Number of People

Chapter 1536: Xin Zijuan collided head-on

  Chapter 1536 Xin Zijuan Head-on Collision

  Lin Hongyu was a little surprised, why Baoxiang looked smart, but was so ignorant?

  He dared to come in in such a pretentious manner, but he still didn't understand his relationship with Uncle Feng, but he followed him in, looking around cautiously and abnormally. Could it be that he was still worried that he would be unfavorable to Uncle Feng?

She was displeased in her heart, but Lin Hongyu couldn't show it. People like those around Uncle Feng didn't have the right to make faces, but she was a little surprised that the people around Uncle Feng should be quite lively and transparent. Why? But met such a stupefied young man?

   Baoxiang didn't know that it seemed a bit abrupt and inappropriate for him to come in like this, but what could he do? What if the mandarin duck girl and the little red girl collide?

   Fortunately, Miss Yuanyang reacted quickly enough, and now she doesn't know where she is hiding, but she will definitely not be able to get out of this room. Now I can only wait for Miss Xiaohong to finish visiting the uncle as soon as possible, and then leave as soon as possible.

  Seeing Baoxiang standing inside the door with his arms downcast and his face waiting, Lin Hongyu became more and more angry. What does this guy mean? Does he not let himself and Uncle Feng be alone?

  Suppressing the anger in her heart, Lin Hongyu said in a cold voice with a stern face: "You seem to have drunk too much, you rough hands and feet are not easy to serve, I'll take care of you so that you can rest, you go out first."

Baoxiang secretly groaned in his heart, but Lin Hongyu's burning eyes were already a little angry, and after weighing it in his heart, Baoxiang could only nod his head: "Alright, I don't worry if you are here, Miss Hong, then I will stay in the yard Outside, if you need anything, just call me."

If there was no pendant on Lin Hongyu's chest, Baoxiang would not be like this. He knows his uncle's rules. , Naturally, it will be like this after having a skin-to-skin relationship.

Seeing that Baoxiang retreated, Lin Hongyu was not polite, and followed him all the time, until the other party exited the inner courtyard and went to the outer courtyard, and closed the door of the inner courtyard, she closed the door again, and quietly went to the Babu bed By the side, he sat generously in the position where the mandarin duck had been sitting before.

  The mandarin duck behind the bed is not worried about being discovered with the help of the carved baffle of the Babu bed and the shadow of the light.

This is originally a corridor-style big bed specially prepared for distinguished guests. In fact, it is a large bed designed and fixed in a wooden house. In addition to the big bed, it can accommodate dressing tables, brocade stools, and desks. Call it a small room.

  When she found out that it was Lin Hongyu who came in, she was too shocked to believe it.

  She and Lin Hongyu are both children of the family, and grew up together since childhood, but Lin Hongyu is two or three years younger than her. To be precise, Yuanyang is about the same age as Lin Hongyu's two elder brothers.

But because they are the children of the family, their parents are all in the Rongguo Mansion, and they grew up together in the Rongguo Mansion since they were young, so the relationship is naturally very close, like Siqi, Jin Chuan'er and Yuanyang are about the same age, Lin Hongyu, Yu Chuan'er, Liu Wu'er, and Chun Yan are a little younger than them, but they usually keep in touch with each other a lot.

They are all for the current people of the main family, but they have different fortunes, some are better mixed, such as Yuanyang and Jin Chuaner, who have become roles with certain identities inside or outside the mansion, and some are passable, such as being a big girl for the second girl Some of them play chess, and some are more ordinary, such as Lin Hongyu, Liu Wuer, Chunyan and so on.

  But Lin Hongyu's situation has been slightly different in the past two years. First, she jumped out of Baoyu's house to follow the second grandmother. This step surprised many people, but Yuanyang knew it.

There are too many people in Baoyu's house, there are about a dozen maids, big and small, people like Xiren have already succeeded in getting their seats, and they have become people in Baoyu's house. Zixiao and Qilu are also good-looking, and their qualifications are higher than that of Lin Hongyu later. Even Qingwen can't stand in Baoyu's house. It was intense, so it was wise for Lin Hongyu to jump out.

  It's just that Lin Hongyu jumped into the second grandmother's house, which surprised Yuanyang.

  Second Grandma has reconciled with Second Master Lian, and it will be a matter of time before she leaves Jia's house. Lin Hongyu's parents are both in Rongguo Mansion, so what does it mean to go with Second Grandma?

   Is it really that you don't like the Jia family so much?

Yuanyang didn't believe that Lin Hongyu's move would not get the support of Lin Zhixiao and his wife, so this made Yuanyang even more worried. Is there a future?

She also asked Ping'er, but Ping'er was vague. She only said that there was a shortage of people in the second grandmother's house, and she couldn't handle it alone. Lin Hongyu was smart and capable, and could be a helper. The role of the second maid after Ping'er, after all, Lin Hongyu couldn't even rank in the top six in Baoyu's house, and suddenly became the role after Ping'er in the second grandmother's house, which is indeed justified.

  It's just that Lin Hongyu and her parents haven't thought about the life after Second Mistress left Rongguo Mansion?

