Number of People

Chapter 1547: Xin Zijuan Personnel is the first element

  Chapter 1547 Xin Zijuan Personnel is the first element

  Wu Daonan's tendency not to ask about government affairs became more and more obvious after the Jingtong Ercang case. Feng Ziying estimated that this was caused by several factors.

Firstly, because autumn is just around the corner, the royal autumn means that the emperor’s assessment of the princes has entered a new stage, poetry, scriptures, and current policy affairs, and shooting and hunting martial arts are also barely counted, but compared to the first three items, they weigh less Many, for an emperor, as long as he is in good health, he does not need any superb archery or martial arts.

  At the same time, there is another potential factor here, even more important than the previous ones at this stage, that is the reputation of the princes among scholars.

Emperor Yonglong didn't pay much attention to poetry and scriptures in his bones, but this is the basis for the literati to be proud of and distinguish them from others, especially the scriptures, so on the surface they still have to be extraordinarily respected, but current policy theory is the most important thing. It is the key to Emperor Yonglong's fancy.

The princes have a few poems, scriptures, and righteousness in these items. The only thing missing may be the current policy theory, but this is not to blame the princes. They were not allowed to participate in politics before, so they naturally did not have the opportunity to exercise, but now It's different. Emperor Yonglong has already begun to consciously cultivate several princes, and then screened them, and the current policy theory can also be gradually cultivated and promoted in the future and even after he ascended the throne, but the reputation and prestige among scholars has become a key Factors, this is related to the recognition of you by Lin Wenchen, a sergeant in the court.

What Emperor Yonglong regrets most is that his reputation among the scholar-officials is not too high, and he is much inferior to his elder brother, Prince Yizhong, especially in the south of the Yangtze River. For quite a long time, the courtiers and Chinese courtiers were not very optimistic about him, which made him extremely distressed.

  So he doesn't want his sons to repeat the same mistakes, but hopes that his sons can learn from this.

So if you can have a good reputation among scholars now, it will undoubtedly be of great benefit to winning more stable support for scholars once you ascend the throne in the future. Easier and easier.

Because of this, several princes have been very active recently, frequently participating in various literary and poetry meetings, and striving to improve their respective reputations during this period. many opportunities.

Wu Daonan was always invited to attend almost every literature and poetry meeting held by a family, and Wu Daonan never tired of doing it. In addition, it was also rumored that early next year, he might step down as Governor of Shuntian Mansion and replace Gu Bingqian as Minister of Rites. The mundane was bored.

  Another reason is that Wu Daonan realizes that he is really not good at government affairs, and sometimes meddling will be counterproductive, and even attract doubts from the top and bottom, which will damage his image, so he is now letting go more and more.

  In addition, the various contradictions and pressures brought about by the second Jingtong case also made him shudder.

  He was originally a character who was afraid of trouble and could not resist pressure. If a few more characters with background came to him, he would be in a dilemma.

He is afraid that the refusal will cause dissatisfaction on the other side, and those who offend will be either rich or noble, and there will be endless troubles in the future, but he will not be able to deal with it after agreeing, and he also worries about the criticism from the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Ministry of Criminal Justice, so he is even more concerned about such matters. Keeping it at a respectful distance is completely different from Feng Ziying's sweetness.

It was such a situation that gave Feng Ziying, who just took advantage of the Jingtong Ercang case to establish his own prestige, a great opportunity, allowing him to control the entire "team" structure of the Shuntian government office according to his own ideas without much scruples. Transformation and adjustment of personnel composition.

Of course, as a Fucheng, he has no right to intervene in positions such as Zhizhong, Tongju, Tuiguan, and Confucianism professors, and he has no right to dismiss officials with high grades such as experience, Zhaomo, and governors. , but as the Fucheng, he can use the power in his hands to exclude, weaken and marginalize the roles he is not satisfied with, and even force you to resign voluntarily.

As for the level of officials that Feng Ziying valued more, as a government official, he has the power to dispose of them. As long as there is a suitable reason, or even no reason, as long as you think that you are not doing your job well enough, you can be dismissed and rearrange your own personnel. Come to work.

  Shuntian Mansion, a core big mansion, has complex affairs that cannot be handled by thirty or forty officials with good taste. The key here lies in the group of officials.

  The iron-clad yamen's flowing officials do not mean that the yamen will last forever, but that officials often come and go, while the officials are basically fixed.

For example, the officials of Liufang, the officials, the book office, and the assistant book, are collectively referred to as the book officials, and there are more than a hundred people. They almost monopolize the middle and high-level officials of the entire official group, and their power and influence are quite large. A scribe who has become a master is even more able to evade his superiors and officials and become an invisible black hand.

In contrast, such as the three classes of yamen servants, jailers, gangsters, executioners, menzi, pubing, douqi, and Kuzi, although there are more than a thousand people, they are even more domineering in the eyes of ordinary people outside. Show off your power, but in terms of hierarchy, it can already be regarded as the role of the middle and lower ranks of officials.

