Number of People

Chapter 1545: Xinzi roll asymptotically

  Chapter 1545 Xin Zijuan Approaching

  Feng Ziying has been to Iron Net Mountain a few times, but they always go there in a hurry, basically returning within a day or two, so she only has a general understanding of Iron Net Mountain.

  In fact, Iron Net Mountain has a large area, with mountains, forests, swamps, plains and valleys mixed with various terrains, dense forests and meadows. It is indeed a good hunting ground with a pleasant climate, especially suitable for hunting in summer and autumn.

  However, the royal autumn is usually around 15 days. The emperor will stay for a period of time, hunting, receiving guests, and recuperating. It can be regarded as an activity that combines rest and official duties.

  Hunting is usually done with the royal clan’s children, especially the emperor’s sons must participate. According to the practice of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the emperor observes the performance of his sons through hunting and dialogue, so as to prepare for the establishment of the reserve.

  The current emperor is said to have stood out in the autumn competition presided over by the Taishanghuang in the past, cut off the hope of Prince Yizhong's restoration, and successfully ascended to the top.

Therefore, autumn is a big test that all princes must face. The emperor may not only examine the military skills of the princes during the autumn, but also take the opportunity to examine the princes' poetry, scriptures, and even current policy affairs, and then use it as his future reserve. in accordance with.

  In addition to inspecting the prince, gathering and hunting with the royal family members is also an important measure to draw in the basic relationship of the royal family members. During the stay in Iron Net Mountain, there will be many banquets, and most of the royal family members will attend.

In addition to the above two items, the emperor will usually meet some foreign ministers, such as the governor, the governor, and some important military generals, to understand the situation of the frontier defense. Of course, there are also some courtiers who the emperor thinks necessary to meet. The elders in the cabinet generally do not accompany them, they need to stay in the capital city to preside over the court affairs.

In addition to these, Emperor Yonglong is not in good health at the moment. Iron Net Mountain is now in autumn, the temperature is neither hot nor cold, the air is fresh, and there are many prey, so it is also the best place to rest and take a rest. It is also very important for Emperor Yonglong to relax great attraction.

  Feng Ziying is also thinking that this iron net mountain autumn has lasted for such a long time, if something goes wrong, where will it go?

  Generally speaking, the elites of the three major battalions of the Beijing Camp are the ones who accompany them. Of course, the three major battalions used to be vulnerable, but it is different now.

  After the purge after last year, the Shenshu Camp has become a whole under the auspices of Qiu Shiben, claiming to be the loyal dog of the emperor.

Now the chief general of Shenji Battalion is Qian Guozhong, who was pulled out by the emperor from the Governor's Mansion of the Right Army. Kicking his feet to the Youjun Dudufu's mansion to be idle, somehow he got on the emperor's line, this time he was suddenly promoted from the Youjun Dudufu's mansion to directly serve as the chief general of the Shenji Battalion, which is quite surprising.

As for the Fifth Military Battalion, Feng Ziying reckoned that Emperor Yonglong would not trust him too much, and Chen Jixian was too slippery and seemed to have both sides, but in his position, it was actually more dangerous to have both sides. This is the only way to protect oneself, but Feng Ziying thinks this is not advisable.

  In this position, no one will trust you at critical times, and they will want to replace you with someone they trust, otherwise they will be thrown into the abyss.

The Beijing camp is accompanied by the driver, no accidents should be the Shenshu camp or the Shenji camp. Of course, it is impossible to dispatch all of them. However, if there were any accidents, the troops from Jingying and nearby Jizhen could also arrive quickly.

  This shows the importance and reliability of Ji Town from another angle.

  Emperor Yonglong handed over the general army of Jizhen to You Shigong, which is enough to show the trust of Emperor Yonglong in the Feng family. You Shigong is Feng Tang's old department, and he strongly recommends it. Even King Zhongshun lobbied for it.

  In a sense, King Zhongshun already regarded the Feng family as the most reliable ally, and Feng Ziying also believed that the Feng family should go in this direction.

In his opinion, no matter how Prince Yizhong dances, how Jiangnan responds to each other, how Niu Jizong and Wang Ziteng struggle, as long as Emperor Yonglong survives this year without any major changes, the drought in the north will improve next year, and the iron smelters in the capital provinces will be better. With the development of industries such as cement, sea trade, etc., Dad stabilized the four towns in the northwest, and spared no effort to solve the problem of the White Lotus Sect. The situation will be eased a lot, and more energy will be freed up to solve other problems in the future. .

The key is to get through this year. To be precise, the period from now to next year's summer harvest is the most dangerous period. Feng Ziying feels that if something happens, or if Prince Yizhong wants to make trouble, he must choose this period of time. The problem With Emperor Yonglong's righteousness still alive, his courtiers supporting him, and his throne stable, why would Prince Yizhong, Niu Jizong, and Wang Ziteng dare to make trouble?

