Number of People

Chapter 1538: Xin Zijuan Ruby VS Mandarin Duck

  Chapter 1538 Xin Zijuan Ruby VS Mandarin Duck

  Gritting her teeth, Siqi pushed the door and entered the inner courtyard. The door seemed to be ajar, but she stepped forward and quickly looked around the scene.

   Before she could see clearly, Feng Ziying had already rushed forward, hugged her, and covered her full lips with his mouth.

  Before she could say "what shameless little whore", Feng Ziying strangled her in the blazing passion, picked her up and walked into Babu's bed.

  No matter how much Siqi struggled, she managed to break free from Feng Ziying's tiger arms, especially when Feng Ziying got into the skirt of her clothes and grabbed a plump part of her chest, her body immediately softened.

  Feng Ziying saw that although Siqi was still groaning and resisting, but the struggle was much weaker, and he could feel that Siqi had quickly changed from struggling to half-push and half-will, and even had a taste of pandering.

Finally breathed a sigh of relief, Feng Ziying firmly held the soft and full place, making the voice in Siqi's throat quickly turn into some kind of indescribable moan, this opportunity was taken for Hongyu, as long as he took advantage of it Let Lin Hongyu slip out at this time, and everything will be fine.

  He didn't know that after Lin Hongyu got into the bed while dressing, she bumped into a soft body that was also flustered.

Almost screaming, the sweat towel that Lin Hongyu was tying around her waist almost slipped off, and the two equally frightened faces just looked at each other like this, and through the light of the goat horns through the carved fence and the gauze tent, both of them could clearly see See every detail of the other person's face.

   "Mandarin duck?!" Lin Hongyu was shocked.

The mandarin ducks were also angry and impatient. After being stuck on the bed in this room, they forcibly listened to the **** scene on the bed for half an hour, and inadvertently saw all kinds of love between the dog and the man on the bed. In the end, the thin quilt was thrown aside, and the scene was like a **** picture.

She was so ashamed that she could only close her eyes tightly. The mandarin duck didn't know where this master learned these things. Even in a mansion like Rongguo Mansion, she had more or less been in touch with the privacy of the boudoirs of these masters, but she had never Having seen this kind of real scene, and Lin Hongyu, who is two or three years younger than herself, can cater to Ling Mian so recklessly, it is really embarrassing.

   After finally waiting for the men and women on the bed to calm down, the sound of playing chess came from outside the door again, which made Yuanyang even more at a loss.

  Of course she also knew that what she was most afraid of was Hongyu on the bed, but before she could react, Lin Hongyu quickly put on her clothes and got off the bed, and went straight to the back of the bed, apparently with the same intention as before.

   This pair of eyes made the two daughters both ashamed and relieved. Anyway, they are facing each other. Now the eldest brother, not to mention the second brother, is here to hide.

  Mandarin ducks were still a little depressed, but Lin Hongyu was surprised and joyful, even the mandarin ducks were stolen by the master, so what else is there to say?

   It's just that Lin Hongyu never thought that Yuanyang would be stolen by Uncle Feng before. What a proud and self-respecting person Yuanyang is, how did it become like this?

Yuanyang also found it inconceivable, especially seeing Lin Hongyu in her clothes, with her bellyband half covered, and her trousers (sweat towel) held in her hand. The room is average.

Although he collided head-on with the mandarin duck and was frightened, it did not affect Lin Hongyu's dressing speed at all. Just after Feng Ziying had finished pushing Siqi down on the bed, Lin Hongyu had already put on her clothes, embroidered shoes, and walked out quickly , and Yuanyang also realized that he had no choice but to cover his face and run out like Lin Hongyu.

Feng Ziying on the bed never thought that besides Lin Hongyu, there was another person hiding behind his bed. Two figures appeared in a flash. Come out, the figure behind is also very familiar, who is it not a mandarin duck?

  He was a little puzzled, when did Yuanyang hide behind his bed, could it be before he and Hongyu got married? Wouldn't that make Yuanyang watch a live **** palace?

Reminiscent of the ignorant feeling in her previous dream, Feng Ziying suddenly realized that the feeling in her fantasy dream was not a dream, it was really a mandarin duck, but the arrival of Hongyu scared the shy mandarin duck behind the bed, and it turned into so.

It's just that he couldn't allow him to think too much at this time, and the chess player under him had already panted and put his legs up, and the passionate love quickly overwhelmed Feng Ziying's consciousness, making him no longer in the mood to think about it. other.

Lin Hongyu and Yuanyang who rushed out of the inner courtyard ignored Baoxiang who was stunned in the outer courtyard, especially Yuanyang was so ashamed that she covered her face with her sleeves, and had to walk away quickly when they went out, even before the lanterns that were still in the house were in time wanted.

   "Mandarin duck!"

  Lin Hongyu stopped the mandarin duck who was about to leave, and hurried forward to keep up with the mandarin duck.

"What do you want to say?" Yuanyang's footsteps slowed down, but she didn't look back, "I'm not what you think, I just came to visit the drunk Uncle Feng, but I didn't expect to meet you here, I don't want to misunderstand ,so…"

  Lin Hongyu smiled and raised her eyebrows frivolously, "I understand, but you are here for Uncle Feng, right?"

