Number of People

Chapter 1531: Xin Zi Juan female

  Chapter 1531 Xin Zijuan Examiner

  Seeing her daughter's appearance, Jiang Shi was also shocked. Could it be that something really happened?

  The daughter went to follow Wang Xifeng, and the couple discussed it for a long time.

  Mr. Jiang actually didn’t want her daughter to go out. They were all born in Jia’s family, and they followed Jia’s family for generations. Now that Lin Hongyu went out, she almost left Jia’s family.

  Of course, my husband and wife still have some status in Jia's family, and if things go wrong with my daughter, I can come back, but there are definitely not so many good opportunities.

   I just thought that the situation in the Jia family is getting worse and worse, and there is no chance. The daughter stays in the Jia family. Seeing that she is getting old, I am afraid that she can only choose a boy in the mansion to match her.

  With Hongyu's talents, both husband and wife felt a little bit unwilling. If that useless boy persuaded the lords and ladies in the mansion to casually point out an unbearable character, it would even harm Hongyu for the rest of her life.

  Because of this, Lin Zhixiao and his wife gritted their teeth and agreed that Lin Hongyu would go with Wang Xifeng, just to see if there would be better opportunities after going out with her.

   I never thought how long it had been since Wang Xifeng moved out, but why did her daughter look so dazed?

"Hongyu, what happened? Your appearance makes Wei Niang feel so uncomfortable. Could it be that there is something wrong with the second grandma?" Mrs. Jiang held her daughter's hand, staring at Lin Hongyu with blazing eyes. , "Tell mother."

"Mother, what's the matter? It's nothing..." Lin Hongyu was still struggling, and she reluctantly agreed, because she was going to go south in a few days, and she might not be able to return for a year, and it would be too late if she didn't say anything. up.

"Hmph, you are the meat that fell from your mother, how can I not know?" Jiang said unceremoniously: "If there is nothing wrong, you will never have such a situation! You are still lying in front of me ? Do you want me to call your father back to interrogate you?"

"Mother, what's the matter? Didn't you and father agree to my daughter's going to Second Mistress's place? The daughter didn't make up her mind at first, it wasn't that her parents said that she would have a future with Second Mistress, and the situation in Rongguo Mansion is not good. Is that why we need to find another nest?" Lin Hongyu argued strongly.

"That's what you said, but your situation is not right. I was thinking about what went wrong with you last time I came back, but you came back and left right away. There are so many things on your mother's side, so I didn't have time to ask more. Today Look at your situation for yourself,..."

Jiang's eyes were like awls searching Hongyu's body inch by inch, as if he wanted to find something, he suddenly grabbed Lin Hongyu's hand and pulled him closer, before Hongyu could scream, the splitting hand came Lin Hongyu groped around her neck, grabbed a red string, and pulled it up, revealing a jade pendant.

  Lin Hongyu was taken aback, and struggled violently to get back the jade pendant, but how could there be time?

  Ms. Jiang had already firmly held the jade pendant in her hand, holding down her struggling daughter with one hand, while carefully looking at the jade pendant.

This jade pendant is obviously different from the jade pendants hung by ordinary girls. Men wear Guanyin and women wear Buddha. This jade pendant does not look like a Buddha statue or a Guanyin statue. It is just an antique gourd-shaped jade pendant. , the carving is exquisite, but it is full of antiquity, and it looks like it has been made for some years.

Mrs. Jiang knew that her daughter would never do things like those thieves, she couldn't have stolen it or picked it up, and she also had some knowledge. At first glance, this object was an antique, and it was worth a lot. A hundred taels of silver can't be taken down at all, and if it is not done well, it will cost thousands of taels.

   It wasn't picked up by stealing. Even if Wang Xifeng liked ruby, it would be impossible to reward her with such a precious thing, so there is only one source.

Lifting her daughter's chin, Jiang carefully observed that although she hadn't shaved her face, the tops of her eyebrows were already a little messy, and the body fragrance mixed with balm coming from her daughter's neck was also different from the past, Jiang thought. Trembling, he said in a deep voice: "Hongyu, your body is broken?"

Lin Hongyu trembled all over. In fact, she already knew that she couldn't hide her broken body from her old mother. She didn't intend to hide it, but she just thought of a way to tell her parents. Naturally, she was ashamed and panicked. Half a month ago, she was a girl with yellow flowers. After half a month, she became a woman. How should she explain it to her mother?

  Seeing her daughter's face turning red and then turning pale, Jiang's heart felt miserable. She didn't know where Wang Xifeng found a wild man or that servant boy broke her daughter's body. Didn't her husband and her original plan harm her daughter?

"But the second grandma did a good thing?" Jiang gritted her teeth. Although she knew that her husband and wife were powerless to do anything to Wang Xifeng, facing her daughter's humiliation and loss, if parents dare not even say a few harsh words, that would be too much. I'm done.

