Number of People

Chapter 1548: Xin Zi Juan is attached

  Chapter 1548 Xin Zijuan is attached

  Er Li Du is the first official visit to Feng's residence.

As officials, theoretically they cannot directly contact important officials like Fu Cheng. If the leaders of key departments do not get the nod of the actual power holders in the yamen, it is impossible to sit firmly.

  Both Li Wenzheng and Li Jianxing should be regarded as Feng Ziying's confidantes. Although they have not officially become Feng Ziying's wings for a long time, after going through the investigation of the Jingtong Ercang case, their performance has been recognized by Feng Ziying.

   Especially Li Jianxing.

Li Wenzheng had initially gained Feng Ziying's approval when he was transferred from the secretary of the punishment room to the secretary of the official room. The performance in the case was remarkable, so he quickly became a regular from acting as a secretary.

"Second brother, is it your first time to come to your lord's mansion?" Li Jianxing got out of the carriage first when the carriage came to a complete stop. Li Wenzheng said.

The second elder brother is just an honorific title. Li Wenzheng is two years older than him. Both of them are surnamed Li. In fact, although the two have the same surname, they are not related, and they can't even tell their seniority.

   "I've been here before, but I haven't been in the mansion. It's just to deliver the post. I didn't dare to come in to pay a visit to the adults before." Li Wenzheng didn't hide anything.

  In terms of time, it was only half a year since Feng Ziying came to Shuntian Mansion to serve as the Fucheng, and it was only four or five months since he became a member of Feng Ziying's circle.

"Well, this time, my little brother is also worried." Li Jianxing stroked his beard under his chin, feeling quite touched, "If you say that the adults treat us well, the people in our torture room are the hardest and most tired. They deal with each other, but for so many years, the second brother has been the secretary of the punishment room for more than ten years and has never seen the Taizun think about it. Could it be that the people in our punishment room are really inferior to the people in the household room and the ceremony room? Only after your lord becomes the Prime Minister can you look up to the people in our punishment room."

  None of them were born as scholars, but they were able to read and write, and they were proficient in pen and ink. Scholars would not take on the role of officials who held important positions in the eyes of ordinary people but were lowly in the eyes of scholars.

Although they are all officials, it is obvious that the people in the official house, household house and ceremony house feel that they are superior. Or the transfer of the officials of the Ritual House. Since the establishment of the Great Zhou Dynasty, there has never been a precedent for the officials of the Shuntian Mansion to be transferred from the Secretary of the Criminal House to the Secretary of the Criminal House, but Feng Ziying made an exception here.

Not only was Li Wenzheng transferred to be the secretary of the punishment room, but the secretary of the punishment room was also taken over by the judge of the punishment room. People's approval, they can not live up to the weight of this trust.

  Li Wenzheng also nodded in agreement with Li Jianxing's statement.

In fact, his relationship with Li Jianxing was not very close before, but they have worked together for many years and everyone can get along well. In the prison room and the third class of government officials, each has its own group of people. It is precisely because of this that Li Wenzheng was selected by Feng Ziying as the official secretary. When the officials asked him for his opinion on who should take over as the secretary of the punishment room, Li Wenzheng recommended Li Jianxing, who was not the closest to him, after careful consideration.

  Because he knew that after he left, only Li Jianxing could secure the position of prison secretary, and only Li Jianxing could assist Mr. Feng in the follow-up handling of the Jingtong Ercang case to satisfy Mr. Feng.

  If because of my own selfish desires, the investigation of this case did not achieve the best results in the end, it would undoubtedly make Mr. Feng doubt his own vision and heart.

  He didn't want to be dismissed soon after taking up the position of official secretary.

  Because of this, he strongly recommended Li Jianxing, and the performance of Li Jianxing, who acted as the criminal secretary, did not disappoint everyone, so Li Wenzheng was able to straighten his chest in front of Feng Ziying.

"Look, there are quite a few people waiting for a visit at your lord's mansion." Li Wenzheng slowed down, his eyes wandering, "Well, is that Commander Liang of the Zhongcheng Military Division? Come out, um, I recognize that carriage, From Prince Zhonghui’s mansion, I only heard that Your Excellency has a close relationship with Prince Zhongshun, but I didn’t expect that Prince Zhonghui also had contacts with His Excellency,…, who is that? Jianxing, it should be Mr. Fang, the magistrate of Tongzhou, right? I know his elder, That's right, it's him..."

Li Wenzheng couldn't help stroking his beard. The last time he came, he just sent greeting cards and gifts, but he also knew that he was not qualified to pay a visit, so he put it aside and left. Only then will he come hand in hand with Li Jianxing.

   I didn't expect to see a continuous stream of scenes when I came here. Although I was mentally prepared, I was very shocked to see this situation. This shows the reputation and power of Master Feng in Beijing.

   "Is that the Uncle Yunchuan's Mansion?" Li Jianxing also looked at it with great interest, "Isn't it the Hulunhou Mansion after that?"