Before the Jingtong Ercang case was concluded, Feng Ziying just took advantage of the opportunity to adjust the officials in the official room and criminal room, and did not really make any big moves on the entire sixth room. But now that the time is getting ripe, Feng Ziying feels that she can make a move up.

Li Wenzheng, the secretary of the official house, is now Feng Ziying's hard-core confidant. He was transferred from the official of the criminal house. Compared with the military house in Yongping Prefecture, the military house is more important. These matters, such as express delivery and courier shops, will give way to torture chambers that are related to the entire economic and social security.

The Ministry of Officials, Libing, Punishment and Industry, is now the seventh room. In Shuntian Mansion, the official room is undoubtedly the first room, so the one who can compete with the household room for the second place can only be the punishment room that was originally ranked fifth. For him, there are too many criminal and security cases in Shuntian Mansion, and they often involve nobles in Beijing and China, so how to make decisions, grasp the middle scale, and then gain contacts and resources is also a means.

After the official house is the household house and the criminal house, and among the next four houses, the ritual house seems to have a good reputation, but there is no benefit, but it is different in Shuntian Mansion. Shuntian Mansion School, Lai Lifang is in charge of the important imperial examinations for the sons of officials and merchants who are sent to Shuntian Mansion from all over the country. You are originally a scholar from other provinces, can you be recognized by the Shuntian Mansion Lifang to participate in the county of Shuangtianfu? The test of the mansion and the competition of Qiu Wei and Chun Wei depend on the attitude of the shuntian mansion.

Based on this point alone, no one dares to underestimate the ceremony room in Shuntian Mansion. Some people even think that the ceremony room in Shuntian Mansion is not only expensive, but also very powerful and lucrative, so it is no less than Hufang and torture chamber.

   Next is the military room, workshop and commercial room.

There is no need to mention the military room. The theory of the people in the third class of yamen should be the management of the military room, but in fact, because the business is mainly fire prevention and anti-theft, it is also managed by the criminal room, so the military room is more about managing military registration and clearing soldiers. Registration and household registration and daily affairs of courier shops.

  Workshops and commercial houses are also complicated but involved a lot of institutions for Shuntian Prefecture.

Because Shuntian Prefecture has Jingshi City, the maintenance and repair of the streets and ditches in the city, as well as new renovations and expansions, all need to be negotiated between Shuntian Prefecture’s workshops and the Ministry of Industry, so there are too many gossips, and everyone is fighting for profit. If you want to even lose money in the business, everyone will blame each other. Although there is a lot of oil and water in it, it is a lot of work.

The same is true for commercial houses, because according to the division of labor of the Ministry of Households and the Commercial Department, the various gates of the capital city need to be divided into categories when it comes to collecting commercial taxes, especially since Shuntian Prefecture intends to open and close in Dagu, so it also involves coordination with the Commercial Department , so it is also a complicated job of oil and water, so it is far less clear and comfortable than the previous few rooms.

  According to the current power structure of the Shuntian government office, apart from Wu Daonan, who has already been marginalized, the two departments of the Experience Department and the Zhaomo Institute should be under the direct management of Feng Ziying.

Like Qifang, in theory, apart from the office of officials, it can belong to Feng Ziying to deal with it. For example, household affairs belong to Mei Zhiye, who has more powers and responsibilities in Zhizhong. As well as the affairs of the household house, the general judges, including Fu Shi, are in the scope of their powers, while the affairs of the prison room and the prison secretary, which is a level higher than the prison room, are the docking of the official Song Xian.

As for the following, there are still some departments such as the Taxation Department under the jurisdiction of Zhizhong, the Miscellaneous Manufacturing Bureau, Dacang, and Hebo Office are in charge of general judgments in this area, and the Inspection Department is under the guidance of the promotion of officials, but it belongs to the Fucheng. Straight.

But the division of these affairs is only a theoretical general division of labor, because the laws and regulations of Dazhou are often a guiding thing under the big framework, which is quite vague, and many of them are done by convention, but if you encounter a strong The chief officer will often make adjustments.

However, although Feng Ziying is strong, his identity is still a bit embarrassing. He is not the official government minister, but the second-in-command Fu Cheng. To adjust the deployment, we must pay attention to step-by-step and means.

But he couldn't procrastinate any longer, and finally caught up with the opportunity of a big Jingtong Ercang case to establish his prestige. If one step is to make arrangements for work affairs, the future will be more difficult, so he must take action.

  Wang Wenyan and Wu Yaoqing, as their roles similar to the masters of the staff, should also be counselors to help them plan and arrange.

  This adjustment will affect the personnel structure of the entire Shuntian government office, and it will take a process, but it must be done well.

  (end of this chapter)

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