Number of People

Chapter 1551: Xin Zijuan takes advantage of the rally

  Chapter 1551 Xin Zijuan takes advantage of the rising trend

   It's no wonder that this person can't be regarded as a pure civil servant.

  Wu Xun was born, and his father was the governor of Jiliao and the governor of the three sides, and married a daughter who was related to the four princes, eight princes, and even the Wang family. Isn't Xue's mother the daughter of the Wang family? Isn't the father of the Lin family who has not been married a direct descendant of the original father?

   King Zhonghui also did some investigation, and this little Feng Xiuzhuan is really a bit unscrupulous in marriage.

  Not to mention the Shen family, their ancestral home is Suzhou, and they are a real family of scholars in the south of the Yangtze River. However, it is said that their attitude has always been neutral, probably because the head of the family, Shen Pong, is now Shanxi chief envoy Si Zuo and participates in politics.

  The Xue family, whose ancestral home is Jinling, is the Xue family of the fourth oldest family in Jinling. Although it is now in decline, its maternity is the Wang family, and they even want to call Wang Ziteng his uncle.

The Lin family, whose ancestral home is Suzhou, Lin Ruhai was the confidant most valued by the father back then, and held the money bag of the father's private house. The emperor ordered it to be so deliberately.

Anyway, according to King Zhonghui's understanding, when Eldest Brother served as the censor of the Lianghuai Salt Tour in Lin Ruhai a few years ago, he didn't get much benefit from the transfer of salt envoys from the two Huaihe Capitals. for dissatisfaction.

You must know that the Zhen family has an extraordinary relationship with the Jia family, and Lin Ruhai is still the son-in-law of the Jia family. These relationships are involved. Annoyed by this.

It can be said that the Shen family, the Xue family, and the Lin family are all inextricably linked with Jiangnan, and they all have considerable influence among the gentry and merchants in the south of the Yangtze River. How can it not be surprising that you didn't marry a decent woman from northern Shilin?

Although it is not uncommon for scholars from the north and south to intermarry, generally speaking, most of the intermarriages between scholars prefer to marry with fellow villagers, but Feng Ziying not only did the opposite, even marrying a three-bedroom wife Not a single room is a woman from a scholar from the north, which is a bit too much, even if it is a maverick, it will inevitably make people look sideways.

   "Then Ziying, what do you think Chen Jixian is?" King Zhonghui asked again.

"I can't say it well. If you want to say that Mr. Chen's son Chen Yepin and I have been friends for many years, but now we have less communication." Feng Ziying said with emotion, "Mr. Chen is a very thoughtful person. Not many, even if I took the post of Shuntian Mansion Prime Minister and made a special trip to Beijing Camp, I only met him once, and I feel that he is not willing to go out."

  King Zhonghui nodded thoughtfully, "Perhaps he himself felt that he had stayed in the Fifth Military Battalion for too long, and that he was a bit boring?"

   "The imperial court has not appointed an envoy of the Beijing camp, which will inevitably disappoint many people." Feng Ziying said flatly.

King Zhonghui snorted softly. Chen Jixian was always a hidden danger in the Fifth Army Battalion. The emperor heard that he had hoped for him before, but this guy still refused to completely sever ties with that side. He still had contacts in private, but he thought it was a secret He's so good, hehe, under such circumstances, it's a safe move to move the town out of Beijing.

"If Gu recommends him to come out of the town of Huaiyang, how will the court solve it?" King Zhonghui knew that since he planned to do this, he must do it once he made a move. puppet.

This is a rare opportunity to establish prestige and trust. People in the Fifth Army Battalion can see that they can drive Chen Jixian away. These people must be willing to follow him, and the Shenshu Camp and Shenji Camp should also understand this. Who has the final say in the camp.

Perhaps this is a test question given to him by the emperor's brother. If he can successfully seize the military power of the fifth army battalion, then he will be able to play a balancing role in the three major battalions of the Beijing camp. They all had to obey orders obediently.

"It's actually simple. Your lord might as well pay a visit to Elder Li Ge." Feng Ziying smiled, "Li Sancai, Elder Li Ge, firstly, he is in charge of military affairs, and secondly, he has always had a close relationship with the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River. If you suggest ideas, he will agree. of."

   "Then why didn't he bring it up?" King Zhonghui asked back.

   "It's just to avoid suspicion. I'm just worried about the criticism from Mr. Qi Ge and the Metropolitan Procuratorate." Feng Ziying said calmly: "I can help the prince to clear up the old Qi Ge and the Metropolitan Procuratorate."

King Zhonghui understood as soon as he heard it. Although Li Sancai was a scholar in the north, he was always disgusted by the scholars in the north because he was too close to the scholars in the south of the Yangtze River. If he dared to propose that Chen Jixian move the town of Huaiyang, he would definitely He was criticized by people like Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia, but these two were Feng Ziying's mentors.

   "I'm afraid it's difficult for Mr. Qi Ge and Mr. Qiao to talk?" King Zhonghui didn't think that Feng Ziying could talk about Qi and Qiao just because of his personal relationship, unless there was a good reason.

   "Of course there are conditions." Feng Ziying said softly.

   "Oh?" King Zhonghui raised his eyebrows.

