Number of People

Chapter 1554: Doubts about Xin Zijuan

  Chapter 1554 Doubtful Points of Xin Zijuan

  Feng Ziying did not expect that the idea of ​​raiding the Lai family for the Jia family last year would be associated with such associations by the people in the Rongguo Mansion, but after thinking about it, why not?

  The Rongguo Mansion is not at the end of its rope, and it is impossible to attack the Lai family.

They are all old people who have followed Jiamu, and they have served for decades. Even if they swallowed some money from Rongguo Mansion, there is no need to do so desperately. Is it because they are forced to go nowhere, and they can only use these means to temporarily cross over? Do you do this when you get through adversity?

At least once the Lai family is searched, it can not only deter those servants who have been plotting about Rongguo Mansion's little family property all day long, but also really save Rongguo Mansion's life, at least tens of thousands of taels of silver can make Rongguo Mansion last until now Otherwise, the Rongguo Mansion would not be able to survive the Chinese New Year this year.

From this point of view, the Jingtong Ercang case is actually similar. Since the time of Emperor Yuanxi, pigs have been raised either actively or passively. By this time, they have become too fat. It just so happens that the court is also short of meat. Killing pigs is good for the New Year. , all happy.

  Feng Ziying herself still played the role of butcher's knife for a while, and there is nothing wrong with that.

   Seeing Feng Ziying's silence, Jin Chuan'er was also a little apprehensive, "Master, but what did the servant say wrong?"

"Well, it cannot be said that there is no reason for such an argument. If the Rongguo Mansion is still as beautiful as it was twenty years ago, perhaps the raid on the Lai family will be carried out lightly. It's just that time has changed and the Jia family is gone. The glory of the past must be for the whole family, so that's the only way to go, not to mention that the Lai family has done a lot of nasty things, and no one can blame them."

  Feng Ziying shook her head, "But it's too much for Jia Zhen to pretend to be crazy by borrowing wine. Is sister-in-law Zhen coming to the mansion to borrow money from her second sister and third sister?"

   "I don't know about that, but Second Aunt You seems to have left Grandma You in the mansion for two days before returning." Jin Chuan'er replied.

   "Why don't I know?" Feng Ziying was very surprised. Is it appropriate for the mistress of the Rongguo Mansion to stay at her own house?

"Master, Grandma Zhen didn't live in Hulunhou's Mansion, but lived here in General Shenwu's Mansion, and Second Aunt also greeted Grandma." Jin Chuan'er smiled and said, "My Lord didn't go there two days ago either. Come here, as for why the second aunt didn't tell the uncle, I probably think it's not an honorable thing, and Grandma Zhen probably doesn't want to publicize it."

   "So Lai Zhen's sister-in-law is here to escape disaster?" Feng Ziying shook her head and sighed, "It seems that Ningguo Mansion can't survive it. Brother Rong still earned some money in the first half of the year. Why is it so sad?"

   "I still don't want to be with Uncle Xiao Rong and the others, everyone says Uncle Xiao Rong..." Jin Chuan'er couldn't continue.

   "What's the matter?" Looking at Jin Chuan'er's expression, Feng Ziying knew that it was not a good thing. He felt as if his understanding of the Rongning Second Mansion was becoming more and more unfamiliar. Did he visit less often, or did he not get to know more about it?

Seeing that her sister couldn't continue, Yu Chuan'er pretended to be brave and said with a blushing face: "What else can there be? It is said that Master Xiao Rong is frivolous. A few days ago, when the slaves returned to the Rongguo Mansion, they met Master Xiao Rong who was still talking to you." If Jin Rong was talking about it, if Uncle Xue saw it, there would be another disturbance..."

  Feng Ziying is confused, who is Jin Rong? Why did she get involved with Xue Pan again, but seeing that the two daughters looked both disdainful and shy, Feng Ziying guessed it was something dirty, after thinking about it carefully, she seemed to think of something, "Then Jin Rong is Jia Relatives?"

"It's Grandma Huang's nephew from her natal family, and she's also a poor student. She hangs out in the ethnology school all day long..." Yu Chuan'er said this, blushing and spat, "I didn't know how to mess with Uncle Xue later. We went together, I never thought that Uncle Xue seemed to come less often in the past year, why did he hook up with Uncle Xiaorong again,..."

Having said this, Feng Ziying immediately remembered that there seemed to be a passage in "Dream of Red Mansions". Baoyu was the platform for Qin Zhong, and Grandma Huang insisted on supporting her nephew, but the result was just the opposite.

   It turned out that Xue Pan's friend was hooked up by Jia Rong, but this friend was Long Yang's friend. No wonder Jin Chuan'er and Yu Chuan'er are ashamed to mention it.

   "Brother Rong's mind is on this, I said I haven't seen anyone in a while." Feng Ziying shook her head, "How many people like this in Beijing?"

  Blushed by Feng Ziying's presumptuous question, Jin Chuan'er and Yu Chuan'er glared at Feng Ziying at the same time, snorted softly, and neither responded.

  Feng Ziying also felt that this question was a bit hasty. How would the two girls answer this question? But he actually knew that the high-ranking households in the middle of the capital still took it as a good idea, and even some poetry clubs also had such activities, which made Feng Ziying very sick. This is why Feng Ziying was unwilling to participate in such poetry clubs. One of the reasons for the literary society.

