Number of People

Chapter 1535: Xin Zijuan comes again

  Chapter 1535 Another Xinzi Scroll

  Yuanyang couldn't help stomping her feet when she heard that Feng Ziying was drunk and brought back to the guest room.

  She knew that Jia Baoyu was going to entertain Feng Ziying in the Yihong Courtyard. Without him, Feng Ziying and the Feng family had helped him and the Jia family too much.

Originally thought that Baoyu's alcohol capacity was limited, even if Feng Ziying's alcohol capacity was not good, at least she should not be drunk by Baoyu. under the circumstances.

  Deliberately, she didn't want to care about it, but she still couldn't rest assured. Yuanyang walked around the room a few times before quietly going out.

The guest rooms go north along the alley behind the ancestors, and are adjacent to the west wall of the Grand View Garden across an alleyway. This line is all guest rooms, and it is not until the northwest corner near the Grand View Garden that some prominent servants in the mansion live. For example, Lin Zhixiao and his wife, Zhou Rui and his wife, Wu Xindeng and his wife, Yu Xin and his wife, Wang Shanbao and his wife. Some were selected for these people to live in, including a part in the north of the guest room.

  When the mandarin ducks arrived, they happened to come out of the guest room when Mingyan and **** medicine came out of the guest room.

   "Sister Yuanyang, where are you going so late?" Ming Yan was still very sensible, standing still and greeting.

  Yuanyang blushed for a while, pretending to be calm, "Where are you going? I'll go to Mrs. Zhou in the back. The old ancestor has something to ask."

   "Oh, Uncle Feng drank too much. Let's send Uncle Feng back to the guest room and wait for Uncle Feng to sleep. Now we will go back to Yihong Courtyard." Mingyan replied honestly.

   "Oh, got Uncle Feng drunk? When did Second Master Bao become so good at drinking?" Yuanyang pretended to be surprised.

"Hey, Second Master Bao also drank too much. Uncle Feng and Second Master had a lot of conversations. Second Master was a little emotional, so both masters drank a lot. Uncle Feng may have drunk too much wine, so he became drunk. .” Mingyan explained.

   "Oh, let me tell you, how come Second Master Bao has become so drinkable, he drank Master Feng too high." Yuanyang nodded, "Then is there someone to take care of Master Feng?"

"Yes, Baoxiang is waiting by Uncle Feng's side. He originally advised Uncle Feng to sleep and rest in Yihong Courtyard, but Uncle Feng didn't agree, so he went back to the guest room." With such a detailed question, it seemed that Sister Yuanyang was not that interested in these things in the past.

   "Well, I see." Yuanyang turned the lantern in his hand, "Then you go, I'll take a look behind."

After Mingyan and **** medicine were far away, Yuanyang held the lantern and walked a few steps carefully, until he reached the end of the guest room, looked around, saw no one else, walked in the door, and shouted in a deep voice: " Baoxiang."

  Baoxiang just put Feng Ziying on the bed, looked around, and wanted to find a glass of water for the uncle.

Although the guest room is well-equipped, there is no hot water. In addition, Mei Mei did not say hello in advance, so there is no servant to prepare things such as hot water and towels. Baoxiang is still thinking about going out to find someone to arrange. But he didn't expect to hear a voice calling himself outside.

   "Miss Yuanyang?" Baoxiang was surprised when he saw Yuanyang carrying a lantern when he went out, and hurried out to greet him, "Why is the girl here?"

   "I was passing by, and I heard Mingyan and Huyao say that Uncle Feng has already fallen asleep after drinking too much?" Yuanyang controlled his mood, pretending to be passing by by chance.

"Well, in fact, the second master can drink more than this, but who knows how many kinds of wine the second master Bao has prepared, the uncle has drunk it before he knows it, so he is drunk." I am also relieved, "I am thinking about looking for Miss Yuanyang. In this guest room, the uncle did not say that he would rest here before, so I have not prepared all kinds of things. Can the girl tell me and ask the back kitchen to send some hot water? When the water comes, I can wash my face for the uncle, drink more hot water,..."

"Well, then I'll tell someone." Yuanyang hesitated for a moment, then went out, went back to Jiamu's courtyard, arranged for two little maids to ask for two buckets of hot water in the backyard, and sent them to the guest room, and sent the little girl away. Maid, just now entered the room again.

Baoxiang is no longer the simple Baoxiang he was two or three years ago. Seeing Yuanyang's caring look, he has figured out a thing or two, and walked out with small steps wisely, then turned his head and said, "Miss Yuanyang, I'll go to the gate first. Look, please first..."

   Before he finished speaking, Baoxiang had already hurried out the door.

Yuanyang's cheeks were slightly red, of course she knew the other party's intentions, this young man who was an ignorant child a few years ago has now become the confidant of Uncle Feng's side, and he doesn't hide anything from Uncle Feng's posture, Yuanyang felt a little more stable again.

   Looking at Feng Ziying, who was lying on her back on the bed and sleeping soundly without even taking off her clothes, her complexion was slightly flushed, the smell of alcohol was gushing, and Yuanyang felt a little distressed.

