Number of People

Chapter 1544: Xin Zijuan iron net mountain gradually emerges

  Chapter 1544 Xin Zijuan Iron Net Mountain Gradually Appears

  Feng Ziying is quite tricky.

  Faced with this problem, how does the court solve it?

   It is conceivable that the court really can't find a suitable solution, so it has been dragging on like this.

   "Feixiong, after you came back to report to Mr. Zhang and the others, did the Ministry of War have any countermeasures?" Feng Ziying thought for a while, "What suggestions do Mr. Sun and you personally have?"

As expected, Wang Yingxiong shook his head: "Master Zhang and the others also found it difficult to deal with. There are many ways, but none of them can achieve the desired effect, and may even worsen the situation. It will be more and more unfavorable to the court, so it is a dilemma."

"Other problems are not big, Yang He is incompetent, so you can change someone, for example, directly let Mr. Sun take over as the governor of Yunyang and the commander-in-chief of Jingxiang Town. With Mr. Sun's ability, I believe that he can quickly integrate the troops, and he can also cooperate with him." The local guards of Sichuan have merged into one, unified command, and can be expected to solve Bozhou. The key is Wang Ziteng, how to deal with it?"

  Zheng Chongjian obviously thought about it for a long time, "Maybe let Niu Jizong succeed Denglai Governor and transfer Prince Teng?"

  Feng Ziying shook her head, "Although the relationship between Niu and Wang is special, this action that will obviously damage their own power is equivalent to dismissing Wang Ziteng. Where will Wang Ziteng be placed?"

   "How about letting Wang Ziteng be transferred to the commander-in-chief of Huaiyang Town?" Zheng Chongjian rubbed his jaw and suggested.

  Feng Ziying was stunned. Zheng Chongjian's suggestion was interesting, but it was obviously not feasible. The commander-in-chief of Huaiyang Town was just the commander-in-chief of a town. Wang Ziteng's current status as the governor of Denglai was undoubtedly demoted. How could he accept it? It is impossible for the imperial court to do this, which is against the rules.

More importantly, putting Wang Ziteng in Huaiyang Town means that Huaiyang Town, a military town in the hinterland of the Jianghuai River, will fall into Wang Ziteng's hands. The imperial court could not ignore the threat that it might bring in the future.

   "You can let him serve as the left servant of the Ministry of War as a comfort." Zheng Chongjian further suggested.

   "I'm afraid Wang Ziteng won't agree to such a false name." Feng Ziying still shook her head, "I'm returning the left servant of the Ministry of War. The court dare not release Wang Ziteng in Huaiyang Town."

   "Then let him go back to serve as the governor of the Beijing camp?" Zheng Chongjian thought for a while and suggested.

   This is a somewhat novel idea, but is it feasible?

Now the Shenshu Battalion and the Shenji Battalion of the three major battalions of the Beijing Camp have been completely controlled by the emperor. Having mastered the Fifth Army Battalion for a long time, he may not have obeyed Wang Ziteng's words, but even Captain Long couldn't tell what the relationship between the two was, so there was a risk.

"I'm afraid your majesty won't dare to take this risk?" Wang Yingxiong shook his head, "Now the imperial court is seeking stability, and finally invited these uncontrollable martial arts out of the capital city, how could it be possible to let them come back? I would rather let them sit outside I don't want them to come back to make trouble, the court has this in mind, um, at least the emperor should think so."

  Wang Yingxiong was very accurate in thinking about Emperor Yonglong, this kid has a future, Feng Ziying nodded slightly.

Even if there is a rebellion outside, there can be a strategy to deal with it. It is nothing more than a disaster for the locality. But if there is a disturbance in the capital city, it will be a major event that the throne will not be guaranteed, and it will even affect the descendants. This is probably Emperor Yonglong's fault. idea.

   "Actually, if Chen Ji was first arranged to go out of town in Huaiyang, and then a safe person would be appointed as the general of the Fifth Army Battalion, then it would not be a bad idea to let the prince return to serve as the military envoy of the Beijing Camp." Zheng Chongjian made another move.

  This kind of large-scale change of people can indeed break the inherent vassal relationship, but it needs a buffer period to stabilize the situation, but does the court have this time now? Feng Ziying was skeptical.

More importantly, Feng Ziying was convinced that Emperor Yonglong did not have the courage to play, nor did he have so many cards to play. Emperor Yonglong was already suspicious. Now that he is in poor health, and there are threats from the Supreme Emperor and Prince Yizhong, he will not treat anyone. Dare to trust too much.

With such a calculation, almost all possibilities were blocked, and even Feng Ziying felt that there was no good solution. At this time, Feng Ziying realized how wise it was for her father to go to the northwest, and the Ministry of War might also realize this. , It's just that everyone is avoiding diseases and avoiding medicine, and refuses to expose this risk.

If Niu Jizong, Wang Ziteng, and Taishanghuang all support Prince Yizhong, and Jiangnan is also the backing, that would be enough to challenge Emperor Yonglong's legitimacy and legitimacy, and he would already have a certain ability to contend in terms of economic and military strength. up.

  The three discussed for a long time but could not come up with a better solution. Of course, Feng Ziying was extremely anxious. Although Wang and Zheng were also worried, they were far less anxious than Feng Ziying.