   This is what Feng Ziying couldn't understand the most.

No matter how dangerous the situation is, as long as Emperor Yonglong sits in town, anyone who wants to rebel will feel short of breath and guilty. Among the border towns, even Xuanfu Town, which Niu Jizong has the strongest control, or Denglai Town, which was built by Wang Ziteng, I dare not say that I dare to openly raise the banner of rebellion, do I?

  So this question, Feng Ziying thinks that if there are no other accidents, then this most difficult period can be overcome, but will there be any accidents in Tiewangshan Qiuxi?

   It can be regarded as the most mysterious and subtle allusion in the book "Dream of Red Mansions". Is this siege of Iron Net Mountain really an ordinary siege? This is what Feng Ziying is most worried about, because the book "Dream of Red Mansions" does not mention the specific content, you can make arbitrary associations, and after the history changes, will the siege of Iron Net Mountain become more unpredictable?

  Worry is nothing but worry, but life has to go on, and Feng Ziying has to deal with all kinds of chores facing her own family.

  Wang Xifeng will go south to Linqing by boat after the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Ruixiang has already returned, and the compound of Feng Mansion in Linqing has been repaired and maintained, and some necessary items have been added. Of course, Wang Xifeng and his group will inevitably have to buy a lot of things after they leave, but Linqing is also Shandong. The famous port city has all kinds of things, and it is not much inferior to the capital city, so there is no need to worry.

  Jia Yuanchun was going to visit relatives during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and Feng Ziying had been notified early on. It seemed that since this virtuous concubine had to see her, Feng Ziying was also a little depressed.

He couldn't understand what kind of role this virtuous concubine wanted to play in the palace. In addition, Qiu Shi'an seemed to warm up to him at once. People who want to know the inside story of this iron net mountain autumn, what kind of weirdness will there be in it, will make countless people pay attention to this grand event.


   "Yaoqing, it seems that you have gained something?" Feng Ziying asked with a smile when she saw Wu Yaoqing who was coming to meet her with a happy face as soon as she came out of the yamen.

   "Going back to my lord, there are indeed some gains." Wu Yaoqing nodded, "I want to report to my lord."

   "Well, in what way, can I go back to the mansion?" Feng Ziying looked at the time, "How about talking in the carriage?"

   "Okay." Wu Yaoqing was not polite, and greeted several guards around him, and got into the carriage with Feng Ziying.

"We have been staring at Hongqing Temple for a while. Besides Renqing, we are mainly watching the group of people who live in Hongqing Temple." Wu Yaoqing began to introduce, "This group of people came and went, their whereabouts Uncertain, and very vigilant, so we would rather lose it, would rather come back, and never expose it, so the progress has been slower, but now we have been staring at it for so long, and it is still quite rewarding."

   "Oh, let's hear it, what can I gain." Feng Ziying became interested.

Feng Ziying has always been very interested in the White Lotus Sect. Apart from discovering that the White Lotus Sect has a deep foundation and great potential in Yongping Mansion, the fact that this group of people dared to assassinate him is also the reason why he cannot tolerate it. The Linqing civil uprising saw the shadows behind the White Lotus Sect and the involvement of the Japanese, which made him startled.

  Now it is discovered that the White Lotus Sect is a branch of the entire Gyeonggi province, and it has a lot of involvement. Once there is an accident in Gyeonggi, will this group of people take the opportunity to riot?

In his impression, in the previous life, the White Lotus Sect in the Ming Dynasty had incidents during this time period, and it should have happened in Shandong and Beizhi. Except for Tang Sai'er, there was another large-scale incident in the late Ming Dynasty, but He couldn't remember the details, but what he saw and heard in Linqing, coupled with the investigation results of Yongping and Shuntianfu, made him sure that if he didn't find a way to contain it immediately, this force would sooner or later bring the Great Zhou Dynasty. Huge trouble.

   Now that I am the Prime Minister of Shuntian Prefecture, it is my responsibility to investigate and deal with these Bailianhui parties. It can be said that he has to solve this problem for public and private purposes.

"This group of people should have something to do with Yongping Mansion." Wu Yaoqing's words lifted Feng Ziying's spirits, "But it is not only related to Yongping Mansion, but also to many prefectures in Beizhili Implicated, we spent some effort to follow up, and initially found that at least they have contacts with Baoding, Zhending, Hejian, and Yongping. They are all branches of the White Lotus Sect in these prefectures, and may have other names, such as Bangchuihui, Baiyang Sect, etc., but the roots are the same."

   "Yaoqing, you mean you have figured out the situation?" Feng Ziying couldn't help but smacked her lips.

"No, no, it's still far away. This is just a preliminary investigation." Wu Yaoqing quickly shook his head, "I feel that the involvement here is too wide. Our personnel alone are not enough. I'm afraid we need Captain Long and the Ministry of Punishment. It's more appropriate."

  (end of this chapter)

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