  She had known for a long time that Feng Ziying didn't drink too much, but Jia Baoyu should be worse, but she didn't expect that it was because of mixing wine and alcohol.

Carefully supported Feng Ziying's head, raised the pillow under his neck, and pulled the thin quilt to cover him up. Then Yuanyang poured the hot water from the wooden bucket into the wooden basin, soaked it with a towel and wrung it dry. Wipe Feng Ziying's forehead, face and neck.

  Feng Ziying was not completely drunk, because he actually didn’t drink too much, but the three kinds of wine mixed together made him in a dizzy state.

  So he was helped back to the guest room by Baoxiang, Mingyan, and Huyao, and he even knew the situation when he was lying on the bed, but his eyelids were too heavy to open his eyes, his whole body was weak, and his feet felt like he was stepping on clouds.

  It is the same now, I just feel that a person beside me gently lifts my head up, and then raises it up, followed by Repa wiping my face and neck, which is very comfortable.

   This is obviously impossible for Baoxiang to do, and Feng Ziying does not allow Baoxiang Ruixiang and other small servants to come and do this, he is not used to it.

  A faint fragrance infiltrated his nasal cavity, which made him feel familiar. Who is it?

  He wanted to open his eyes, but couldn't, but he knew that this was a woman he was more familiar with, but his still confused head couldn't tell who it was?

   Chess? Piner? Or ruby? It seems that there are only a few women who can be so close to him in Rongguo Mansion.

It is impossible for Tanchun, Daiyu, and Yingchun to come to her room at night, only these maids, but although the Zijuan next to Daiyu is theoretically possible, it is not possible in practice, and the servant next to Tanchun It is even more impossible for Cui Mo, who has not yet gotten to know that well.

  Ping'er and Hongyu are not in Rongguo Mansion now, so the possibility is not great, so there is only chess playing, but he always feels that such gentle and delicate movements are not like playing chess.

   Well, there’s one more,…

  Mandarin duck?

  The melon seed in the head suddenly moved, yes, it was a mandarin duck.

  The aroma, familiarity, movement, tenderness,…

   This thought suddenly made her limp body move a little bit. Feng Ziying turned over and held the hand that was wiping her neck.

  Yuanyang was startled, looked down at Feng Ziying but didn't open her eyes, just held her hand, put it next to her cheek, and fell asleep again.

   She pulled her hand, but couldn't pull it out. Yuanyang couldn't bear to wake Feng Ziying who had just fallen asleep, so she could only sit on the edge of the bed, leaning against the head of the bed, and let the other party hug her hand and fall asleep.

I don't know how long it took, but Baoxiang's loud voice outside the door woke up Yuanyang who had almost fallen asleep: "Miss Hong, are you here?..., the uncle fell asleep, ah, you have to take a look, ..."

  Lin Hongyu hesitated again and again before coming.

  Rongguo Mansion is no better than in your own house, but what your mother said makes sense and moved her.

   In a few days, I will go south with my second grandmother. This trip will take at least a year. I will not return to Beijing until my second grandmother gives birth to a child, or even until the child is one and a half years old.

   Don't take so long, how deep is Uncle Feng's impression of himself?

There are many women around Uncle Feng, Lin Hongyu is very clear that she is not particularly outstanding, even Jin Chuaner, Qingwen, Xiangling, Yinger, etc., none of them are worse than herself, and she can win Uncle Feng's favor , that is also due to chance.

Uncle Feng is a person who values ​​friendship, but if he doesn't see each other for a year or two, then no matter how much friendship there is, it will fade away. This mother also shows that men like the new and dislike the old. He tasted it when his body was broken. Freshness is of course great, but when he comes back after a year or two, who knows who else is around him?

   So tonight is a chance to make an impression.

Baoxiang didn't know the relationship between the little red girl and the uncle in front of him before, but he knew that the mandarin duck girl and the uncle were somewhat ambiguous, so he wanted to stop it, but when he saw the little red girl's neck When hanging the jade pendant, I suddenly understood that this one seems to be the rightful owner?

   While hesitating, Lin Hongyu had already stepped into the door.

  Mandarin Duck, covered in cold sweat, had already got out of bed, anxiously unable to find a suitable hiding place, subconsciously got behind the big bed.

   This is a babu bed, because it is specially prepared for distinguished guests. The tent is hung high, not against the wall, and the fence is carved, so high that it almost reaches the shoulders of people.

  After Lin Hongyu came in, she immediately saw Feng Ziying, who was sound asleep, and the tub of hot water and towels visiting by the bed.

  She was a little surprised, but didn't think too much about it, thinking that it was Baoxiang who wiped Uncle Feng's face.

   This is not surprising, and it is not uncommon for a young servant to do such things for the master.

Baoxiang came in, took a quick look, and didn't see the girl, he was relieved a little, guessed that she was hiding in a corner of the room, of course, it might be behind the bed, but the bed is big enough, It is not a problem to hide two or three people behind the back, just wait for the little red girl to leave after watching the master.

  (end of this chapter)

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