Number of People

Chapter 1546: Xin Zi Juan solid foundation and strong foundation

  Chapter 1546 Xin Zijuan Consolidates the Foundation

This is not what Feng Ziying expected. The White Lotus Sect has been deeply cultivated in the capital for many years, with many branches and vines, and it can take root in the capital city. It is inevitable that it has something to do with some officials and gentry in the capital. They couldn't have developed so well.

  If any secret society wants to become bigger and stronger, it must establish a good relationship with local powerful people, and it is best to be able to draw them in, which is the most effective.

The White Lotus Sect is undoubtedly following this path, but it seems that although the White Lotus Sect members in Hongqing Temple are not simple, they are more like a group of outsiders. Otherwise, if they are really local White Lotus Sect members in the capital city, where would they need to live in Hongqing Temple? ? He should have a house as his base.

Moreover, although this group of people should have ties with these Bailian Sect members in the capital city, the relationship between the two parties is still very subtle, not the kind of relationship between superiors and subordinates that is completely and absolutely prohibited. Teach people, this is also a very surprising discovery.

  As for what kind of role Master Renqing played in it, it’s still hard to say, but there is no doubt that these two groups of people are not good at each other.

   "In your opinion, we need Long Jinwei and the Ministry of Punishment to cooperate with us?" Feng Ziying asked in a deep voice.

"My lord, what I mean is, can we hand over these clues outside Beijing to Lieutenant Long Jin and the Criminal Ministry to investigate, so that we can free up our hands to take care of the situation in Shuntian Mansion." Wu Yaoqing further explained, "According to the subordinates, According to the investigation and analysis, the White Lotus Sect in Jingshi City and even in Shuntian Prefecture is not small, and its potential foundation is even deeper. If you want to uproot it overnight, it will be very difficult. There will still be a lot of investigation and preparation work, and my subordinates predict that without a year and a half of painstaking efforts, it will be difficult to achieve the results that adults want."

  Wu Yaoqing is still very objective, and has not underestimated the complex harm of the White Lotus Sect and the degree to which it is difficult to cure.

Feng Ziying is also very clear that underground secret societies like the White Lotus Sect are rooted in the people. Before the problems in the social foundation cannot be eliminated, they will last forever, and they will even become extremely active during certain periods of time and turn into rebellions and uprisings. The White Lotus Rebellion and the Great Rebellion of the Tianli Sect in the ancient times lasted for several years, and the latter even broke into the imperial palace. It is conceivable how powerful it is.

Judging from the current situation, the White Lotus Sect has also begun to enter a period of rapid expansion of power in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and may even enter an active period soon. It is also impossible for the Cheng to mobilize all the forces. Neither the court nor the lower officials have really realized its harmfulness. It is suspected that members of the White Lotus Sect have committed assassinations, so it is necessary to exaggerate the scale and harm of the White Lotus Sect, and kill chickens with a knife.

"Well, Yaoqing, I agree with your judgment. I'm afraid not only in Beizhili, but also in Shandong, Shanxi, and even in Nanzhili. The White Lotus Sect is quite powerful. Cleaning up these White Lotus Sects requires a good business plan. Where can other prefectures be taken into account? I will find an opportunity to talk to the Ministry of Criminal Justice and Captain Long. Long Jinwei may not believe what we say, who made me the victim?" Feng Ziying smiled self-mockingly.

"My lord, at least Mr. Lian in Yongping Mansion still trusts His Excellency. After you wrote to him, he has been adopting a high-pressure posture. Many of the Bailian Sect members who have been floating on the surface in Yongping Mansion can no longer stand. , are all running out." Wu Yaoqing flattered.

   "Brother Jun Yu still knows what is important, but how many local government officials can really realize this? Not to mention these local officials, they are even the court officials, isn't it the same?"

Feng Ziying thought of the expressionless face of Liu Yixiu, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, and felt a headache. This representative of Jiangnan scholars disliked him very much. He had a good opinion of him when he was in the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and now he is going to ask him , difficult myself.

"My lord, there are still some people available in the Shuntian government office, and there are also many capable people like Ni Er, if they are used well, they can also play a big role." Wu Yaoqing suggested: "What you need to do now is to live well." If you do a good job in rectifying the punishment room and the third class of yamen, you can get twice the result with half the effort. In the long run, if the adults want to serve as the magistrate for a long time in the future, or even take over as the magistrate in the future, then the sixth room and the experience department These places of the mill must be firmly grasped in your hands, and the third class of yamen is also indispensable, otherwise, what is the point of being a government official like Master Wu without letting you out of your study?"

