Number of People

Chapter 1550: The more mixed the Xin Zijuan is, the more interesting it is

  Chapter 1550 The more mixed the Xinzi scroll, the more interesting it is

"Ziying, to be honest, the emperor wants to help him control the entire Beijing camp alone. Do you understand the meaning here?" King Zhonghui finally stopped going around in circles and went straight to the core, with piercing eyes, staring at Feng Ziying: "But I don't understand, what does the emperor want to do? Or, what can I do to meet the requirements of the emperor? In addition, I have another question. As far as the current situation is concerned, the emperor seems to be worried about something. Ziying, can you see Are there any clues?"

   Again, the conversation was light and deep, and it was difficult for Feng Ziying to answer such a sudden question from King Zhonghui.

If it was King Zhongshun, Feng Ziying might respond after thinking about it. If it was King Lianzhong, Feng Ziying would dismiss it lightly. It seems that it is really not easy to pass it off, so it will be a bit offending.

  Feng Ziying was silent for a while.

  It is no secret that the emperor intends to purge the Beijing camp, and it has been going on, at least so far, it has been very successful. Qiu Shiben has controlled the Shenshu camp and is the emperor's confidant.

  The Shenji Battalion underwent a complete blood change. The emperor personally promoted a large number of young generals and military officers, cleared out the original martial arts group, and elected another Qian Guozhong as the chief general, which can be regarded as controlling the Shenji Battalion.

  The rest is a five-barracks.

  Although the Fifth Army Battalion has the strongest force, there is one thing to say. The Fifth Army Battalion has not been dispatched to fight much for so many years.

   But this is always a hidden danger. If the emperor wants to completely control the Beijing camp, then it must be aimed at the Fifth Army Battalion.

  Fifth Army Battalion General Chen Jixian is a veteran of martial arts and has a deep foundation in the army. It is difficult for ordinary people to compete with Chen Jixian even if he is the military envoy of the Beijing Camp, but King Zhonghui is different.

  This is a real qualified prince, the emperor's younger brother, and the emperor's son, which is different from the kings of the opposite sex, such as King Beijing, King Dongping, and King Xining.

His appointment as the Jiedushi of the Beijing Camp means that he can gain the absolute trust and favor of the emperor. Military officers with some ideas will inevitably be tempted, and the Jiedushi of the Beijing Camp is the commander of the three major battalions. Which one will he promote and reward? No one can stop it.

But the shortcomings of King Zhonghui are also obvious. He has never been in charge of the army, and has been idle at home for so many years, pampered, not to mention military affairs, and has not even had much contact with the government. Now he is suddenly placed in this position, even Feng Ziying. You have to think carefully about the emperor's intentions for such an arrangement.

  Feng Ziying has some guesses in her heart, but she is not sure, because there is not much basis, and she can only guess from the arrangement of Qiu Shiben and Qian Guozhong.

  The reason why King Zhongshun was excluded was that the emperor was worried that King Zhongshun might get too close to King Lu-Concubine Mei.

  Although the emperor may be inclined towards King Lu now, it has not yet been finalized. After all, this kind of matter is not settled every day, and there are variables every day, not to mention that there is a younger King Gong.

  Similarly, Prince Gong is considered to be very similar to Emperor Yonglong, King Lu is more like a compatriot with the same mother, and Prince Gong’s mother, Concubine Guo, is no less favored than Concubine Mei.

Then the emperor chose King Zhonghui to serve as the military envoy of the capital, was it to balance King Zhongshun, or was it just a small beating on King Zhongshun, implying that the other party should not get involved in the battle of the emperor's sons to seize the heir? go?

   Or do you want to choose a brother who is completely loyal to you and has nothing to do with the princes to help you control the military power in Beijing?

   "My lord, your question really stumped me, and this question shouldn't be addressed by me, a foreign minister." Feng Ziying pretended to evade.

   "Ziying, if you continue to speak such hypocritical words, then you must have misjudged the person..." Prince Zhonghui pretended to be angry and annoyed.

   "Okay, okay, okay, then I'll just say it, and the prince will let it go." Feng Ziying scratched her head, "The emperor is worried about something in Beijing, but it has something to do with Qiu Xi?"

King Zhonghui trembled in his heart, and subconsciously said: "How could it be? In addition to the entourage of the Beijing camp, other royal family members and Wu Xun's relatives were hunted and hunted in autumn, except for the officials allowed by the emperor himself. No one is allowed to bring bodyguards, and even the entourage is limited to one or two people, so who can do anything?"

   "Which one does the prince think the emperor will bring with him?" Feng Ziying asked again.

   "It should be the Shenshu camp." King Zhonghui hesitated for a moment. If there was no suspense about this question in the past, but now, the risk of Qiu Shiben has begun to emerge, and the emperor may choose the Shenji camp?

   "The prince should have gone to ask the Ninth Prince for advice, right?" Feng Ziying asked.

"Well, I went to ask Ninth Brother alone, but Ninth Brother didn't want to say more." King Zhonghui was also quite puzzled. In his opinion, the emperor should trust Ninth Brother the most, and Ninth Brother is also utterly loyal. Why? Brother Nine still seems to avoid suspicion in this kind of thing?

