Number of People

Chapter 1549: Xinzi questionnaire

  Chapter 1549 Xinzi Juan Questionnaire

  Feng Ziying didn't expect that Jin Chuan'er's performance was so good and could leave such a deep impression on his two subordinates. He was having a good talk with King Zhonghui at this time.

   "I heard that the prince is going to be the governor of the Beijing camp?" Feng Ziying asked with a smile: "The emperor's autumn is about to come, but to give such an important position to the prince, it can be said to be heart-to-heart."

Although Feng Ziying thought that it would be best for the imperial court to move Wang Ziteng out of Denglai Town, the Jingying Jiedushi should be a position that can impress Wang Ziteng, so that Wang Ziteng will return to this position, but after two years of adjustments , it is impossible for him to control the Beijing camp, but if he wants to manage it well, he will not be able to do it every two or three years. During these two years, the court can spend time in other areas to solve the problem, but he also knows that Emperor Yonglong is afraid Will not take this line.

Using King Zhonghui can be regarded as an expedient measure. Firstly, this position still has some influence, secondly, King Zhonghui is also considered reliable, and thirdly, King Zhonghui can concentrate on taking various bribes and wooing methods to compete with Chen Jixian for the control of the Fifth Army Battalion Quan, after all, he is a genuine prince and the emperor's younger brother. This blood relationship is still somewhat inspiring. There must be some generals who are not so proud of Chen Jixian who are willing to choose another mountain to fight.

King Zhonghui was also surprised, this kid knew about such secrets, but then he thought that although the other party was young, he was the Chancellor of Shuntian Prefecture, and he ruled the capital city, so he was not surprised that he was well-informed. What's more, his father is still the governor of the three sides, and he has a deep foothold in the army.

  Furthermore, many people in the Beijing camp benefited a lot from Feng Ziying. After they returned from the Nekalka ransom, not to mention the mid- and high-level generals, but many middle- and low-level officers still re-entered the Beijing camp.

   "Ziying, where did you hear the news?" King Zhonghui did not deny it, and asked in a deep voice.

   "Hehe, how can I tell the lord if I don't know? Doesn't it mean that no one will talk to me about such things in the future?" Feng Ziying said with a smile: "The lord only said whether there is such a thing."

King Zhonghui hesitated for a while, and nodded: "Brother Huang really has this intention. Gu also told Brother Huang whether it is possible to let Brother Jiu take up this position, but Brother Huang said that Gu is the most suitable, so it is not easy to push him away. .”

  Why did Emperor Yonglong use King Zhonghui, who had been far away from the government for many years, as the seemingly symbolic envoy of the Beijing camp, which really surprised many people.

  Although King Zhonghui had been following Emperor Yonglong before Emperor Yonglong succeeded to the throne, he himself did not have much ambition for power, so he disappeared from the court after Emperor Yonglong ascended the throne.

In contrast, King Zhongshun is much more active. Through his special status, he coordinates the relationship between the Six Departments of the Cabinet and Long Jinwei, and often expresses some opinions on behalf of Emperor Yonglong that it is not convenient for Emperor Yonglong to speak out. Leaving some leeway, it should be said that King Zhongshun did a great job in this role-playing.

  Feng Ziying smiled, "Then I will congratulate the prince first."

"Don't rush to congratulate, although Gu also feels that the emperor's brother is not easy to push, but Gu has no confidence in his heart, so from the bottom of his heart, Gu is not very willing. But Ziying, you also know that Gu has never led a soldier, and he has no connections in the army. Now the enemy of the Shenshu camp in the three major battalions was originally promoted by the emperor's brother, and the leader of the Shenji camp is Qian Guozhong. ..."

   King Zhonghui paused for a moment, as if he was considering his words, "Qian Guozhong was jointly recommended by Lu Song and Brother Nine, and he is also Concubine Mei's cousin..."

I see!

   King Zhongshun and Long Jinwei were recommended by their family members, and they were also Concubine Mei’s cousin. No wonder Emperor Yonglong was so relieved, but there were also some other flavors in it, which made Feng Ziying thoughtful.

  As far as he knows, the head of the Shenshu camp, Qiu Shiben, promised his daughter to Su Shengdu's son-in-law, and Su Shengdu is Su Guifei's cousin and the current deputy commander-in-chief of Shanxi Town.

Although it is normal for generals to intermarry, but the kinship between Su Chengdu and Concubine Su Gui, coupled with the fact that the head of the Shenshu camp married the daughter of the Su family, may have to make Emperor Yonglong a little worried. It's all right for Dizhen to choose the heir apparent between Fu Wang and Li Wang, but if he doesn't, then he has to think about it.

   "My lord, is the emperor's crown prince imminent? Do you have a candidate?"

  King Zhonghui shook his head like a rattle drum, "Don't ask Gu about this, this is a matter of the emperor's Sacred Heart, and it's not up to outsiders to talk about it."

   King Zhonghui never dared or wanted to ask more about such things.

   "My lord, if you want to say that, then I have nothing to say. My lord came to the door today, which made me feel a bit at a loss. What exactly does my lord want to ask?"

  Feng Ziying actually got the news of King Zhongshun before, maybe King Zhonghui visited the door to ask King Zhongshun, King Zhongshun probably had some things to say, so he came to evade Dafa and pushed it to himself.

