Number of People

Chapter 1530: Xin Zijuan's incompetence is the original sin

  Chapter 1530 Xin Zijuan Incompetence is Original Sin

  Feng Ziying can roughly understand Baoyu's state of mind at the moment.

In the past, I may not have felt so deeply. There are still three thousand nails on the broken ship of Rongguo Mansion. With the care and pampering of my mother, I can be free and carefree according to my own mind.

  But as the years got older, the decline of Jia's family became faster and faster, and even Jia's mother and Wang's gradually realized that the situation was different from the past.

The most intuitive, most realistic and most urgent problem is that they can’t make ends meet. They lose a lot of money every year, and they have to sell and **** their valuable old items or farm shops to make ends meet. It's not a small amount, and the Jia family can't fall into the lintel of the Duke's family. All aspects must be supported, and the cost will be even greater.

  The more the pawns are sold, the less the income of the family will be. The farm shop can always bring in an income at the end of each year, whether it is silver or souvenirs, but once it is sold, the end of the year will be even more difficult.

Life is hard, so naturally we have to think about why the situation is so difficult. In fact, Jia Lian's trip to Yangzhou caused a lot of criticism in the Rongguo Mansion. After all, he is the eldest grandson of the Rongguo Mansion, but he has a reason. The second room is in charge, and the long room is in charge of making soy sauce. Even Wang Xifeng is the housekeeper because she is Wang's niece, not Jia Lian's wife. Wang entrusts her to take charge of the housework. Look at Jia Shexing's status in the Rongguo Mansion He ran south to find his own way out and even reconciled with Wang Xifeng later. Although there were a lot of slander in the mansion, some people expressed their understanding in their hearts.

   Everyone is not a fool. The eccentricity of the ancestors, from Jia Zheng to Jia Baoyu, is obvious to all. Since the situation in the mansion is getting more and more difficult, who should bear the greatest responsibility, of course the second wife in charge, of course Jia Zheng and Jia Baoyu.

But when Jia Yuanchun entered the palace, he got nothing but a super big hole in the Grand View Garden for Jia’s family; There will definitely be a lot of resentment, especially when the clansmen and servants feel that everything from food and clothes to monthly expenses has begun to decline sharply, or even start to deduct and stop paying. This kind of resentment must be even greater up.

  Jia Yuanchun was in the palace, Jia Zheng went south, and Wang Xifeng slipped away. Firstly, Jiamu and Wang were women, but secondly, they still had power, so all the dissatisfaction was naturally concentrated on Jia Baoyu.

  Everything is your fault. You said that you are the son of the first wife, the head of the second house, don't you all say that you are talented? Why can't he be successful in his studies and be a half-time official in the imperial court, but still hang around happily all day long, completely ignoring the life and livelihood of the big family in the mansion? Is it appropriate to push the responsibility of running the family to a widow and a younger sister who has not left the cabinet?

   It can be said that Jia Baoyu has been slandered by the people below, and he still has nothing to say.

   It turned out that he didn't care about it when he was young, and no one dared to say it in front of him, but as he got older, the situation became more difficult, and naturally there were still some unscrupulous clansmen who dared to be presumptuous.

  For example, a few days ago, Jia Zao and Jia Huang were arguing for some unknown reason. It happened that Jia Baoyu met and went to resolve it.

In the past, it was only a matter of one or two sentences, but now something went wrong. Not only did the two not listen, but they even made a scene more violently. In the end, they said some insinuations about Sang and Huai, even Jia Baoyu could hear that he didn't understand world affairs. It makes the other party disdain and contempt or even humiliate themselves.

  In general, it is said that Jia Baoyu was born with a good skin for nothing, with gold and jade on the outside, and a silver-like pewter tip. Such words made Jia Baoyu so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven.

Naturally, people like Mingyan didn't follow him, so they quarreled with Jia Huang, Jia Zao and the others on the spot, and the quarrel was so uproarious that at last Jia Huang and Jia Zao ran away in disgrace, but the news spread throughout the mansion , It also made Jia Baoyu deeply feel the malice and dissatisfaction from all sides.

  Incompetence is the original sin Feng Ziying really wanted to give Jia Baoyu this sentence, especially if she was born in a family like Rongguo Mansion who had to carry a large family, and she was still a son-in-law. If you can't get in, or can't bear it, then naturally you should suffer these humiliations.

  If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight. This sentence is the same in both East and West. If you want to enjoy the glory of Rongguo Mansion, you must also contribute to the revitalization of Rongguo Mansion. How can you enjoy it for nothing?

Feng Ziying reckons that now Jia Baoyu has begun to feel that the cruelty of reality is not as good as it was when he was young. With his father getting old and letting go, the long room looks on coldly, but the next one is a concubine brother like Jia Huan who poses a threat to him by studying hard. What should he do by himself probably made Jia Baoyu a little flustered now.