   "When did sister-in-law Zhen go back?" Feng Ziying asked again.

"It seems that I left yesterday, and I may have borrowed some money from the two aunts, but it is estimated that the little private money of the two aunts has been borrowed by Grandma Zhen." Jin Chuan'er shook his head and said: " The two aunts are honest people, and Second Aunt You is very frugal, but if the saved money is to be lent to the Ningguo Mansion, isn’t that in vain?”

Feng Ziying also knows that the second sister You and the third sister You are not big spenders. The second sister You is especially frugal, but when her sister comes to borrow money to tide over the difficulties, the thin-skinned second sister You can refuse people, and in the end it can only be all the furniture. All have to be borrowed.

"There's no way around this. You can't be a sister who borrows money from your younger sister, but the younger sister is still pushy?" Feng Ziying actually likes the temperament of Second Sister You who is frugal with herself but generous with her relatives, at least You The second sister clearly distinguishes the severity.

If it is not a last resort, as the wife of the Jia family, to find a younger sister who is a concubine from another family, and a younger sister who is not related by blood, to borrow money, it will take a lot of grievances to do it, no matter whether Youshi is or not Because of Jia Zhen's domestic violence, being able to do this is at least much better than the father and son Jia Zhen and Jia Rong.

   It turned out that Feng Ziying thought that Jia Rong could still do something, and took a high look. Now it seems that the mud is still not enough to stick to the wall. When it really comes to a critical moment, she can't afford it.

  In other words, this is the normal state of these lazy and wealthy children for many years. Jia Rong is like this, Baoyu is similar, and it is even estimated that Jia She, Jia Zhen, and Jia Lian are similar.

I am used to being pampered, and I live under the shadow of my parents. Suddenly, my family is in decline. When I need to shoulder the burden of a large family, I will collapse. It is good to escape. Then I will die as death and give up on myself. It is not uncommon to even go to crooked ways.

"But this is not the first time, Grandma Zhen has come to our house for the second time to borrow money from the two aunts." Yu Chuan'er curled her lips angrily, "Although it is the money from the two aunts' private house , but the two aunts are our Feng family after all, so they can't just stare at our family, right?"

Feng Ziying knew that this girl was so upset, and it was probably because she had lent money to the Rongguo Mansion. The two Rongning and Ningfu mansions had all set their minds on the Feng family, which inevitably made Yu Chuan'er, who already regarded herself as the Feng family, feel in her heart. dissatisfied.

   Couldn't help pinching Yu Chuan'er's smooth and elastic face, Feng Ziying looked at Yu Chuan'er, who had gradually opened up with age.

Although not as tall as Jin Chuan'er, her figure is more well-proportioned, which is more in line with the height of girls in this era, and her whole body is full of youthful vigor, protruding and protruding. This picture is full of sunshine and liveliness The beautiful face of the breath makes people feel the impact most intuitively.

   "Yeah", but Yu Chuan'er didn't dodge. In front of her sister, Yu Chuan'er doesn't need to be too shy.

Yu Chuan'er, who had made up her mind long ago to be with the uncle for the rest of her life, had already fixed her heart on Feng Ziying. The two sisters were connected with each other and helped each other. The sisters also saw that Lian Bao, such a gorgeous and natural woman, didn't they also want to pull Miss Qin together to marry her and love her?

"Okay, which family doesn't have a few unsatisfactory relatives, not to mention that the Jia family has been prosperous for so many years, that is, it has not fallen down in the past few years. Maybe they will be relieved after a few years. You are also the Jia family after all. When I came out, my parents are still at Jia’s house, remember this bit of love?” Feng Ziying pinched Jin Chuan’er’s fair and bright cheek again, “If you don’t remember, I still have to accept it.” What about the Jia family's love, if it weren't for the master, how could you have such a caring girl?"

One sentence made both Jin Chuan'er and Yu Chuan'er happy, Yu Chuan'er fell silent, but Jin Chuan'er said: "Master, it is definitely necessary to help relatives, like the mothers of the two aunts, Qing Don't Wen's parents and Xiangling's mother live in our mansion? The people in the mansion are very kind and well-known."

Only then did Feng Ziying remember that there were indeed many outsiders living in her house, like other people who would support the family for the maid, even an old lady like Er You couldn't live in the house, at most it was her own private subsidy Some money, sent to live outside, not to mention Qingwen and Xiangling's parents.

   "Well, how did Qingwen's parents stay at the mansion for so long?" Feng Ziying nodded and asked casually.

"Let's not talk about it, Qingwen's parents are really different from Qingwen's girl. When they first came here, they were very honest and didn't talk much, but within a month, they got acquainted with the family. Yes, Qingwen's mother is more eloquent than Qingwen, she walks around the door, and even the second room feels dull, her father is hardworking, and told me several times to come to the house to help with things, I said here The yard is not needed, the Lord has ordered, so he will help clean it outside, and then repair and maintain it, he can do everything, and he does it very well, I don’t think it is worse than those masons in Rongguo Mansion,..."

   "Oh?" Feng Ziying was a little surprised. Didn't this family say that they couldn't survive in Yizhou? How come this man is so good at making bricks and tiles, and the woman is so lively and shrewd. For such a couple, even in Yizhou, it shouldn't be a problem to get enough food and clothing, right?

  (end of this chapter)

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