"My lord, there is no selfishness in the Tian Family." Feng Ziying paused for a moment, then glanced at King Zhonghui, as if he was weighing his words, "But who is selfless? The Ninth Prince refuses to answer, and there is a reason for that. It should be understood."

  King Zhonghui pursed his lips, as if he had tasted something, and remained silent for a while.

   There is no selfishness in the heavenly family, and the second is that everyone has personal affairs. Can you not understand this?

The emperor does not want you brothers to be involved in the affairs of his sons, and even feels that his most trusted ninth brother has a somewhat inclined attitude. In order to avoid unnecessary disputes between brothers in the future and hurt brotherhood, so Only then did I use this to beat and remind King Zhongshun.

  But Brother Nine also seems to understand this point. Brother Huang doesn't distrust Brother Nine anymore, but he doesn't want Brother Nine to participate in these things, just in case.

And I was suddenly promoted by the emperor's brother to serve as the governor of the Beijing camp. Naturally, it was because I never cared about government affairs, and because I liked flying eagles and running dogs, cockfighting and horse racing. Brother regards the same kind as insulated from the throne, so he has nothing to do with the princes. Now that he is serving as the governor of the Beijing camp, he can naturally not have too many inclinations, and everything is according to the emperor's wishes.

"Ziying, I generally understand what you said, but I feel that there must be other meanings here." Zhonghui Wang pondered and said: "You mentioned Qiu Xi, one of the three major battalions of the capital will accompany one, five The barracks will definitely not accompany it, but if anyone goes with it, it will definitely make the other one dissatisfied, and there is even an opportunity to take advantage of it..."

"Why can't it be the Fifth Army Battalion?" Feng Ziying asked suddenly, "Having either the Shenshu Camp or the Shenji Battalion accompanying you may make the other one dissatisfied, but if you want to take advantage of it, unless someone is causing trouble in it." , is the prince so worried about the situation in Beijing?"

   King Zhonghui was taken aback. The Fifth Army Battalion belonged to Chen Jixian, and Chen Jixian had always been at the top of the list. How could it be possible for him to accompany him? He even ignored Feng Ziying's teasing question later on.

  Looking at Feng Ziying, King Zhonghui looked at Feng Ziying: "Ziying, do you think this is an opportunity?"

"Why not?" Feng Ziying said leisurely: "Isn't the Fifth Army Battalion the most worrying thing for the emperor? Your lord may wish to suggest that Chen Jixian be appointed as the commander-in-chief of Huaiyang Town, and let him select elite cadres to belong to Yizhen. To reorganize the Fifth Army Battalion,…”

   King Zhonghui's heart skipped a beat.

  Why didn't the Fifth Army Battalion move? Naturally, it was because of the fear that Chen Jixian would completely surrender to Prince Yizhong and take advantage of the opportunity for Prince Yizhong. In addition, if Chen Jixian wanted to move the town, he could find various reasons to delay it. Prince Yizhong has a chance.

   "It's just that it's not that easy for the general of Huaiyang Town, I don't know the inside story,..."

After all, King Zhonghui has been estranged from the court affairs for a long time. Although she is making up for it recently, she also knows the importance of the position of the commander-in-chief of Huaiyang Town. This is not something the emperor can decide. , how can it be so easy to just make a suggestion on a piece of paper?

   "Just bring it up, my lord. Naturally, someone is willing to work hard for it." Seeing that King Zhonghui was silent, Feng Ziying knew that he would not reveal some inside information to the other party, and the other party did not dare to make such a decision lightly.

It can be seen that this prince is not uninterested in court affairs, but it may be that there is a loyal and obedient king who is more trusted by the emperor, and he does not have many opportunities, so he put on a gesture of no interest in court affairs , Also, how many of the family members in this day are really not interested in power?

"My lord, Huaiyang town was proposed by the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River. In fact, the court is not very interested, but the people in the south of the Yangtze River have such opinions, and the court has to give a response. Then the selection of the general soldier has to be considered." Feng Ziying He further asked: "Chen Jixian is considered to be a martial artist, but where is his ancestral home?"

   King Zhonghui's eyes flickered, "Xuzhou."

"Yes, Xuzhou is located at the intersection of the north and the south. Jiangnan will not regard it as Jiangnan, but it is under the jurisdiction of Nanzhili. No one is happy for Chen Jixian to take the post, but no one can say any objection. qualifications, he is also the most suitable." Feng Ziying gave the first reason.

"Ziying, even though that's the case, I just think it's hard to convince the princes in the court and Jiangnan. Even the emperor may not agree." King Zhonghui was a little moved, but he still knew that it would be a bit of a joke if it was just this. .

   "Of course it's not enough." Feng Ziying had a good time, "As a general of the Fifth Army Battalion, Chen Jixian's performance in the past few years has made the emperor and the other side a little uncertain?"

   King Zhonghui nodded slightly, but his heart became more and more frightened.

This little Feng Xiuzhuan is really more courageous than ordinary civil servants. He knows which side is which. Other civil servants avoid such things, but he has no taboo. No wonder Brother Nine Will let myself come to him for advice.

  (end of this chapter)

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