is a great opportunity.

  Especially like the second master Bao who doesn’t study, has no hope of taking the imperial examination, and is not the eldest son of the eldest son, and has no hope of winning the title. Then he can only rely on a good marriage to improve his status and find opportunities.

  But such a good marriage is certainly good for the second master Bao and the Jia family, but not necessarily for the servants like them.

The unequal family background will naturally be reflected in the status of the man and woman after marriage. The Niu family is far more powerful than the Jia family now, so the girl from the Niu family will be considered wronged if she marries, and she will be regarded as condescending. The voice must be that of the girl from the Niu family, that is, the second grandmother of Bao's voice was louder and louder, and Baoyu could only follow behind.

  In this situation, the Niu family girls will naturally bring their Niu family servants over. There are so many people in Baoyu House, is it necessary to keep them? Where should these people go? Especially myself, who has nowhere to go, can it really be that he can only point to a servant at random?

  Hearing that the Niu family girl is an unforgiving person, when Bao Erye faces the Niu family girl, Xiren can imagine what kind of scene it will be.

   Xiren didn't dare to think about it.

  What Feng Ziying said today seems to have aroused the blood of Second Master Bao again, especially when he directly pointed out himself, obviously he has seen through some things.

  Although there are many girls in Baoyu's room, but now the only one who really has this kind of relationship with Baoyu and Baoyu has made a wish is himself. If Uncle Feng helps him like this, maybe he really has a chance.

"I didn't help you with anything, I just said a fair word by the way." Feng Ziying said lightly: "You are good at serving Baoyu. Naturally, you have some credit and should be rewarded. I believe that no matter who marries into the Rongguo Mansion You should understand this."

   Xiren's face was even more grateful, "Your master is right, the servant girl is just doing her job loyally, thanks to the care of the second master, and the love of the ancestors and wives, this is what she is today."

   "Okay, I don't need to say anything else. I've always been like this, seeking truth from facts, what is, and what is." Feng Ziying waved her hand, "Baoyu is not a fool, and he naturally understands the truth."

   Xiren stopped talking, and led Feng Ziying into the Yihong Courtyard. At this time, Baoyu was also informed, and rushed out to welcome Feng Ziying, and enthusiastically invited Feng Ziying in.

After getting on the table, Feng Ziying also realized that although this Rongguo Mansion is difficult, it depends on the person. At least on the table of dishes in Yihong Courtyard, he did not see any difference in Rongguo Mansion from before. Still dazzling and mouth-watering.

Pipa duck tongue, pine smoked suckling Siamese pig, sugar pickled rose marinade, steamed bear paw, quail, rouge goose breast, and pickled civet cats have been placed on the table early, waiting for Feng Ziying and Baoyu to serve table, several other hot dishes were brought up one after another.

  Fried chicken with Artemisia annua, fried charred bones, stewed sea cucumber with chicken drumsticks and mushrooms, and other dishes are full of aroma, which also aroused Feng Ziying's endless appetite.

Feng Ziying never thought that the dishes at Yihong Courtyard would still be of such a high standard. The saying that the food is served in Rongguo Mansion is not an exaggeration. The level of the food alone requires Feng's Mansion to catch up. Only then will it work.

  There are also three types of wine prepared, one is Huiquan rice wine, the other is Shaoxing wine, and the other is medicinal wine infused with Albizia juliensis.

  Only Feng Ziying and Baoyu were on the table. They said they would call Jia Huan, but they never thought that Jia Huan would not come back today, so they gave up.

  But this is exactly what Baoyu meant. There are only two people, and Baoyu can open up and tell Brother Feng more about many things.

"Brother Feng, it is said that a friend in need is a friend. In the past six months, my younger brother has truly experienced the ups and downs of the world. I have mixed feelings. To be honest, my younger brother really regrets it now." Baoyu drank several glasses of wine, but still refused. Putting down the wine glass, even Xiren was admonishing him, but he also kicked him out.

   "Oh, what made Brother Bao feel so much?" Feng Ziying was quite surprised. He knew Jia Baoyu's temperament, and he rarely had such a gloomy and lonely expression on his face.

"Brother Feng, in fact, you are very clear in your heart. Now our Rongguo Mansion is not as good as before. It is getting worse every day. In the past, the second sister-in-law was still trying to maintain it. Now the second sister-in-law is gone. The eldest sister-in-law and the third sister are in charge of the family. Needless to say, sister-in-law, she has always been kind-hearted and doesn't like such mundane affairs, all the burdens are placed on the third younger sister, but it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, so what can third younger sister do?"