   "Sun Chengzong served as the right servant of the Ministry of War, the governor of Yunyang, and the commander-in-chief of Jingxiang Town." Feng Ziying threw out the conditions calmly.

King Zhonghui is obviously a little uncertain about the way here. Sun Chengzong suppressed the rebellion in the southwest. He was originally a military officer of the Ministry of War. He was promoted to Sichuan Chengxuan. Governor, Jingxiang Town Commander, what does this mean to the court?

"Master Sun is only from the fourth rank now, and the promotion has not been long, but he is in charge of the entire Southwest War, and he needs a capable person. Master Sun is the most suitable, but his title is too low, and he needs to be promoted exceptionally. Master Li is in charge of the Ministry of War. Elder Ge, if there is no proposal from him, even Elder Qi Ge will not be able to ask, and the emperor may find it difficult to agree." Feng Ziying explained.

  Feng Ziying was considering this matter after Wang Yingxiong returned to Beijing.

To deal with the threat from Bozhou Yang Yinglong or even the prince Tengdenglai Town, the only way to hand over the entire Sichuan Huguang military affairs to one person is to take charge of it. The envoy's participation in politics, but considering that once there is a change, Yang Yinglong and Wang Ziteng of Bozhou will be involved in Sichuan and Huguang provinces, and the participation in politics in that province seems to be unfair. Appropriate, able to directly intervene in the military affairs of Sichuan and Huguang.

But this sudden promotion from the left counselor of the fourth rank to the political participation has already been promoted two ranks in a row, and now he is promoted to the right servant of the military department of the third rank, that is, three ranks in a row. Even if Sun Chengzong's qualifications are indeed very deep, he will still Faced with firm opposition from many people, Li Sancai himself would not agree, and the emperor would probably not easily approve of this kind of promotion, so an opportunity was needed to realize the exchange of conditions.

   "Well, Ziying, are you sure Li San will agree?" King Zhonghui was tempted.

If Chen Jixian were allowed to leave and clean up the Fifth Army Battalion by the way, he would be able to lay a good foundation for himself to master the Five Army Battalion. Sun Chengzong's promotion was not only in line with the situation of the Southwest counter-insurgency, but also what the civil servants in the North wanted to see. With Li Sancai's special status, he was also able to communicate with Jiangnan's officials, and it was easy to achieve his goal. He probably had to report to the emperor here.

"Why didn't he agree?" Feng Ziying asked back, "Would it be good for Chen Jixian to stay in the Fifth Army Battalion? In Huaiyang, everyone can have an explanation, impartiality, and it makes sense. As for the matter of Sun Chengzong, he was also from the North. , I don’t want to get too stiff with Beidi, not to mention Sun Chengzong’s performance is obvious to all, even the first and second assistants can’t say anything.”

  King Zhonghui finally nodded, "It's a good idea, but Ziying, if Chen Jixian really leaves as Gu wants, but he doesn't want to take away his subordinates, what should Gu do?"

   "It's very simple. You just say that you want the military generals to communicate in the three battalions, and Chen Jixian will understand." Feng Ziying said lightly: "This is also what the emperor meant."

King Zhonghui finally felt relieved. This was indeed the oral order given to him by the emperor when he was ordered. If necessary, he can inform the Ministry of War and exchange positions. Let the generals of Shenji Battalion and Shenshu Battalion serve in the Fifth Army Battalion. Goals.

After explaining this truth, King Zhonghui let go of his heart a lot, and his tone became more relaxed, "Ziying, I want to be the governor of the Beijing camp, but I have never fought a war, nor I have led soldiers before, so I really don’t know what to do.”

"My lord, to put it bluntly, among the three battalions of the Beijing camp, there are so many guerrilla commanders and generals, and a few of them have actually fought. The Beijing camp is not a frontier army. Loyalty is the most important thing. Chen Jixian is in the fifth army battalion. General, has he ever fought? The Fifth Army Battalion hasn’t stepped out of the capital for 20 years. Where did they go to fight? As soon as the Shenji Battalion left the city, the Santun Battalion was wiped out in one battle. Fighting, but I don't think it is necessary for the soldiers he has now. Of course, the situation is not the same as before. The three battalions should still choose a general who can fight. But as the commander, you should make good use of the generals and let them Prohibition is the most important thing.”

These words reached King Zhonghui's heart, and he couldn't help stroking his beard and smiling, using good people is the most important thing, and he still has some confidence in this point, with his own status, as long as he is good at comforting and wooing the generals below, Not at all difficult to do.

   "Ziying, do you have any good generals in the Beijing camp, and recommend one or two to Gu. It's time for Gu to employ people..." King Zhonghui nodded.

Feng Ziying's heart moved, but then she shook her head, "There are people in the frontier army who can be recommended. In the Beijing camp, although I know a few people, but they don't have a deep friendship. It's better for the prince to inspect and select by himself, but what do you think about the Shenshu camp?" I am afraid that Qiu Shiben will not easily agree to choose someone, they are all his people, but Shenji Camp is newly built, and Qian Guozhong probably has not had time to get started, so the prince can make a good selection."

  As expected, King Zhonghui just said it casually and didn't take it seriously. If Feng Ziying really wanted to recommend him, he had to think carefully.

  (end of this chapter)

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