"Mother, it's none of Second Mistress's business..." As soon as Lin Hongyu said the words, Jiang interrupted her daughter sharply: "Fart! It's none of her business. Could it be that you have a date yourself? Are you here?" You have been following Second Master Bao in the mansion, and then Second Mistress. How many men have you met? You have been away from Second Master Bao for so long, can it still be Second Master Bao? Who is it? You tell mother, what kind of bad species has damaged your body, mother and your father will go to Wang Xifeng to make it clear to her, you can't just ruin your body without knowing it!"

  Lin Hongyu saw that the old woman was emotional and her voice was much louder, so she was so frightened that she hurriedly begged: "Mother, keep your voice down, don't let outsiders hear it, how can my daughter see people?"

"You still know that you want to see someone? Your body has been broken by a man for no reason, how can you betrothed to someone in the future?" Jiang was bitter, wishing to wake up her still ignorant daughter with a few big ear scratches, "We people, You are a family of daughters, and you have no long-term possessions. The most precious thing is your daughter's body. Now that you are a broken flower and a willow, who can think highly of you? If you promise to others, if they don't see popularity, they may divorce you the next day. ..."

"Mother, it's not what you think." Lin Hongyu knew that her mother was thinking wrong, but she didn't know how to explain to her mother for a while, "Daughter, my daughter didn't suffer from anyone, well, she was willing to give her body to him of,…"

   "What? Willingly? Hongyu, have you taken the ecstasy?" Jiang was startled, "Are you crazy?"

"No, mother, ..., hey, my daughter didn't know how to tell you for a while. Anyway, my daughter didn't suffer, and my daughter was willing to do so..." Lin Hongyu's heart was like a mess of weeds, chaotic and disorderly, she didn't know what to do. Where to say it is good.

   "Oh?" Jiang suddenly thought of the jade pendant in his hand, and his heart moved slightly.

This jade pendant is an antique, and the price is not cheap. It must be a token of love or a keepsake for his daughter by that wild man. He can sell thousands of taels of antiques as a token. I am afraid that there are not many such generous men. Could it be that So the wild man behind Wang Xifeng really has a big background?

Lin Zhixiao and his wife only knew that Wang Xifeng and Feng Ziying had a deep relationship, and their daughter even suspected that Wang Xifeng and Feng Ziying had an affair. I really never thought or didn't believe that Wang Xifeng would have an affair with Feng Ziying.

   After all, Feng Ziying and Jia Lian have always called brothers and sisters, and Jia Lian was only supported by Feng Ziying to go to Yangzhou to be the big shopkeeper of Haitong Yinzhuang Yangzhou, and Wang Xifeng is several years older than Feng Ziying, and even sister Qiao gave birth.

With Feng Ziying's talents, if he wants to take concubines, he can take any daughter from a good family in the capital, not to mention that he married Miss Baoqin, and he will soon take the second girl as his concubine, not counting that he will marry Miss Lin next year. , how could it be possible to get involved with Wang Xifeng?

"Hongyu, mother has crossed more bridges than you have traveled. Could it be possible that mother can harm you? At the beginning, she asked you to follow the second mistress in the hope that you would have a good home, but it has only been half a month and you are not even alive. It’s broken, I’m asking you, but you’re hesitating like this, it’s making my mother almost panic to death.” Jiang calmed down, and slowed down, “Tell mother, the man who broke your body is the man behind Second Mistress?”

  This kind of question and answer, only needing to answer yes or no questions, is much easier to accept than asking Lin Hongyu to tell all the questions. Lin Hongyu hesitated a little, but still blushed and nodded.

  Ms. Jiang's heart sank, but her face remained unchanged, and she said again: "Is this jade pendant given to you by him as a token?"

   "Yes." Lin Hongyu whispered.

   "Is this man having an affair with Second Mistress?" Jiang's heart trembled, this is the most important thing, "But Uncle Feng?"

Although I heard from my daughter that I suspected that Feng Ziying and Wang Xifeng had an affair, Lin Zhixiao and his wife just listened, but they didn't quite believe it. They felt that their daughter still lacked experience, and that the wind was like rain, so doubts belonged to doubts, but To say that the possibility is really not much.

   Counting on your fingers, how hard would Feng Ziying have to be to go after Wang Xifeng?

You can say that Feng Ziying wants to steal Ping'er. After all, Ping'er has not been broken by Jia Lian yet, but Wang Xifeng's daughter, Qiao, is seven or eight years old. Besides, she is enchanting and romantic, but given her age, she is another failure. Liu, how could Uncle Feng be willing to take action?

  But when it was really her daughter's turn, Mrs. Jiang wished that it would be Uncle Feng.

At this moment, her heart was beating violently. It would be great if it was Uncle Feng. I gave it to Yu Pendant, which shows that Uncle Feng is still a kind and righteous man. uncle.

  Lin Hongyu blushed, hesitated for a while, and finally nodded.

  Ms. Jiang's body suddenly softened, and she loosened the sweaty jade pendant in her hands. A big stone fell from her heart, and she sat back on the kang, and couldn't help chanting: "Amitabha!"

  (end of this chapter)

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