   Yuanyang blushed, then took a deep breath, "So what?"

"It's not good, what can I do?" Lin Hongyu smiled happily, "It's just that I didn't expect that Sister Yuanyang, who has always been arrogant in the mansion, was also seduced by Uncle Feng. I thought you were attracted to her. Where is Second Master Bao?"

  Mandarin Duck's face straightened, "Hongyu, don't talk nonsense there, why did Second Master Bao have anything to do with me?"

"Isn't it? The people in the house originally thought that you might have taken a fancy to the Second Master Lian, but I know that you are arrogant and don't like the Second Master Lian. What happened to you, and the old ancestor specially kept you by his side, didn't he just want to keep it for Bao Erye, her most beloved grandson? Am I right? It's just that I never thought of you but fell in love with you Uncle Feng, um, no wonder, who can resist someone like Uncle Feng?"

"So you got on good terms with Uncle Feng?" Yuanyang stopped, stood still, and looked at Lin Hongyu, "But why are you going to follow Second Grandma? Isn't it good to stay in the mansion? In the future, you will go with Uncle Feng, That's much more convenient, you went to Second Mistress's place, but you have an affair with Uncle Feng, how can you go to Feng's mansion again?"

Yuanyang doesn't think it's strange for Lin Hongyu to seduce Feng Ziying. A young girl like Lin Hongyu has good looks and a clever mind. If she wants to seduce Feng Ziying, Feng Ziying will definitely not be able to stand it. Uncle Feng's resistance in this regard Everyone in the Rongguo Mansion knows this. See if his wife gave him Jin Chuan'er and Yu Chuan'er, he would not refuse anyone who came, but Qingwen was kicked out by the mansion, but he ignored her. The dissatisfaction on the Rongguo Mansion's side and the acceptance of the house will be known.

Looking at Siqi's performance today, Yuanyang also knows that his partner who grew up with him has probably been broken by Uncle Feng long ago. A few days ago, Yuanyang was a little skeptical and felt that all aspects of Siqi had changed a lot , she was still a little puzzled, but today all doubts were solved at once.

  Yuanyang's question got to the point, and even Lin Hongyu couldn't answer it. Originally, she just wanted to show off in front of Yuanyang, or to show off. Aren't you, Yuanyang, the number one maid in the mansion? Don't you have eyes above the top? I fell in love with Uncle Feng, but I fell behind myself, how about it?

  Lin Hongyu hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Yuanyang, this is my business. Although I am with Second Grandma, I am free. If Uncle Feng wants me, I will go to Second Grandma and go back to Feng's residence."

   "Your parents also know?" Yuanyang asked coldly.

It seems that Lin Zhixiao and his wife knew about it a long time ago. This is certainly not the first time Lin Hongyu has encountered this situation. That is to say, Lin Hongyu, like Siqi, has long been suspected of having an affair with Uncle Feng. Yuanyang thinks that Lin Zhixiao and his wife are like this, maybe they have other plans, and it is a manifestation of not being optimistic about the future of Rongguo Mansion, which makes Yuanyang feel very uncomfortable.

  Lin Hongyu was taken aback for a moment, unable to answer this question.

After a while, Lin Hongyu said calmly: "Yuanyang, we are all born in a family, and I know that you have a special affection for the mansion, and so do I. After all, we all grew up here, your brother is still in Jinling, and the two of us The same is true for my brother, we all rely on the Jia family for our livelihood, if the Jia family collapses, we will all be hungry, but it’s okay for me to go with the second grandma, right? Do you want me to follow the second master Bao for the rest of my life? The second master doesn't have people like me, Xiren Sheyue, Autumn Pattern and Bihen are the second master Bao's favorites, and I won't mention Zixiao, Meiren and Qilu, but even so, The girls from the Niu family marry in, how many of them can stay? I heard that even Xiren may not be able to stay, but how many years has Xiren been with Second Master Bao? Now let Xiren go out, where can she go? Can Second Master Bao let Xiren and the others stay? I don’t think Master Bao has the ability to really let Xiren and the others choose a random kid in the mansion as a match, can they accept it? I don’t want to become like that.”

Yuanyang didn't expect Lin Hongyu to see it so clearly, and didn't know how to refute it for a while, and then reluctantly said: "It's not as bad as you said, even if they can't keep Second Master Bao, they can go back to the mansion to do other things,…”

Laughing out loud, Lin Hongyu looked at the mandarin duck and shook her head: "Sister, how old is Xiren? How old are Musk Moon, Autumn Pattern, and Bihen? Are Xiren twenty-one? Musk Moon Autumn Pattern They are also in their twenties, can they still stay in the mansion and do other things? Even a kid at this age thinks they are too old. Aren't they just pretending to be housewives by the side of Second Master Bao? Now they are in vain. If you don’t match up with a boy, is it true that you will be an aunt in Changcui’an for a lifetime?”

  (end of this chapter)

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