Wang Yingxiong and Zheng Chongjian began to realize the huge risks that might be brought about by the imperial court, that is, the struggle for the throne, after being instilled by Feng Ziying through various channels and methods in the past two years. The throne has always been not very recognized, and even thinks that Feng Ziying is a bit whimsical.

After all, Emperor Yonglong had been on the throne for ten years, and the throne was stable. There was no objection from the scholars and folks. Smart and wise, but they are all passable, especially King Lu is well received. Under such circumstances, can Prince Yizhong still come out to be a brother and brother?

Before Ming Yingzong succeeded Emperor Jing and carried out the change of seizing the door, it was only when Emperor Ming Jing was critically ill, and because Emperor Ming Jing had no children, Prince Yizhong had never been emperor, he was just an old prince, that's all It is a bit exaggerated to want to seize the throne, and this situation has never happened in this dynasty.

But Niu Jizong's ambiguous attitude during the Mongol invasion last year, Wang Ziteng's strange performance in the Southwest counter-insurgency, and Jiangnan's clamor and strong demand for the formation of Huaiyang Town, these situations are not normal, we have to let them start slowly suspicious.

Shilin civil servants should not participate in the affairs of the heavenly family. Whoever becomes the emperor must use scholar Lin civil servants, but the premise is that this seizure of the heirloom cannot affect the safety of the Great Zhou. The rebellion in the hinterland is raging. Under such circumstances, if wars are caused by the seizure of the heirloom, it will really be a catastrophe.

"If there is no good countermeasure, I can only hope that the Ministry of War will consider the situation in the southwest and let Master Sun succeed the governor of Yunyang and the commander-in-chief of Jingxiang Town. If the remaining troops of Guyuan Town are difficult to tame, it is better to let them return to the north and recruit the elite of the Sichuan Guards. Jingxiang Town, cut the mess quickly so as not to affect the whole Jingxiang Town’s order.” Feng Ziying thought for a while before saying, “I’m afraid we not only have to consider the rebellion of Yang Yinglong in Bozhou, but also be wary of Prince Teng’s entrenched presence in Huguang. Possibility of trouble."

   "Isn't it?" Zheng Chongjian and Wang Yingxiong both subconsciously said.

   "I hope so too, but the more you don't want this kind of thing to happen, the more likely it will happen." Feng Ziying invoked Murphy's Law again.

  Zheng Chongjian and Wang Yingxiong left, but ruined Feng Ziying's good mood of taking a rest for a day. Thinking about it, it was too far away to worry about the Ministry of War and the imperial court even though he was a minister of Shuntian Fu.

   But the problem is that if you don't think about these issues, once things develop to the worst extent, it will definitely affect your own family. Dad can't escape, and you will also be involved.

Because of this, Feng Ziying felt extremely anxious and irritable, unable to change, watching certain things slide to the least desirable situation, and in the end, she may still have to do her best to face and deal with it. Why bother?

   These days, you just want to be a leisurely official and enjoy life happily. There will always be various unexpected troubles and entanglements to drag you into it.

  Send the two away, and return to the study, Feng Ziying settled down to think.

  If it cannot be changed, then we must consider the countermeasures from the worst result, and we need to arrange some backhands to prepare.

The old man himself had told him to mobilize elites from various towns to assemble as soon as possible on the grounds of parade and weeding out the old and the weak. Feng Ziying judged that if something really happened, it should be the most likely from September to the end of the year, especially the mentioned The hunting at Iron Net Mountain gave Feng Ziying a bad feeling.

  In "A Dream of Red Mansions", Iron Net Mountain is mentioned in several places, and it became an important aspect discussed by redology experts and fans of Red Mansions later. There are different opinions, many stories, and countless versions, most of which are allusions and far-fetched.

However, the book "Dream of Red Mansions" does not say much about Iron Net Mountain, but there is one thing Feng Ziying has an impression of, because the Iron Net Mountain in "A Dream of Red Mansions" is closely related to himself, and it seems that he has also participated in some things about Iron Net Mountain. And it also made it a little unpleasant, and it was revealed in a certain drinking game that he had something to do with Captain Qiu's son.

The book "Dream of Red Mansions" not to mention the indistinct records, the problem is that when I came to this time and space, a lot of history has changed a long time ago. Captain Qiu probably refers to Qiu Shiben, the current head of the Shenshu camp. His son Qiu Zhengsun and Feng Ziying know each other, but nothing. Jiaodao, now an officer in the Warriors Battalion, is also a dude, can he have anything to do with himself now?

  I am now the Prime Minister of Shuntian Fu, and my identity as a **** in "Dream of Red Mansions" is completely different from that of Feng Ziying. How can I still be involved in the hunt in Iron Net Mountain in September? Moreover, the hunting in Iron Net Mountain is divided into spring hunting and autumn hunting. The one Feng Ziying participated in in the book seems to be spring hunting, but now it is autumn hunting, which is not right.

  But her intuition told Feng Ziying that no matter what happened during the siege of Iron Net Mountain, there must be some unexplainable changes, otherwise this Iron Net Mountain would not be so famous in the book "A Dream of Red Mansions".

  (end of this chapter)

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