Baoyu picked up the wine glass again and took a big sip, "Now I meet again and I am going to get married, and now I have booked the Niu family, who is the direct branch of the Duke of Zhenguo and the daughter of the eldest princess, so this posture is naturally far away. It is far above the Jia family in our Rongguo Mansion, and I have also heard some sayings that Jia Baoyu is just a dandy who knows nothing, can accomplish nothing, and even his brothers can enter the academy just by being born with a good skin Reading, but he hangs around all day long, such people are useless,..."

  Feng Ziying frowned, waiting for the time, but Jia Baoyu said this, what's the point? Besides, isn't Jia Baoyu also writing legendary novels and drama scripts? As long as you can persevere, you may not be able to rise to the top. Mr. Linchuan Hairuo, a generation of masters, is famous all over the world. He is not famous for his imperial examinations, but for his outstanding drama.

"Baoyu, I told you before that if you really don't like studying and taking scientific exams, you don't have to force it. If you really want to force you to study, it will have no effect and will only increase people's troubles. So since If you are willing to write legendary novels, and they happen to be published in newspapers such as "Today's News", you can have some income, which can be regarded as self-supporting. If you become more accomplished and famous in the future, you may not be able to stand out, just like Mr. Hai Ruo , famous all over the world,..."

Feng Ziying's comforting words obviously failed to move Baoyu, and Baoyu's eyes were full of tears, "Brother Feng, don't you comfort me, Mr. Hairuo is something that I and other vulgar people can hold a candle to? It is said that writing can't write, Wu can't mount a horse, and nothing can be accomplished, so people look down on them. If it weren't for this, how could the whole house be so flattering to the Niu family? Look down on me, find all kinds of reasons to procrastinate and evade, and shame the Jia family of Rongguo Mansion? You must know that our Jia family has a double family, and it is not inferior to the Zhenguo Gongniu family. After all, I, Jia Baoyu, are incompetent,..."

   It’s only at this time that I repent, isn’t it too late? You keep claiming that you don't like Lu Bei, who passed the imperial examination and became an official, and now you regret it?

  Feng Ziying didn't know whether this guy really had some regrets, or was he pretending to himself under the pressure of the moment, and wanted to express his remorse to other people in Rongguo Mansion and relieve his own pressure?

"Okay, Baoyu, it doesn't make much sense to say this now. The predicament that the family is facing now is only temporary. Both ups and downs are determined by God. After this breath, it will be much better. It is impossible for any family to have smooth sailing. When our Feng family’s father was just dismissed, didn’t we feel panic all day long, but now we’re over it too? Uncle Zheng Shi has now gone south to Jiangxi to become a political student, and it will be of great use when he returns to Beijing in the future. In the middle, after all, there will be some good luck,..."

   Feng Ziying's nonsense was so vivid that even he himself almost believed it, but if he didn't say these things at this time, what else could he say?

"Brother Feng, I really regret it. At the beginning, you taught me so hard, but I was stubborn. Today, when I go out, I am bumped into everything and humiliated everywhere. Only then do I know the dangers of this world and the cruelty of reality. This Rongguo Mansion The name of the Jia family cannot be relied upon, and I should be the one to add luster to the lintel of the Jia family, but now I have to rely on the Yu Yin of the Jia family to protect myself, what am I, woo hoo,..."

  Jia Baoyu obviously drank a little too much. Under the emotion, he clapped his hands and cried loudly, which made Feng Ziying a little unprepared.

  Seeing Jia Baoyu crying bitterly, Xi Ren and She Yue rushed in to comfort her, but Baoyu scolded them angrily and told them to go out, so as not to affect his interest in drinking, which also made Feng Ziying dumbfounded.

   Is this kid pretending to be crazy and acting stupid to relieve the pressure he is facing, or is he really drunk and making use of it?

   Could it be that these legendary stories and dramas have been written so much that he himself can devote himself to the drama and become a generation of great actors, so that he can't tell whether he is in the drama or not?

  Feng Ziying raised his glass and drank slowly, chewing the bad quail carefully while thinking.

The quality of the bad quail in Rongguo Mansion is indeed good, a bit higher than that in Feng Mansion. Although the standard of Jin Chuan'er is not bad, it is still a little bit worse. It tastes full of fragrance, especially refreshing, and the deep-fried charred bones are also cooked just right, chewing the lips and teeth with a fragrance, and the aftertaste is endless.

  (end of this chapter)

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