  The relationship between Feng Ziying and King Zhonghui is far less close than that with King Zhongshun. He may not be able to do things that are simple and deep, unless King Zhonghui can come up with a reasonable reason.

   King Zhonghui was also stumped by Feng Ziying's half-truth, half-fake, half-pretentious rhetorical question.

Before, he complained to Brother Nine (King Zhongshun), saying that he was at a loss but would be placed in the position of Jiedu Envoy of the Beijing Camp. He was able to make a call, but Ninth Brother just laughed and said nothing. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore and asked him to come to Feng Ziying for advice.

King Zhonghui is not a fool. When King Zhongshun guided him to Feng Ziying, he had a vague feeling that the emperor felt that the situation in Beijing had changed, and he needed to stabilize the situation in Beijing, especially next month. Brother is going to Tienwangshan Qiuxi, and it will take ten or twenty days to go there. You need someone who can stabilize the overall situation, but can you afford this responsibility?

  King Zhonghui didn't think he had the ability. How could the situation in Beijing and China be stable? As a bare-bones prince, even if he takes the post of governor of the capital, who can listen to him?

  Ninth brother pushed himself to Feng Ziying, which once surprised King Zhonghui.

  He doesn't have much friendship with Feng Ziying, but he also knows that Brother Ninth has a very close relationship with the Feng family. In addition to Haitong Yinzhuang firmly binding them together, even Feng Tang's appointment as Governor of Jiliao should have Brother Nine behind him.

In addition, the ninth brother especially appreciates Feng Ziying, and believes that Feng Ziying must be a person who can become a general and even become famous in history. Walking the path of a civil servant, he is determined to promise his beloved little daughter to the other party.

According to the rules of the Great Zhou Dynasty, if you become a prince consort, you don’t even think about making any progress in your official career. Therefore, those scholars who want to make a difference in the court will never marry the royal family. It was the same before the Song and Ming Dynasties.

Of course, King Zhonghui also admitted that Feng Ziying was indeed an extraordinary person. He had heard the story of the Linqing civil uprising, but he was a little skeptical that a twelve-year-old boy was so courageous. High school is not a big deal, there are not a few champions in every subject in the big week? Not to mention the second-class Jinshi and Shujishi.

   But Feng Ziying dared to go out of the grassland alone to negotiate with the leader of the Tumed people alone. This is not the courage that ordinary people can have.

King Zhonghui also checked this point with Chai Ke and Yang He, and it was indeed the case, which made him have to admire that the tiger father has no dogs, or that Feng Tang may not be so courageous at this age. The strategy was even more serious, the emperor sighed with emotion and was full of admiration, even the courtiers and Chinese ministers also praised it.

Later, Feng Ziying entered the Hanlin Academy, served as the co-prefect of Yongping Mansion, and tried his best to defeat the Neikarkha people who defeated the Beijing camp. Ling took up the post of Shuntian Mansion Chancellor and became the first person to open up the world since the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Before that, there had never been a fourth-rank official in the Great Zhou Dynasty who was under the age of thirty.

It is precisely because of this that after King Zhongshun pointed out this way, he hesitated again and again, but decided to come to ask for advice. On the one hand, he really wanted to understand the intentions of the emperor's brother, and on the other hand, he also wanted to take a look at the newly promoted Shuntian Mansion. Is Cheng as good as Brother Jiu said, is it worth making friends with, and is it worth investing in and betting on.

Looking at it now, this newly promoted Shuntian Mansion Prime Minister is not only sophisticated and deep, but also has an extremely keen sense of smell, and has a very far-reaching vision. Decided to be King Chu Lu, the twists and turns here are not something ordinary people can figure out, so I dare not speak.

"Ziying, I'm not going to hide it from you. Now that the emperor asked Gu to serve as the governor of the Beijing camp, Gu was a little uncertain and panicked. Although the emperor didn't say much, Gu knew that there was some intention. Gu also asked. I mentioned Brother Nine, but Brother Nine didn’t say anything in detail. He only said that you can see the doorway here clearly, and you can be trusted. I’m afraid you are the only one in the capital city. If others say this, I don’t believe it, but Brother Nine said, I believe it alone,... "

  Feng Ziying was taken aback. What King Zhongshun said was too much, and she couldn't stand it.

   "My lord's words are serious, and my lord's loyal and obedient words are even more exaggerated. How can Ziying live up to such words?" Feng Ziying waved his hands repeatedly.

"Ziying, you don't need to be humble, I know you are worthy of it." King Zhonghui also waved his hand, "I am not a person who closes his eyes and listens. I have heard of your reputation in the past two years, but I can win nine times." Brother praises you so much, Gu also knows that you have a set of skills."

  Feng Ziying was silent, he wanted to see what kind of medicine King Zhonghui wanted to sell in Gourd.

King Zhonghui would not come to his door so abruptly just because of King Zhongshun's words, and suddenly revealed the secret that Qian Guozhong was Concubine Mei's cousin. Feng Ziying believed that few people knew this news, at least Wang Wenyan and Wang Wenyan. Wu Yaoqing and the others failed to find out.

  (end of this chapter)

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