"Well, my lord has one family and three concubines. I heard that the third family has not yet passed the family. It is the daughter of Lord Lin, the former Lianghuai inspector, but it is coming soon. I heard that it will be next year." Li Wenwen's news can be He must be much better informed than Li Jianxing.

   "Then I should congratulate my lord." Li Jianxing nodded.

   "Let's go, it's almost done." Behind the two of them was a servant, helping to carry the gift box.

  The basic rules still have to be followed when visiting at home. Although Mr. Feng has repeatedly reiterated his refusal, there is no reason why he should not be polite when visiting for the first time this year.

  The family members of Feng's residence are very polite, without the arrogance or greed that the two of them imagined, and they strictly abide by the rules.

   It can be seen that these concierges are all from the army, and most of them have legs, feet or disabilities, and there is even a single-eyed person, which is probably left over from fighting in the army.

It can be seen that the Feng family is very concerned about the old relationship. These disciples obviously followed Mr. Feng's father, who was disabled after fighting on the side wall, but was arranged by the Feng family to have a safe meal at their own house. Such a coach can be called Benevolence and righteousness are unparalleled.

  The door bag was prepared a long time ago. Li Wenzheng had inquired about it before coming here. Feng’s door bag has a rule that it cannot exceed 50 yuan, and it will be rejected.

The families of nobles in Beijing are the most difficult group of people to get rid of. It is not uncommon to deceive the upper and lower, and ask for cards for food and cards. It is not uncommon for rampant people to ask for one or two taels of door bags at one time in an emergency. .

Feng Ziying didn't want his mansion to charge door bags at first, but this is the practice of officials' mansions in central Beijing. If he breaks this rule by himself, he will appear to stand out from the crowd and become the target of public criticism, so he simply set rules for the mansion's concierge. At most, only 50 yuan will be charged. If you don’t give it, you must deliberately write it down for yourself.

People like Lian Guoshi, Zheng Chongjian, and Fang Youdu naturally don't need to be given door bags when they come, and the concierges are all familiar with them. On the contrary, people like King Zhongshun who are here, although they are familiar with them, they still have to send them away. It is also a style difference between scholars and other officials.

  The concierge led the two of them in. After entering the outer courtyard, the concierge no longer took care of them, and a special servant or girl from the mansion came to introduce them.

The little servant girl led the two of them to the side door of the middle courtyard. A tall, fair-faced and handsome maidservant was already waiting, and after a little blessing, "My lords, please come with the servant girl. My uncle still has guests at this time, please wait a moment. "

  Li Wenzheng and Li Jianxing also quietly looked at the layout of the Shenwu General's Mansion.

   It also looks like it should be an old house with some years of age. The third courtyard has a side yard next to it. Like Mr. Feng’s study, it should be the east side yard.

  This girl speaks a Beijing accent, but the natives of central Beijing like Li Wenzheng and Li Jianxing can tell that this girl's speech has a southern straight accent, which is a little softer than the Beijing accent.

   But as far as Li Wenzheng and Li Jianxing know, Mr. Feng’s ancestral home should be Shandong, and he lived in Datong, Shanxi for a long time. Most of the personal servants in such key positions are followed since childhood, and they shouldn’t have Nanyin.

Of course, this kind of speculation is just a flash in the mind. It is of course none of their business what kind of maids and servants Mr. Feng uses in his family. Effectively close the relationship.

  Jin Chuan'er took the two of them to the waiting room, arranged for a little maid to bring tea to the two guests, and was about to leave.

  Li Wenzheng smiled and called to the other party: "This girl, we are the subordinates of the lord, and this is the first time I have come to the lord's house. If there is anything I don't understand, please remind this girl."

   Immediately, Li Wenzheng and Li Jianzhang presented a souvenir, a small kit.

  Jin Chuaner was taken aback, and quickly declined: "My lords, you are my lord's subordinates, and even your lord's guests. You should know the rules of Feng's house, and you will never allow such things, and don't harm your servants."

  Li Wenzheng and Li Jianxing both nodded secretly, saying that Feng's family is strict, which is worthy of the name.

   "That's because we were abrupt. In fact, we just have a heart and no other intentions,..."

  Jin Chuan'er waved his hands again and again, "It's absolutely impossible, and the two adults must not do this in our Feng residence in the future, otherwise it will only disappoint the uncle."

  Bosses examine their subordinates, and subordinates also weigh their superiors. This so-called ruler chooses his ministers based on their talents, and ministers choose their rulers based on their talents. This is also true for superiors and subordinates.

Feng Ziying likes the two because they are capable, familiar with the situation, and willing to follow her, so when they treat Feng Ziying, they also see that Feng Ziying has a bright future and is courageous in doing things. Of course, there is also one aspect in terms of personal morality. Li is not a good king.

  Judging from the family traditions of the Feng family through observation, Feng Ziying should be a monarch who can be followed.

  (end of this chapter)

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