Wu Yaoqing's words made Feng Ziying couldn't help but look at the other party more. This is the root of the matter. Shuntian Mansion Yamen can't play with Fu trying a few people to help him dance. Although he moved a little in the early stage, it is still far away. Far from being enough, we should also take advantage of the good momentum of the successful resolution of the Jingtong Ercang case, and start recruiting and enriching our own personnel from the Sixth Office, the Experience Department, and the third class of yamen servants.

Wu Daonan can be regarded as a strange thing, of course, it may have something to do with him not wanting to stay in the position of Governor of Shuntian Prefecture for too long. He basically followed the previous team without making major adjustments and changes. Everyone can still be a little in awe of your status as governor, but later find that you not only don't care about things, but also don't care about people, so let them go.

Everyone went their own way, the Fucheng, Zhizhong, and Tongpan below all formed cliques, and each had their own group of people. Even in the sixth room and the third class of yamen servants, such a small circle formed, Wu Daonan didn't care, as long as On the surface, it was passable, but he didn't care about it, which formed the situation in the Shuntian government office.

Feng Ziying certainly cannot tolerate this situation. After Fu Shi got closer, he also began to deploy his own manpower to key positions in some key departments. Of course, this also needs an opportunity. Replace the officials with your own people, but the group of the third class of government servants needs to make a big move, otherwise it will be difficult for you to make orders and prohibit them like arm's length.

  Wu Yaoqing also saw this, so he suggested this.

"Well, Yaoqing, you are very caring." Feng Ziying nodded lightly, "I have been thinking about this matter, and it is time for the Shuntian government office to rectify it. Now the case of Jingtong Ercang is basically in the late stage. , then I have more time to deal with it. You are very busy now, and there are other things in classical Chinese, so you have to worry about it. You should get in touch with and observe these people in the government office. They also know your identity. There is no need to evade, those who are willing to come closer to us, you carefully screen, as long as the big ones are not bad, even if there are some minor problems, we can make good use of them."

Wu Yaoqing was also a little excited. The sixth class of clerks and the third class of yamen servants were the largest group in the government office. There were at least a thousand regular workers plus temporary workers. Taking the third class of yamen servants as an example, especially the fast arresters, basically one The police are a small team, and there must be three or five temporary helpers. There must be hundreds of people. These people come from all over the capital. Helping people to reorganize and use them can greatly enrich their own manpower, which is much more abundant than recruiting people by themselves alone.

Of course, in terms of ability and quality, these people can't compare with the people I recruited outside, but they are familiar with people, and they know everything from three religions to nine streams. Many people like myself feel that their eyes are black, but they can easily do it. It is what people like myself lack the most.

If you can organically combine these people into your group, many things will be much easier to handle. Of course, there is also a reminder from the adults, that is, these people should be carefully screened out, make good use of them, and be more careful about keeping important things secret Planning, consider whether they can be trusted, don't do things that have not been done, but the secret has been leaked early.

"More adults are trustworthy, and my subordinates must be considerate." Wu Yaoqing paused, "If there are people who have been eliminated from the sixth room, especially the third class of yamen servants, I think it might be appropriate to add some people from Ni Er's side. , so that a virtuous circle can be formed, so that these people will not think that they can only eat hairy pigs without the butcher Li Zhang.”

Feng Ziying laughed, "You can do what you want with these things. I just want the results. In the second half of the year, I don't think the situation in the capital will be too optimistic. After the severe drought in the north, there will definitely be a wave of refugees coming to Beijing at the end of the year and early next year." , social security will not be stable, and this is what we are obliged to deal with. Among the three classes of yamen servants, you must carefully select some people with outstanding ability, loyalty and reliability to take the lead. As for the others, there are some shortcomings, but they can be tolerated. Remember, loyalty Reliability is excellent, just these two points,..."

You can't expect high moral standards from the third class of yamen servants. They are all characters who deal with the dark side. Honesty and honesty cannot be played well in this group. Feng Ziying has long been mentally prepared for this, and I believe Wu Yaoqing has the same. considerations in this regard.

  Wu Yaoqing nodded silently. This is the line drawn by the adults. Loyalty, reliability and ability to do things are the most important thing, and everything else comes second. I don’t even care, so I have to pay more attention when screening.

Feng Ziying is very clear that this is a necessary means for him to strengthen and consolidate his authority in the Shuntian government office. If he can't do this, he, the Shuntian government minister, is a big empty boss, and he can't perform his duties at all. This is Feng Ziying's absolute responsibility. unacceptable.

  So he had to take this step, even if he would use some less bright means.

  (end of this chapter)

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