Number of People

Chapter 1539: Xinzi scrolls fly separately

  Chapter 1539 Xinzi scrolls fly separately

  Lin Hongyu's harsh but realistic words made it hard for Yuanyang to accept, but she knew that what Lin Hongyu said was true.

The maids sent by the master like this, unless they are little girls under the age of fourteen, can be assigned to other rooms to do things. Those who are over the age of fourteen will most likely be assigned by the master to a certain house in the mansion. kid.

  If the master is soft-hearted and sympathetic, he can still ask your opinion. If the master is more ruthless, he simply assigns you without knowing it.

Like the Xiren Musk Moon Autumn Pattern and Bi Hen, they are all in their twenties, and there is almost no suspense that they will be assigned to the boys in the mansion, especially those whose parents can talk to the masters of the mansion. You can even choose among them. Thinking of this, Yuanyang couldn't help but feel a sudden shock in his heart. Even if he didn't reach that level, what about the final outcome?

  Lin Hongyu also seemed to have guessed what Yuanyang was thinking, and smiled, "Sister, there is no need to worry. If Uncle Feng has promised to her sister, she will naturally relax. Uncle Sanfang, there is always a place for my sister..."

Yuanyang did not respond to Lin Hongyu's topic, but asked: "Hongyu, what about you? What are you planning? I heard that the second grandma is going to the south for a while, so how long will it take for you to follow the second grandma to the south? ?”

  Lin Hongyu is willing to go to the south, but Wang Xifeng's belly is getting bigger and she can't cover her eyes, so don't hurry to go south, if the Jia family really knows about it, can't it cause a big wave?

  She can't do it if she doesn't go, Wang Xifeng has Uncle Feng's seed in her belly, and Uncle Feng also intends to let her follow, not only to take care of Wang Xifeng, but also let her learn some skills from Wang Xifeng, which will be useful in the future, for this, she also wants to go.

   "Then you don't necessarily have to go to Second Mistress's place, don't you know that Second Mistress is going out?" Yuanyang sorted out her thoughts and asked in a deep voice.

"Yuanyang, I have been with the second grandma for a long time. At that time, the second grandma didn't say that she must go out, did she? It was because the second master Chuan Lian was coming back later, and the second grandma was also a person who wanted face, so I went out. Then when , do I say I'm not going and I want to stay in the mansion? Doesn't it mean that the second grandma will look down on me, even the people in the mansion will look down on me? Look at the second grandma's yard Is there any one of the people who stayed in the mansion? I, Lin Hongyu, want to save some face, and I can't do such ungrateful things."

  Lin Hongyu said it confidently, and it seemed to be the same reason, but Yuanyang felt that it was not that simple, but he couldn't find a reasonable reason to refute the other party for a while.

"Okay, Yuanyang, you don't have to worry about my affairs anymore. I understand my own affairs, and you have seen it. Now I am with Uncle Feng, and I will go to the south of the Yangtze River with my second grandma to wait on me. It can be regarded as repaying the kindness of Second Mistress for asking me to enter the house, and it is not like Second Mistress will not come back, after I come back, I will make it clear to Second Mistress that as long as Uncle Feng wants me, I will go with Uncle Feng." Lin Hongyu was eloquent, and she could turn her lips more sharply than anyone else, "It's you, what are you going to do?"

   "Me? What am I going to do?" Yuanyang was taken aback.

"Sister, are you almost twenty? I just said that I smelled the fragrance by the bed just now, and I was still wondering who it was, but it turned out to be my sister. I'm afraid you have been with the uncle for a long time, right?" Hongyu I found myself gaining the upper hand in front of the mandarin ducks for the first time, and I felt unspeakably happy, "I don't know what my father and sister promised, and I don't know what your plans are in the future, but you are not young anymore, Is it going to be dragged on indefinitely like this?"

  Lin Hongyu's words left Yuanyang speechless.

  Feng Ziying asked the same question before, but she always excused it on the grounds that it was difficult to let go of her ancestors. Feng Ziying was not too persuasive, so she just muddled along like this. In fact, she knew very well that this kind of life would not last long.

"Forget it, my sister is also a kind-hearted person, so I must know it well, so I don't need to say anything more, but you can see that the chess player has made up her mind early, so the younger sister thinks that the elder sister should make plans early. " Lin Hongyu didn't say much, "If my sister has nothing to do, my younger sister will leave."

   "Hongyu, you can be regarded as following Uncle Feng, what about Ping'er?" Yuanyang couldn't help asking one more question.

She always felt that one of her best girlfriends, Ping'er, had something to do with Uncle Feng, and Uncle Feng didn't deny it, but now she didn't expect that Lin Hongyu would take the lead. Still ahead of Ping'er?

   But then again, if Ping'er followed Uncle Feng, what would happen to Second Mistress?

  Lin Hongyu is irrelevant, but Ping'er is too important to Second Mistress.

  This is also an unsolvable problem, even more important than my usefulness to my ancestors. At any rate, there are Amber and Pearl in the ancestors' room, and the second grandma only has Ping'er to rely on.