  Yuanyang didn't have the opportunity to discuss this situation with Lin Hongyu, after all, it's each person's choice, and asking more questions might even arouse the dissatisfaction of Second Mistress.

   It's just that she never expected to encounter Lin Hongyu in this kind of scene today, and she forced herself to the bed, not to mention, she also found that Lin Hongyu seemed to have an unusual relationship with Uncle Feng.

  Many reasons that I couldn't understand before seemed to make sense, but more doubts emerged in Yuanyang's heart.

  How did Lin Hongyu hook up with Uncle Feng? Why?

   This complicated and unspeakable taste shocked and puzzled the man behind the bed.

   Does this have something to do with Lin Hongyu's being with the Second Mistress? Do Second Mistress and Ping'er know about her relationship with Uncle Feng?

  It’s fine if you don’t know, if you know, why did you take Lin Hongyu out of the mansion, shouldn’t Lin Hongyu be kicked out by them, or stay in Rongguo Mansion in a false way?

Yuanyang doesn't really believe in the first case. With Second Mistress Heping'er's astuteness, how can she not notice Lin Hongyu's abnormality? Son, not to mention the maids and servants in Second Grandma's house.

  Clearly knowing that Lin Hongyu is a man outside, um, even if it is Uncle Feng, Second Mistress Hepinger still tolerates Lin Hongyu. Could it be that because Second Mistress has gone out and is helpless, she can only ask Uncle Feng?

  All kinds of puzzles and doubts hit Yuanyang's heart, and for a while, Yuanyang, who was hiding behind the bed, ignored the movement of the two people who were close at hand.

Feng Ziying didn't know that there was a change of person beside him, Yuanyang pulled his hand away, which made him a little confused, but the alcohol was not over, and his throat was also a little thirsty, and when Lin Hongyu sat beside him, he subconsciously shouted: "I'm so thirsty, bring me a glass of water."

"Why do you drink so much wine?" Lin Hongyu also felt distressed. Feng Ziying's face was still flushed, and her forehead was stained with sweat. Hearing Feng Ziying's words, she hurriedly poured the mandarin ducks for Feng Ziying and ordered the little maid to bring tea and hand it to Feng Ziying. lips.

Feng Ziying dimly felt that the voice was not like a mandarin duck, but a bit like a red jade, and she was also startled, but before that he didn't open his eyes, he just hugged the other's hand and fell asleep. Now he is a little more awake. The voice was surprising, I thought it was a mandarin duck before, how could it be a red jade?

   Didn’t Hongyu live with Wang Xifeng in Baodafang?

   "Hongyu, is that you?"

"Who do you want?" Hongyu lifted Feng Ziying's head up, and then handed the teacup to Feng Ziying's mouth. Feng Ziying took a big sip, the temperature was just right, and then drank the water in the teacup in a big gulp. He said cleanly, "Well, I'll have another cup for Grandpa, I'm thirsty."

Hongyu quickly poured another glass. Feng Ziying propped herself up with one hand, sat up straight, drank happily, then wiped the sweat from her brow, barely opened her eyes, and with the help of the light from the horn lamps at both ends of the room, Look around.

   Well, it is the VIP guest room in Rongguo Mansion. He has lived here before, and he entered the courtyard for the second time, which is quite suitable.

The beautiful woman beside her has bright eyes and kind eyes. She took the teacup and twisted her waist to put the teacup away. She has a round buttocks, a straight and strong chest, and a face that is suitable for smiling and angry. The jade pendant in the middle flickers, who is it but the red jade?

   "Hongyu, why did you come back to Rongguo Mansion? Why aren't you with Sister Feng?" Feng Ziying beckoned Lin Hongyu to sit beside her.

  Before when Feng Ziying fell into a deep sleep, Lin Hongyu sat beside Feng Ziying generously, but now she was a little shy and hesitated before sitting sideways beside Feng Ziying.

"Second Mistress asked me to come back to see my parents. It wasn't too busy there, and Sister Ping'er was there, so the slaves came back. Who would have thought that the master would drink in Yihong Courtyard as soon as he came back, and he drank too much?" " Hongyu's voice is clear and clear, like an oriole, and Feng Ziying likes her good voice very much.

"Hey, in fact, I didn't drink much, but Baoyu drank a lot. I just couldn't hold back my mouth. I just drank the Huiquan wine. I drank a few glasses of Shaoxing rice wine, and the stamina was really strong. Baoyu persuaded me to drink a few more cups of carnival wine, and I immediately got drunk..." Feng Ziying smiled and took Hongyu's hand, rubbing it, "Have you gone back to see your parents?"

   "Well, I just heard from my mother that you came to the mansion to see the old ancestor, his wife, and the old man..." Hongyu's eyebrows were full of tenderness, "Is it settled about the second girl?"

"You are concerned about other people's affairs." Feng Ziying smiled, "My lord, what else can't be settled? Naturally, Uncle She and Auntie fully agreed, and it will be almost done after Baoyu's marriage is completed. "

  (end of this chapter)

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