Especially now that he is going to be married to the Niu family again, and Jia Baoyu also feels the great pressure brought by the strength of the other family. How to get along in the future, and how to avoid falling into the situation that the second brother Lian faced Wang Xifeng, all need to be seriously considered. The problem.

This meal was full of ups and downs. It was the first time Feng Ziying saw Baoyu's "drinking gaffe". The spring wine is made from rice wine, which is quite delicious. I also drank two cups of Shaoxing rice wine in the middle, and then drank a few cups of acacia wine. Several kinds of wine were sandwiched together. intoxicating.

  When Haichu left Yihong Courtyard, Feng Ziying also staggered, and was supported by Baoxiang, Mingyan, and Hoe Yao to the guest room in the mansion to rest.

Feng Ziying originally wanted to go back to his mansion to rest, but he didn't expect to drink so much wine mixed together, so he just put him on the ground. Although he didn't vomit, he still felt dizzy. I couldn't even stand still.

  Lin Hongyu heard that Feng Ziying had come to Rongguo Mansion when Shen Shi returned to the mansion.

She has been in Baodafang for the past few days and has not come back. The second grandma arranged for her to come back every three to five days, first to inquire about news, and second, to pass on some rumors from there to Rongguo Mansion. By the way, for example, when the weather turns cold, the second grandma intends to spend the winter in Jiangnan. She hasn't been back to Jinling for a long time. She plans to go back to Jinling, or go to Suzhou for the winter.

In fact, this is to prepare for the public opinion that the second grandma will go south to Linqing to avoid people's eyes and ears. She can't leave Beijing abruptly. There are also Mrs. Wang and Aunt Xue in Rongguo Mansion, who are her aunts, and the girls are also relatives. Leaving Beijing without saying hello like this is not an easy thing to travel thousands of miles to the south of the Yangtze River these days, and leaving in a hurry must easily attract suspicion.

  According to the agreement between Feng Ziying and Wang Xifeng, she will go south in ten days, and Feng Ziying in Linqing has arranged for Ruixiang to go to the front station in advance.

Although the old house has been renovated, it happened a few years ago after all. In the past few years, only Uncle Fu and his wife took care of them with a few servants. Wang Xifeng and his family will live there for more than a year. There must be a lot of time to prepare, so Ruixiang can only go.

Buy everything that needs to be bought, but you must also say hello to the Feng family's old house, and try to avoid rumors as much as possible. Fortunately, all the promising children of the Feng family have been brought out by Duan Xigui, and the rest are rural people with little knowledge. He is not too young either, and doesn't have much contact with Feng's house in Linqing City.

  If someone inquires from the outside world, the explanation given is that distant relatives and a large family come from Jiangnan, and they plan to live in Linqing for a while before going to Beijing.

This reason is not far-fetched. All the prominent families in Linqing know that the Feng family's ancestral home is Suzhou, Jiangnan, and there are some relatives there. Now that relatives come from Jiangnan to Beijing, it makes sense to live here in Linqing for a while. As for others Why do you want to live in Linqing temporarily? That's their business.

Lin Hongyu played the role of passing the news between Rongguo Mansion and Baodafang very well. Now everyone in Rongguo Mansion knows that the second grandma feels that she hasn't been back to Jiangnan for many years, and she plans to go back and have a look, and also take advantage of the winter in the Northland It's cold, so go to the south of the Yangtze River for the winter.

  Of course, Lin Hongyu also wanted to inquire about the news from the Rongguo Mansion, such as the current situation in the mansion, Baoyu's marriage, and to discuss with her parents.

   "Hongyu, why are you restless? Could it be that this second grandma is going to Jiangnan, and you don't want to go?"

Her mother Jiang found that her daughter had changed a lot during this period of time, but she couldn't tell where the specific changes were, but her intuition told her that her daughter might be different. After returning today, she didn't know how to hear it. After Uncle Feng passed through the mansion, he felt even more restless.

   "Mother, what are you talking about? My daughter is a slave, and she can pick and choose. What's more, it's hard for her to live in Dalian's capital city when she grows up. She hasn't been to Jiangnan, so she happened to follow grandma to open her eyes."

  Lin Hongyu calmed down and showed her face.

"Then I saw that you were in a daze when you came back last time. I asked you a few times, but you were forgetful. Today, you are so restless again. What's wrong with you?" Mrs. Jiang pulled Lin Hongyu in front of her, sternly Staring at each other intently, he said: "Your father and I asked you to stay with Second Grandma because we were thinking that the situation in the Jia family is not very good right now. Your younger brother is still young. If you wait for two years, I will let him Going to Jinling, if we can get rid of slavery, it will be the luck of our Lin family,..."

Lin Hongyu bit her lip, clutching the sweat towel in her hand, she didn't know whether she should tell her mother about her loss of virginity, about the second grandma's pregnancy, the affair between Uncle Feng and the second grandma, and He didn't hide it from himself, and he didn't even tell himself deliberately. Obviously, he expected that he would be able to distinguish the seriousness of it, but what should he do to his parents?

  (end of this chapter)

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