"Sister Ping'er?" Lin Hongyu was a little surprised. She didn't expect Yuanyang to know that Ping'er and Uncle Feng were also a little unclear, but she couldn't answer this question, so she had to wait for Ping'er to answer it herself. "Then sister go Ask sister Ping'er, but my younger sister doesn't know the joints inside."

  Lin Hongyu left, leaving only the disturbed mandarin duck behind.

Thinking that Siqi was still enjoying love with Feng Ziying over there, Yuanyang's face was burning hot, and he couldn't help but scold Siqi's prodigal hoof. He doubted this and accused that all day long. It's good now, but he was the first one He climbed onto Uncle Feng's bed.

  Yuanyang is muttering and cursing, while Siqi and Feng Ziying are fighting to death on the Babu bed.

  Just now, he fought Lin Hongyu for 300 rounds, but the chess player here rushed to his door again. For Feng Ziying, this night can be described as exciting.

"Master, Second Lord Bao will get married next month, and that girl will also be married in September?" After finally waking up from the intoxication, Siqi, who was nestled beside Feng Ziying, stretched the thin quilt to cover the vital area, and said in a manly voice. asked.

"Siqi, you are really the caring person of the second sister. The second sister is blessed to have you as a close girl." Feng Ziying nodded in satisfaction, but rubbed her hand on Siqizhu Yuanyurun's shoulder, "Don't worry, I promise Without you, can there be any accidents? Almost, let’s strive for September, September will not work, it will be October at the latest.”

"Master, you don't know my girl's temperament. She is bored and melancholy all day long, and her servants are anxious for her. Her temperament is like that. She can feel at ease when she gets through the door early, so as not to have long nights and dreams." "Si Qi leaned on Feng Ziying's shoulder, "The girl's physique is the most suitable for childbearing, maybe she can conceive a boy and a half girl for you, and continue the incense for the Feng family."

   "Understood." Feng Ziying smiled, this girl is quite interesting, he likes playing chess very much, "By the way, is there anything going on in the mansion these days?"

"What else can there be? Isn't everyone busy with Second Master Bao's marriage?" Si Qi curled his lips, "Second Master Bao is leisurely, the emperor is not in a hurry with eunuchs, the Niu family is also here I've contacted you a few times, probably because I'm not satisfied with the dowry and wedding preparations in our mansion. In addition, I heard that the imperial concubine will come back to visit her relatives every few days, that is, the Mid-Autumn Festival on August 15th. This is not a small sum. If not Grandma Zhu and Third Miss would not be in such a hurry,..."

"Oh? Are you sure your concubine wants to come back to visit your relatives?" Feng Ziying was taken aback. He had heard Yuanyang talk about it before, but he forgot about it today. Neither Jia Mu nor Wang Shi mentioned it, so he didn't care. After mentioning this, he came back to his senses, the Mid-Autumn Festival will be around the corner, and Yuan Chun will be visiting relatives again.

Siqi glanced at Feng Ziying in surprise, "Didn't the ancestors, wife, and the third girl say anything? Everyone in the house knows about it, and they've all started to prepare, but it's sure that it won't be as beautiful as last year's Lantern Festival." Well, the mansion can't afford that kind of tossing anymore, that is, to simply repair and decorate these things left over from last year, and make do with them, but even so, they are all talking about the imperial concubine visiting relatives this time, I'm afraid It can't be spent without three to five thousand taels of silver, just to repair the painting boat, it will cost two to three hundred taels of silver,..."

   Send? Feng Ziying couldn't help shaking her head.

   This word can be used well. Is this to dismiss beggars?

  Yuanchun has now become a burden to the Rongguo Mansion. It's hard to say for Jia Mu and Wang's family, but Jia She, Xing's family, and even the more knowledgeable servants in the mansion probably already think so.

   It's sad to say, the dignified concubine is now regarded as a drag by her natal family, who is to blame?

   Blame Jia Yuanchun for spending too much in the palace, or blame Jia Yuanchun for not bringing substantial benefits to the Rongguo Mansion? I'm afraid it's both, but that woman doesn't rely on the support of her natal family to be a concubine in the palace? It all takes money to open the way.

As for the failure to bring benefits, it can only be said that the Rongguo Mansion miscalculated the situation, and did not expect that the emperor would have given up womanizing a long time ago, and conferring Jia Yuanchun and the concubines was just a way to win people's hearts, anyway, that's how it was. It's just a nice name, nothing else matters.

"The imperial concubine and empress need to spend money to visit relatives, and the second master Bao will also spend money to marry. I also heard that after the second master Bao got married, he will follow the emperor to go to Iron Net Mountain to fight for a siege. Those who can go are all big shots, which is also rare. Opportunity, the second master also needs to prepare some gifts in advance, and they have to spend money. After all this, some people in the mansion say that the Grand View Garden is useless anyway, and there are fewer and fewer people living in it. It's better to sell it. ,..."

  Siqi's words startled Feng Ziying, "How can I sell the Grand View Garden? Who would buy this garden alone?"

  (end of this chapter)

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